The Running Thread -- 2022

@OldSlowGoofyGuy and @Mr_Incr3dible there is a 5k for dogwood festival (i am either doing it or hiking) April 9 at Piedmont park and then April 30 is 5k at Centennial Park (if i don't do dogwood i think i am doing this one). Then i am still hoping for the Dam Race on May 7.

If they change the WDW Marathon proof of time to be 4:30 i am signing up for the Hotlanta Half. I am not looking forward to it because it will be hot but it is the only half i can find that works in my schedule to try and get proof of time.
Spent a lot of time in the car this past week and stumbled upon this podcast with the Dopey Challenge winner, Brittany Charboneau. I found it to be a very interesting listen so thought I'd share. A few tidbits that I remember is that she also hates tempo runs and the long boring highway stretches.

I follow her on Instagram, she is great! I love that even though she's very fast, she always seems to have fun during her races and she has a great sense of humor.
@OldSlowGoofyGuy and @Mr_Incr3dible there is a 5k for dogwood festival (i am either doing it or hiking) April 9 at Piedmont park and then April 30 is 5k at Centennial Park (if i don't do dogwood i think i am doing this one). Then i am still hoping for the Dam Race on May 7.

If they change the WDW Marathon proof of time to be 4:30 i am signing up for the Hotlanta Half. I am not looking forward to it because it will be hot but it is the only half i can find that works in my schedule to try and get proof of time.
Hmm. On spring break for Dogwood festival, and not inclined to drive all the way to Cent Park for a 5k (it's close to an hour for me). I know, I did for the Pi Mile, but that's my alma mater.
I didn't know about the Hotlanta Half, but the course info has my interest. I'll have to look into it.
I was looking at the Cookie Crusher 5k/half in Cumming on May 1st. I want to go review the course and see what I think of it.

June heat in Atlanta? Meh. I've seen woise (in my best Miracle Max voice). ;-)
Did my second C25k yesterday. Nothing really interesting about it since it was the same workout. I did make it a little further this time by ~0.5 miles. Next run tomorrow and will be the same steps until I get to day 4. I guess the good thing is these first few workouts are easy thus far.

Congrats....and like your new avatar.
That was my actual EKG print out while at the hospital showing my AFib. Hope I never see one of my own EKG's show the same result again. I'm told I will one day, but I sure hope not.
I interpreted it as you working to keep your heart healthy and also not give up your running--clearly I am not a cardiologist!

That was the idea as well. I dont think most folks would know any difference either. I had to ask my wife what on this piece of paper is different from "normal". To my best understanding all the little ups and downs between the big ones should not look like that lol. Having said that, I could still be wrong, but I know the doctor and nurses did not like seeing something on there.
QOTD! Ok so it's 2 questions.

If you set goals for 2021 (in the 2021 thread or just on your own), how did you do? What did they teach you about yourself?

What are your running goals for 2022? Big or small, share them all!

Getting into the action late here lol. Guess I have a few goals, so I will list them in order.
1. Complete C25k
2. Sub 25 min 5k in 2022
3. Run a unofficial half marathon in 2022.
4. Lose 40 lbs in 2022.
Week one of c25k is done. Saturday should start week 2!

Next Friday is a big day regarding doctor appointments. Meeting with a cardio guy who is also a runner, and hopefully I get the all clear or at least a plan to return to double digit miles one day. Not that it matters at the moment, but the current limit is one hour and I'm not getting anywhere near 10 miles in that time frame. I am already very nervous about that appointment.
Peachtree RR sign up was this week, so we signed up for Triple-Peach: Peachtree 10K, Atlanta 10 miler, Thanksgiving Half. Hoping to do W&D in November if registration goes well, and, of course, the Lake Hartwell Dam Run 5k/10K May 7. :cool1:
I'll see you at Peachtree and the 10 miler! (I'm going to assume I got into the Peachtree because I submitted a decent half marathon time. I've found a submitted time helps your chances of getting in b/c they want to fill corrals A & B with runners). I'll have to wait to see about Thanksgiving plans, always my wild card.
I saw a new doctor this week, and she has a new plan for helping with my knee. I of course asked about running, and she said that's fine, but to cap it at 5k max 2-3 times per week, and preferably all on the treadmill, or a route I know has no downhills. This kind of derails the training plan I was following, but it's for the best I guess. I'll continue the same "layout", but with shorter runs to make sure I don't loose the consistency I've managed to get to. I'm hopeful in 4 weeks I'll be able to get back to it with no pain.

Lessons learned - don't undertrain and then do a rundisney challenge, and don't ignore weight training.
I'll see you at Peachtree and the 10 miler! (I'm going to assume I got into the Peachtree because I submitted a decent half marathon time. I've found a submitted time helps your chances of getting in b/c they want to fill corrals A & B with runners). I'll have to wait to see about Thanksgiving plans, always my wild card.
I've never been able to get into the A group. I managed the B group back in the 90s. As I would tell people, I could at least see Kenyans, if only for a few minutes...
Deciding whether or not to sign up this summer. Pending. I should wind up in somewhere around D this year, I think.

