What'cha bet HP will end the Uni/Dis factions

MGM was actually just going to be a pavilion in Epcot designed for the movies... Basically, one huge Great Movie Ride.... I am sure the announcement of Universal Studios Orlando pushed Eisner to greenlight an entire MGM Studios theme park.... I would not agree it is a rip off, but, for sure it was done only cause of USO... And you can tell it was not planned very well as crowd flow stinks there.... MGM has a long way to go before it is a great park... Actually, it is my least favorite of the 4 Disney World parks...

It was rushed into production to beat U's opening a branch in FL. I'll give credit where it is due however; Tower of Terror is fantasmic ;)

Speaking of, if you are into pixie dust (lots of us go both ways here:rolleyes1 ), cannot beat Fantasmic:thumbsup2. IMO, even better than Wishes.

We all have our opins of which parks are "the best"; one of the great things about FL is all the different entertainment options available.:banana:
At WDW, put me down for MK, followed by MGM - my family enjoys RnRC, Star Tours (started it all, supposedly soon to be updated), and the shows (muppets, little mermaid, stunt show, even indy) are great...just could do with some updating/tweaks to keep things fresh for those who visit more than once a year.
I agree, I think MGM could be a great park if it put in about 3 or 4 Spiderman/Jurassic Park type level rides. Its only lacking about 3 or 4 great rides and it would be a great park. TOT and RRC are a decent start, but they are not enough to make a great park. IMO

I am not sure the new Toy Story ride will add much, if anything... but the new Star Wars attraction and the new Indiana Jones coasters that are planned will continue to spruce it up.... if they would only get rid of that darn hat LOL....
That's a good attitude to take. I suspect you may grow to love Universal too. And thanks for coming back to the thread and clarifying.


Not sure if I will grow to love it.... But I think I can appreciate it for what it is.... And that it is a theme park to go have fun in, not to get lost in fantasy and leave reality.... And hey, nothing wrong with that....
I've always thought MGM was a bad rip-off of Universal and is not that great of a park at all in general IMO.

I was at both when they first opened and I thought Universal did a way better job with the studios concept than MGM. I haven't been back to Universal since the early 90s so I am really really looking forward to it. I am a theme park lover so I already know I will love it and if I could go to both Disney and Universal (and Sea World, too - remember my 7 park park-hopper, concept?), I would go every time. Why have I been going to Disney every year and not been back to USO, you ask???? Mainly cost but when choosing, I have to take into account my children who at the time were too young (I thought) for the more mature nature of the USO themes. Uh-oh I've got to be careful how I say this so I don't get labeled as a 'hit and run'...I know Universal has great stuff for people of all ages, but I thought my kids would enjoy Disney more. That's better. Now with my youngest 8, we are going to Universal and I thought of doing a Universal/Sea World only trip but they love Disney so much, I couldn't and so Sea World got axed. But from here on in, it will be up to them to decide which parks we'll visit on future trips...
You guys are probably right. HP will convert probably about 60% and the remaining 40% will stilil nit pick it to death and say its ok but its no disney etc., etc.

I'm certain that when UO starts pounding the HP advertising, there will be thousands of kids begging their parents to add a day or two at Universal. and a percentage of those parents will refuse because they're a 'Disney Family'.
I'm certain that when UO starts pounding the HP advertising, there will be thousands of kids begging their parents to add a day or two at Universal. and a percentage of those parents will refuse because they're a 'Disney Family'.

Boy, the DIS Threads are going to be very interesting come 2009\2010. popcorn::
I was at both when they first opened and I thought Universal did a way better job with the studios concept than MGM. I haven't been back to Universal since the early 90s so I am really really looking forward to it. I am a theme park lover so I already know I will love it and if I could go to both Disney and Universal (and Sea World, too - remember my 7 park park-hopper, concept?), I would go every time. Why have I been going to Disney every year and not been back to USO, you ask???? Mainly cost but when choosing, I have to take into account my children who at the time were too young (I thought) for the more mature nature of the USO themes. Uh-oh I've got to be careful how I say this so I don't get labeled as a 'hit and run'...I know Universal has great stuff for people of all ages, but I thought my kids would enjoy Disney more. That's better. Now with my youngest 8, we are going to Universal and I thought of doing a Universal/Sea World only trip but they love Disney so much, I couldn't and so Sea World got axed. But from here on in, it will be up to them to decide which parks we'll visit on future trips...

You and your kids will love Universal just as much as Dis, maybe more. Even the stuff they have for kids at U I find myself enjoying so much like the Suess Landing. Entire section dedicated to Dr. Suess, feels like you are literally living inside a Suess Book. That is geared for smaller children, but even at my old age of pusing 40, I find myself enjoying it so much. Jurassic Park you will feel like you are really inside that movie, Lost Continent is my personal favorite section is awe inspring, list goes on and on and on.
Not sure if I will grow to love it.... But I think I can appreciate it for what it is.... And that it is a theme park to go have fun in, not to get lost in fantasy and leave reality.... And hey, nothing wrong with that....

