The Running Thread - 2018

Todays QOTD, summer is officially over! While it may not feel that way yet to most of us in the southern states it is. lol Anyway, early this summer I asked what were your goals for the summer regarding running. How did you do?

A+++ since I never answered the question in the first place.

Actually, had I answered the QOTD back then, my goal would have been to get back to consistent training after five months off in the fall/winter (surgery and then broken wrist). To that end, I would say A- for the summer. I have run 50 of 94 days in the summer and logged 264 miles. July was a little weak, but I have been pretty consistent in August and September, so I am back to a full training schedule that feels normal.

Bonus Question of a personal note: For marathon weekend I have two options now resort wise. The option is Contemporary - Garden Wing, Standard View or Grand Floridian - Outer Bldg Lagoon View($117.00 ish cheaper) What says the DIS?

I am a sucker for the boardwalk resorts, so I have never stayed at any of the monorail results. That being said, I have visited the Contemporary a few times and have never felt the draw to stay there, so I would probably go with the Grand Floridian (although I have never set foot in the place).
ATTQOTD: I didn't set any goals when it came up before, but if I had, I'm pretty sure I'd get a D or an F!

I decided in July that I had absolutely no desire to train for my HM at the end of September, and I haven't run outside at all since running Beach to Beacon in the beginning of August due to a combination of getting sick a few days after the race, then terrible hot weather, then lack of anything to train for, even though the whole reason I had nothing to train for is because I didn't want to train for anything. :confused3

The only reason maybe I'd get a D is that I haven't completely fallen off the wagon and been inactive this whole time like has happened in the past. I have still been going to OTF 2-3x a week once I recovered from being sick. I usually get in about 1.5-2 miles of running during a class on top of the rowing and weight work.

My parents are here visiting this past week and this current week so it's hard to get into a groove, but they are going home on 10/1, and I have some goals in the running and diet department that I really need to address.
ATTQOTD: While I didn't get a terribly impressive number of miles in, I didn't do every run I scheduled, and I didn't completely avoid injury...I'm going to give myself an A-. The overarching goal/purpose of this summer was to learn the habit of running, and I feel like I've done that. Even after weeks where I get derailed due to schedule conflicts, bad weather, injury, or just not feeling up to it, in the time since I started running in June I've ingrained the habit of being awake and active early in the morning and learned how to pick back up and get back into it whenever I falter. And, too, when I had a real low due to a stress reaction in my shin and had to stop running for a couple weeks, it turned into a learning experience--I'm now better at listening to my body and I'm doing much better at setting realistic expectations for my training. I did a fun run last weekend but more or less ran it as if I were running a race I meant to PR, and was very happy with the effort I put forth, my ability to judge how much energy to reserve or expend at the beginning versus the end of the race, and with my overall pace once it was all done. It's given me more confidence ahead of the 5K race I'm doing next month.

I think the one area in which I'll ding myself is that I'd intended to have a training plan and tracking spreadsheet all set up by the beginning of September, but I've only just now started formatting it and filling in my previous runs. Haven't even looked at future plans; for the last month I've just been running however far I feel like running each weekend. That's probably fine for now, tbh, but I do want to have a firmer plan as I go into winter since I think bad weather will make it too tempting to keep the runs short if I don't have a plan.
@Miranda - how do you like OTF? I’m thinking of mixing that in if/when I get the all clear to help get back to a decent fitness level.

I know people love it - but I tried Camp Gladiator and hated it because I realized group workouts aren’t for me, so I’m hesitant ...
Todays QOTD, summer is officially over! While it may not feel that way yet to most of us in the southern states it is. lol Anyway, early this summer I asked what were your goals for the summer regarding running. How did you do?

ATTQOTD: A. :) I followed my DopeyBadger plan almost without variation and hit my paces in all runs except two. This was all leading up to the DC Ragnar, which starts on Friday!

These are not based on actual goals stated in the forum, but on post-goals, set after the fact. Post-goals are MUCH easier to obtain!

Consistency: B. I'm on week 12 of my non-marathon plan, and have only missed a couple of runs. I have slacked off on the pace a couple of times.

Speed: A. Successful 5K a couple of weeks ago.

Try new things: A. Swimming going OK and 3 weeks of yoga in a row.

Weight: D. About 7 pounds over what I should be, and not making much progress.

Marathon Weekend FOMO: F. I keep telling myself I'm on hiatus, and then I go to runDisney and check what Marathon Weekend events are still open and then check hotel prices.

Telling DW about FOMO: F. Nuff said.
@Miranda - how do you like OTF? I’m thinking of mixing that in if/when I get the all clear to help get back to a decent fitness level.

