What are your biggest frustrations?

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I hate the "me first" attitude that takes over a lot of people when they arrive at Disney. Why is it that the happiest place on earth often brings out the worst in people? :confused3

When we go to Disney, we try so hard to block out the rudeness in bus lines, pushiness by parades, and all the other poor behavior that many adults display. Sometimes it's very hard when you're so hot and tired! IMHO, it's the worst part about WDW.

I don't know where you live but the "me first" attitude is not exclusive to Disney. I see that in everyday life. The standard of living is all about me. Just examples at Disney are "I paid x amount of money for this trip I can do whatever I want, when I want" and My very favorite is "why is there construction happening? This is a once in a lifetime trip for us". I mean really do these people think they are the only people there for the first and only time?

One other comment about the wheelchair issue. While I understand that some people abuse the system, I am going to say that most don't. Unless you have traveled with someone who needs a wheelchair I don't know that you really understand that it doesn't make the trip fun for all. 4 yrs ago my mom fell and did major damage to her knee 6 months before our trip. While she was able to walk, long distances was not doable. We rented a wheelchair for her. Was it nice that Disney put our entire group on the bus first, sure we didn't ask but they insisted. However now someone was always needing to push the wheelchair and this really began to wear on my dad and husband. They ran out of steam very early in the day. Also the wheelchair entrances aren't always marked well which causes confusion esspecially if the people aren't used to looking for them. So what I am saying is cut the groups with wheelchairs some slack. You don't know what has caused them to need the chair or what it is like to push it around all day. And as a side note, they aren't exactly cheap to rent so if a family wants to pay the money to push around a sleeping kid, well that is their choice.
I think it is wonderful and amazing how godlike your powers are in terms of knowing who needs a scooter and who doesn't.:rotfl:

Yes, I know, this is a touchy subject for people. But really, you cannot deny that there IS wheelchair/scooter "fraud" abuse. Its there, whether you want to accept it or not, it is. AND , its much more rampant than you want to believe. Just like there are people that their need is not obvious but does exist.

That said, this issue is argued over and over and no side is winning.. It is what it is and that doesnt take away from the rights of those that need them, including the right to not be judged and it doesn't take away from the complaints that might exist about those that abuse them.

Still reminds me of my grandmother who hated when we got one for her and proceeded to use it to annoy people. She thought it was funny , LOL!
"I don't know where you live but the "me first" attitude is not exclusive to Disney. I see that in everyday life. The standard of living is all about me. Just examples at Disney are "I paid x amount of money for this trip I can do whatever I want, when I want" and My very favorite is "why is there construction happening? This is a once in a lifetime trip for us". I mean really do these people think they are the only people there for the first and only time?"

So true! But Disney world takes it to a whole new level of "me first!"
Brazillians:mad:.. they come in packs of 30, wear the same t-shirt and act like they own the place. In defense to the whole pro stroller/evc/wheel chair people.. I would rather run into a group of those than bunch of brazillians.


I HATE posts the target a specific nationality or group...

I guess that is my biggest frustration! I think targeting nationalities, trying to determine who is indeed qualified for an evc, who has special needs, who is a germaphobe or ocd, etc are the most frustrating part of my Disney experience (because like most of us, my "experience" isn't just the trip, it is the planning, the wrap up, the boards like these, etc...)
Just a minor annoyance---MK before rope drop. Everyone wants to take pictures in front of the floral Mickey head. There is always at least one group of people who sit on the wall right in the way and just watch everyone else take pictures. I have watched them enough to know that they are totally clueless that they are in hundreds of pictures just looking stupid!!
>>> child meals <<<

>>> my kid is standing there with a character, I'm standing there with a camera, why on earth would wander in between us and even worse pause <<<

No need to complain so long as the character stays there for you to take your picture.

Yes, for the posed shots. I missed several cute candid shots though b/c of other people.

How far back are you standing? Lots of people get tunnel vision at the parks, and they just don't see that you're trying to take a photo.

I'm not intentionally photobombing you, but neither am I going to spend my day trying to avoid getting into your pictures.

If I see you, I'll stop. If not, learn to live with disappointment.

IDK to me it's pretty easy. Long line of people and photopass photographer about 5 feet away from character and character handler = walk around. And really, it's not the "oh gosh, I'm sorry" people that are the problem. It's the people that actually stopped in between us and didn't even acknowledge the "hey? excuse me?" that irritated me. Besides, do you have any idea how much I paid for my vacation?? :rotfl:
Mine is the scooters and wheel chairs for people who don't need them!! We waited in line one night for nearly an hour while my daughter slept on my lap on the ground. My father in law had polio as a child and uses a scooter so there are definetly people who need them but I don't think that putting your sleepy child in a wheel chair and using it to your advantage is fair. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him but they got to cut in line and get on the bus while we all continued to wait.:confused3

How do you know nothing was wrong with the child? There are many things that can be wrong with a person that are not obvious to everyone else.

