What will we celebrate? BLESSINGS!!*Trip # 10

Great news on the 10 lbs!! I wish I could say the same. I didn't really try too hard though, so I have nothing and no one to blame but me. I thought it would be nice to be down a few before we left, but oh well, the clothes still fit!

Looks like you have a lot of running around to do today!! I'm down to the last few things to do. I haven't been able to sleep for the last few nights. Last night I was WIDE awake from 3:20 to about 5, then Paige came in at 5:30! She says, Mommy, only one more day and then we leave!! Plus she has a field trip to a play tomorrow at school, so she's doubly excited for tomorrow. So basically I've been awake since 3:20. Need more caffeine! I swear, I'm like the little kid in the ad. Too excited to sleep! Thank goodness for adrenaline - that's my fuel!
Okay floridascgirl and Sheree~~~ Just checked Accuweather...keep in mind most meteorologists say after the third day out...it's just an educated guess!! But.. I like Accuweather...they are the closest....anyway: Friday lots of rain and storms..Sat rainy and breezy..clearing up in the afternoon..high in the upper 60s. Sun-70 and sunshine..Mon, Tues, 70s and sunny. Wed cooler (66) and chance of slight rain...Th..70s and sunny (I think it's up to like 76 here)..Fri,sat, and Sunday upper 70s and sunshine with some clouds.
Sounds great to me!!!!! Of course, Sat I wanted to surpise my family with doing the hot air balloon...but if it rains we can't. But, I would rather it rain then than the rest of our triip! We can go back and do it another day....I am getting so excited!!!! Okay,...off to take a shower..dress the kids...get the car outta the shop...do oil/tires....check back later!!!! Sheree....you need a coke or something!!!! and a candy bar! ha!!!
I've already had tea, candy and two choc. chip cookies!

Shawna - are you going to do online check in? I'm thinking about it. But I'm not sure if I can at BLT. I guess if I have time I'll try. Did I PM you with my cell #?
Sheree..I was coming back to ask you the exact same thing!! I don't know..what if we get a weird room? I guess we can deal with it when we get there...of course, all the rooms on the Theme Park side should be the same,..so I may go ahead...you should call and see if they let you...I just got an email with that info yesterday.. I think you did give me your cell... I am gonna check now.
What you need is a NAP!!! Can you squeeze in a 20 min break? You are gonna PASS OUT if you don't get a little rest!!! Of course...that's what tomorrow in the car is for!! ha!!! I bet you can sleep good tonight....
Sometimes I just do better with real food instead of straight junk if I try to stay awake..candy and coke makes me more tired if that's all I have had...you should eat a salad or something for lunch..get some protein
Yeah, I'm going to have a nice long lunch break today! Might be face down on my desk! I'm actually sitting in court "listening" to a child protection hearing right now. We only have one more after this. Love this quiet keyboard!
I have brought a pretty healthy lunch today so that should help. I also have dinner plans with some girlfriends to celebrate a couple of their birthdays! Am I crazy?

I seem to recall that I got an email about on line check in too. I'll have to look into that.
Mike had jury duty this year on a cps case...it went on FOREVER!! Off to get my suburban!!! Check in with ya'll later!
Mike had jury duty this year on a cps case...it went on FOREVER!! Off to get my suburban!!! Check in with ya'll later!

Here we don't have juries on juvenile matters. That would be awful! It's all tried to the Court. Today we are doing review hearings. Sure makes you grateful for the family and life you have. I always go home and hug my kids after these days!
:dance3:Oh my goodness!!!! 2 days!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::yay::yay:

WOW!! So much to do!! Well....not toooo terribly much:cutie: Me and dd are about to leave for a trim...then drop her at Ballet....working on the packing list(editing what I already have)...lunch...:laundy:...boys to guitar for an hour....tires rotated....squeeze Wal-mart in there somewhere for anything we forgot and some groceries! Then I will check the kids suitcases...I am gonna have them start getting out socks/underwear/bathing suits/shorts&tees/...then I will make sure it meets my approval!!!;)Then we will load up the backpacks!!!! I am MAKING dh pack tonight!! He just takes waaaaayyyyy toooooo long....he adds way too many clothes also...but I guess I ain't gonna change him on that....it's one habit I just can NOT break:sad2: I want to focus on ds13s bday tomorrow...not packing.Hopefully we can get to bed at a decent hour tomorrow night...if we are asleep by 10 i will be impressed!!!! Sat it's up at 5 for me....gotta take a shower and pack that blow dryer!! Ha!! I hate the ones in the rooms...they just don't work for me as well....I can't do anything with my hair when I use those:laughing: I will bath the kids before bed...hopefully by 7..anybody wanna lay a wager on if this turns out to be so? Well..let me go get me and the princess ready to hit the road for the morning!! Ya'll have an awesome day--I will be back to report our progress later today!
Okay...kids clothes are packed...most toiletries(except last minute ones I have to use Sat morning)......and snax...done!!!! had to go over to Target tonight because wal mart is out of tiny detergent!!!!!So...I think I got it all!!!! I will pack my suitcase in the morning...I am just tooo tired to do it tonight!!! It won't take me long...I know what I am bringing...dh....now that's a different story!!! Got the icebox all cleaned out & wiped down today...all the laundry is done except what was worn today!!!! So...I just have to remember little stuff like cameras!!!! And Paperwork!!! I will pack all this tomorrow in my carry-on...and my VB backpack!!! I am wasted!! so...it's nighty night peeps!!!! Check in with all my faithful readers on the morrow...when my sweet little baby turns 14!!!!
Thanks Pluto Fan!!! He is still asleep...gonna let him have a fun day!! Got lots to do last minute wise today!!! Just wanted to add that those of you who pray..would remember my mom. She is going through such a terrible time in her marriage right now...he has done some terrible things...and just told her yesterday to leave...maybe come on down here with us...well HELLO!! We are leaving at 5 in the morning!!! She's at home sick today not able to make any decisions--just devastated. So, I am gonna just pray about this and leave it with the Lord...I can't do anything about it really....it's up to her. Anyhoo-----just workikng on the last few things and getting his bday stuff together!!! Check in later!!!
Happy Birthday DS14!!!! :bday:

I can't believe you leave tomorrow!!!!:banana: You must be so excited. I hope that you have a safe flight and a wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!! I'll be sure to keep your mom in my prayers as well.

party: :bday: :jumping1: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :yay: :dance3:

SHAWNA - I will thinking of and praying for your Mama girl! You are doing the right thing by leaving her the Lord's hands! You go Girl! :thumbsup2 Get on to Disney! :car: Have a sweet time with your family! :hug:

oh yeah - can't remember what park y'all were planning on doing on Sunday but thought you should know that the parade taping that was supposed to happen this morning got rained out and will now be happening on Sunday @ 7am! :eek:
DS14 says thanks for the birthday wishes!! We took him to lunch at a place that has the hibachi grill...it was fun!! He got Itunes card..books, and the Owl City cd (which I love!).. and a coupon from us to go pick out a camera!! So, I took him to Best Buy and got his new Canon!! AND we came out to snow!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! It's still snowing..we should get 3 inches tonight:scared1: We are sooooo not used to this!!!!! But, it's not sticking...just melting on hitting the ground...hope our flight isn't delayed too bad tomorrow. Houston is suppose to get it tonight and tomorrow!!!!
Kim...thanks for the words about my mom! I know the Lord has this planned at this certain time...she has to make her own decisions and not rely on me and Mike to guide her...she's gotta ask/lean on Him...perfect timing, right?;) God knows what he is doing!!!! Well..just gotta finish up my suitcase and then I am taking Annie to the dogsitter and we are ready!!!!! I plan on sitting on this bed watching the snow till I fall asleep tonight!!!I am pretty sure Mike will bring his laptop..so I can check in periodically if he has it. Okay...I will sign off later this evening!!!
I missed your send off but I hope you are having a fantastic time in Disney right now! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!

Happy belated birthday to your "baby" and sending prayers for your mom!


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