Something About Nothing ... #12

I’m at a BBQ restaurant an hour from home and the thunderstorms just began. I hope the rain eases up some before we have to leave.
Should, have a long meal. Our storm line was about an hour, each time. Yum, I like BBQ. We ended up with Chinese take out. All full now.
Everyone’s dinner sounds yummy (even the Taco Bell, love their new steak nachos)! My girls went to chef camp two weeks ago so they are making a pasta dinner with salad while I (again) scroll on my tablet.
Our afternoon storms hit earlier than usual so our pool party with friends ended up being a raucous afternoon of indoor games much to the displeasure of the hostess’s husband who works from home. Oops!
How do ya’ll add the tags to the bottom of your postings????
Tgrgrl, with my apple stuff, I add to my pictures, then use upload a file button and select the picture I want. Then it up loads here and I can say full size or not. With my Microsoft laptop, I usually just right click copy and paste in my reply. Sometimes the Dis makes me choose like in an up loaded file, sometimes it doesn’t.

If I post a picture, I sometimes have to ask little one to size it for me, as sometimes says file too large.

Hope this is what you were asking.
I made it home but now my home phone, cable, and internet are not working. Thank goodness for the cell phone.
Oops. Hope you get electricity back soon, Charade. At least not hot tonight. Windows can be open. And hey, can read Dis on your phone.
Can I have chocolate instead?
I will bring the chocolate!! Actually as we are headed to annual sales meeting of World Finest Chocolate on Monday in Chicago we will have more. Have cases and cases sitting in entryway right now-too hot to keep in garage and none of us want to haul them to basement when we will just have to haul them back up when another group needs some. But I will also require access to the lounge:D Bet Schumi and I can come up with some tasty cocktails too.

My floor for sure. Lake view if there is one left, but I want the room with the large luxurious people carwash style shower-the one with heated built in bench, multiple shower heads, big enough to move around in without banging elbows. And big soft comfy bed with big soft comfy pillows.

Lynne that wild night picture is about me right now. Only still have to do the shower and wash the dirt off. Wandered outside barefoot. Nice outside, and apparently tired enough that I closed the big coop door without realizing the smaller pop door was closed too, chickens were still out. Good thing the boy went to check on them-some very confused ladies wondering why they couldn't get into bed!

Dinner was (from frozen) potstickers and a skillet-casserole-in-a-bag thingy I had in freezer. DUmp and heat both of them-didn't feel like doing anything else, but those pesky kids insist on being fed...

Anyone want eggs tomorrow to go with the pancakes and bacon? Added a supplement to chickies diet and now I've gotten an egg each of last 3 days (had been down to one every other or 3rd day)so back up to 2 /2 dozen in fridge (after using dozen for deviled eggs).

Never did get around to the wine. forgot about it, had to chew ice on drive home today (an hour) to stay awake-had DH's car with the adjusting cruise control (slows down when gets too close to car in front) and lane departure warning (actually moves car back into lane if you get to close to line and warns if you go over line without a blinker).

Bedtime dreaming of our vacation house...
I have electricity, just no phone, cable, or internet. We have all 3 services with the same company and they are having an outage right now. She has put on a DVD of The Music Man. Both he and B will be auditioning for a community theater production of it sometime later this month.

If you need me I’ll be over at MonyK ‘s house eating chocolate.
I’ll pull the car out of the garage and pick you up charade on the way to Monyk’s house

The things I do for chocolate...
Time for some wine! I have enough to share! Tomorrow is a busy day! We are packing up the moving pods at Kyle & Erin's apartment. The pods leave here Monday and will get shipped to Florida! I'm on light duty as my back is still sore! So, a little wine and a lot of heating pad is in order now! Cheers!


I’m here to help since you can’t lift with your sore back

I’ll guzzle some of that wine for you so the bottles won’t be too heavy for your back
I will bring the chocolate!! Actually as we are headed to annual sales meeting of World Finest Chocolate on Monday in Chicago we will have more. Have cases and cases sitting in entryway right now-too hot to keep in garage and none of us want to haul them to basement when we will just have to haul them back up when another group needs some. But I will also require access to the lounge:D Bet Schumi and I can come up with some tasty cocktails too.

My floor for sure. Lake view if there is one left, but I want the room with the large luxurious people carwash style shower-the one with heated built in bench, multiple shower heads, big enough to move around in without banging elbows. And big soft comfy bed with big soft comfy pillows.

Lynne that wild night picture is about me right now. Only still have to do the shower and wash the dirt off. Wandered outside barefoot. Nice outside, and apparently tired enough that I closed the big coop door without realizing the smaller pop door was closed too, chickens were still out. Good thing the boy went to check on them-some very confused ladies wondering why they couldn't get into bed!

Dinner was (from frozen) potstickers and a skillet-casserole-in-a-bag thingy I had in freezer. DUmp and heat both of them-didn't feel like doing anything else, but those pesky kids insist on being fed...

Anyone want eggs tomorrow to go with the pancakes and bacon? Added a supplement to chickies diet and now I've gotten an egg each of last 3 days (had been down to one every other or 3rd day)so back up to 2 /2 dozen in fridge (after using dozen for deviled eggs).