One of my favorite Peachtree memories was maybe the 40th anniversary and they had up front the original runners, or some of their family members running for them. I was wandering around the Lenox parking lot and saw their "Original runner" shirts and started talking to them. One of the guys seemed close to my age and when I noted that, he said that he was 12 when he ran the first Peachtree. Cool.
QOTD: I know we are all really good at runstigating, encouraging people to sign up for races they are unsure about. Anybody have any *good* stories of a time they *resisted* signing up for a race and had no regrets? I swore up and down, MW 2022 would be my last marathon. But I got a few emails reminding me the NYC Marathon lottery is open, and I started thinking about it. I should NOT register for this lottery. I was very satisfied with the idea that I was done with marathons. The training is time- and attention-consuming. I'm tired. For NYC in particular Staten Island is a pain to get to. I have a large marathon here in town that has a start line I can comfortably walk to (IF I were ever to run the marathon again, which I won't). I'm kind of looking forward to not having marathon training hanging over my head for a while. Ever. I mean ever.

Give me your good stories of saying No and meaning it!
QOTD: I know we are all really good at runstigating, encouraging people to sign up for races they are unsure about. Anybody have any *good* stories of a time they *resisted* signing up for a race and had no regrets? I swore up and down, MW 2022 would be my last marathon. But I got a few emails reminding me the NYC Marathon lottery is open, and I started thinking about it. I should NOT register for this lottery. I was very satisfied with the idea that I was done with marathons. The training is time- and attention-consuming. I'm tired. For NYC in particular Staten Island is a pain to get to. I have a large marathon here in town that has a start line I can comfortably walk to (IF I were ever to run the marathon again, which I won't). I'm kind of looking forward to not having marathon training hanging over my head for a while. Ever. I mean ever.

Give me your good stories of saying No and meaning it!
This might be a bit cheating because I did register for a race in the end but it was not the marathon. You’re 100% right about the time commitment a marathon requires. It also requires a heck of a lot of self motivation so if you're not totally emotionally invested, registering for a marathon can be a huge mistake.

Last year my family was planning a trip to WDW that would begin on marathon Sunday. On the one hand, the timing would work out perfect and I had a fabulous time when I ran that marathon in 2018. Plus, those Mickey medals 😍. However, I had to be honest with my self and my life schedule wasn't going to allow for the training. I had a big once in a lifetime vacation already booked for early December and that was the priority. In the end, I moved my Disney vacation up a day so I could run the half and I do not regret it at all. Sure, I was a little jealous of everyone's Mickey finisher ears that Sunday, but I knew I had made the right decision and even with the ear-envy, I never once regretted or had a second thought about my decision to not run that marathon.

Also slightly relevant here is my first marathon back in 2012. I had run a couple of halves and even though I enjoyed running, my motivation was lacking. The younger and dumber version of myself thought that registering for a marathon would serve as good motivation. It wasn't. That first marathon was an absolute suffer fest because I wasn't adequately trained. I swore up and down I was never going to run a marathon again. I wouldn't say I regret that race because I definitely learned a lot but I do wish I had been fully committed to my first marathon so it was a better experience.

If you think you're done with marathons or don't have the time/dedication to train for such an event, take some time away from the distance. You won't regret it. The marathon will be there if you ever change your mind.
ATTQOTD: most of my race resistance comes in the form of virtual races. Social media loves to show me ads from all the various virtual race companies with all sorts of races that hit my interest buttons. So I have to resist signing up for a million things just because it’s a cool medal.

Having all my runs through Wine & Dine planned out helps me with this. If I see a really cool medal, I check my schedule to see if I’m running on that race day, and if my scheduled distance is close to the race distance. If the answer is “no” then I don’t sign up. If the answer is “yes” then I might.
ATTQOTD: For me it's triathlons. I have done two--a sprint and a half Ironman. And as it happens, I age-group placed in both. This always presents me with a dilemma--if I'm "pretty good" can I be better? And if I can do a half IM, would I think the unthinkable and try to do a full? But it turns out, I just don't like triathlons. I'm not a great swimmer, I'm meh on a bike, and running has typically saved me. It would take a lot of hard work, and why would I do that. I just decided I had nothing to prove to myself. I have never done another tri,nor do I intend to.
ATTQOTD: This always presents me with a dilemma--if I'm "pretty good" can I be better? And if I can do a half IM, would I think the unthinkable and try to do a full?
This is definitely part of it. I'm not even "pretty good", and will never age-group place. But I have been steadily improving at the marathon distance, by leaps and bounds, thanks to @DopeyBadger , and it does make you wonder, "How much could I continue to improve?" But I just scratched and clawed to get a sub-5 hour marathon, and there is no way I'm going sub-4, so what now.

I'd love to understand the psychology of this, but the fact that it's a lottery, that you are not likely to actually get in, makes it *more* appealing when you don't really know if you want to do it. Like, there is no way I'd even think of straight-up registering for a marathon right now. But the fact that I'm not likely to get in makes me more willing to just throw in. Why? I don't want to do it. I'd say people are stupid but no need to paint everybody else with such a broad brush. Just me.


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