September '20 WISH Challenge - New Beginnings

Living room view...just finished up lunch for the kiddos. They had a playdate while another mom and I planned for the first few months of scouts. Thinking this fall will bring some trimming of bushes. In the spring the one just outside the window is full of purple flowers and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Here's the view out the living room window to the front porch, where I spent the quarantine, a lovey city neighborhood view:

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Things are starting to die back, but I am hopeful that orange million bells stays for a while longer, it's been going all summer and I really love it.

I have sad news to report. After two days of supportive care Whitehall did not rally. The meds helped her be more comfortable, but she refused to eat. I had to let her go yesterday. I'm absolutely gutted, this came on so quickly, but in hindsight I can see that she's had it most of her life, since around two I think, and it explains a lot of her quirky eating habits and refusal to use the litter box, which started around that time. I look around the house and tear up seeing her with Mike in all their favorite places. I'll never be able to make the bed again without grieving for her, as "helping" by playing in the sheets was one of her favorite things. It was hard to sit down at my desk to get on the computer because she was always here with me, I've got so many pictures with her chin draped over the edge of the keyboard.

Plans for today are to continue straightening and organizing and trying to make things right. I am actually going to paint in the living room this morning, then I'll do the driving loop in the country. The afternoon will be chill, it has actually been very warm here mid-day/evenings (fans are still in the windows), so I may work on going thru stuff in the basement. I'm a firm believer of having cats in pairs particularly with kittens, they need the stimulation and companionship, so I'm going to contact the OC rescue and make an appointment to go back down next Saturday to find another kitten and will take another car load of donation stuff. This time my Sister will be in town, so I'll have a socially distant porch lunch with her before I meet kittens.

Tomorrow I'm driving over to PT, the ferry and drive will be soothing and having a face to face human visit with my Niece will be helpful... that's one of the things that got me thru this week, as I had a hair appointment and an acupuncture appointment which both involved real human conversations.
I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you.
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My deck and backyard.
I spent a lot of breaks out here lounging and reading during the spring virtual learning. It was my little getaway from reality. In the summer, it can get quite hot out here. But the cooler nights are nice for relaxing with a nice beverage ;) And the trees get all colorful in the fall. They are also beautiful when covered with snow.
So beautiful! I used to have that same umbrella until it got destroyed in a hurricane.
Here's the view out the living room window to the front porch, where I spent the quarantine, a lovey city neighborhood view:

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Things are starting to die back, but I am hopeful that orange million bells stays for a while longer, it's been going all summer and I really love it.

I have sad news to report. After two days of supportive care Whitehall did not rally. The meds helped her be more comfortable, but she refused to eat. I had to let her go yesterday. I'm absolutely gutted, this came on so quickly, but in hindsight I can see that she's had it most of her life, since around two I think, and it explains a lot of her quirky eating habits and refusal to use the litter box, which started around that time. I look around the house and tear up seeing her with Mike in all their favorite places. I'll never be able to make the bed again without grieving for her, as "helping" by playing in the sheets was one of her favorite things. It was hard to sit down at my desk to get on the computer because she was always here with me, I've got so many pictures with her chin draped over the edge of the keyboard.

Plans for today are to continue straightening and organizing and trying to make things right. I am actually going to paint in the living room this morning, then I'll do the driving loop in the country. The afternoon will be chill, it has actually been very warm here mid-day/evenings (fans are still in the windows), so I may work on going thru stuff in the basement. I'm a firm believer of having cats in pairs particularly with kittens, they need the stimulation and companionship, so I'm going to contact the OC rescue and make an appointment to go back down next Saturday to find another kitten and will take another car load of donation stuff. This time my Sister will be in town, so I'll have a socially distant porch lunch with her before I meet kittens.

Tomorrow I'm driving over to PT, the ferry and drive will be soothing and having a face to face human visit with my Niece will be helpful... that's one of the things that got me thru this week, as I had a hair appointment and an acupuncture appointment which both involved real human conversations.

I'm so sorry for your loss
@Oneanne :hug:

Not at all techy so from this desk, I can look out a door to the backyard. I see brown grass and the newish white plastic fence we went in with the neighbors on a couple years ago (so much nicer than the fish bowl view we all had!) and against the fence I can see my gladiolas still hanging in there!

Wound up taking the twins's little brother (4) over the mountains back to his mom. He was a trooper for the two hour car ride--no trouble at all! We were headed that direction anyway for a little bit of eating/shopping and then visiting DH's mom--through a window of the nursing home with baby monitors! It makes for a long day of driving but we're always glad we visit. Eating was less than stellar, but I knew what I wanted and figured I could do it since it was only one day of indulgence!
Happy Self-Care Sunday, Everyone!


