String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

Beth, rant all you want, this is your journal. Any time you need support, come here to WISH. You'll get nothing but kind words even when you feel you haven't done everything perfectly. You'll have good days and bad, so never be ashamed to be completely honest about what you eat. That's what this journal is for. My two biggest challenges are drinking water (right Lisa?) and exercising. Maybe SB is a better plan for you. I'm sure Lisa can offer you advice and guidance. Sorry to hear about the news from your doctor. Keep your chin up, ok?:hug:
I finished reading the South Beach diet book last night. I had what Oprah would call a lightbulb moment. I'm a little slow on the uptake. When I was reading the chapter on why people fail, it talks about people who stay on phase 1 too long. It is a very limited phase, just like induction. Well, except when i was cheating, I stayed on induction. Since the very beginning of November. I got bored. Then I got tempted...

I'm sticking with atkins because I'm comfortable with it. I'll continue induction for 10 more days. After that I WILL add some carbs. I'm going to use some of South Beach philosophy though. I'll eat carbs only when I eat fat/protein too. I'm going to eat only lean cuts of meats. Basically, I'm doing a program that makes sense to me. Those supplement bars are only for emergencies at work. I want to rely on "real" food that I prepare in a healthy fresh way.

DH gave me the day off. I slept until 10AM, then wnet shopping. I had been in a 22/24, but pushing 26. Now I'm comfortable in a size 20 jeans, in fact, they are a little loose. I can't squeeze into the 18's yet. I needed a new pair now. I also got some cute tops. My Bday is at the end of January. I want those 18's to fit by then. After shopping, I went to Curves. Boy, did I push myself! I've also been on track with diet today. Need to do better on water consumption though.
I agree with you 100% about staying on induction too long and it getting boring. I almost went back on about a month ago but changed my mind and am glad I made that decision. I think it'll be a good thing for you to add a little more variety like fruit, more veggies, milk or whole grain cereal. The ongoing weight loss phase offers so many more options which I think you'll enjoy. As for the protein bars, I agree with you there too. I don't eat them because I'd rather have real food. The Atkins Endulge candy bars are great, but that's for when I get that chocolate craving.

So you slept until 10:00, how nice. I plan on doing that tomorrow. Congratulations on your size 20s, what a great feeling! I'm sure you'll get into those 18s soon if you stay focused and I'll be rooting for you. Have a happy new year Beth!:D
Happy New Year! Well, I weighed in today. 240 lbs. This means I've lost 28.5 lbs I made my 10% goal! I wanted to lose 10% by my bday on the 28th. Woohoo! I made my goal. I'm very pleased with myself at the moment. Now to keep up the good work.;) I've set some goals for myself this year. (I refuse to call them resolutions.)
1.) I want my 30# clippie very sson. I'm not sure it will happen by Sundays weigh in, but by my next weigh in.
2.) I will continue with my exercise routine. I want to start some additional weight training.
3.) I will make wonderland this year. I think Sept. 1st is a realistic goal.
4.) I will try not get frustrated when I hit a plateau. I will continue with my program.
5.) I will increase my water consumption and get more sleep.
6.) I am joining the cheat free challenge.

Wow, do I have my work cut out for me. ;) I know I can do this. This journal and my WISH buddies are a tremendous asset. Thank you.

Worked last night. I ended staying for 16hours because we were short. Great money, but I just fell into bed. When I got up I was STARVING! That is not a good thing. I managed to stay on track. I had a ton of water and some cheese. This got me through until dinner. We had TGIFridays atkins garlic chicken with mixed veggies. Very good. I'm just not going to make my water goal today. I'll have to push it on the2nd. I did the1 mile WATP tape this afternoon.

Thanks again for your support.
Meeting your 10% goal with the holidays and all is quite an accomplishment!

Getting through 16 hours straight at work is incredible too.

You reached your 10% goal, I am so proud of you! I have a similar goal of 10% of my body weight being gone and I've got about 8 more pounds to go. It must be such a good feeling. I know you will reach the goals you have set for yourself this year. You have a good plan in place and support here. Like me and my sister always say about weight loss, you have to figure out what works for you. I'm glad you found what works.

Looking forward to our journey together through 2004!
beth.......woohoo for you on those loose size 20's......and the 10% wt should be very proud of yourself. i am glad you are doing the cheat free thingie too.....i am telling ya it is pretty darn motivational isnt it? i dont wanna lose it......even tho i guess i will be with my trip coming up in 2 weeks.......glad to see that you are doing so well.........
Hey, Beth! :sunny: Good morning! :sunny: And congratulations: you made it through the holidays! After reading your journal, I want to send a :hug: your way. My gosh, you sure had a time of it!

Now, though, you're firmly into a new year with wonderful, exciting goals for a happier, healthier you!:Pinkbounc You're going to do this, Beth--for you! You'll find that the cheat free challenge is a wonderful motivator--especially when you have friends who are walking this walk with you.

Good luck on this journey and good luck today!
Onward and downward in 2004!
Erin :D
Good morning, Beth! Happy 2004!

