Sorry. Ignore this thread

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This thread is going down the drain!

who stores crap in their bathtub.....? Clean House on Fine Living Network sometime. The people they choose to clean out & organize have some serious issues with collecting crap!! Most houses have little paths carved out of all the crap just so you can go from room to room; and the crap is piled literally to the ceiling!!:eek:

These are not your average everyday trashy people, either. Most are well educated, upper class citizens!! YIKES!!!!
You know, everyday I try to ignore this thread, and everyday, it pops back up to the top. How am I supposed to ignore it, if you guys keep posting in it.

I bet before too long, this will be the longest "ignore this thread" in dis history. :lmao:
I guess that I am too a rebellious snark. I had to find out what you said to ignore.:rotfl: Brilliant
You should know this is like telling someone who is up high, to not look down!!!

If you really wanted us to ignore this thread, you should have titled it "Which loop should I reserve?" :lmao:

JOHN, NOW THAT WAS FUNNY.... Which is the best loop?
Well now, boys & girls.... let's just see if we can get this thread as big as the Useless Facts & Chit Chat thread.

Anyone up for a challenge????
I really do not like pickles. Nobody else in my family has my name, i'm unique. Thats what my mommy tells me when the other kids bother me. I figured this is usless info that would fit into this thread. :offtopic: But then again off topic is on topic here isnt it. Man we can confuse the easily confused and just baffel the rest. Oh time to go find some booze.......Oh and i'm heading down to the USA from the great white north this weekend to Darien Lake themed park in Newyork tommorow until next tuesday. I can get lots of bottlessss of rootbeer schnaps then :thumbsup2 hehehehehe cant get them in Canada. Ok I gotta go leave this thread i'm starting to ramble on. Just gotta rock and roll all night long. :faint:
I think Trevor is kind of a cute name! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Actually, the pickle thing is the epitome of useless information. CONGRATULATIONS! :cool1:

Actually the name they bugged me about was Bernard. Its my middle name. It didn't come cool until the movie weekend at Bernies. I didn't get bugged anymore afer that. But then again by that time I was big enough they didn't bug me about anything. lol
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