Survivor: China (WILL HAVE SPOILERS)

James shouldnt have thought he was safe and should have used one of his immunity thingys................. I guess I wasnt yelling loud enough at the TV for him to hear me!!!!!!! :lmao:
Now that he is gone, I hope some post-boot interviews will shed some light on why James held on to both Immunity Idols, instead of giving Todd & Amanda back "theirs". The show never adequately addressed this issue, aside from Todd once saying that he was waiting for James to offer to give the Idol back.

Todd gave him the Idol to save his butt when it looked like Zhan Hu would vote him off. He also told him where to find the second Idol at their camp. Honestly, for James to hang on to both of them once the tribes had merged made him look like an immunity hog -- and virtually untouchable. Blind-siding was the only way they were going to get rid of him.

I bet if James had given back one of the two Idols, he would have engendered more trust, made Todd & Amanda feel "safer", and taken a bit of that target off his own back.

I was watching thje Packers game in Thursday ;). So Hames got boted out:(?
Yikes I forgot to post again .... Well tomorrow is Survivor day ....

Wow James! I would have thought that he would have used at least one of his idols ... guess not. Seriously, anyone that has ever watched Survivor knows that you can only use the idols up to a certain point in the game. Therefore, he should have used at least one, if not for that reason alone.

And if looks could kill ~ Probst would have been the target. Wow! Dagger eyes!

Just very surprised that James didn't use an idol. But he really really must have not thought he was a target. They really must have been super quiet about their plans to vote him off around camp!

Thought it was very cool that Denise was picked to go on the reward with Peih-Gee and Erik too. I think Denise got a lot out of that. Erik still flying under the radar. :rolleyes1

Courtney needs to go though. She annoys me!

Very good episode! :thumbsup2
OK so they fooled us last week, pretty standard episode! No surprises there. Looks like Todd is in trouble for pulling a johnny fairplay move but also looks like it wasnt a ploy. Guess we will have to wait and see huh. Next week should be good, someone has to make a move!
Each week is getting scary now that it seems they're targeting Todd every game. He better win the next two immunity challenges. He sure needs it right now. It's getting to the point where I'm too nervous to watch.

Peih-Gee is the one that needs to go. Why put someone with a Chinese heritage on a show that's taking place in China and then ask a bunch of trivia about China? Seems she has a bit of an unfair advantage.
Dang what up with my typing?!?!?

Anyway I didnt see yesterday's either.

You didn't miss much. Pretty typical. Erik got voted off because Peih-Gee won immunity again. Peih-Gee will most likely be gone next week unless she wins immunity another time. They made it look like Denise might vote for Todd, but she stuck with her alliance.

It will be interesting next week, though. If Peih-Gee DOES win another immunity, the "big four" will have to get rid of one of their own. I'd like to say Todd would get the boot, but being the manipulative bugger he is, I doubt it. So it will be interesting to see who gets voted off should Peih-Gee win again.
I'd like to say Todd would get the boot, but being the manipulative bugger he is, I doubt it. So it will be interesting to see who gets voted off should Peih-Gee win again.

if they dont vote todd out before Peih-Gee then they better get rid of denise instead of todd. She hasn't annoyed anyone but Peih-Gee the entire game, and even got her respect back.
Peih-Gee is the one that needs to go. Why put someone with a Chinese heritage on a show that's taking place in China and then ask a bunch of trivia about China? Seems she has a bit of an unfair advantage.

I could not agree more with this statement. If there is anymore China trivia, she will be on top of the game again.

Erik sure didn't seem to fight very hard about trying to sway people to vote anyone else off, but him.

I don't know what to think about the whole Todd and his Sister story. I would like to believe him, and think he was telling the truth. Everyone shows emotion differently. If he was lying, and it was all made up, I think that's really sad. Johnny Fairplay wasn't liked very much either once everyone found out he was lying. Todd will meet the same fate, if it was all made up as well.

I would like to see Todd, Denise, or Amanda win the game at this point. Yes, in that order too, if any of them happen to get voted off soon. :thumbsup2

I would not like to see Courtney or Peih-Gee win. They have annoyed me way too much. :rotfl:
OK well it was a great episode even tho the end was typical! We got to see what people are really thinking haha and thats always fun! Can you believe we have only 1 episode left already! amazing how fast it goes.

Well P.G. needed to go, not sure how this all turns out now. Seems amanda wants to get rid of Todd, not really sure why now? haha thats her best bet. If amanda was to walk in with courtney and todd how does she NOT win?

