The NEW AP Rate Watch Thread, Are they out yet??

I have only received a postcard twice. Both came about 2 months after a WDW trip! So, I have never used a postcard rate. I could possibly get another one soon because I am going to WDW next week! ;)

I'd love to see an AP rate come out but I am thrilled to have a discount using the code from Mary's site.
Well, this might be bad news for the AP rates, but since I own both Disney and airline stock I am going for the good news side.

The USATODAY said that airlines and travel agencies are reporting a major upswing in bookings for summer travel this week. They state that this is due to two things (1) an airfare sale and (2) the winding down of the war.

The article went on to quote an airline guy as saying they were seeing a lot of people who indicated they had been holding off making plans to see how the war went.

If the airlines and Disney used the same polling agencies, Disney could be waiting for the same effect to see what it does to bookings before offering any additional discounts.
almost unhealthy amount of anger and frustration around these AP rates....

Really, I think you're overstating it a bit. I hardly think the posts on this thread are showing anything close to unhealthy anger or frustration. If you want to see unhealthy anger, go take a look at the early posts on the POFQ closing....;)

"There are rates available to everyone that are nearly as good as any AP rate ever was, book them"

Not true. The best current rate for WL for example is about $65 per night higher than my last AP rate for the same room. I can't speak to other rates, but I imagine they're no different.

I'm quite pleased with my current discount on our OKW villa. I doubt if the AP rates will be any better if they come out. However, I am very interested in what they plan on doing with AP discounts as it will play a major part in whether or not we renew. If we don't renew, we don't make any more multiple trips in one year. Sorry, but the savings on park admission isn't enough for us to purchase AP's. It's that way for many people. We don't purchase AP's because we make multiple trips. We make multiple trips because we purchase AP's. There's a big difference.
Originally posted by behappy
There are rates available to everyone that are nearly as good as any AP rate ever was, book them.

I would if they were offered for August:)
Actually there has been a lot of what I feel like is "indignation" in these threads which I just laugh at.

Nope, Disney does not owe you anything. The question is do you think it is worth the price. Without the discount you may not, that is fine.

A lot of people are like me and have APs with or without the room discount. I have a DVC memebership and stay at Disney enough on that to justify the AP.
In addition since I discovered Priceline, I find it hard to justify Disney's prices even with the AP discount except for special occasions (or maybe the AKL).

Now I don't have kids so that probably makes a difference. I don't care if my lodging has more people in suits and less of a kid friendly enviornment.
Hello all....I do like a spirited debate, so a little background info....Have been going to WDW since 11/11/78....our least 1 and sometimes 3 trips each year. Have learned over the years to save money when planning your trips a certain way....mainly not buying packages and booking almost everything by myself. I do not use a travel directly with Disney( so I save Disney a small commission)....but the way the annual pass program has changed. You used to be able to get the renewal rate on the pass and activate it on your next visit...but now, you have to continually renew and activate immediately to get the discount rate. Secondly, the Disney Club took over for the Magic Kingdom Club, and now both of these have fallen by the wayside. The Disney credit card was to give us all the discounts that we had with the Disney Club...which obviously it does not. If you paid with your American Express card for your hotel reservation you could get a 15% discount at Downtown that is no more.
I beg to differ, but I am a repeat guest....a very repeat guest and I do feel like people like myself, and I am not a minority when it comes to repeat guests should get some special rates...even if it is during there slow time of the year. That is just my opinion.....and Disney does reward certain repeat on the cruise line. If you are a repeat guest, you stand a chance of getting an upgrade over someone sailing for the first is a great company and I know sometimes they have to make corporate decisions that are not popular....and as I said, we will continue going back without the ap discounts...but with the state of the country and the economy, Disney should do something to jump start themselves again.
Now my hot button is pushed, LOL..... We have had passes for 12 yrs and NEVER get our Monitors until three weeks later than the rest of the world. They send them by third class mail which is less timely than the old Pony Express. I have offerred to pay my postage. I have offerred to receive it by email. I have begged, cried, written, called, yadda yadda. If they cannot do it right, they should not do it..........:confused:
No rates as of 7:55 AM EST, 4/18/03.

