September '20 WISH Challenge - New Beginnings

I have been having some dental issues dealt with and I am so thankful for all the new procedures that keep me and the staff safe. In fact, I don’t want to ever go to a doctor’s office again and not wait in my car until they’re ready to see me!
Yesterday was the viewing and it went better then I thought it would we all pretty much stayed in our family pod. I never really left my mom's side. I did hold it together pretty good. I started to cry a few times but held it together. Tomorrow is the full catholic mass funeral. It will be a long day. DH has been focal about me not going the the lunch after. I am worried about it but I don't want to miss it either. I am going to play it by ear and see how I feel when i get there. I did have a laugh the other day. My mom asked me if i wanted to do a reading at the mass or take up the gifts. Now she knows me and knows I have a huge fear of talking in front of people and that it was a huge deal when i was finally made to do it at work. It was a quick NO! to the ready but I will be taking up the gifts. I will still be nervous as everyone will be watching but I can at least handle this.

The stress of school with dealing with everything else is getting a bit overwhelming. I am just taking it one day at a time. I forgot about a dentist appointment this morning but thankfully I live close and was only 5 minutes late. We have open houses tonight for the kids. Nicks will be virtual and we have a schedule to follow. Elizabeth's will prerecorded video's of the teachers that we can watch when we have the time. Yesterday we were able to pick up Elizabeth's school supplies. The kids are all getting a chrome book this year, a white board with an eraser and marker. She also got her math book and the book they will be reading in ELA. Nick's pick up is tomorrow. So Jeff will have to take him. It is a new school as they just built a new building. It will be interesting on how this will work there since no one knows where to go and parents are not aloud in with the high schoolers.

My work outs and food has been horrible this week. At times not eating most of the day (this was yesterday) or just eating junk. With being in and out of work this week I haven't been able to walk at lunch and then have been busy at time. I can't wait for my treadmill. It should be here on the 11th. This will make things so much easier. I can't believe how excited I am over a treadmill.

I will end with what I am thankful for. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with my grandpa. He was the best. He loved everyone. He was very soft spoken and I have never heard him raise is voice. He was always a quiet man. He loved his horses. When I was younger I loved helping him clean the stalls. I had my own wheel barrel (I think fisher-price) and my own shovel. He would also let me feed and water the horses as well.
Sorry to hear about the fires! (I’m assuming you’re in CA then. I thought by your screen name you were in MA.)

I have an aunt in CA as well. She is not near the fires, but mentioned the air quality issues when she emailed.

Stay safe!

I am in Montana in Yellowstone County. My screen name is a name I use on a number of sites. It is short for Sweetpea's Ma. My 15 year old was given the nickname of Sweetpea as a baby when my dad tried to use Pumpkin which is my niece's nickname. Let's just say that niece who was about 21 months at the time got a hurt look so I told my dad that Pumpkin is niece's nickname and that 15 year old can be sweetpea. When 12 year old came along she got the nickname of sunflower so on a few sites I use sweetpeasunflower or sweetpeansunflower or sweetpea'n'sunflower but not as much since a lot of sites end up putting in gibberish for the 'n' part.

We have a fires here in MT just about every year but unless it is in or near Yellowstone or Glacier National Parks we don't get the media coverage on a national level.
I'm thankful that the diagnosis for Whitehall isn't horrible. She either has IBS inflammation or some sort of GI cancer, the treatment is the same for both so I'm not having a biopsy done. Either way it's food management with high quality single protein food and possibly steroids. So it is manageable but will impact her length of life... my Niece's dog has had GI issues all his life and is now 16, so I'm hoping for many more years. I'm going to take today off as I get to pick her up at 10am, and I have an acupuncture appointment at 2pm.

Not going to Port Townsend tomorrow, but if she's back on track and eating without issue in the coming days I will get over there at some point over the weekend. The prospect of spending the holiday weekend around the house is pretty bla but maybe I'll actually get fall clean up stuff done and go into the season in a neat and cozy way.
Do you remember how I mentioned that a lot of people are retiring? My closest friend is retiring from teaching 2nd grade. I found out this morning that another friend is leaving kindergarten to take her job. Now, I have not been happy for about a year. I have had it up to here with all of extra work involved in PreK and all of the additional regulations I have to follow just to get a grant to pay for the program. As it stands, I'm back up to 18 students/2 distance/16 in school. This is all to get more money per student. There's no regard for safety and social distancing. It's all about money.

So, when I saw there was an opening in Kindergarten just across the hall, I spoke with my principal and asked for the job. On October 1st, I will officially be a Kindergarten teacher.
:jumping1: :jumping1::jumping1::jumping1:
Do you remember how I mentioned that a lot of people are retiring? My closest friend is retiring from teaching 2nd grade. I found out this morning that another friend is leaving kindergarten to take her job. Now, I have not been happy for about a year. I have had it up to here with all of extra work involved in PreK and all of the additional regulations I have to follow just to get a grant to pay for the program. As it stands, I'm back up to 18 students/2 distance/16 in school. This is all to get more money per student. There's no regard for safety and social distancing. It's all about money.

