What are your biggest frustrations?

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does NOT mean the kid did not need the wheelchair for a good portion of the day. There are many conditions that cause weakness and fatigue, among both kids & adults. Walk a mile in their shoes...

Thats RIGHT! I have a healing dislocated kneecap, my sweetheart has a healing ruptured Achilles heel. Yes we can walk for short periods, stand for short periods but there is no way we could make it the miles and hours of walking and standing it would take for a 6 day vacation. It is a blessing that WDW offers us the ability to still go on our trip after being injured!

One thing not mentioned that I have heard is that people will flat out stand in front of you and its not easy to just go around them like it is on feet. I was also warned that people/kids will jump out in front of you and its hard to keep from hitting them.

Id much rather be healthy and able to walk with my family.:cool1:
The only pet peeves I have at WDW are guest related. It baffles me because I never come across behavior like this at public outings at home. I don't know if this self-entitled rudeness is a regional thing or if WDW just brings out that side in people :confused3

The first one is teenage or college-aged kids who are not with their parents and feel the need to be loud, obnoxious, and rude :headache: Ugh, I loath this crowd. The golden age when impressing your friends is more important than respect and self-dignity. Of course, this does not apply to every unsupervised teen-& I'm guessing the most obnoxious ones are local kids because they tend to travel in packs of 3-10 (unless they are on some big annual Obnoxious Family vacation.). They cut in line (laughing about it the whole time), screaming on rides (where screaming is just not appropriate to the ride) or yell comments to each other across cars, curse, over the top flirting with each other, bump into other people while they are texting, etc...Ugh, I have have no tolerance for immature kids like that :mad:

The other crowd I have little to no tolerance for is the clueless parents who have no regard for people around them. The worst was the trip that my DF proposed to me. He was planning on doing it at Wishes. We went over to the Rose Garden & first went over to a great empty spot. We stood there for about 30 seconds when a lady came up to us and said "I'm sorry but we are standing there" We looked around confused, as she and her two strollers were standing across from us under a tree. She then said that they were there first, but they were waiting for the show to start to move over there. :confused3....OK, whatever. We really were not in the mood to start a fight, so we moved. We ended up in another pretty good spot and started chatting with the couple in front of us. As the show started there was a family behind us (mom, dad, brother, sister-both under the age of 6) & the kids were HORRIFIC :headache: running around hitting people with their sword and wand (us included), yelling, and blowing bubbles in our faces. I turned around and gave the mother several dirty looks & then finally after the 5th wack to my leg from a pirate's sword, my DF turned around & asked the woman to please control her kids. The woman snapped at my DF and said "What do you want me to do-they are children! If you don't like it, don't go to WDW!" Umm....are you kidding me??? :eek: The couple we were chatting with were ready to start a brawl with that family as the kids were continuing to blow bubbles in their carriage with their sleeping baby inside. This continued through the rest of the fireworks show. My DF told me later on that he had originally planned to propose to me during Wishes, but that family had ruined it :guilty: He ended up proposing in front of the castle later that night, so all was not lost, but what an annoying family!! I have zero patience for bad parents who are too afraid of their kids to discipline them on vacation and absolutely zero regard for people around them.

The only other thing I can think of as being a pet peeve is the cleanliness of the park bathrooms, especially the one in Fantasyland-blech! :sick:
I was replying to his replies to other posters he was lying got caught, tried to backtrack, unsuccessfully.

lets make one thing clear though I didn't FEEL they were lying, I know they are so do other posters, maybe you should be having a go at him for lying in the first place.

See you think I'm nasty, I know he's lying.

--bolding is mine--
Unless you ARE the OP, you do not know he was lying. People exaggerate, memories aren't perfect. I still think you were being unnecessarily nasty by posting 3 consecutive times that you think he's a liar. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
You are of course entitled to your own.
People like you make me laugh - ALOT (and often)! :rotfl2:

Not as much as you made me laugh, lets take this slowly,

your first post. you bolded you took the bus once, yet you stated when you got on there were 4 scooters on, and when at CBR they each had a different stop.

even the new busses only take 3.

in a later post when someone queried whether it was a lift bus, you stated you were on the bus and saw it kneel to let them on,

you only took one bus ride remember you bolded it, so how did you manage to get on the bus, but be already on it. so as for laughing, you are having one.
1. Parents who let their kids run wild. I get that you are on vacation and at Disney and kids should be able to have fun, get excited, etc. But, don't think that because you are at Disney they are safe. It is still the real world and kids need to be protected. I can not tell you how many times I have witnessed mom and dad looking at a map while junior wanders off because something catches his eye. And then mom and dad look around in a panic when they realize junior has wandered off. I understand things can get hectic and crazy, but your child's safety should be more important than how to get to soarin'.

This is so true!! On our last trip, a quick weekend trip beginning of August, DH and I went to DTD on our arrival afternoon to shop. While wandering around the World of Disney store, I saw at least two different groups where the parents were hurrying through the store with a small child "following" them! There was a small girl of MAYBE 2 1/2 following her mom through the store, and of course getting distracted because there is SO much for kids to be distracted by in that store. The mom was barely giving the child a glance over her shoulder, much less making sure the child was keeping up with the group, as she hurried through the store from one department to the next. The store was packed, I was just waiting for the little girl to get separated from her family. Crazy! Just because it is Disney World doesn't mean you can abandon all parenting and everything will be fine.
Not as much as you made me laugh, lets take this slowly,

your first post. you bolded you took the bus once, yet you stated when you got on there were 4 scooters on, and when at CBR they each had a different stop.

even the new busses only take 3.

in a later post when someone queried whether it was a lift bus, you stated you were on the bus and saw it kneel to let them on,

you only took one bus ride remember you bolded it, so how did you manage to get on the bus, but be already on it. so as for laughing, you are having one.