I think whether or not you get lost in fantasy & leave reality is a personal mindset. UO is every bit as themed as WDW. Those who think the "magic" is only at WDW go in with that mindset, & leave feeling the same. Personally, I don't get the whole "escape from reality" thing at any of the parks. Hot, cranky, masses are very real, & very apparent. My fantasy world wouldn't include 40 to 50,000 of my closest friends. ;) That said, we've been to all the parks numerous times. WDW is no more magical than UO. If it is, it's in the individual guest's head.

Right now, we go to UO more than WDW. Not because we don't love their parks. To me, MGM & AK are 1/2 day parks now, but Epcot is actually my fav. park in Orlando. I also love the MK. I'm actually planning my 40th :ssst: at WDW.

For us, UO has 2 things that draws us there more often than WDW. The biggest one, FOTL for onsite guests & being able to walk everywhere. The other is the fact that my hubby & teenage son prefer UO parks. With my hubby, a lot of that has to do with our #1 reason. When WDW comes up with an onsite perk that competes with UO's, we'll start splitting our time equally.
Not sure if I will grow to love it.... But I think I can appreciate it for what it is.... And that it is a theme park to go have fun in, not to get lost in fantasy and leave reality.... And hey, nothing wrong with that....

Nice to hear you are giving it another try. Sometimes parks need to grow on you a bit before you love them.
Nice to hear you are giving it another try. Sometimes parks need to grow on you a bit before you love them.

true, like Animal Kingdom is growing on me.... but, still, I doubt I will ever love Universal.... I am sure I can get to like it though....
true, like Animal Kingdom is growing on me.... but, still, I doubt I will ever love Universal.... I am sure I can get to like it though....

My advice would be to read to threads on Men in Black and start trying to score 999,999

That little addiction might just convert you.
I come here to get excited about my upcoming Universal trip, and it's like some people can't post a solid thread without referring to Disney in some way. Is there not enough of Universal to talk about? If it weren't for Disney, there would be 25% less posting here!

Yes, I feel the Disney magic, and yes it's steel and concrete, but to the poster who made that comment, if you yourself don't feel it, why mock those of us who do? I get tears in my eyes when go to Disney, it's very nostalgic for me, and makes me feel good. Should I be put in an insane asylum??

I've been to Universal twice, and had a fantastic time, and looking forward to my third this December, but geez, I'm beginning to get turned off by this board. But I'll keep reading here, because I really am getting excited about my trip, and there's no other susbtantial Universal board out there.

As for Harry Potter, I don't think in terms of Disney vs Universal. I'm not a HP fan, but I still can't wait to see what they're going to put up. But I'm sure it's going to be fantastic, since everything UO has done has been a hit. I'd love for Uni to build a HP on-site hotel; that would be awesome!

There is a point being made here that I think is worth revisiting. This is one poster who said he is getting turned off by types of comments he's reading. I don't think that's what anyone here wants.

I personally (and it is just my opinion) think that people who post here regularly have gotten tired... exhausted, even... of the drive by "Hi, I'm just here to say I went to Universal and had a horrible time! Never going back! Bye bye!" posts that everyone has gotten extremely sensitive. Regulars have armed themselves with dozens upon dozens of examples of why Universal is a great place (cool... it is...), but many of those examples are of the "Universal vs. Disney" variety. There is a reason for that. Many of the "I just had a bad visit to Universal" posts are "it wasn't Disney" in nature, so you find yourself storing up things... good and bad... that you can throw out when these threads come up. Again.

It does help to take a deep breath and remember that the average poster who wanders over here from the Disney side of the boards is probably not aware of how often we hear these types of comments. If they ask a seemingly clueless question in which they refer to Disney, it doesn't mean that it is time to haul out the big guns and blast them with all that stored up ammunition.

I was once one of the clueless. I was flamed for one of my first posts here because it was misinterpreted. I could easily have let it not only color my view of the Universal board, but of USO itself. I didn't, but some would have.

Are there Universal bashing threads on the Disney side? Yes. I've seen them. It is more often lots of random comments here and there scattered through the threads than a topic that comes up specifically, however. Add to that, when a topic has "Universal" in the heading, the moderators of that board tend to move the thread to THIS board quickly. Therefore, it is difficult to compare if the topic comes up more over there than over here. Add to that, there are SO many posts on the Disney side that a new topic can fall to Page 3 in a day. There is no way to come up with a fair percentage.

