Universal Studios Chat 6

OMG! I went to the bridal shower for my friend's daughter. I talked to the mother of the groom who hired me to videotape the wedding and reception. She is going to pay me $200!!!! Not bad for a first recording job, huh?! I'm so excited! :hyper:

Now I just need to use Pinnacle Studio 8 more so I get the hang of it so I can create a worthy product...well, it BETTER be worth $200! :o
Seagulls, and Pandas, and Mutants!!!! OH MY!!!!! LOL......:p

.....Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.........:p

Hey Fly Fly, did your dad get out of jury duty?
SpideyHulk - my dad called and it sounded like they'd try to work it out with us...but he had to send in the form and get it approved.

BUT, he found out the offices are closed on Veteran's Day...so if he doesn't get excused, he'll only miss out on November 10, and will still be able to be with us for my birthday. :)

Anyway, SpideyHulk, for the video, try right-clicking and saving target as on the second link.
It sounds like it's all going to work out for you! Yeah!


It is so slow still...must be because all the kids are off for half-term holidays. More than 3 hrs to download the video (so haven't seen it yet) - checking with daywalker to see if it did actually take that long.

So glad your dad is going to be with you for your birthday - that's really nice - 16 is a rather special one!:D
Flyfly.......have you seen any trailers for the "Cat-in-the-hat" movie....and what did you think? My daughter was asking me about it a little while ago....It's premier is in a couple of weeks isn't it? :D
OK everyone this is it: My first videography job is tomorrow. My mom is taking me to Bealls for a very professional looking outfit and I will be using my old camcorder for an out-of-zoom shot, and using Kevin's camcorder for a more creative shot...using zoom, at least :p The trouble is, I like to use photos in my videos, but....I can't do everything at once! Ahhhh!! Control two camcorders AND take pictures...dangit...that's gonna prove to be hard. ;)

Oh well! We're also buying a tripod which will take care of at least one of the things. I'm a bit nervous though...it's a wedding and not (usually) something that someone would live through again, so I gotta make this perfect. Dangit...I'm a perfectionist. :p

I'm going to have to sit through a long boring Catholic mass (mind you, I'm Catholic) before the wedding. This will be an (almost) all day project. Reason why I'm not at Universal this weekend! Bummer!! :( But I'm excited about this tomorrow!

Anyway, G2G for now. Wish me luck! I'll tell you how it goes when I get back! The wedding isn't until 5PM, then we have the reception and all...so it'll be pretty late before I'll be on.

Ciao! :wave:
OMG it NOVEMBER!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

That means: I have my first videography job today, my birthday is in 10 days, my birthday trip is in 7, may get to meet wendypooh around Thanksgiving, plus, after Thanksgiving is Christmas mania!!!! :p

But mostly I'm excited about the first three as of right now b/c they are the closest at the moment!!

:bounce: :hyper: :bounce: :hyper:
Hi Flyfly.....hope it all goes well tonight. What are you wearing I wonder? I expect the weather is wonderfully warm too!
Yes....not long before your birthday. A little pressie in the post next week...hope it gets to you in time as we have a postal strike that is escalating right across the Country. Will be posting on Tuesday. :D Going out tonight with a friend to TGI Fridays - a bit like HR Cafe...so should be lots of fun!!! May be on later....depends how late I get home....;) If not, definitely on tomorrow afternoon/evening.
Hey Selina! :)

Well, we're going to Bealls right now...we're thinking along the lines of a pantsuit, or jacket and skirt type thing...professional and sleek. But, since I'm only 5'1" that may not work out because I'll have no time for alterations...but we'll see!! I'll let you know when we get back!

I always love an excuse to buy more clothes! :laughing:

I'll be on later! TTYL!!!! :tongue:
Good Luck Clare! Hope the wedding goes well. You will be great!:)
OK, just bought the outfit. It's a black pinstripe jacket and skirt combo. We bought a pink sleeveless top to go underneath (in case it gets hot). We found a cute simple pair of black highheels.

We bought 6 tapes, a few rolls of film, and a tripod and extra battery for the camcorder (just in case).

I'm so excited! :bounce:
OK, just got back from the wedding and reception. Everything went great!!! I got some wonderful footage between the two camcorders we used (Kevin's for the fancy zooming in and out stuff and ours for the zoomed out shot (since our zoom is broken...lol)). Plus took some still pictures as well.

Well, we are going to go to the groom's parents' house for visiting and everything. I'm getting pictures developed tomorrow...maybe I'll post a picture of me in my professional outfit.

Ooooh!!! There was an annoying professional photographer who didn't care about getting in my way at all. Got on my nerves but I just let it go. BUT he left in the middle of the reception before the cutting of the cake!! Well, I was videotaping the groomsmen acting like idiots on the dance floor and they stop to do the cutting of the cake. The DJ guy said to make sure not to get in the way of the "professional videographer" That's ME!!!!! :Pinkbounc I have it on video too....so cool!!

LOL, now I REALLY have to go!! TTYL!!!!!

Hi Clare,

Wow, this is a long thread!! Glad to hear the wedding went so well. Good for you. Have you decided what you want for your b-day?? having 3 boys....... I'm not so good with the teen girl stuff! :( but for my oldest b-day, we paid for half of his insurance............ my middle, who turns 16 over t-giving, is wanting to get his lic. too......... UHHHH, but, I guess I have no choice...... ha! and he wants shoes......??? guess it's a boy thing? Of course he'll be at his dad's house for his b-day, so unfortunetly you won't get to meet him or his brother....... ;)

I still am not sure of the days........ but it will be the week after t-giving...... what is your school schedule??? will you be off the week after? I'm so excited to be going back........ it's always better when it's spur of the moment!!

Well......... I'm going to soak in the tub......... it's been a long weekend already......... my baby has "scared" me for 3 days now...... he still wants it to be halloween...... LOL! he was really into it this year. Yep, he was spongebob, of course!!! anyway, see ya later! OH, my son is taking his sat's too........ my oldest did last year, and he might take them again...... he's not sure yet, but probably will, just to see if he scores higher..... he did really well, he got a 1220, which I think is pretty good!!!! I hope his brother does that good.

OK good night!
Of course he'll be at his dad's house for his b-day, so unfortunetly you won't get to meet him or his brother.......

Well shucks! ;) :p Maybe some other time...:smooth:

Anyway, I don't get the week after Thanksgiving off from school, but maybe I can take a day off anyway. :) I'll have a free excused absence to use!

Anyway, I was wanting a camcorder for Christmas and I think my parents and I decided that instead of a birthday present we may TRY to get the camcorder before my trip. They don't have all the money for it (b/c we paid for the hotel rooms already and have meals to worry about and blah blah blah) so I'd have to lend them my $200 from my job this evening. My mom says she'll pay me back...but I don't know...I don't trust her ;) I have my reasons!! :p
Glad you had a good time. Post the pic of you all dressed up in your pinstripe suit!! Speak soon,:D
Ah Clare! They are lovely pics.....very mature and professional looking...sexy (wow!!!) in pic 2......think you should give that one to your fave GB!! Have a feeling a few guys (mentioning no names!! ;) will be drooling.....no kidding! :D

I've got quite a lot of nursery stuff to prepare for tomorrow - on for a few more mins, then will have to go - will try to be on again later before bed.


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