Never did get around to the wine. forgot about it, had to chew ice on drive home today (an hour) to stay awake-had DH's car with the adjusting cruise control (slows down when gets too close to car in front) and lane departure warning (actually moves car back into lane if you get to close to line and warns if you go over line without a blinker).

Bedtime dreaming of our vacation house...

Although I don't really eat chocolate, your trip sounds like a lot of fun!!! Yep....we would have some fabulous cocktails ::yes:: ::yes:: will always be on the go in our lounge...…..:D

Forgot about wine???? I don't understand that sentence...…..:rotfl:

Have a great weekend...…...

I bet you have not experienced that before........
I’m sure Tom would never say he wants neither

(But if he did, you could put ice cubes or salt in his beer)

lol......actually no :scratchin not that I can remember...…….Tom is really easy to feed as is Kyle really...…..

But, will remember that trick in case he ever does become fussy...…..:rotfl: Only thing he really won`t eat is fresh ginger...….he loves ginger cake, ginger beer and ginger candies...….but fresh ginger in a stir fry is something he won`t have......I love it!!! My spicy chicken, lemon and ginger stir fry is legendary...….in my mind of course...…..:blush:

Saturday again...……:sunny:

Gorgeous day here in the UK again...….Day 13 of heatwave apparently...…..

Day in the garden for us...… is hot...…..

Although our garden resembled pet cemetery this morning.

Our gardener sent me a text this morning saying don't go down by the fruit trees till he text me again...….he was there just after 7, we were still in bed so not much chance of that......but, a fox must have killed a cat and left the remains there...…..not nice. Then we had a dead bird outside the back of the house. We have mainly folding doors covers one side of the back of the house and our garden room on the other side has lots of glass too...….so birds don't seem to notice and think it`s not between dead cats and dead birds I didn't open the doors wide till he left with the offending corpses...…..:sad2:

Since we`ve moved to this place we must have had about 10 birds dive into the glass somewhere!!! And foxes go with the territory, but we haven't had any issues with them before...…..had a couple of tame ones......although very wary of them.

Have a great Saturday...…….:wave2:
Schumi, my Dsis has huge gardens around her house. She found sticky, but removable, flowers to put on her windows, and since her window screens are hard to see in sunlight, she has flowers that have a magnet that you can separate, so one magnet on one side, the flower with the other magnet on the other side. They are very light weight, so the kids have fun moving them around. For years, she had a cardinal that was in love with it’s mirror image that he saw on her bedroom door to the deck. He was an early chirper. She took pictures. We get a sad thump, though not very often, thankfully, when our backyard is bright. We have red foxes, but you do not see them that much. Our more issues are with raccoons.

An absolutely beautiful Saturday. Hello Canadian high weather. 80 the high. Gorgeous blue skies.

Gotta get gas, for the car, then movie time. Looked at getting another movie ticket, no tickets for sale for our time. Will be a full theater. Like that we have reserved seats. Makes it nice not to rush.

Ooh, popcorn for breakfast. Nice.

Charade, hope your internet supplier is back in business, and you have signal now.

Later homies. Heartful thoughts to those involved in the Western fires.

Rock on, homies. It is summertime.
Schumi, my Dsis has huge gardens around her house. She found sticky, but removable, flowers to put on her windows, and since her window screens are hard to see in sunlight, she has flowers that have a magnet that you can separate, so one magnet on one side, the flower with the other magnet on the other side. They are very light weight, so the kids have fun moving them around. For years, she had a cardinal that was in love with it’s mirror image that he saw on her bedroom door to the deck. He was an early chirper. She took pictures. We get a sad thump, though not very often, thankfully, when our backyard is bright. We have red foxes, but you do not see them that much. Our more issues are with raccoons.

An absolutely beautiful Saturday. Hello Canadian high weather. 80 the high. Gorgeous blue skies.

Gotta get gas, for the car, then movie time. Looked at getting another movie ticket, no tickets for sale for our time. Will be a full theater. Like that we have reserved seats. Makes it nice not to rush.

Ooh, popcorn for breakfast. Nice.

Charade, hope your internet supplier is back in business, and you have signal now.

Later homies. Heartful thoughts to those involved in the Western fires.

Rock on, homies. It is summertime.

I`m glad we don't have racoons to deal with...…..they are nasty little things!!! Foxes can be a real worry but we are quite rural so they are there, but don't bother with anyone......we used to have a little family of foxes and the mother must have been hurt at one point as she came up beyond where she usually did......we left out some water (I know not supposed to do that) but she stayed around for a while and then left after a few days...….it was odd. She let us feed her gently what the farmer had suggested...…..but once she had her babies she didn't come close again.

I could get those things, but I don't like to affect the look of the know incredibly selfish...…..but it does make them look funny...…..our kitchen is in two parts, the older original part and the newer part, so we have more than one large window so they just see daylight!!!

Enjoy the movie...……

Had to come inside for a while...…..baking hot outside!! Not complaining...…..:rolleyes1

Will be grilling later, but will wait till sun goes down a bit later tonight I think...…..


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