Especially as the school year ramps back up for many and life returns to fuller routines, it’s important to take some time on the weekends to refresh yourself both physically and mentally.

Let us know how you’re taking care of yourself and enjoying your Sunday.
I’m getting ready to go do my stretching workout, “Dynamic Recovery”. Then I’m off to the grocery store and home to do my food prep for the week. This always helps me stay on track with my eating. Today my husband took the kids on their annual crabbing trip. So I have a quiet house for the day. I do need to work on my lessons for the first week of school. But once they get back (usually around dinner time), everything gets shut off so we can enjoy dinner and the rest of the evening.
We’re currently watching Hart of Dixie most nights
We loved that show. I wish it had more seasons!

DD16 and I and are also big fans of Hart of Dixie - When we visited LA it was before we started watching it - but we went on the Warner Bros back lot tour and saw lots of locations which we recognise when we watch the show - Rammer Jammer, Wade's house, the lake etc. She actually hates that her brother got to stand on Wade's deck with the guide and another person on the tour and do a little skit from a movie that was also filmed there. Now she is determined that when we come back she is doing it again and asking to get out for photos this time :) We didn't get to see the town square as they were filming in that section during out visit and the view was blocked by a big camera crane and we had to be quiet as the cart drove past. Based on the time of our visit we actually think if was likely it was a Hart of Dixie episode being filmed.

Im also working on driving hours with my twins. There is an app called Road Ready that I use to track their hours. I just have to remember to switch to the right twin that’s driving ;)

Yes we have an app too - they are great! DS has lost his wallet - we think in the house somewhere but do you think we can find it - so will have to get is Learner Licence re-issued before he can do more driving. DD has done a few hours this weekend - she did all the driving on Saturday when we picked up my Mum and went to the shops and she has a new job that is about 20 minutes from home - so now she drives there and back when we go - so that will help boost her hours. I just need to get DS moving with hours again - he is more nervous so have to work through that with him - I think I will take him out at night after all the traffic has died down for a few nights and see if I can re-build his confidence. Only trouble is he likes to tell me he KNOWS and that he IS DOING something when I tell him even though he isn't - she tends to just correct with no argument plus she is more confident and I feel more at ease with her - so he and I are bouncing off each other. But I'm all he has to do it - so we will get there in the end :)

have sad news to report. After two days of supportive care Whitehall did not rally. The meds helped her be more comfortable, but she refused to eat. I had to let her go yesterday. I'm absolutely gutted, this came on so quickly,

Oh no, that is awful, I'm so sorry :hug:

I will post a window pic tomorrow as it is night time here now and I missed it as I had a busy weekend. Today was Father's Day down here - so yesterday I did some shopping and today my parents came over and we had lunch. The weather wasn't great - cloudy with a brief shower - but we did get to sit outside. I cooked chicken on the grill and we had healthy salad - followed by not so healthy cake. It was a nice day. When we took mum shopping yesterday, we realized that was out first little shopping trip with her all year! At the start of the year both her and I were unwell and then COVID happened and we avoided the shops unless necessary. So it was kind of nice to get her out of the house, with a little shop and lunch out together. Things have changed a little she now needs a wheely walker to help stabilize and for the seat so she can sit if needed, plus she can't get out of lots of chairs at the moment and needs the walker to help her stand - we think it has been the high dose prednisone she has had to take that has zapped her muscle strength. 2020 :( for all sorts of reasons.
DD16 and I and are also big fans of Hart of Dixie - When we visited LA it was before we started watching it - but we went on the Warner Bros back lot tour and saw lots of locations which we recognise when we watch the show - Rammer Jammer, Wade's house, the lake etc. She actually hates that her brother got to stand on Wade's deck with the guide and another person on the tour and do a little skit from a movie that was also filmed there. Now she is determined that when we come back she is doing it again and asking to get out for photos this time :) We didn't get to see the town square as they were filming in that section during out visit and the view was blocked by a big camera crane and we had to be quiet as the cart drove past. Based on the time of our visit we actually think if was likely it was a Hart of Dixie episode being filmed.