Thats the way to play it, Denise has to go. Its all of the other 3's best chance to win. Get rid of Denise. When she said she thinks she made the wrong move, she totally did. Better win immunity Denise...
This is the first time in the history of reality TV that the person I picked to win it all in the beginning is still there in the last episode, so that's kind of exciting.

I really think that if Todd makes it to the final vote, he really could win. The outcomes always seem to be the person you think is least likely to win (except for last season). Todd really has played a good game. Sure, he backstabbed and whatnot, but that's how you play Survivor. Of the remaining people, he's the only one that's played it the way it should be played.
OK. sigh... its over :(

Well first I want to say if I could have been on the jury, Courtney would have gotten my vote LOL. Yup, I hated her like the rest of you, but she aced the toughest part of survivor. She answered the questions from the jury like no other. I was disappointed in Amanda's performance totally in that tribal council, and Todd did average.

The good girl act just didnt work for Amanda, she just had horrible opening comments, and just looked like a deer in the headlights when Jaime unloaded on her. Amanda should have won survivor she was the most tactical player in the game and when it was time to show it, she denied it and let Todd get all the credit. Todd didnt win survivor, Amanda lost. Amanda should have said to Jaime "I am not playing your game, I dont need your vote. next."

Todd, overall good player, and in the end, snowing JR one last time earned him $1,000,000. Not much to say about Todd, he had to be the odds on favorite to win.

Courtney... Biggest surprise. I expected her to get NO votes when I saw the final 3. Her performance at that last tribal was like WOW. Had JR not been such a sucker, this girl would have pulled off the biggest upset in survivor history ever. She is the most annoying player, but her honesty and well thought answers were spot on.

Next season sounds great @_@ Can't wait to see the cast of characters in the all star team! WOOT!
Oh, is next season another all-star season? I didn't get to see the end of the reunion show because I was a little preoccupied, but I did watch all of the actual last episode. The reunion show seemed to ignore the first five or six people that got voted off, and they were the ones we really needed to know the most about since we didn't get to see much of them.

Woot for Todd though. I was rooting for him all along and I, personally, thought his answers were the best of the three when being confronted by the jury. I would've been more surprised if he hadn't won.
Oh, is next season another all-star season? I didn't get to see the end of the reunion show because I was a little preoccupied, but I did watch all of the actual last episode. The reunion show seemed to ignore the first five or six people that got voted off, and they were the ones we really needed to know the most about since we didn't get to see much of them.

Woot for Todd though. I was rooting for him all along and I, personally, thought his answers were the best of the three when being confronted by the jury. I would've been more surprised if he hadn't won.

there will be a team of new people, all people who have studied the game since the beginning!

and a team of like all-stars from seasons past!

I guess for me, I saw through Todd's expected answers. Courtney just freaked me out with how well she handled the jury, and how she actually had an answer ready for anything they threw at her.

One thing for sure, Amanda was not prepared. She deserved no votes.
You're right about Amanda. That was an awful performance. I know during the actual voting, they showed who voted for Amanda. Do you remember who it was, because I can't. I'm assuming whoever it was had planned on voting for her all along, regardless what answers anyone gave.
I was rooting for Amanda, but her performance at the final TC was disappointing to say the least. Even so, I expected her to get more votes than Courtney. Courtney did well in front of the jury but I don't think that makes up the entire rest of the game.

I know it's shallow but did anyone else think ALL the survivors looked better in China? When they first switched to L.A. I thought, "Who are these people?"

The "Super Fans" versus the All-stars sounds like a great idea to me. I hope the Super Fans include some of the better known internet speculators.
I know it's shallow but did anyone else think ALL the survivors looked better in China? When they first switched to L.A. I thought, "Who are these people?"

haha yes I totally agree! Even PG looked HOT when returning to the jury in China.

I thought amanda and courtney in particular looked horrible at the LA studio!
haha yes I totally agree! Even PG looked HOT when returning to the jury in China.

I thought amanda and courtney in particular looked horrible at the LA studio!

You know, now that you say that, I think a lot of them actually looked better when they were out there in the wild. Then when they came back it was scary! Makes me want to camp out with no food and shelter for a while and see if my looks improve. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

PS. I also thought Amanda was a lot prettier when she was in China. And was it just me or did Courtney look like Wynona Rider in the LA studio?


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