The Running Thread - 2018

Random Question:

Are there ever discounts for Lululemon? Like a coupon code or special sale?
Or am I just going to have to pay full price?

Other than what someone else suggested it’s hard to get a deal. If you know exactly what style and size you need, you may be able to find New With Tag on eBay or poshmark type websites.

No rooting interest. I think Alabama will win and that it won’t be particularly close. However, I am a believer in conference skullduggery and as much as the crowds love to chant “SEC! SEC!” I’m pretty sure they want to be doing it for someone other than Alabama this year just to mix things up (As well as the opportunity for multiple schools making the playoffs being bolstered by an LSU win).

That’s not to say it’s the only way LSU could win. This is an 18-22-year-old labor force, you project performance at your own risk. Both schools appear to have their normal abundance of the most talented overlarge athletes available so nothing will be a surprise.
ATTQOTD: We have family members who graduated from Auburn so I have been taught to never pull for Alabama. It will be interesting to see if Tua will have to play the whole game though.
at least double fist IPA's on my walk to the stadium
I don't follow college ball so just a Go Chiefs! From me.

Waiting for them to break my heart like they do every year.
ATTQOTD (yesterday): closest I've gotten to a costume was my virtual Mr. Incredible (red shirt, black shorts) for the WDW 10k. I don't see myself doing costumes in the near future.

ATTQOTD (today): Not a college football fan, no preference.
ATTQOTD: I love the SEC and college football! I feel like Alabama will win, but sure hope for a good game!

On a side note, I wore a cheese head at the 5K this morning to go with my Swiss cheese T-shirt that paired with my friend’s wine outfit (instead of the chef hat). Got a lot of love for the Pack from mostly the CM’s! :love:
I'm a basic witch this year. Gotta just add a thermos of PSLs and wear my uggs. Right now I'm drinking at the bar with parents across from school prior to school pickup and trick or treating. Having a crispin cider. That's normal for a Wed, right?
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I just had to say how jealous I am that there is a bar across from your school. Best. Planning. Ever. (And best Wed.!)
Between Bama & LSU, I’ll be rooting for LSU. Bama will won any way.

But when it comes to college football, my actual rooting interest is

We are.. Penn State.
Just got finished with my first half! My brother (who ran with me) was nice enough to get a hotel about 1/2 miles from start line so we could sleep in and stay warm (48 degrees at start) , heading to the starting line 30 minutes before the start. Started in corral 4, crossing the start line 1 minute after the gun. After the first mile, we were at 8:30 pace due to the congestion, but we picked it up and ran the next three miles at 7:35. I was feeling great but this was too much for my brother and he started cramping, so we slowed down to an 8 minute pace for the next 4 miles. He still was having issues so he told me to just go. So in the spirit of Forrest Gump (we are in Savannah after all) , I just ran. I did the next 5 at a 7:44 pace (faster than my best 5k!!) and the last 0.1 at a 7:00 "sprint". My time: 1:43:23!!! Smashed my published goal of 1:57, and even my mental stretch goal of 1:50!
How to Ruin the Perfect Run AND Ruin Your Faith in Humanity in 30 Minutes

Today was the perfect running day in North Georgia. 45 degrees, no wind, beautiful fall foliage. I planned to do 12 miles. About 8 miles into the run I get a scam telemarketing call. They spoof a cell number with the same area code and exchange (NPA-NXX in telco lingo), making it look like a familiar number. They're robo-calls but they seem to interact with your responses. It's always either the robo-woman who has a problem with her headset or the robo-guy asking for Chrissie.

While getting my phone out of the pouch, I dropped my car key. It immediately disappeared in the grass and leaves. I spent 30 minutes on my hands and knees and could not find it. Luckily, DW was at home, so she was able to drop off a spare key at the car without too much hassle for her or me.

To Mr. Telemarketer: you take advantage of human nature to sell your ripoff product. I hope you spend eternity with a rock in your shoe, chafing underwear, and listening to 'It's a Small World' non-stop. And you mistake the capsaicin cream for Body Glide.

During the 30 minutes I spent on my hands and knees, at least 50 cars passed me. Not one stopped to see if I needed help. Most of them didn't even slow down or move over. I've run the same Saturday route for about 15 years, so I have to believe some of these people (if not most) have seen me running. I know people fake car trouble to rob people, but I'm in hi-visibility clothes, on my hands and knees, with no vehicle nearby. Wouldn't someone stop to see if I needed help?

For the 50 people that passed me and didn't stop: you don't deserve the same punishment as Mr. Telemarketer. I hope you get a hair in your food and step in a puddle in the kitchen and have to have soggy socks all day.

I still managed to get 9.5 miles in. I'll be going out this afternoon with a rake to see if I can find the key.

October Miles: 123.0
2018 Miles: 972.8

I recently returned from 10 days in Orlando. I ran 7 mornings (2x on the treadmill at HRH Orlando and 5x around SSR) for a total of 36 miles (9 treadmill and 27 pavement). Including my morning runs and time in the parks, I averaged 27k+ steps each day. Training for running on tired legs complete!

Tomorrow my long runs enter unknown territory for me. Only 5 long runs between 15-20 miles separate me from my first full marathon! After my recent “test” of marathon training while vacationing in Orlando, I am feeling more confident about race day.
ATYQOTD: Works been crazy, getting ready to leave on family vacation to Orlando / Universal next Friday! Need to have everything done before I leave so haven’t been on here much. Also, not a college football fan, so yay, the 49ers actually won a game! Thursday night football was the best game of the year so far!

For those that wear Saucony Guides, Zulilly has them for $59-$79!

ETA: they have some Triumphs too!


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