So, when I saw there was an opening in Kindergarten just across the hall, I spoke with my principal and asked for the job. On October 1st, I will officially be a Kindergarten teacher.
:jumping1: :jumping1::jumping1::jumping1:
That’s wonderful! So happy for you!
I'm thankful that the diagnosis for Whitehall isn't horrible. She either has IBS inflammation or some sort of GI cancer, the treatment is the same for both so I'm not having a biopsy done. Either way it's food management with high quality single protein food and possibly steroids. So it is manageable but will impact her length of life... my Niece's dog has had GI issues all his life and is now 16, so I'm hoping for many more years. I'm going to take today off as I get to pick her up at 10am, and I have an acupuncture appointment at 2pm.

Not going to Port Townsend tomorrow, but if she's back on track and eating without issue in the coming days I will get over there at some point over the weekend. The prospect of spending the holiday weekend around the house is pretty bla but maybe I'll actually get fall clean up stuff done and go into the season in a neat and cozy way.
That’s good news about Whitehall and that changing his diet will help.
They are forecasting beautiful weather this weekend but we will stay home-my husband has a lot of work right now. Family will come over for a cookout Saturday but that’s the extent of our plans. Getting fall decorations out is a good idea.
Hello everyone, I'm back :wave2:

Sorry for dropping off the map last month - I was feeling a little burnout and just found that after using computer so much more for work during the day I really drifted away from my usual leisure amount online and have just been enjoying watching tv for some downtime. I think also maybe I fell off the wagon a little with eating - had some spikes of dizziness which get me down a bit :( But I am hanging in there.

Some new friends have joined or rejoined us I see... I am Sam, I join in from the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, Australia. I work full time as a school based occupational therapist. I have 3 teens DS19 university student (primary teaching), DS16 (year 11 student) DD16 (year 11 student). Yes I also have twins. I'm a solo mum so it is usually pretty busy around here with teen part-time jobs in the mix as well. I am also really struggling with getting driving hours up for the twins! Here they have to have 100 driving hours before they can do their drivers test for their licence. There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week! It is spring here and warming up again - on my walks this week I have noticed I am working up more of a sweat as its gets hotter much earlier.

My goals this month:
  • Consistent food choices that manage my blood glucose levels
  • Walking at least once per day - 5-6 days a week
  • Strength exercises every second day
Hello everyone, I'm back :wave2:

Sorry for dropping off the map last month - I was feeling a little burnout and just found that after using computer so much more for work during the day I really drifted away from my usual leisure amount online and have just been enjoying watching tv for some downtime. I think also maybe I fell off the wagon a little with eating - had some spikes of dizziness which get me down a bit :( But I am hanging in there.

Some new friends have joined or rejoined us I see... I am Sam, I join in from the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, Australia. I work full time as a school based occupational therapist. I have 3 teens DS19 university student (primary teaching), DS16 (year 11 student) DD16 (year 11 student). Yes I also have twins. I'm a solo mum so it is usually pretty busy around here with teen part-time jobs in the mix as well. I am also really struggling with getting driving hours up for the twins! Here they have to have 100 driving hours before they can do their drivers test for their licence. There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week! It is spring here and warming up again - on my walks this week I have noticed I am working up more of a sweat as its gets hotter much earlier.

My goals this month:
  • Consistent food choices that manage my blood glucose levels
  • Walking at least once per day - 5-6 days a week
  • Strength exercises every second day
Happy to see you again! Can’t imagine getting three teenagers ready to drive! Just the one about did me in!
Congratulations on the birth of your child. I too experienced fertility issues. My daughter was conceived via IVF; had a high risk pregnancy; lost my daughter's twin; and had a traumatic birth (emergency C-section). I gained a lot of weight on those fertility shots, but it's okay because I have a wonderful daughter as a result.

Enjoy motherhood! Welcome!
Thank you! I’m so sorry about the loss of the twin. My youngest brother actually had a vanishing twin. The only reason we found out was due to an early ultrasound as my mom’s previous pregnancy she’d had GD.
I also had a traumatic birth (emergency c-section) due to bubs being in distress and not moving. It resulted in a lack of oxygen which caused brain bleeds, seizure like activity, and ultimately a 12 day NICU stay. He’s got some developmental delays but we are actually getting connected with an early intervention program to help him. So it’s been a rocky entrance to motherhood but he’s just the sweetest little thing so I have no complaints!
I’m thankful for my new time with my honorary niece and nephew. I don’t start supervising virtual school with them until the 14th, but I went over Monday and will go today so their mom can prep for the start of her school year. (She teaches middle school, and will be doing virtual from her classroom.) Today we will be decorating our school binders!

