Something About Nothing ... #12

Morning! Much better today- went to bed before 930 last night- told kids not to disturb me, went to spare room and locked door with earplugs. Hubs got sucked into helping charity poker tournament again so knew he'd be late.
Got two travel mugs of coffee and crawled back into bed to be lazy:D. Did let chickens out- the were quiet this am- maybe because I wasn't talking to them (trying to be quiet as coop is by son son window).

Take it easy moving today Patty!

Chocolate awaits Mac and charade- have milk, dark, caramel, with almonds, mint melt always, pecan clusters- and still some solid chocolate bunnies that can be melted for chocolate fondue. Think the peanut butter bears and malted balls are gone (faves in our house).

Schumi- I was so tired yesterday that if I had remembered to pour a glass of wine I'd probably have left it somewhere untouched anyway lol! Poor kitty. We have a couple foxes around here but the fence keeps them out.

Lynne-do you guys have the monthly movie pass thingy? DH was looking at that but we go to movies in clusters and then go through periods with no movie going too.

So much to get done today. Hear a kid moving around, not ready to face the day yet:P
Morning! Much better today- went to bed before 930 last night- told kids not to disturb me, went to spare room and locked door with earplugs.

Glad to hear you're better:)

You know I like the spare room and earplugs! I could sleep without having to hear Joe snoring!

Take it easy moving today Patty!

Thanks! will do- I'm on light duty! Packing small boxes and entertaining their cats!

Chocolate awaits Mac and charade- have milk, dark, caramel, with almonds, mint melt always, pecan clusters- and still some solid chocolate bunnies that can be melted for chocolate fondue. Think the peanut butter bears and malted balls are gone (faves in our house).

YUMMM!!! Pass some this way! OOHH I like the idea of melting down chocolate bunnies for fondue! We always go to the local candy shop after holidays and buy a lot of candy- 50% off!! I think I still have some bunnies from Easter in my kitchen cabinet!
Morning! Much better today- went to bed before 930 last night- told kids not to disturb me, went to spare room and locked door with earplugs. Hubs got sucked into helping charity poker tournament again so knew he'd be late.
Got two travel mugs of coffee and crawled back into bed to be lazy:D. Did let chickens out- the were quiet this am- maybe because I wasn't talking to them (trying to be quiet as coop is by son son window).

Take it easy moving today Patty!

Chocolate awaits Mac and charade- have milk, dark, caramel, with almonds, mint melt always, pecan clusters- and still some solid chocolate bunnies that can be melted for chocolate fondue. Think the peanut butter bears and malted balls are gone (faves in our house).

Schumi- I was so tired yesterday that if I had remembered to pour a glass of wine I'd probably have left it somewhere untouched anyway lol! Poor kitty. We have a couple foxes around here but the fence keeps them out.

Lynne-do you guys have the monthly movie pass thingy? DH was looking at that but we go to movies in clusters and then go through periods with no movie going too.

So much to get done today. Hear a kid moving around, not ready to face the day yet:P

lol...….I`ve done that with wine occasionally...….not often though! Glad you`re doing better today.

Yes the kitty was a wild one he thinks, no collar or anything to resemble that it had been cared for by anyone. We don't usually see a wild cat around here, so it is unusual. Just glad we hadn't gone down there this morning and he was there. Keeping an eye on open doors a little more today.
All those boxes of chocolates remind me of Girl Scout Cookie season.

I always missed not having a girl because I love girl scout cookies! Boy scout popcorn was much more expensive and harder to sell! I think we ended up buying most of it!

Thank goodness I have a coworker with a daughter who's a girl scout! I get my cookie fix taken care of!:D
Time to go back and sit in the garden...……

Love this day of doing nothing...……

Keish…...hope your trip is still fabulous!!!!!
So no APH rates for oct yet? Has to be this week

Hey we made it to page 1000party:

I’ll make a new episode for us sometime this weekend

Usually do that when we hit 4 digits in a thread

Start thinking of which room you want to claim when I put the new house together

I claim the dungeon

So many posts today and not sure if I can reply to all

Hate using my phone to write in for the San thread
Always prefer using the iMac but then I would have to move my butt to another room to use it

I move slow when I’m drinking coffee and closer to the coffee pot when I’m the kitchen

Gray hair has not been an issue for me yet
I keep looking for them and none yet

My maternal unit never had a gray hair
She was mid 80’s when she started to have a hair color change and it was silvery white
Wasn’t until she was 91 when it totally changed to that color
My paternal unit was the same way
Brothers hair turned red when he was 47, originally a blonde
But he was told the radiation treatments probably caused that

I keep waiting to go totally white haired after HHN

Mk today BoG for lunch sitting in rocking my chair on Tom sawyers island. Only one mt to go in a bit splash yea hope to get nice and cool

Flight at 10 pm GD has been running us like rented mules. DH has to go into work at noon tomorrow. May have time to wolf down some bacon lol
Oh my, a chocolate house!

Well, we all enjoyed the movie, but older one, who is a huge Marvel fan, thought it was okay.

No, MonyK, while sounds interesting, we generally only see a movie or two a month, some months, none. And, at $20 a month, or $240, a year, well, do not think any of us would see that many movies. Most of what is out this month, eh, no desire to see. Sometimes we see at Regal, too. Finally, rumor has it, a local movie diner is coming. Now that we would be interested in seeing it there as well. Glad you are feeling better.

Time to watch soccer, er, football now.