I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm still laughing! :rotfl:
It is not nasty to lie about disabled people, and their use of mobility support, but is nasty to call someone on it?:confused3 The man lied. There are no buses that take the 4 or 5 scooters the poster supposedly witnessed.

You know you people really need to get a life. I did not "lie" but I guess I was mistaken about the number of scooters and I said so in a later post. As I've said before, I don't take the bus so I'm not the expert that some of you claim to be. The number of scooters wasn't the point of my post - it was that it took 1.5 hours to go from Epcot to CBR which is ridiculous (basically across the street). And, yes, the primary cause of that delay was the number of scooters waiting for a bus and the amount of time it took to load and unload the THREE (see I said THREE so all the scooter number police can unbunch their panties) and the bus driver not understanding how work the kneel thing evidently. Thankfully I can afford to rent a car when at WDW and won't be making the mistake of riding a bus again. Feel free to cluck amongst yourselves. :rotfl2:
I was replying to his replies to other posters he was lying got caught, tried to backtrack, unsuccessfully.

lets make one thing clear though I didn't FEEL they were lying, I know they are so do other posters, maybe you should be having a go at him for lying in the first place.

See you think I'm nasty, I know he's lying.

I've also reported your post as a personal attack. Thank you.
It is not nasty to lie about disabled people, and their use of mobility support, but is nasty to call someone on it?:confused3 The man lied. There are no buses that take the 4 or 5 scooters the poster supposedly witnessed.

This post has also been reported as a personal attack. Thank you.
It is not nasty to lie about disabled people, and their use of mobility support, but is nasty to call someone on it?:confused3 The man lied. There are no buses that take the 4 or 5 scooters the poster supposedly witnessed.

Well, in my little world, one person doing wrong to me doesn't mean I get to do wrong to them.

And what could have been a nice conversation about what frustrations could occur in the World, spiraled into yet another thread that will need to be closed because of stupid personal attacks.

I am too confused to know who is right or who is wrong, and quite frankly couldn't care less, I just wanted to see what other people found frustrating so I could be aware when we go to NOT be one of those families (we are guilty of standing in the middle of the walkway, and I am sure I have ruined many people's pictures because I have been looking at something else, etc etc)

Wish we could all figure out how to have a non-attacking conversation...

And what could have been a nice conversation about what frustrations could occur in the World, spiraled into yet another thread that will need to be closed because of stupid personal attacks.

I am too confused to know who is right or who is wrong, and quite frankly couldn't care less, I just wanted to see what other people found frustrating so I could be aware when we go to NOT be one of those families (we are guilty of standing in the middle of the walkway, and I am sure I have ruined many people's pictures because I have been looking at something else, etc etc)

Wish we could all figure out how to have a non-attacking conversation...

Amen. There are too many "experts" on here who think they know everything. Very sad. :sad2:
  • Poor choices in desserts at Quick Service restaurants. This is only a problem when on the dining plan. Why do I have chose between the cheesecake, chocolate cake, and carrot cake EVERYWHERE?
  • Afternoon parades. They are loud, don't entertain me, and block traffic in the parks.
  • Various annoying things other people do.

HOWEVER... none of this ruins my vacation. I'm away from work and responsibility, in a part of the country with beautiful weather and lovely palm trees, with my family, in my favorite theme park in the world. Little annoying things can't ruin that for me. Unfortunately, I think I got hot under the collar more this past trip (mostly involving line cutters or people standing in front of FastPass entrances), and I regret it now. And to be honest, I think threads like there were partly to blame for my overreacting.
I will never, ever understand how able bodied people can get so ticked off when they are a bit inconvenienced by someone in a wheelchair or scooter or crutches or a cane. WT??? people! You are my biggest frustration!

Do you walk ok? Do your children walk ok? Are your parents pretty healthy and can walk pretty well perhaps with an occasional rest?

You should get down on those healthy knees and thank God you have the gift of mobility. So you are delayed 10, 15, even 30 or more minutes. Get over your healthy body self!

Where do you get off making a judgement call on if another human being really "needs" to use assistance? Do you have super powers that you can see into their heart? lungs? muscles? eyes? She is not on cortisone for cancer, she is just fat and lazy. He obviously works out look at those arms, can't possibly be because he uses a regular wheelchair at home and pushes himself with those great arms. She doesn't have life threatening MS, she just can't be bothered carrying her packages so she uses a scooter,look at her get off the bus all by herself!

I have seen how challenged people are invisible unless they get in your way. Then they are fully and completely aware that they need to validate their very existance for your convenience. Enough with the bus and scooter trash talk. There but for the Grace of God go YOU.

This bears repeating!!!!!!! I am not in a scooter (yet) and even though a scooter would really help on vacations such as WDW, I can't bring myself to use one because of all the negativity towards those with invisible disabilities. I used one once after hysterectomy surgery at Walmart and the greeter made a comment. When I returned the scooter I made sure to thank her since after all I had just had surgery and my kids needed food. It made her embarassed for what she had said.

Some people just do not realize that their words hurt until it is too late. Karma can be very ugly so people need to be aware that just because they are healthy now does not mean they will always be healthy and not need to rely on an ECV.
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