V's gettin' back to the Bad Girl bod! Gonna lose weight in 2008!

so today starts a new week...I went grocery shopping late last night...who knew healthy food was so darn expensive!

I have done well today:
WW frozen meal for lunch
98%ff popcorn for snack
and lots of water

plan on making a batch of the famous WW 0 point soup for dinner!!
ok, I fell off the wagon. Maybe I was never really on the wagon. I took a look at myself in the mirror and just about burst into tears. I have to do something. I know weight and appearance should not define you, but I can tell how badly this is affecting me. I mean, my personality has drastically changed....I am not outgoing anymore.....and I just feel like a stuffed sausage.

So even though we are going to WDW this weekend I am going to do my best to eat on the healthier side. At least I know I will be doing a lot of walking.
I made a commitment to myself this week....get to the gym M-F, walk in the evening with the family (now we have more light!), journal each day and take it one step at a time....

So today I hit the gym on lunch - 30 min on the bike and 20 min of weights...eating a HC frozen meal for lunch and am at 10 points for the day so far....would like to not go over 20 for the day.

I can do it....!

ETA: and so starts day one of journaling!!
For dinner I am planning on grilling shrimp, tossing it over pasta with diced tomatoes and basil and a nice fresh salad. That should be a total of no more than 7 points depending on the dressing used and not more than a cup of pasta. We rarely eat dessert at home so no worries there...my biggie is wine with dinner, but we are out, so no points used there....water, water, water!
I am also going to challenge myself to 600 minutes of exercise starting today and ending on 3/31 - that's 30 minutes a day.

So far today I have done 50/600 and hope to add a walk to it tonight! It's gorgeous out and no excuse for not getting out there and enjoying it.

I am not sure if it will help but I plan to add two 15 min walks around the building during the day...like around 10am and 2pm. I figure it can't hurt after sitting at a desk all day and at least I will get some fresh air.
so far so good this afternoon.
We were out of the building for 45 min due to an evacuation and I didn't get my 15 min walk in but will walk tonight. I am about out of here for the day and am going to run home get dinner going, get the kids fed, load of laundry and walk - hopefully the fresh air will wear them out a little as well. I am going to get on the PC to check my emails and that is is...15 min max. I need to get my butt off the computer chair!!
well I managed to get a 20 min walk in so I am at 70/600. It was such a nice walk. I took the baby and the breeze was wonderful.
For dinner I whipped up the shrimp with mushrooms, onions, tomatoes over angel hair....everyone had that and a salad. I skipped the salad as I wasn't that hungry. Since it's almost nine and I'm not hungry - I think it is safe to say it's been a good day!
45 min at the gym on lunch so I am 115/600.....gotta keep moving. Hopefully will get a brisk walk in tonight as well. Or even a jog!
Managed to stay within points yesterday and so far today I am on track as well. Dinner will be grilled chicken, veggies and salad.
well I stayed within my points last night although I did not get any extra exercise in. DH had an early ball game and by the time I got dinner together and the girls fed and bathed it was 8pm!

On my way to the gym in a few minutes...!
back from the gym added another 45 minutes.....160/600...DH is off tonight and since dinner is in the crock pot I am hoping we can go on a family walk or down to the beach or bike ride....:)
on points so far today...need to keep at it!
GO V!!! :yay: You're doing awesome, girl!!!

You'll be back to that bad girl bod in NO time!! :thumbsup2
Been hanging in there....I decided to go back to WW. (I am a lifetime member that fell off the wagon, HARD!) I got a new LT booklet and she also gave me all the newer materials...they are pretty much the same just spruced up a bit. Felt good to stay to a meeting and pretty motivational. There were a couple people in there that had lost quite a bit.

Doing good on points for today! For dinner I plan on onions and mushrooms wrapped in a tortilla. DH has a ball game tonight, it's at 7pm, not sure if we;ll go out tonight or not. I haven't gone in a while and I would hate to show up and everyone think, oh my goodness she got FAT! Something I need to get over I guess.
got the bored, ready to go home, snack pains.....but I will wait until I get home and saute up some mushrooms......
I'm proud of you for joining WW!! We all learn what we need to succeed, and I bet this is it for you! :thumbsup2

Do you have any low point snacks you can keep at work, so you don't get those afternoon hungries? I know they can completely sabotage me somethings. :headache:
Friday - yeah!! Going grocery shopping tonight. The Gators play tonight so I am going to do my best to pick up some low point snacks so I don't eat any wings!! I am also planning on getting in a run before the game....at least 30 minutes.....I have to say I bought the WW journal and I love the new design and the little recipes and quotes they put on the daily pages. Really cute!

I did end up going to DH's game last night and it was fine...all the guys were so glad to have a fan finally come out!

Drinking my water today. I didn't have breakfast - bad I know.
well I did find a nutri-grain bar for breakfast for three points....it didn't taste like cardboard too much.
had a turkey sub from Subway for lunch. They have new items as sides...apples and raisins...although when I ordered the apples I was informed they were out of them! Bummer.
So I passed on the chips and had the 5 point sub and a 0 point diet coke. So 8 points so far for the day. I have 22 to play with but for this week and next I would like to try and keep it at 20.....long shot I know!
Hey V, you're doing great!

My mom, sister and cousin are joining WW tomorrow night. I might do it along with them, without doing the meetings.

You're an inspiration!! Keep it up! :cheer2:
well today is weigh in, I am not looking forward to it at all!! Let's say, I did not have the first week back that I would have loved, but it's over and done with so....going forward!
It's also my time of month which just adds to the bloating...not to mention emotional eating!
Meeting is at 10:30...have not had breakfast or anything...I know I should but I am going to wait until I get out of the meeting.
When I did ww initially, I allowed my weigh in day, to be my "bad" day..not overdoing it, but allowing myself something that I normally wouldn't. But I make the call after I see my progress....let's hope for a smidgen of a loss this week!!
so I survived weigh in with only a 0.8 gain. I am happy with that as I did not stay within my points the past few days. So tonight I am going to allow myself some goodies...as in wine with Grey's!! ;)
Maybe chicken and rice for dinner, something easy and not terribly bad. I have only had 2 points so far today so I need to eat something!!


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