Patty, glad you are relaxing. Cat entertainer. :laughing:

Schumi, garden time. Sounds lovely.

Charade, hope you have a nice day too.
Lynne, we never go to the movies.....very rarely is there something new we want to see. Although since we miss the premier of the new Halloween movie, released Oct 19th I believe......we may go to a late screening of that when we do get it over here.........I don’t think I’d convince Tom we should fly over just to see a movie........:scratchin

Keisha........I just asked Mac when you went home........not that I was wishing your trip away.........:laughing: but couldn’t remember when you told me.........I’ll visit you in the’d make it a fun place to be!!! And your food always sounds so delicious.........::yes::

Have a safe trip home.........:wave2:

Finally in from the garden. All of a sudden it just cooled down.........which hopefully will mean tonight will be cooler.........a better sleep all around. But this weather has been glorious.........

Having a pink gin again tonight........we hate gin. Regular gin that is........but these flavoured ones that are so popular now taste nothing like the old traditional stuff your granny drank..........yuk!!! Very fruity....I serve it with lots of ice, frozen strawberries and blackberries and topped up with fizzy lemonade, like sprite.........lush!!!

I just poured our drinks out and it was so funny...........I immediately got a text from a friend who loves pink gin, it’s her favourite drink, asking what we were up to tonight.........:rotfl: I asked her if she had bat ears and heard me open the bottle........::yes::

She said if she hadn’t already had some wine she’d be round......and she would have been!!!
Put me down for a few cases of that chocolate monyk...I miss the school fundraisers when my kids sold them for band and football.

I like the sound of your pink gin cocktail Carole...never cared for the old school kind.

We all liked the new Ant Man movie too Lynne...did you catch the Infinity War post credit?

Glad you enjoyed your trip Janet ...your GD is such a travels for the journey home :flower1:

Watching the Braves game again ...hope they don't blow another lead :sad2: I think I'll get a wicked ale out of the fridge...not schumi's pink cocktail but it will do in a pinch.:D

Have a great night homies ...the Braves just scored :cool1:
Tink, yep. But did not stay for the ant. Already thought was enough in the movie.

Safe travels Keisha. Sounded like you had a great time with GD.

Wow, the end of the Russia game this afternoon. Nail biting for both teams.

News on, so maybe a walk now. Lovely night in store.
Mk today BoG for lunch sitting in rocking my chair on Tom sawyers island. Only one mt to go in a bit splash yea hope to get nice and cool

Sounds fabulous!!

Well, we all enjoyed the movie, but older one, who is a huge Marvel fan, thought it was okay.

Glad you enjoyed the movie!

Finally in from the garden. All of a sudden it just cooled down.........which hopefully will mean tonight will be cooler.........a better sleep all around. But this weather has been glorious.........

Enjoy the cooler evening! It's a beauty here, too! Going to sit on the patio after dinner!

That settles it...

I'm moving next door to MonyK.
She has chocolates, booze, eggs, can cook anything, booze, etc....

Me too!!

Watching the Braves game again ...hope they don't blow another lead :sad2: I think I'll get a wicked ale out of the fridge...not schumi's pink cocktail but it will do in a pinch.:D

Hope your Braves win tonight, Tink!!

Having steak sandwiches and then going to enjoy an evening outside! We're trying black cherry hard seltzer. I saw it advertised on tv and it sounded interesting!
Gorgeous night out, low humidity, have fan going on deck anyway.
Cleaned house:DD and i scrubbed kitchen-including cabinets and table-have to do that once in a while-DH and kids mowed lawn, I weeded garden and picked green beans, tomatoes (why oh why did I plant a cherry tomato plant-chickens were in heaven catching tomatoes I missed), zucchini, basil. No need for the sage, parsley, tarragon, thyme or rosemary at the moment so just clipped them to keep growing. Laundry done. Committee assignments to my service club members emailed (yay-joy of being president-prepared for the deluge of emails).
Dinner-breaded chicken (all mine are alive and well and fed scraps today), with zucchini and tomato and bacon and cheese and basil all layered together with bread crumbs seasoned with Penzey cheese sprinkle seasoning. Had to do something with the pounds of tomatoes and zucchini! And bacon-just because:rotfl2:

Cosmos on deck now. 5 different vodkas to choose from. Went with one I'd stashed in freezer!
I claim the dungeon
Do I want to know what goes on in that dungeon?:D Safe travels home! Just snagged a lunch ADR for BoG-haven't been back since 2015.

a local movie diner is coming.
oooh those are dangerous!!! Spoils you to watch movies any other way!

She said if she hadn’t already had some wine she’d be round......and she would have been!!!
The best friends!!

That settles it...

I'm moving next door to MonyK.
She has chocolates, booze, eggs, can cook anything, booze, etc....
C'mon over! I have s'more sticks too for the fire pit and caramel smores...
I miss the school fundraisers when my kids sold them for band and football.
Oh yes-and why DH works 50 hours a week or more mid august through mid december. Pays for my travel obsession so I thank you for your support:D

Wow, the end of the Russia game this afternoon. Nail biting for both teams.
yes! Had it on on 2 tv's. And a STL cards win as well!
Oldest DD called-home from shift-mostly at Jedi training today. said it was kinda slow, and HOT. For her to complain of hot means it was bad. But she bought a lightsaber to wear at Jedi at Cast connections for a buck so she was pretty pleased. Really liking the guest interaction (minus the occasional guest who claims she "ruined her vacation"). And Diva chicken just jumped in way - posting before I lose everything with her pecing at keyboard


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