September '20 WISH Challenge - New Beginnings


This has been me over the holiday weekend, I'm making good progress and will continue to plug away at it this week.

My self-care Sunday drive to PT really helped. It was a beautiful day, I went to a different part of the fort for my walk-about, visited with my Niece and walked thru town a bit. It was busy with people, which is good for the businesses. My Niece's museum had just opened back up Saturday, so things are getting back on track. She is going to host Thanksgiving this year, but told me she's concerned about having unmasked people in the house, so they aren't really sure what they are going to do yet, maybe set up eating on the back deck. I don't know why but I hadn't thought about Covid impacting the holidays, I really just wanted good holidays this year, after the crappy ones last year having just lost my Brother. Hopefully the curve will continue to drop and we'll all be in a better place by then.

The drive helped me sort thru my emotions over losing Whitehall, and also helped me to sort thru what to do with all of the stuff in the house that has me feeling so cramped. Three things are already in the car to go to OC next weekend, one little cabinet is going on the front porch, it'll have to be sealed at some point to protect it from the rain. Today I'm going to drag the vintage desk here in the office out to the front and put a "free" sign on it, it would make a great kids desk. Then a shelf unit is coming in here for me to stack things on while I sort thru all the stuff in the closet. I'm going to order a proper desk and then this table will go back in to the kitchen. Phew, its a mass migration of stuff, but a lot is leaving the house which is what I need.

We've been having a heat wave and it is to continue thru the week. But at this time of year things do cool off over night because the sun is setting earlier... it's kind of the best of both worlds, cool autumnal mornings and warm summery afternoons. I've already done a couple things in the living room this morning. Saturday during my country drive I went to Home Goods and got some new plates and I'm debating going back to get the matching bowls. I don't know that I need to do the drive again so soon... hmmm, maybe I could do it backwards to mix things up a bit.
Kids begin tomorrow. Half days all week. Grab and go (home) lunch. Teams didn't even have our classes online yet, so we haven't been able to download assignments or schedule virtual class time. It is what it is. My ONLY focus is keeping us all alive and well. Period.

My friend (who is retiring in January...why not right now I do not know...if I were her, I would be running for the hills) keeps inviting me to these FaceBook groups for teachers like, "Our schools are on fire." I keep declining these invitations, and I finally had to ask her to stop inviting me to these panic-driven negativity spewing groups. I am trying to stay calm, be proactive, and manage my situation. I am working very hard to remain positive.

Today, I will try not to focus on what is waiting for me tomorrow. Instead, I will try to actually get in my pool. I wasn't able to go in yesterday because of our plumbing emergency, but today I plan on going in and relaxing.

We had a fun Disney movie night last night. We watched "Moana" and "Lilo & Stitch." Both were fun.

My DD is all about Manifestation right now, and I'm taking a cue from her. In my day, it was Norman Vincent Peale's POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING that helped me cope with the challenges in my life. Essentially, it is all about pushing aside the fear and negativity and focusing on positivity...manifesting everything good.

I think every work environment has someone that focuses on the negative (and there certainly is a lot to be concerned about right now) but especially now I think it’s important to surround yourself with people that are going to make you feel better, not worse about things you cannot change.
Have you had any delays on your treadmill due to Covid? I can’t find any workout equipment in stock! And I ordered a desk and it was delayed from its original date of August 16th to October 10th!!

So far no delays, though we were expecting them. We should have it by Friday. We have been tracking it across the country.

DD16 and I and are also big fans of Hart of Dixie - When we visited LA it was before we started watching it - but we went on the Warner Bros back lot tour and saw lots of locations which we recognise when we watch the show - Rammer Jammer, Wade's house, the lake etc. She actually hates that her brother got to stand on Wade's deck with the guide and another person on the tour and do a little skit from a movie that was also filmed there. Now she is determined that when we come back she is doing it again and asking to get out for photos this time :) We didn't get to see the town square as they were filming in that section during out visit and the view was blocked by a big camera crane and we had to be quiet as the cart drove past. Based on the time of our visit we actually think if was likely it was a Hart of Dixie episode being filmed.

I just started watching Hart of Dixie. I love it. I watch it while I am sitting fro 2 hours in my car at Elizabeth's horse back riding lesson.
I am feeling much more myself this week. Last week was really rough. Today, I was hoping to get out for a walk but Mother Nature had other plans. It was been raining and storming all day. It makes this Labor Day a bit better because normally we are at parties all day. So toady is just going to me a nice relaxing day at home. Jeff and I are watching the Ozarks when the kids are in their rooms playing games or talking to friends. But right now we are watching the Australia football/soccer/rugby game. Now sure what it is called. It is fun to watch though.
Today I'm going to drag the vintage desk here in the office out to the front and put a "free" sign on it, it would make a great kids desk.

You are going to make someone very happy! According to my friend (who thankfully got her kids' desks early in the summer) people are struggling to find them in stock right now. I guess a lot of folks who made do with dining room tables in the spring are looking to set up proper home school rooms now and demand has exceeded supply.
Today is the day that the kids are coming. Technology is not ready. My music teacher is trying to come up with reasons not to come today, and I already told her that I'm relying on her for my mask break, so...

I know it won't be perfect, and I don't expect it to be. I just want to keep us all safe and happy. If I can do that, then that is all that matters.
Today is the day that the kids are coming. Technology is not ready. My music teacher is trying to come up with reasons not to come today, and I already told her that I'm relying on her for my mask break, so...

I know it won't be perfect, and I don't expect it to be. I just want to keep us all safe and happy. If I can do that, then that is all that matters.
Good luck today! You’re right that it won’t be perfect and that’s ok! Nothing ever is. I love your focus on staying safe and happy! Sending a little pixie dust your way...


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