What will we celebrate? BLESSINGS!!*Trip # 10

Hey ya'll!! Just wanted to pop on and say it's gonna be a while!! I am on my hubbys laptop...he didn't need it today,...mine is in the shop!! They said it will be between 7 days and 3 weeks!!:scared1: So...I am computer free till then...hopefully I will get it back next week...we start back to school and my kids' Math is on there....I will try to check in when I can!

What!!!! 7 days to 3 weeks without Shawna on the DIS! :faint: We will miss you terribly! Hope all is well with your laptop and you get back to us ASAP! We need trip details...oh and your kids need their math lessons too. :lmao:
Ha!! We had our desktop go down right before Christmas and DH went out on Monday and bought a new iMac! No grass can grow under his feet! Luckily, I have the laptop to use too. Our old one is toast, but we think we can recover the pictures etc. that we want. All my new stuff is on the laptop, so I can still do my TR!
We'll miss you for a while Shawna!! Come back soon!
Hello all! I am on my laptop....unfixed.....they hadn't even shipped it out to be looked at!!! So, we just picked it up yesterday afternoon and told them we would bring it back another time.....and since I missed alllll last week of planning this semester of school (which I usually have done before Christmas)....I will have to devote loooots of time to that! I was planning on starting the kids today...but didnt foresee these problems. So....I can at least have them start their Math tomorrow! I don't have to plan that, it's done for me. I have missed u all!!!
Jeez, Shawna - what a pain!!
I still think you should be like Dave and just go buy another computer! HA!! JK! I hope you can get it fixed and come back and hang with us soon!! We miss you! :hug:


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