I’m thankful for pumpkin spice season!!! I bought some pumpkin spice ginger snaps Tuesday, and they are delicious! - and under 100 calories for 3 :goodvibes
I saw my honorary nephews for the first time since December a couple weekends ago and it was amazing!! They grow so dang quick.
Yesterday was the viewing and it went better then I thought it would we all pretty much stayed in our family pod. I never really left my mom's side. I did hold it together pretty good. I started to cry a few times but held it together. Tomorrow is the full catholic mass funeral. It will be a long day. DH has been focal about me not going the the lunch after. I am worried about it but I don't want to miss it either. I am going to play it by ear and see how I feel when i get there. I did have a laugh the other day. My mom asked me if i wanted to do a reading at the mass or take up the gifts. Now she knows me and knows I have a huge fear of talking in front of people and that it was a huge deal when i was finally made to do it at work. It was a quick NO! to the ready but I will be taking up the gifts. I will still be nervous as everyone will be watching but I can at least handle this.

The stress of school with dealing with everything else is getting a bit overwhelming. I am just taking it one day at a time. I forgot about a dentist appointment this morning but thankfully I live close and was only 5 minutes late. We have open houses tonight for the kids. Nicks will be virtual and we have a schedule to follow. Elizabeth's will prerecorded video's of the teachers that we can watch when we have the time. Yesterday we were able to pick up Elizabeth's school supplies. The kids are all getting a chrome book this year, a white board with an eraser and marker. She also got her math book and the book they will be reading in ELA. Nick's pick up is tomorrow. So Jeff will have to take him. It is a new school as they just built a new building. It will be interesting on how this will work there since no one knows where to go and parents are not aloud in with the high schoolers.

My work outs and food has been horrible this week. At times not eating most of the day (this was yesterday) or just eating junk. With being in and out of work this week I haven't been able to walk at lunch and then have been busy at time. I can't wait for my treadmill. It should be here on the 11th. This will make things so much easier. I can't believe how excited I am over a treadmill.

I will end with what I am thankful for. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with my grandpa. He was the best. He loved everyone. He was very soft spoken and I have never heard him raise is voice. He was always a quiet man. He loved his horses. When I was younger I loved helping him clean the stalls. I had my own wheel barrel (I think fisher-price) and my own shovel. He would also let me feed and water the horses as well.
Have you had any delays on your treadmill due to Covid? I can’t find any workout equipment in stock! And I ordered a desk and it was delayed from its original date of August 16th to October 10th!!
Today I’m thankful that my bestie let me log in to her beach body account so that I could do a workout from the app! I have an exercise bike and weights which is my normal routine but recently had surgery (not baby related lol) that prevents me from sitting on the bike. So I’ve been walking/running but variety is the spice of life! I didn’t wear my watch today so I didn’t *technically* close my rings but I worked out so I’m counting it haha
Thankful today for my mother in law. She is a huge help but stayed later than planned today when my migraine traveled to my stomach.
Thankful for having a supportive boss who understands the challenges of balancing family and career, in good and tough times.
Thankful for my sons' principal who took the time to call me last night and discuss some back to school (back to livingroom?) questions and concerns I had.
Thankful for the positivity and support I see on this thread. It makes me feel a sense of community in an isolating time.
For my Thankful Thursday, I'm thankful that DS made it home safe. He had about a 2.5 hour drive to get from his college campus home which would normally be no big deal, but he did something to his phone, so had no GPS to navigate home. DH told him to get a map and sent him turn by turn directions, but I was nervous because other than the time he followed us to his campus to move in, he'd never driven over an hour by himself and he's never navigated somewhere without his phone.

I'm sure it would have been a good learning experience, but in the middle of the night, it hit me that he drives a Chevy which has the OnStar capability. I called OnStar this morning and they told me how to get it activated on his car. He was able to get turn by turn directions through that. At first, I wasn't 100% sure it would work, because his car is a 2010 model, but it still worked!

Also, interestingly enough, the radio station that I listen to in the morning had the listeners call in with things that make them thankful in their adult lives. They were looking for some of the little things that make us happy and thankful on a daily basis. It was fun listening to everyone's comments and reminded me of this thread :daisy:
I'm thankful that our DS's girlfriends are nice ladies and send me photos and text messages out of the blue. So fun!

I'm thankful that my computer restores pages when the battery dies so I don't have to recreate this post!!

@4Mickeys when my two had their driving permits and needed 100 hours before they could take the test, I kept a little sticky note and pencil in the car. When we got in I'd jot down the start time and when we reached our destination I'd jot down the end time. There were lots and lots and lots of 5ish minute trips, but they do add up! They were actually quite fed up with me at the time because "all our friends's parents just signed the paper saying they'd driven 100 hours." :sad2:


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