Yes we have an app too - they are great! DS has lost his wallet - we think in the house somewhere but do you think we can find it - so will have to get is Learner Licence re-issued before he can do more driving. DD has done a few hours this weekend - she did all the driving on Saturday when we picked up my Mum and went to the shops and she has a new job that is about 20 minutes from home - so now she drives there and back when we go - so that will help boost her hours. I just need to get DS moving with hours again - he is more nervous so have to work through that with him - I think I will take him out at night after all the traffic has died down for a few nights and see if I can re-build his confidence. Only trouble is he likes to tell me he KNOWS and that he IS DOING something when I tell him even though he isn't - she tends to just correct with no argument plus she is more confident and I feel more at ease with her - so he and I are bouncing off each other. But I'm all he has to do it - so we will get there in the end :)

Oh no, that is awful, I'm so sorry :hug:

I will post a window pic tomorrow as it is night time here now and I missed it as I had a busy weekend. Today was Father's Day down here - so yesterday I did some shopping and today my parents came over and we had lunch. The weather wasn't great - cloudy with a brief shower - but we did get to sit outside. I cooked chicken on the grill and we had healthy salad - followed by not so healthy cake. It was a nice day. When we took mum shopping yesterday, we realized that was out first little shopping trip with her all year! At the start of the year both her and I were unwell and then COVID happened and we avoided the shops unless necessary. So it was kind of nice to get her out of the house, with a little shop and lunch out together. Things have changed a little she now needs a wheely walker to help stabilize and for the seat so she can sit if needed, plus she can't get out of lots of chairs at the moment and needs the walker to help her stand - we think it has been the high dose prednisone she has had to take that has zapped her muscle strength. 2020 :( for all sorts of reasons.
The driver’s ed videos DD watched put the fear of God in her, so she was a very nervous driver. She never wanted to practice, and I had to balance being firm without pushing too hard and shutting her down. When we did drive, we were both a nervous wreck, and I had to pretend to be comfortable. We would drive early in the morning on the weekends in parking lots at first, eventually at the beach where there’s multiple roads and parking lots without traffic early in the day. Then her car died. She went months without driving and after building confidence, the fear crept back in. I didn’t want her driving my new car, so when my DS was unable to drive, DD practiced with her car. She got better. Then my DS needed her car back. Another period of time went by that she wasn’t driving, so rather than buy her a 2nd hand car that might not be reliable, I gave her my car and leased an SUV for myself. That finally got her driving on actual roads to actual places. I signed her up for some extra on road driving classes to prepare her for her driving test. She got her license. To this day, she won’t drive on the highway. I’m so happy those days are over.

I’m sorry that the pandemic has been hard on your mother. I know that not being out and about was affecting my knees and back. If I didn’t purposely walk outside, I would have had a hard time walking normally once I got back to work. I hope she does better.
Well, it's Labor Day Weekend, and we have to call the plumber. Just let that sink in.

Last summer we spent $8,000 on a plumber to fix a broken pipe underground and replace old pipes in our basement.

Today, I am in the midst of doing laundry, and the water from that is flowing into our bathtub. The toilets are bubbling up.

Family came over today and we had a lovely afternoon and evening. I fixed a 2lb beef tenderloin-we try not to eat beef too often but we treat ourselves to one occasionally because it’s a healthier option. Sat outside most of the day because it was so beautiful outside. Then while his parents cleaned up after dinner, my grandson and I built a tower with one of his building toys. :)

This has been my toughest start to a school year ever. I have to teach live & virtual kindergarten at the same time. We got all new technology, new laptops, new cleartouch TVs in our classroom, new cameras to work with the tv. And it’s one week until kids start and we still haven’t gotten into the new building to unpack our boxes and set up our classrooms. But I’m still finding ways to prepare for students by making lesson plans and creating activities online. I’m mentally designing my classroom. But I’m finding ways to manage my stress (exercise, laughing, etc). And I’m focusing on my circle of control. I can’t control when I can get in the building. I can control what I eat. I can control my exercises. I can control my preparation from home.
Not inspirational but I read this late February/early March and it is very appropriate:

"True pandemonium rarely builds slowly, it more often drops from the ceiling with a fluttering cape, throwing a handful of glitter in your face while announcing, 'I’m here'!"
Allison Hawn, Free the Shorts!

And there is one from Stephen King in the Gunslinger about controlling what you can control (google it if interested) I find it inspirational but it's not exactly rated PG.

"Children see magic because they look for it." Christopher Moore "Lamb" an amazing book if you are looking for some new reading material. Read a synopsis though first as you need a certain type of humor to appreciate it.
Keep looking for magic folks, we found it this Saturday. DH was feeling kind of low and having 2020 fatigue then out of no where he got a call and a friend he hasn't seen since like January stopped by randomly for a driveway visit with his partner and son (they stayed in the car us out) and we were able to have a nice little impromptu visit...lifted everyone's spirits.


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