SHHHHH!!!!! It's A Surprise Wedding!!!

I started not to even read this thread, but I am happy I did. Congratulations. :cloud9: Last July, my DH and I renewed our vows for our 10th on our 7 NT. Western. It was very magical. :wizard: When we got on board, we went to guest services and told our wedding coor. we were there. We meet for a few minutes in the lobby and the magic :wizard: began. They will set up two other meetings with you as well. Tell them you have all of your own invitations, because DCL provides invitations to all of your guest as well in the rooms. Ours were like a "formal scrolls" that came the night prior. It is so personal that they even escort all of your guest to the ceremony. It was beautiful, down to the flowers and the cake. My only complaint was the pictures were not as good as I was hoping for the extra money you pay. The album was something I could have purchased at Walmart. So think about that before adding that package!!! Our Ceremony was on Thursday and I got the pictures to review on Friday (the last day). They espected me to go through all of the proofs in the mater of 1 hour and tell them what I wanted. :eek: Other than that the time was perfect. :upsidedow I wish I could have taken the flowers back and a slice of cake, but Customs doesn't allow it. We also went to Palos and they did this huge table decoration for us. It was beautiful. I will toast you this day and "dream" I could be there.:love:
Thank you all for being so kind...The days are ticking away and getting even closer. I just got off of the phone with the cruise line to make sure all of the reservations were linked. They are (thank God). Just trying to tie up some loose ends over the next few weeks so that we can relax :rotfl2: over the summer.

My family is starting get all worked up about the trip. My mom has never sailed before so this should be really fun. She told me she'd be fine as long as she could see land, I told her we weren't cruising on a lake:confused3 .

Anyway, I'll keep you all informed as we go. I only hope that I don't bore you all to tears before we sail.
Well, if she has a verandah.... put up a picture on the door so she can "see" land!!!

BTW... we don't bore easily...

What color are the flowers and are Mickey and Minnie coming????

(women who've planned these things will have TONS of questions for you!!!)
For as much as it is great fun to be keeping this a secret from the family, we are dying to get onboard and have ourselves a great time. I certainly hope that all the planning is worth it.:scared1:

I am truly the husband here...I honestly have no idea :confused3 what color the flowers are...I promise I will check for you though, because now I am curious as well...

We're planning on celebrating our January date, since it's the one on the marriage certificate.

If anyone has experience with bringing a softsided cooler, I'd like to hear about it. We are planning on bringing some adult beverages with us and want to make sure they will be safe. We usually bring them in a carry-on, but want the cooler for the beach.

Anyway, I have to tell you I'm at work and just wanted to check in with everyone.
I am so excited for you and your family. My husband and I were married on board the Disney Wonder last May and it was the most amazing experience! We had a small wedding party; us, our 5 year old daughter , my mom and a family friend. Our onboard coordinator, Rodrigo, along with all the other Disney staff, were incrediable and they thought of everything. They even had sparkling juice for our daughter for the toast. The flowers were beautiful, the cake was delicious, the service was spectacular. If you have any questions, I will try my hardest to help you in any way I can.

I would love to hear more about your experience. I am getting married on the Wonder in August and would be interested in hearing more of the details.
Especially more info on how the actual ceremony went, reception and pictures? Did you get married onboard or on CC?
I would love to hear more about your experience. I am getting married on the Wonder in August and would be interested in hearing more of the details.
Especially more info on how the actual ceremony went, reception and pictures? Did you get married onboard or on CC?

Sure! I'd love to share! We were married on board by Captain Henry Anderson. There ceremony was great; not tool long but not rushed either. After the vows was the toast ( with a surprise), the cake |( yummy) and dancing. Then pictures with the photographer, Bahar. Request her if you can. She was amazing. She took us all over the ship for pictures! Then Palo( super yummy) and more suprises from Disney. Everthing was perfect! Wouldn't change a thing! Let me know if there are any more questions I can help with!
:love: Crystal
So for those of you that are truly truly interested...Here are some of the details...

The Flowers:

Hers - "Solid French Bouquet" -Solid colored roses clustered into a classically round bouquet with a long sheer ribbon.

His - "Boutonniere" - A single rose accented with ivy and lily grass.

The Cake: White with chocolate mousse
The Drinks: Dom Perignon for the adults and assorted juice for the kids.
The Music: Prelude/Seating - Sinfonia - Bach
Wife's Enterance - Canon in D - Pachelbel
Recessional - Rondeau - Bach
First Dance - Unforgetable - Natalie & Nat King Cole

So just to keep you all interested...
The Drinks: Dom Perignon for the adults and assorted juice for the kids.

Joel - You know I am realllllllly looking forward to meeting you. If there is anything I can do that day on CC to help your wedding go off, feel free to call on me.

In particular, if you need someone to offer a toast to the bride and groom, I will be happy to do so....:rolleyes1
Sure! I'd love to share! We were married on board by Captain Henry Anderson. There ceremony was great; not tool long but not rushed either. After the vows was the toast ( with a surprise), the cake |( yummy) and dancing. Then pictures with the photographer, Bahar. Request her if you can. She was amazing. She took us all over the ship for pictures! Then Palo( super yummy) and more suprises from Disney. Everthing was perfect! Wouldn't change a thing! Let me know if there are any more questions I can help with!
:love: Crystal

Bloxy said:
Thanks for the reply. Was your onboard wedding in the Cadillac Lounge? How about the music, did you use the piano player or bring your own for the first dance and cake cutting? I like the idea of the piano, but I kind of had my heart set on bringing a special song to dance to. I haven't been able to decide what to do. I also debated the photo packages, you seem to feel that it was worth it, I am glad to hear that. Will they take some pictures with our family too? You are the first person I have been able to find that actually got married on the ship so I hope you don't mind all my questions.

