Useless Facts/Chit Chat Thread

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This thread made a comeback! I'm so proud! Let me sum up:

Leisa, cool pics!!!!! How exciting and fulfilling your work must be!

Pete, be safe and have a good trip! Check in if you are able!

Childhood memories....hmmmmmm......some of my fondest are of Disney. My Grandparents were snowbirds and went to the Keys every winter. We would go visit them and then head to WDW pretty much every year. I grew up in Annapolis, so my summers were filled with the beach. I used to swim everywhere!
My other favorite summertime activity was to go to my Aunt and Uncle's farm in Jarettesville, MD. They lived in a gorgeous 200 year old stone farmhouse that had a pond and several other "houses" that once had been slaves' quarters. The main house was quirky....the lights flickered, it had all sorts of nooks and cubbys to hide in. When something strange would happen in the house, my Uncle told me it was the ghost of Ben, a slave who, although lived a hard life, had a gentle spirit and loved me dearly. He was saying 'Hi'. One of the cubbies was actually a magical transporter. I could sit in there and go wherever I wanted. Another country, another Uncle would join me...we traveled the world together! He was the first person to ever take me fishing, he taught me about all the animals on his farm and together we explored the woods surrounding his home. My uncle died when I was 14 and my aunt has sold the house. I just know that one day I'll go back and take a look around, but for now, those are some of my most cherished memories.
Don't you just love childhood memories. What a great uncle you had. Sounds like some fun summers.
Hey Poly, ready for that big sleepover tonight. I'll be in your area for Girl's Night Out tonight so if the sleepover is more than you can handle give me a call and i'll swing over with drinks.

Ha ha! I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be! These girls are definitely high energy! Although, it will only be 2 extra. Lexi is much more of a tomboy and prefers to be out climbing trees with the boys.

I've been baking her cake this morning. Four layers of rainbow colors and blue sky icing with white puffy clouds.

Have fun tonight! If I go stir crazy I might run away and join you!:laughing:

I guess I really can't, though :sad1: . I had girl's night last night (aka book club) and band practice the night before, so I suppose I should be present for my DDs party :rolleyes1 You all are more than welcome to join the fun! :laughing: I'd even provide drinks!

Are you ready for your party this weekend?
Yes, i'm ready 3 year olds are easier to please than 9 year olds. We're just having cake and ice cream with family after church. Although when i say family i have 3 sisters and 1 brother and my husband has 3 brothers so i still will have a house full.
Yes, i'm ready 3 year olds are easier to please than 9 year olds. We're just having cake and ice cream with family after church. Although when i say family i have 3 sisters and 1 brother and my husband has 3 brothers so i still will have a house full.

Sounds good! I'll be in Hiwassee tomorrow. I don't remember the name of the road.:confused3
I'm soo jealous..reading about birthday's for little kids. My youngest is 16..soon to be 17. He wants a "car" for his birthday..I remember when they were match box ones:rolleyes1 ...sheesh. I was watching him play Lacrosse yesterday. Out on a field..cold, overcast sky..wind blowing. Honestly..and don't tell him..but I don't even think I was watching the game..just watching him. Feeling sorry for myself that he's grown.:sad1: Then he gave mom one of those half waves with his stick..and the typical teenage greeting with the "chin". This is almost NEVER done in high school! I actually looked behind me to see if he was motioning to someone else:confused: ..figuring it was a GIR!...YUK!:scared: Nope..just me. I swear..I had to resist from running out on the field and hugging him.:lovestruc I was good though.. didn't move..just gave him the "chin" back. That's "cool" right?.
I'm soo jealous..reading about birthday's for little kids. My youngest is 16..soon to be 17. He wants a "car" for his birthday..I remember when they were match box ones:rolleyes1 ...sheesh. I was watching him play Lacrosse yesterday. Out on a field..cold, overcast sky..wind blowing. Honestly..and don't tell him..but I don't even think I was watching the game..just watching him. Feeling sorry for myself that he's grown.:sad1: Then he gave mom one of those half waves with his stick..and the typical teenage greeting with the "chin". This is almost NEVER done in high school! I actually looked behind me to see if he was motioning to someone else:confused: ..figuring it was a GIR!...YUK!:scared: Nope..just me. I swear..I had to resist from running out on the field and hugging him.:lovestruc I was good though.. didn't move..just gave him the "chin" back. That's "cool" right?.

:laughing: You are a very cool Mom!
Ok, to put a further twist into John's idea, I have changed the color to our beloved lime green. I think I am actually going to put this one on my jeep. Reasoning for this is that I can't put a mickey head without the disney police coming after me, so if we use the color, no one will assume we are all from Fort Worth!

If you don't like it, that is fine with me, just a suggestion. I still have white.

There are several people who are wanting these, so y'all make up yo minds so I can start a cuttin!


I REALLY like this one! Can I put my vote in!? I don't care if it has the little words either!
my granny had an outhouse (no inside plumbing) we would hold my little sister upside down in the toilet hole and threaten her until she did what we wanted. She still hates us for that.:lmao:

Hi all- I am usually just lurking around here wishing I could find time to join in your conversations but whenever I try to type my DS2 :yay: will climb in my lap and help me push the buttons :badpc:. But I just had to comment on this one! My younger brother likes to tell people that I scarred him for life when I picked on him. I will have to show him this. The worst thing I can remember doing to him was tricking him into eating a big spoon of Crisco telling him that it was vanilla icing!:sick:
While I have another minute to type without my helper I wanted to mention to All7ofus that I have enjoyed reading about your work and your trip report I think that is wonderful work that you are doing!

AuburnJen92 - I love your stickers! If you start printing them for others can I sign up?

Anyone know this song? Feeling sentimental today..although most of you with three year olds and nine year olds haven't gotten to this point. Then again..I didn't think I would either. Only in the blink of an do.

Trace Adkins

I don't even want to think about my kids getting older. My oldest is 12 and sometimes i just look at her and wonder where my little girl went. Ok enough, your going to make me start crying. My husband wants to buy up land next to us because he thinks their going to grow up and live right beside daddy. (i hope he's right)
because he thinks their going to grow up and live right beside daddy. (i hope he's right)

Good luck -- one daughter lives 12 hours away -- the other 5 hours away. My son lives about 30 minutes. The last time we were all together was for the youngest's wedding 20 months ago and hopefully we'll all get together next Christmas. Oh the pain!
My husband says with having girls he knows their going to marry low lifes that won't work so if he's going to support them they'll stay here. He doesn't have any hope for young boys these days, says none of them are hard workers, they need to cut their hair, pull up their pants and wear a belt.:rotfl: In his opinion girls just need to be taken care of.
I don't recall who originally posted the link to this auction, eBay Item 290225647568. I do appreciate it though. :thumbsup2 I just won the auction. :cool1:
I don't recall who originally posted the link to this auction, eBay Item 290225647568. I do appreciate it though. :thumbsup2 I just won the auction. :cool1:

I'm not positive..but I think that may have been Donna that posted the link.
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