Welcome to the cheat-free challenge! There are a bunch of us who are just striving to be cheat-free in January. Frankly, a month is all I can mentally commit to. :p

I do low-carb, but not Atkins. I stay under 60 grams of carbs per day, avoiding most starches, and I still lose. You may be able to add some of those things you're missing and up your carb level a bit, especially if you're exercising faithfully. Eating less carbs does not necessarily mean more weight loss. You have to experiment and see what works for you. If you're getting extra carbs from healthy sources like veggies and some fruit, and you're spacing those carbs throughout the day, you may be able to vary your diet and still lose the weight.

Here we go, Beth, onward and downward in 2004!

Have a wonderful day! :sunny:
One thing I just noticed, I've stopped writing about my actual meals. Note to self: If you eat it, write it.

Breakfast: I skipped it. I drank 2 glasses of water, and was full. I just couldn't handle any actual food. Must do better.

Lunch: 3 deli ham slices wrapped around melted cream cheese sweetened with splenda. Faboulous. This is a new favorite. More water.

Dinner: Water. large ceasar salad with chicken and parmesan rounds for croutons.

Snack: Decaf tea w/1 packet splenda, a piece of string cheese.

Exercise: 2 mile WATP tape 1st thing in the morning.
Water: 132 oz. Very good for me.

I also napped with DD this afternoon:p . All in all a great day, no cravings, no cheating. The only downside was the 6 loads of laundry I did.
Have a good one.
Today's title: I don't need your caramel macchiato.

Ugh...I woke up today with a horrible headache, so I knew I needed some caffiene today. I got my davinci syrups in the mail yesterday. My coffee was sweetened with French vanilla and caramel syrups and a little cream. YUMMY! Not quite as rich as Starbucks, but certainly a treat. (Not $4 either.) Also had 2 ham rollups, and advil Cold and Sinus. I'm feeling much better now. I only did the 1 mile WATP tape this morning, because of the headache. Who knew that I would feel that a 20 minute workout was slacking off. I plan on doing the 1 mile again before work. Lunch was 1 cup of chicken salad and a piece of string cheese.
I've had 60oz. of water so far. I also made a modified version of the veggie quiche cups from the S.Beach book. They are in the oven. I plan on taking one to work with me and supplementing with a salad. I'll snack on some more chicken salad if needed.

Hope everyone is having a good day. I'll check in on journals tonight from work of in the AM.
Beth, you're doing great! Congratulations on the loose fitting size 20's. You'll be in size 18 in no time. Have a great weekend!:D
hi beth.....looks like you are sticking to your plan pretty're right we must write it down, it really helps. .......i hear ya on the exercise slacker i just walked on the 1st with stroller..........hope your nite goes ok.
:sunny: Good morning, Beth! :sunny: Are you feeling any better today? I admire you so much for exercising and trying to eat right when you're not feeling well. It's sometimes hard to stick to the plan on those "feeling yukky" kind of days. I hope you're able to kick this cold quickly.

MMMMmmmmm, that coffee you had sounds delish! I have a huge weakness for all things coffee. . .just out of curiosity, were those da vinci syrups sugar free? Where did you get them from?

Beth, keep today a cheat free day and you're going to be zooming onward and downward before you know it!::yes::

Go, girl!

Erin thanks for checking in. The syrups are sugar free and made with splenda. Pretty tasty too. I got them from the website:

I managed to catch a sale, so I had free shipping and most of the syrups were on sale too.

Well, I feel absolutely horrible. I am pretty sure I have strep thoat. My throat is sore, I have a Temp 102.1, and no voice. Aren't you glad we're all just computer buddies. For obvious reasons I didn't go to work last night, but I couldn't sleep anyways. I tried to go to urgent care for antibiolics, but it was a 6 hr. wait. I have my 3yo in tow with me, because DH stayed up until 330AM playing computer games.:rolleyes: :mad: I didn't wait. I've paged a friend of mine to see if he'll call a script in for me. We're supposed to get a major snow storm today, so I headed to Meijer for supplies. I knew I should have gone on Friday. It was mobbed, I was crabby, and Katie was in meltdown. Not my best moment. I stocked up on sugar free jello, popiscles, ice cream (Go Breyers!), and cough drops. I couldn't even manage eggs this morning. I'll sip water, tea, and chicken broth. I'll even manage to stay cheat free I think. I'm skipping all exercise today. I'm off to bed. I'm not going to manage to read everyone's journals today. I hope to catch up on Monday.
Beth, rest up and get well! Take good care of you, OK?? Get your DH to baby you AND take care of your little one!! :D

I hope you feel better very soon. Don't feel guilty about exercise or having to be "the be all" for everyone else. (Although you can't call in sick from being a Mom.)

I like warm (not hot drinks) for a sore throat - warm jello is especially good because it coats your throat. Warm lemonade works well too!

take care of yourself!

Good morning, Beth. I'm sending extra :sunny: and :hug: and :goodvibes your way today to help you recover. You poor thing. It's so hard to be sick, but to be a Sick Mommy is the worst. Little ones have such a tough time understanding. Hang in there and treat yourself well. REST!

Take care and keep us posted when you can.


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