Was your ceremony at 5:30? That is what I have requested, and I hope it works, several of our family members including myself have excursions planned that day in Nassau. I figure if I am back on the ship by 2:00 I will be fine to make my hair appt at 3:00 and then go get ready in my sister's stateroom.
I tried to reply to your message but it wouldn't go through. I hope you see this!!
I don't mind the questions at all. I mean what bride doesn't want to talk about their wedding!! Our ceremony was on a small private deck on deck 7. The cadilac loung was a back up if it rained but lucky for us it didn't.
We brought our own music. I had my heart seton certain songs. The deck was beautifully decorated with big white bows and a great cake table.
The photos were definately worth it. I didn't plan to buy the big package but it was too hard to decide on which ones to purchase. And having the CD was nice to make reprints at home. The did all kinds of great photos of us and of the family. I can't add attachments yet but when I can I would love to share some of the photos with you.
Our ceremony was at 5:30. We didn't do any excursions in Nassau just shopping. I can't remember whattime my ahir appointment was at but we had plenty of time.. When you meet with the on board coordinator, he will help with all the timing. They are great and very thorough.
If I can help in any way, let me know. WHen is the big day? I wish I had known about this sitebefore my cruise. It is veryhelpful. Best wishes to you.
Joel - You know I am realllllllly looking forward to meeting you. If there is anything I can do that day on CC to help your wedding go off, feel free to call on me.

In particular, if you need someone to offer a toast to the bride and groom, I will be happy to do so....:rolleyes1

Yeah... he just wants to try the Dom Perignon...

Thanks for the details... was DW surprised when you asked??? ;)
I guess I should get everyone up to speed as far as how we met and such...Ok here goes...

My DW and I worked together for some time. She was attractive and smart, but 10 years my junior. We were both divorced with one child each, who are only 5 months apart. We started talking and eventually the dating began.

In Augst of 2005, she told me we were having a baby :eek: .Well ya know these things happen...So about 9 months later (May) the youngest appeared, John. We were almost a complete family. We decided that in October we needed a break from our little co-habitants so we took a little 3 day cruise. Oh what fun being set adrift without the kids. Truly a WONDERful experience.

So while we were in the verandah one night guessed it, a bottle of Dom, I got down on that one knee and said, hey lets get ths thing official (not really, but makes for good reading). I was corny, mushy and full of emotions. She was and now is the highlight of my life. After a marriage in which I really didn't like going home, except to see my daughter. She was a breath of fresh air and a calming influence in a chaotic world.

So, after our cruise the wedding plans started in ernest. When, where, how and what in God's name could we do that WE would enjoy. Afterall it is OUR wedding, right?

Well, while at dinner one night, we thought it would be fun if we just got married without all of the pomp and circumstance associated with it. We were both divorced and who wants to spend all of that money to feed people? So on a beautiful afternoon in January, on the banks of the Seven Seas Lagoon, behind the Grand Floridian...We tied the knot. It was and she was absolutely beautiful. A friend of our that is a chaplain where we work officiated the ceremony. Because he knew both of us, it was really speacial and not "from the book" so to speak.

We spent the night at the Grand and enjoyed a special meal at Victoria & Alberts (I highly recommend it).

In March, you guessed it again. It was time for another kid-free trip on the Wonder. Now you might be asking if we feel guilty about leaving the kids home? :rotfl2:

Ah, NO!

It gives the grandparents time to spend with them and they really enjoy it. Besides it's not often that you get the extra spoiling that only grandparents can give.

When we returned from our little escape, we finally figured out how to surprise our families with the news. Oh you just figured out that we hadn't told them. Well shame on you...Keep up will ya. We do a great job of hiding all of the things that would indicate that we are married. Mail, photos, rings, etc.

We thought it would be great fun to take them all on a cruise under the guise of a "family vacation." Oh silly silly family, if you only knew what was about to happen. We were on the phone immediately with the folks over at Fairytale Weddings to arrange our special day, again. We actually got the date and sailing we wanted. I made the reservations for everyone and we're off.

So far, so good. And that, in a nutshell is how we got to where we are right now.

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode. popcorn::
You are such a delight, Joel! You and your wife's story is just romantically awesome...all around! Thanks for sharing with us!!
We are having a great time being married...Our kids are healthy, our relationship is healthy and we are just enjoying being together. I know it sounds corny, but you know some people look their entire lives to find "the right person" and never do. We have found each other and we're set. Now with that being said, do we always see eye to eye, absolutly NOT! But we learned early on in our relationship to talk about everything, even if it's about nothing.

Part of our being able to communicate is because we work in the same field. So there is always something to share. Although our specialties are different now, we have a common bond. SO discussing work, means that we have an understanding of what each other goes through. When you and your spouse work in different fields it is sometimes hard to appreciate all of the struggles that they encounter during their day and sometimes we seem apathetic. Although we do really care about their day we just can't relate.

But enough...On with the show. Can someone who is far more computer savy than I am tell me how to post photos on this silly thing? Thanks in advance.
Here goes nothing...


Ok everyone, now I really feel badly for all of you because I figured out a way to get the photos online...Oh, please forgive me....:cool1:


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