Universal Studios Chat 6

Ooooh Selina! I said no teasing! ;) :rotfl: Anyway, thanks. :)

I got more pictures where I was standing, but I guess I forgot to drop off that roll of film...oops...maybe if I find that I'll get it developed...but I had just gotten developed a roll of film from LAST DECEMBER! :eek: It was black and white with various pictures including some (very few) of Grinchmas. Boy, I'm glad I FINALLY got those!
Fly Fly-

Great pics of you! You look great!!!! Glad to hear it went well. I know what you mean about those professional photographers. The one at my wedding was the biggest pain!!!!!

Thanks for sharing!:D
lol, glad it's not just me who feels those photographers are a pain. They just don't think wice about getting in the way...stepping in the middle of the aisle to get a picture during the ceremony or stepping in front of guests (or friends and family members videotaping ;)) blocking their view.

I still can't believe he didn't stay for the cutting of the cake, the garter and bouquet toss, and the formal exit. Quite strange!!

Anyway, thanks for the compliments. :) Though I may look professional in those pictures I did kind of dropped my things when "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!" came on...and I just *had* to somehow get my GB fix...so I just...kinda did the dances moves....:rotfl: I'm sure I looked like an idiot...even worse: My mom took the camcorder and videotaped it. :eek: Um...before you even ask....you are NOT seeing it! :p :p :p
This being Sunday, I was expecting to hear about the big fancy spread you put on for dinner! Football season is finally over for my son's team and I am trying to get back in the swing of cooking.

Since we are experiencing a bit of Indian Summer (hope that phrase does not offend anyone) here, I decided to fire up the grill. My son and I prepared burgers from ground buffalo meat and they were really good. I was skeptical about buffalo to start with, but now it is the preferred red meat in our house. I first tried it at The Cowboy Club in Sedona Arizona. Buffalo islow in fat, lower than chicken and turkey in fact, and is quite tasty if you prepare it properly. Since the fat content is so low, you need to cook it slowly and keep it moist while cooking.

How about anyone else? I'd love to hear what you all are cooking.
I put up a fight with my parents about seeing it...and they saw me dancing at the reception! :p I'll have to think about it...I look like a complete moron!!! :rotfl:
Argh! How about I going to survive this week! It's going to be one looooooong week, let me tell you! It'll have been 2 weeks since I've been to Universal when I go on Saturday...and 3 weeks since I've seen the Ghostbusters! :eek: :laughing:

But this upcoming trip is where I'm going to get a huge bulk of crap for my website. :) Lots of pictures, information, etc. I can't wait! I'll even spend time at IOA!!!!! (Can you believe it?!)

Anyway, at least I don't think I have any tests this week (3 last week...yuck). So hopefully it'll be an easy week....Hopefully...

I need some advice. I have my $200 from my videography job. To spend or not to spend? That is the question at hand!! If I spend, on what shall I spend it? :p I'm thinking of saving it, but then again...I have decided to decorate my room to be US/IOA themed. Usings pictures I've taken of the parks (blow-up poster size :)) and getting some nic-nacs from the parks...hmmmmmmm...maybe I should invest in little nic-nacs for each ride at the parks. :scratchin But $200 worth?!
Clare, have your mom take a pic of you and your fav. GB guy...... then get it poster size in black and white, then frame it for your room!!!!!!!!! I love anything in black/ white. We had an "exciting" day today, my little one fell off his bike, cut a gash in his chin, and got 5 stitches.............. it was horrible!!!!! I feel so bad for him, it kills me. He is fine though, tough, like his big brothers!!! :) still, it was horrible.

I'mgonnabe40........ it's HOT here too, in la. we've been cooking out a lot, mostly chicken, but we had steaks the other day........ man, every once in awhile, I just crave a good steak!!!! Yum. I kinda wish it would cool off a little bit. I must be in the dark, I've never heard of buffalo burgers?? although we eat a lot of "mud bugs" here......... lol, it's crawfish........ and before anyone says..."eww" dey, be sooo good, cha!! LOL..... yup, we're a bunch of crazy cajuns!!!

SO.......... anyways, clare......... I'm with Spidey...... let's see that video!!!
IMGONNABE40..Hello....Didn't have big roast this Sunday as I took kids to see "Finding Nemo" , so we had a butterbasted turkey breast with new potatoes and sprouts tossed in onion and chestnuts and 2 yorkshire puds.

Hi Flyfly.....finally on again. Phone keeps ringing and knocking me off! I went out with a friend Saturday to TGI Fridays - loads of fun - quite a few parties and they were all getting high on the helium from the balloons and massive cocktails!!:p Jessica's list was wonderful....I tried so many different ones!!!!!
I think you should save half and spend half - treat yourself to something that you would not normally afford to buy so easily.

P.S. I can just imagine your parents videoing you!! It's up to you whether you post it - only if you don't mind the teasing you'll probably get from Spidey and co!!!
lol hey Selina!! :) Yeah, I'm debating whether or not to show the clip. I figured it's the same moves from the Shania Twain music video (but I never saw it) but I'm sure she looked better doing it. :p :p

Glad you had a great time at TGI Fridays. :)

Sorry to hear about your little one. As a parent, I know how hard it can be to see your little one in pain.

Fly Fly- To spend or save???? Do both, spend $100 and save $100. With your ap discount, do you know how many nic nacs you can get!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Also, I'm still waiting for that clip!!!!!!;)


That's true SpideyHulk...that COULD be a lot of nic-nacs! :teeth: Sounds good to me!!

I'll have to watch the clip again and see about posting it. Bad thing about internet: ANYONE can see it :laughing:
Awww Wendy, sorry to hear about your little guy :( I hope he's feeling better soon! Hate when they get hurt!
Hi..Fly fly: loads of work to do but after next Tuesday it will ease off until Christmas things begin end of the month.

So what have you decided - save a bit and spend a bit?
Posted your pressie lunch-time, but read in the paper because of the postal strike - there is a backlog of post - they went back to work yesterday - so I'm really sorry if it doesn't get to you in time.

Not long now......are you going out with any friends to celebrate your birthday without your parents? I think you need to get out and about a bit more......GB's are cute...but there are also a helluva lot of goregeous guys out there too you know just waiting for a little Flyfly!!;)
Won't be able to get together with any friends. Since I'm at Universal for the weekend through my birthday, there's no time. We couldn't afford to take any friends with us for 4 days (plus they probably wouldn't enjoy it like I would!!). I need to make some friends in the Orlando area :rolleyes: :p
Oh no...I didn't mean the weekend of your birthday or on it as that's when you are at Universal with your parents - I meant this week or after your birthday next week.....:D
Yep. :) Many of my friends are too busy these days...don't get much time to hang out. I may try calling up one of my friends sometime, but I had forgotten her birthday :-)eek: but then remembered and then forgot to call her). So, I''d feel bad to have her celebrate mine when I didn't celebrte hers.

But, no one shares my love of Universal over here, so...sometimes I'd rather hang out here on the boards. My parents admit that "My Life is all at Universal" anymore. :p How true it is...:)


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