Useless Facts/Chit Chat Thread

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Yahoooo! Summer is almost here.
We pick up our new hybrid TT on Thursday ~ just a "little" excited!
We try to have family movie night once a week. Tonight we watched Planet Earth (BBC version). We watched the first disc and it was amazing! It makes you realize that there is a whole different world happening right around you.

Kinda like the Fort at night when all is quiet and you have some alone time to reflect. :)
Wow, what a day!! Starts with all the stuff happening last night, that spilled over to today. I was just getting caught up on both boards, when my dad calls and wants me to take him to the ER.... Well 8 hrs later, and he is admitted with what they think is Pnuemonia.... Now back to trying to catch up.
Wow, what a day!! Starts with all the stuff happening last night, that spilled over to today. I was just getting caught up on both boards, when my dad calls and wants me to take him to the ER.... Well 8 hrs later, and he is admitted with what they think is Pnuemonia.... Now back to trying to catch up.

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Prayers sent your way!
Soooooo true!! It's funny; I stress about all the running here and there with kids, trying to work out logistics and be 3 different places at the same time for 3 different kids, yet the first time I watched my oldest DD drive away on her own, I was wishing to turn back the hands of time and be the one driving her again.

That song "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney comes to mind because life sure does go by too fast ~ it seems one minute your changing their diapers, the next minute they are driving away on their own.

sniff, sniff, okay, now I've gone and got myself all verklempt. I need a tissue.

I distinctly remember the day my oldest drove off after we returned home from his passing his road test. It's one of those moments that changes your entire family dynamics. No turning back. I wasn't the mom with the kids who depended entirely on her for everything. It was like watching him drive out of childhood. ..and I helped him do it. What was I thinking? It almost physically hurt. My daughter to this day..actually doesn't like to drive that much. She'll gladly accept a ride even though she has her own car. There's alot of traffic where we live, and she's just not always comfortable driving. My youngest son..who takes his road test next month...well, that boy..he's my baby. He's not waiting on anyone..he's not afraid of anything...and he's...gonna be drivin' away soon. :sad1:
Jeeze..I'm gonna go blow my nose.
Wow, what a day!! Starts with all the stuff happening last night, that spilled over to today. I was just getting caught up on both boards, when my dad calls and wants me to take him to the ER.... Well 8 hrs later, and he is admitted with what they think is Pnuemonia.... Now back to trying to catch up.

I hope your dad is on a speedy recovery.:flower3:
I distinctly remember the day my oldest drove off after we returned home from his passing his road test. It's one of those moments that changes your entire family dynamics. No turning back. I wasn't the mom with the kids who depended entirely on her for everything. It was like watching him drive out of childhood. ..and I helped him do it. What was I thinking? It almost physically hurt. My daughter to this day..actually doesn't like to drive that much. She'll gladly accept a ride even though she has her own car. There's alot of traffic where we live, and she's just not always comfortable driving. My youngest son..who takes his road test next month...well, that boy..he's my baby. He's not waiting on anyone..he's not afraid of anything...and he's...gonna be drivin' away soon. :sad1:
Jeeze..I'm gonna go blow my nose.

Boy oh boy ~ if we're like this now, auntie, what are we gonna be like when we're empty nesters?
Can someone get the mommies some tissues please? lol
Wow, what a day!! Starts with all the stuff happening last night, that spilled over to today. I was just getting caught up on both boards, when my dad calls and wants me to take him to the ER.... Well 8 hrs later, and he is admitted with what they think is Pnuemonia.... Now back to trying to catch up.

I'm sorry John....I hope he gets better soon !!
Thanks guys, he should be fine, docs just being cautious.... I hope.
Wow John, first you feel terrible, then your dad. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope your dad feels better soon, too. :goodvibes
Wholly Cow John.....maybe its just the same virus you had and will be gone soon.

Auntie and 3gr8kids....ya'll got to knock this OFF!!! Man, How do you think a daddy feels when he knows his little girl has fallen in love with some POS that aint even worthy of being on the same planet as your baby girl, but you cant stop it from happening??? To have to swallow the fact that your precious little boo-boo has found a "man" whom she feels is worthy of leaving her daddy for, when daddy nows he's gonna break his litlle girls heart-but shes just gonna forgive him over and over. Man, with all the technology in the world....cant they make a "dont grow up, stay my little girl" potion????
Ok speaking of babies my dd JUST called me and told me she was going to have one...:banana:

I can't beleive I'm going to be a grandma, or nana or gramma or whatever.
This was totally unexpected, she's only three months along so she's got a long rode ahead of her, I'm busting to tell everyone but she wants to keep it under wraps until her husbands family knows.

Geez life is good right now, I feel so happy ! :love:

YaY!! Congrats Grammie & family! This is good news and not a useless fact or chit chat! This is the kind of spontaneous information we LOVE to hear!

Praying all goes well, Terri!
Wow, what a day!! Starts with all the stuff happening last night, that spilled over to today. I was just getting caught up on both boards, when my dad calls and wants me to take him to the ER.... Well 8 hrs later, and he is admitted with what they think is Pnuemonia.... Now back to trying to catch up.

John- I'm praying everything's okay with your dad. Back in '04 I unknowingly walked around with pneumonia for an estimated 3 months. I went to the ER by ambulance because it put me in congestive heart failure & I literally couldn't breathe. Talk about being scared - you know what!! I hope they caught your dad's problem early on & that he's back to himself in no time.

BTW - I haven't been ignoring your website - I just don't have too much time to spend both here & there.

Here's a great big :hug: for you & your dad!
I distinctly remember the day my oldest drove off after we returned home from his passing his road test. It's one of those moments that changes your entire family dynamics. No turning back. I wasn't the mom with the kids who depended entirely on her for everything. It was like watching him drive out of childhood. ..and I helped him do it. What was I thinking? It almost physically hurt. My daughter to this day..actually doesn't like to drive that much. She'll gladly accept a ride even though she has her own car. There's alot of traffic where we live, and she's just not always comfortable driving. My youngest son..who takes his road test next month...well, that boy..he's my baby. He's not waiting on anyone..he's not afraid of anything...and he's...gonna be drivin' away soon. :sad1:
Jeeze..I'm gonna go blow my nose.

I had to go blow my nose after reading that! And now I can't get that "Don't Blink" song out of my head. I think I'll go find someplace to drive my kids to today...
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