On one of my Disney trips, I watched a girl in one of the scooters get loaded onto a bus. A guy in line behind my husband and me started calling her all sorts of horrible names. Because she "looked" young and healthy, he was jumping to all sorts of conclusions. Fortunately, my DH doesn't let that kind of stuff fly and he flat out told the guy that what was saying wasn't cool. The guy shut up after that.

My mom has a heart condition. On the outside, she looks healthy and young. But if she walked around a 95˚ park all day, she'd probably end up in the hospital.

Maybe there is fraud happening, but it's not my place to determine that or judge it.

I understand that people get tired at WDW. But to take the frustrations out on someone who you have no idea about isn't right.
Stepping up on my soap box*****

If you and your family are all staying in the same room. Then all of your dining credits are linked together. You DO NOT need to use 5 different cards to pay for each ice cream. Just order them all together and use one card to pay.. Thank you.

Getting down now** :)
First of all, when in a group of people, the best place to stand and converse is NOT in the middle of the freaking walkway! What could possibly be going through these people's minds? How can you stand in a huge crowd of people struggling to get through and not realize that you standing around having a casual conversation is incredibly rude? It's one thing if people are standing and reading a map (still rude and inconsiderate, but at least you can understand that their mind is preoccupied with something), but when you're just in a circle in the middle of everything how can you possibly not realize what you're doing?

I honestly don't think a lot of people MEAN to do this. They get caught up in the conversation and until someone points out that they should move, they just don't think about it. I live in Chicago, which as you know, is a destination city. All summer long I deal with it. And even though it frustrates me, I find myself doing the same dang thing sometimes! I have to make a conscious effort to say to the people I'm talking to "hey, we're in the middle of the sidewalk/street/walkway, let's move."

People just get caught up. It annoys me, even when I do it, but I think that's why.
I can't stand that person/child who steps on the back of your shoe/flip-flop, heel every 10 paces in line. Why must you walk sooo close to me??:mad:
The one thing that really hit for us when Mom and I went for a quick trip was the lack of training of retail CMs. I don't know if we hit a change-over from experienced to not-so-experienced CMs, but we seemed to find the ones that didn't know how to send packages back to resorts, how to get items mailed home, how to ring up the Disney Visa discount, didn't know where boxes where to box up jewelry, etc. etc. etc. It wasn't just one location either- multiple shops in DTD, MK, Epcot, HS...
Maybe there is fraud happening, but it's not my place to determine that or judge it.

I understand that people get tired at WDW. But to take the frustrations out on someone who you have no idea about isn't right.

Hear, hear! I was in line for a bus once with my mother, who has severe arthritis of the hip joints, which makes walking very painful. She uses an electric wheelchair in her everyday life, so of course we brought it to DW. I was so angry when I heard someone in line behind us complaining how long it took to load her wheelchair. Trust me, she would much rather spring up and walk onto the bus than hold you up, but she can't.

Whenever folks get annoyed about the time it takes to load a wheelchair/EVC, I just wish they would be grateful for their ability to walk. Trust me, it is MUCH easier to get around anywhere without a wheelchair than with one; just try to go to the bathroom with a line where 30 stalls are for non-disabled, with only one for a wheelchair--and the line is out the door.
How do you know nothing was wrong with the child? There are many things that can be wrong with a person that are not obvious to everyone else.

On one of my Disney trips, I watched a girl in one of the scooters get loaded onto a bus. A guy in line behind my husband and me started calling her all sorts of horrible names. Because she "looked" young and healthy, he was jumping to all sorts of conclusions. Fortunately, my DH doesn't let that kind of stuff fly and he flat out told the guy that what was saying wasn't cool. The guy shut up after that.

My mom has a heart condition. On the outside, she looks healthy and young. But if she walked around a 95˚ park all day, she'd probably end up in the hospital.

Maybe there is fraud happening, but it's not my place to determine that or judge it.

I understand that people get tired at WDW. But to take the frustrations out on someone who you have no idea about isn't right.