I know people love it - but I tried Camp Gladiator and hated it because I realized group workouts aren’t for me, so I’m hesitant ...
I love it, but I also love group exercise. :) I am more motivated in a group setting and having a class and a time specifically to go to makes me more likely to go to it for some reason. That was the whole reason that I joined my running group 2 years ago too, I wanted someplace that I had to be at, even though a lot of times I end up running by myself during the group runs. Even though I could totally cancel on group classes or group runs, I am much less likely to do so... although I can't just decide to bail out on an OTF class less than 8 hours before it without financial repercussions, unlike before when I would cross train with spin or BodyPump or what not at my old gym.

I love that I get some speedwork running in though, and also some weights and core which I never do on my own, and I love that the workouts are different every day. The head coach at our studio is great, too, and I schedule my classes around her schedule. I had a hard time juggling it during HM training because the first month the studio was open coincided with the last month of my HM plan and I was trying to follow my HM plan, but I also signed up for a challenge at the studio that required me to go 3x a week. It was new and hard for me to juggle everything, but I have a better handle on what to expect now, what makes me sore, how to modify things so I'm not wrecked for a long run, etc, and I think I could integrate it better into longer distance training now.

I feel like it has probably helped my running although if I was actually running outdoors right now, that would be more of a benchmark. But despite eating my way through spring half marathon training and then just... eating my way through summer, I still have improved my speeds on the treadmill and I am able to run for longer stretches than I used to be able to (I am usually a run/walk person when running outdoors). You have 3 paces on the treadmill that the workout revolves around, base, push, and all-out. When I first started, I was running (jogging) at a base pace of 4.0 mph, push at 5.0, and all-out at 6.0. Now I am doing between 4.7-5.0 for base, 5.7-6.0 for push, and 7.0-7.3 for all-out. Those speeds are not by themselves THAT impressive, but I feel like that's a pretty good improvement for me for 6 months of usually only 2x a week. :)
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ATTQOTD: I can't remember exactly what I wrote for my goal but I'm pretty sure it was to just focus on marathon training and run a lot. Which all things considering with the intensity of my summer (losing my mom, everything that comes with that, and the busiest months of work I've ever experienced) I'm kind of proud of myself for keeping at it. If life was different this year I would have kept a more precise training journal and strava log and updated everyone along the way much more. But I sort of unplugged and just worked, ran and was with family. And that's ok. So a gold star and an E for Effort.
Yes! 4 seems much more manageable than the 9 and 10 mile Wednesday runs later in the plan! 1 week at a time, right?

Fun fact: Those 9 and 10 mile runs are actually what scared me away from using a Higdon plan. I don't have 2 hours to run on a Wednesday. So I'm super impressed at people who carve out the time for those longer midweek runs.
Fun fact: Those 9 and 10 mile runs are actually what scared me away from using a Higdon plan. I don't have 2 hours to run on a Wednesday. So I'm super impressed at people who carve out the time for those longer midweek runs.

I hear ya. I'm not sure my body can take a 10 mile midweek run followed by 20 miles a few days later. Well at this point, I know I can't do that, but I should be able to by then, I guess??
I really debated between Higdon and modified-Galloway. I ended up with Higdon based on the longest run of 20 miles and more running during the week. I'll let you know how it worked on Sunday, Jan 13 around 3pm (post-nap ;) ).
Fun fact: Those 9 and 10 mile runs are actually what scared me away from using a Higdon plan. I don't have 2 hours to run on a Wednesday. So I'm super impressed at people who carve out the time for those longer midweek runs.

Not going to lie, I'm very excited that this Thur is my last weekday 10 miler for a while. Though I try to tell myself it's really just 8 miles since warmups and cooldowns are "nothing." I will say that I think I could use the extra sleep I have coming to me.
ATTQOTD: I can't remember exactly what I wrote for my goal but I'm pretty sure it was to just focus on marathon training and run a lot. Which all things considering with the intensity of my summer (losing my mom, everything that comes with that, and the busiest months of work I've ever experienced) I'm kind of proud of myself for keeping at it. If life was different this year I would have kept a more precise training journal and strava log and updated everyone along the way much more. But I sort of unplugged and just worked, ran and was with family. And that's ok. So a gold star and an E for Effort.

I think you're amazing and deserve all of the gold stars. :hug:
I hear ya. I'm not sure my body can take a 10 mile midweek run followed by 20 miles a few days later. Well at this point, I know I can't do that, but I should be able to by then, I guess??
I really debated between Higdon and modified-Galloway. I ended up with Higdon based on the longest run of 20 miles and more running during the week. I'll let you know how it worked on Sunday, Jan 13 around 3pm (post-nap ;) ).
It's not quite the same thing, but when I did my DB plan last spring for a half, my weeks always had a long-ish run on Friday before my long run on Saturday. Going from a "never back to back days" runner to that was a little scary but it actually wasn't that bad and I really felt like running kinda long followed by running long did lots of good things for my endurance. I have no doubt I would have crushed my PR if I wasn't 30 lbs heavier than when I set it.


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