Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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My daughter works at Costco in the pharmacy. She hates wearing a mask but I’m glad they are making customers wear masks. I want her to be protected as much as possible. If I was a cm and was required to wear a mask I would want everyone to have wear one. If employees have to customers should also.
I absolutely agree. Masks are to keep you from spreading germs, not to keep you from catching them. It’s hard enough for essential workers these days. The least customers can do is stop with the it’s my right garbage and think of someone else. I hate masks too. I’ve yet to hear from 1 person that loves them. For those who don’t want to wear them, stay away from places that require them. problem solved.
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You think they will be lifted because they're an inconvenience for everyone? Or because it is safe to do so?
I think it’s safe to do so now at least for Louisiana. Tx lifted their restrictions on us. I haven’t kept up the with numbers in the other states.
Can a phase 1 state travel to a phase 3 state ? will i have to quarantine for 14 days ?
I think it’s safe to do so now at least for Louisiana. Tx lifted their restrictions on us. I haven’t kept up the with numbers in the other states.
Looks like Louisiana was the only state lifted for Texas, the other states are still on the list.
I remember reading posts in the TPAS forum from folks looking for unique experiences at WDW. I'm looking at my trip later this year to hopefully be like that - some sort of unique experience.
Actually that seems less like a break from reality them a glaring reminder. And this was actually meant as a reply to a post about standing 6ft apart with a mask as a break from reality. Sorry for the strange, indirect reference to yours :)
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Can a phase 1 state travel to a phase 3 state ? will i have to quarantine for 14 days ?
Wrong question for now. It will be by specific "Hot zones" so it will be a somewhat moving window as Governors' adjust Executive orders vs where you are coming from or through (Flights) or by self-identifying at the State Border. Florida has Signs now but they started with checkpoints.

Same. I live in CT and while I am not in a "hotspot" part of the state, right now we couldn't go if we wanted to. Hoping by July the restrictions are lifted! Not a lot of people can go and quarantine for 2 weeks...
I am here in CT hoping it gets lifted by the begining of June.
OMG! I can't believe that anyone would not want to wear a mask given that there is a highly contagious virus that has no vaccine and no medicines to treat it. Yes, you have rights. But as a mother of two boys, my comment would be just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. You have the right to jump off a cliff... So let's use some common sense. Also, being a parent, I would take every precaution to keep my kids safe, including wearing masks.

I ordered the new face masks on Shop Disney, although they won't be delivered until July. We were originally suppose to go to WDW in March and our vacation was cancelled just days before we were to arrive. We are now going in October. I have been wearing cloth masks to the grocery store, pharmacy, Target, etc. They are easy to breath through but they do irritate my ears so I might try some of the enhancements mentioned earlier.

Masks can be uncomfortable, like wearing new shoes. But if you wear the mask now and get use to it, then wearing it in the parks will be no big deal. It may just save you from getting really sick and potentially dying. AND, more importantly, it might just save me or my kids from getting sick if you happen to be a carrier of the virus.

Someone mentioned that people with medical conditions might have issues wearing masks. Hmmmm. First, most people with serious medical conditions will probably be very accustomed to wearing masks. Second, if it is a physical reason, there are ways to modify masks to make them work for just about anyone. Wearing gators would work too, it doesn't need to be an over the ear mask. Third, I think most people with medical conditions will stay away from crowded theme parks during a pandemic. Again, let's use some common sense. If you have a medical condition and go into a crowded venue, especially without any PPE, you should assume you will get the virus. So you need to ask yourself, is a day at a theme park really worth contracting a serious illness that could lead to death?
OMG! I can't believe that anyone would not want to wear a mask given that there is a highly contagious virus that has no vaccine and no medicines to treat it. Yes, you have rights. But as a mother of two boys, my comment would be just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. You have the right to jump off a cliff... So let's use some common sense. Also, being a parent, I would take every precaution to keep my kids safe, including wearing masks.

I ordered the new face masks on Shop Disney, although they won't be delivered until July. We were originally suppose to go to WDW in March and our vacation was cancelled just days before we were to arrive. We are now going in October. I have been wearing cloth masks to the grocery store, pharmacy, Target, etc. They are easy to breath through but they do irritate my ears so I might try some of the enhancements mentioned earlier.

Masks can be uncomfortable, like wearing new shoes. But if you wear the mask now and get use to it, then wearing it in the parks will be no big deal. It may just save you from getting really sick and potentially dying. AND, more importantly, it might just save me or my kids from getting sick if you happen to be a carrier of the virus.

Someone mentioned that people with medical conditions might have issues wearing masks. Hmmmm. First, most people with serious medical conditions will probably be very accustomed to wearing masks. Second, if it is a physical reason, there are ways to modify masks to make them work for just about anyone. Wearing gators would work too, it doesn't need to be an over the ear mask. Third, I think most people with medical conditions will stay away from crowded theme parks during a pandemic. Again, let's use some common sense. If you have a medical condition and go into a crowded venue, especially without any PPE, you should assume you will get the virus. So you need to ask yourself, is a day at a theme park really worth contracting a serious illness that could lead to death?
You do know that masks dont protect the person wearing them
OMG! I can't believe that anyone would not want to wear a mask given that there is a highly contagious virus that has no vaccine and no medicines to treat it. Yes, you have rights. But as a mother of two boys, my comment would be just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. You have the right to jump off a cliff... So let's use some common sense. Also, being a parent, I would take every precaution to keep my kids safe, including wearing masks.

I ordered the new face masks on Shop Disney, although they won't be delivered until July. We were originally suppose to go to WDW in March and our vacation was cancelled just days before we were to arrive. We are now going in October. I have been wearing cloth masks to the grocery store, pharmacy, Target, etc. They are easy to breath through but they do irritate my ears so I might try some of the enhancements mentioned earlier.

Masks can be uncomfortable, like wearing new shoes. But if you wear the mask now and get use to it, then wearing it in the parks will be no big deal. It may just save you from getting really sick and potentially dying. AND, more importantly, it might just save me or my kids from getting sick if you happen to be a carrier of the virus.

Someone mentioned that people with medical conditions might have issues wearing masks. Hmmmm. First, most people with serious medical conditions will probably be very accustomed to wearing masks. Second, if it is a physical reason, there are ways to modify masks to make them work for just about anyone. Wearing gators would work too, it doesn't need to be an over the ear mask. Third, I think most people with medical conditions will stay away from crowded theme parks during a pandemic. Again, let's use some common sense. If you have a medical condition and go into a crowded venue, especially without any PPE, you should assume you will get the virus. So you need to ask yourself, is a day at a theme park really worth contracting a serious illness that could lead to death?
What about goggles? Touching a contaminated surface then touching/rubbing your eyes is a way to transmit Covid-19
I cannot find a date on this being lifted. First the executive order was until May 8th but then I heard it was extended. What Is the date?
Just saw this on twitter. Villains after hours events cancelled through July
That is a modified experience for sure, and not surprising. I would suspect .. that even though they bring them huge bucks, the reduced demand and capacity will just have them cancel all the after hours events, early morning magic .. and probably things like dessert parties (due to lack of fireworks and forced spacing). The quantity of people and demand for these extra ticket events won't be there ESPECIALLY if Disney is running at "half steam" to begin with.
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