Not an ECV issue, but you cant imagine the comments my cousin recieved while in Disney with her son, (7 about the time) who had been battling brain cancer since he was 4 (Became a cancer survivor this year :cheer2: at 11. ) No he didnt look sick at the time, but because of all the chemo and the meds he had been on, was still on etc, left him with many issues. One person even had the nerve to pass a comment like " wish we had what he has......," Since they were able to bypass the lines. My cousin who has MORE CLASS than anyone I know, especially when it comes to ignorant morons. Simply smiled and responded, " TRUST ME....I PRAY that your CHILD never gets WHAT he has" and left it at that.
I can't stand that person/child who steps on the back of your shoe/flip-flop, heel every 10 paces in line. Why must you walk sooo close to me??:mad:

Me too..........Not that they step on my heels, but that they bump into me every time the line moves forward.............:mad: :mad:. DH stays in front, me in the back, the boys in the middle. And we leave a little space in the middle for the kids to move around on line without BUMPING into everyone else.
While I am too sick of the wheelchair/scooter debates...I never understand the comments like these. Do people who are saddened by this honestly think that 100% of wheelchair users need them?

Knowing that fraud and less-than-honest people exist in all areas and all walks of life (sorry for the pun) - I am very confident myself that fraud DOES happen with wheelchairs. Now, the percentage might be small (and hopefully is), but I am sure that some people without integrity do in fact use it specifically for the fraud aspects (skipping lines, etc.). Just line everywhere - there are people who just use the system and try to find loopholes for their own benefit.

That said, I KNOW I cannot tell the difference between people who need them and people who are using the system - so I would never guess or be upset with someone I see using one (even if they stand up to walk sometimes) - so I have to and do assume that everyone I see is a valid user (when I actually think about it - which is usually only on these threads, not at the parks :)). But the sad part here is that we all know that is not the case and some people are abusing the system - ultimately making it more difficult for those who truly need them. That's the sad part to me.

Only kids on wish trips skip lines. I use an ECV. Most lines are integrated. If you can't transfer to a spot on the ride, you sometimes wait longer since there is only one or two accessible cars on a ride. Many years ago they may have had a different policy. But, when I was there 2 years ago, I was in mainstreamed lines waiting just as long as you did for most rides. If the line is not integrated, a couple people from your party can go with you - not sure how many, since on my trip it was just my mom and I. You then wait at the ride entrance until the rest of your party catches up, then you board. :goodvibes
Never had an issue or problem with wheelchair users. But strollers and ECVs, can't count the number of time people have run into me, run me off the road and otherwise been inconsiderate. Case in point: after Wishes, crowd very packed on Main Street, of course, her comes mother with her doublewide and using it as a battering ram. "[hitting my heels as I'm walking at the same pace as the crowd] Excuse me, coming thru, coming thru, excuse me." Yeah, we're all "coming thru." She actually caused pain!

Same with rookie drivers on ECVs. Watch where you are driving. I've been hit twice by ECV drivers motoring straight but looking off to the side. Not me stepping in front of them, etc. And beeping your horn will not get the crowds in front of you to move faster. Wait your turn.
People that cluster around fastpass entrances are kind of annoying and puzzling too. We have been in a situation where we are done with a park and just want to use fastpasses for something before we leave. I see no point in standing in front of the entrance blocking people. We either rest somewhere or do a bit of shopping.

I'm also tired of the soft drinks. No variety and too expensive.
The biggest frustration is the visitors to disney who are not prepared. :confused:
i understand there are first time visitors and disney rookies. but if you book during free dining dont walk up to restaraunts and throw a tantrum cause they are booked. Dont stand in line and complain about the heat when you booked for august. Dont say it is too cold when you go in january. dont complain the room is too small at a value resort. please dont say things are too expensive, prices for everything in disney are not some big secret. dont show up at a park at 100pm and wonder why all the lines are long. dont complain that there are too many kids (are some people kidding me?) dont complain that parks are too big and you have walk alot.
i am not saying everyone needs a spreadsheet or a tour guide but you need to protect your investment into your vacation and get some basic knowledge of where you are going and what you are in for. There is enough information on the web, in guide books and travel shows to get the basic idea.
Stepping up on my soap box*****

If you and your family are all staying in the same room. Then all of your dining credits are linked together. You DO NOT need to use 5 different cards to pay for each ice cream. Just order them all together and use one card to pay.. Thank you.

Getting down now** :)

LOLOL Agreed!!!! :lmao::thumbsup2
Inconsiderateness as a whole.

All of the parks are crowded, busy places but man, if I had a dollar for every time someone knocked me out of their way (or over, which has happened more than once) or ran into me with their wheelchair or stroller... The thing is, I wouldn't mind if some sort of an apology was given but often times it's not, and that to me is just rude.
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