Now, if I can just interject for a moment? I come to this thread to see if AP rates are out yet and find that I have to weed thru lots of comments, opinions and speculation about them. I have no problem if someone wants to debate about this but can we keep it separate from the AP watch thread? Just my .02 but sometimes I have to search and search just to see if someone called and found out about them yet.

Again, just my .02 (donning my flame resistant suit) :)
Just my .02 worth too...but as long as the moderators don't see a problem neither do I. I guess you can always start another thread and ask in the beginning to only post concerning the AP discount status. Besides, my bet is whoever finds out first will start a new thread anyway announcing in all caps that they're finally out. To me that would be the quickest way to know anyway. That way it's sitting right there in the title and you don't have to even open the thread.

Looks like we're off the debate about AP's and on to the debate about whether we should debate or not.;)
I completely agree with Karen and A lost boy... Can we please just keep this thread as an AP watch, as it was originally intended?

Speculators ......It would be much appreciated if a new thread could be started.. It just seems there is too much negativity here !

Please do not flame me....I'd just like to have the opportuity to see the facts only.
My suggestion is not to worry. I figure that IF AP rates come out you will IMMEDIATELY see a new thread with the great news and either complaints or joy over the rates. That NEW thread is what I look for. I read this for entertainment.
My suggestion is not to worry. I figure that IF AP rates come out you will IMMEDIATELY see a new thread with the great news and either complaints or joy over the rates. That NEW thread is what I look for. I read this for entertainment.
This time we are paying $199 plus tax in April-May. I'm very happy with it!
Is this a code rate? If so, I'd appreciate it if you could share which code - either here or in a PM. The best I can find is $244 plus tax for May. Thanks.
Originally posted by DisneyKidds
Is this a code rate? If so, I'd appreciate it if you could share which code - either here or in a PM. The best I can find is $244 plus tax for May. Thanks.

No, not a code rate. My mother was fortunate enought to get a postcard and I applied it to our existing reservation. I had the code rate that you have before we got the postcard. The postcard cannot be shared by anyone as they have pins to them. Sorry.
I'm not really saying whether to debate or not, just wondering if we should just keep the debate separate from the AP watch, that's all. I don't care what anyone posts I just have a difficult time trying to read thru all the speculative posts to see if anyone has called and what they have found out. I'd be happy to start another post to just have people report what they heard when they called, that's all. :)

And I'm not really *worried* about not getting in on the rates I just was trying to see if anyone was interested in staying at the original topic of that post, that's all. I'm sure someone will post when the rates come out and we'll all be jumping on the phone lines. I guess it is just easier to look at a post and think "ok someone else just called, don't bother wasting my money this morning and calling myself", that's all.

I've started a new thread to post on calls made to the CRO and results.

Originally posted by skiwee1
That's great! Was that including tax? Mine was $174 not including tax with the public code for the Poly but that was regular season in May. I didn't think it could get much better then that. This time we are paying $199 plus tax in April-May. I'm very happy with it!:D

I think that is great...i got the 179 by checking in 2 days earlier than originally planned...caught the tail end of value season!!!i never thought i could get the poly so inexpensively so i was delighted!!!Have a Ball!!Stay in Fiji with the marina view...we were in 1314..had coffee each morning watching the little boats go by..what a great location::D
Originally posted by skiwee1
That's great! Was that including tax? Mine was $174 not including tax with the public code for the Poly but that was regular season in May. I didn't think it could get much better then that. This time we are paying $199 plus tax in April-May. I'm very happy with it!:D

I think that is great...i got the 179 by checking in 2 days earlier than originally planned...caught the tail end of value season!!!i never thought i could get the poly so inexpensively so i was delighted!!!Have a Ball!!Stay in Fiji with the marina view...we were in 1314..had coffee each morning watching the little boats go by..what a great location::D


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