Do most of the comparisons on the Universal board stay polite? Yep. There are those, of course, that tip over into the "becoming that which I despise" mode and bash Disney just for the sake of bashing Disney. There is no difference, again in my opinion, between generalizing the average Universal guest as trashy, tattooed, shirtless, rude, drunk, etc. than there is in generalizing the average Disney guest as pixie-dust sniffing, stroller-shoving, prudish, clueless, etc.

And I still don't understand why drinking Kool-aid is an insult... but I digress...

I guess MY point is, someone who is visiting this board is saying that he is turned off by the discussions and that is something to take note of.

Once again, just my humble ramblings on the subject.
There is a point being made here that I think is worth revisiting. This is one poster who said he is getting turned off by types of comments he's reading. I don't think that's what anyone here wants.

I personally (and it is just my opinion) think that people who post here regularly have gotten tired... exhausted, even... of the drive by "Hi, I'm just here to say I went to Universal and had a horrible time! Never going back! Bye bye!" posts that everyone has gotten extremely sensitive. Regulars have armed themselves with dozens upon dozens of examples of why Universal is a great place (cool... it is...), but many of those examples are of the "Universal vs. Disney" variety. There is a reason for that. Many of the "I just had a bad visit to Universal" posts are "it wasn't Disney" in nature, so you find yourself storing up things... good and bad... that you can throw out when these threads come up. Again.

It does help to take a deep breath and remember that the average poster who wanders over here from the Disney side of the boards is probably not aware of how often we hear these types of comments. If they ask a seemingly clueless question in which they refer to Disney, it doesn't mean that it is time to haul out the big guns and blast them with all that stored up ammunition.

I was once one of the clueless. I was flamed for one of my first posts here because it was misinterpreted. I could easily have let it not only color my view of the Universal board, but of USO itself. I didn't, but some would have.

Are there Universal bashing threads on the Disney side? Yes. I've seen them. It is more often lots of random comments here and there scattered through the threads than a topic that comes up specifically, however. Add to that, when a topic has "Universal" in the heading, the moderators of that board tend to move the thread to THIS board quickly. Therefore, it is difficult to compare if the topic comes up more over there than over here. Add to that, there are SO many posts on the Disney side that a new topic can fall to Page 3 in a day. There is no way to come up with a fair percentage.

Do most of the comparisons on the Universal board stay polite? Yep. There are those, of course, that tip over into the "becoming that which I despise" mode and bash Disney just for the sake of bashing Disney. There is no difference, again in my opinion, between generalizing the average Universal guest as trashy, tattooed, shirtless, rude, drunk, etc. than there is in generalizing the average Disney guest as pixie-dust sniffing, stroller-shoving, prudish, clueless, etc.

And I still don't understand why drinking Kool-aid is an insult... but I digress...

I guess MY point is, someone who is visiting this board is saying that he is turned off by the discussions and that is something to take note of.

Once again, just my humble ramblings on the subject.

The drinking Kool-Aid insult is a reference to the tragedy in Guiana I think it was back in the 80s. A nut cult type preacher somehow managed to convince his "following" to move to a third world country from the U.S. After they got to the third world country he was so dilusional he poisoned them all with poison Kool-Aid in a mass killing mass suicide kind of thing taking out hundreds of people including children I think. It was a huge tragedy. And ever since a reference to your drinking Kool-Aid is a reference to this.
The drinking Kool-Aid insult is a reference to the tragedy in Guiana I think it was back in the 80s. A nut cult type preacher somehow managed to convince his "following" to move to a third world country from the U.S. After they got to the third world country he was so dilusional he poisoned them all with poison Kool-Aid in a mass killing mass suicide kind of thing taking out hundreds of people including children I think. It was a huge tragedy. And ever since a reference to your drinking Kool-Aid is a reference to this.

Good heavens! You mean the Jim Jones cult in Guyana? That was the late 70's and I was old enough to watch the news stories about that. True, I was a kid (tween), but old enough to know how very sick that was. I can't believe anyone is still dredging that horrible incident up and tossing it around casually... but to each his own...
The drinking Kool-Aid insult is a reference to the tragedy in Guiana I think it was back in the 80s.

It does refer to following a cult and not thinking for yourself. A little more trivia on the the kool-aid drinking. The term originates in the suicide of 914 followers of Jim Jones's People's Temple cult in Guyana in 1978. He told his followers to drink cyanide in Flavor-Aid, a cheap knockoff, rather than Kool-Aid itself though. It is often referred to as the Jonestown massacre as the few people who refused to commit mass suicide were shot.
It does refer to following a cult and not thinking for yourself. A little more trivia on the the kool-aid drinking. The term originates in the suicide of 914 followers of Jim Jones's People's Temple cult in Guyana in 1978. He told his followers to drink cyanide in Flavor-Aid, a cheap knockoff, rather than Kool-Aid itself though. It is often referred to as the Jonestown massacre as the few people who refused to commit mass suicide were shot.

I've often wondered if Koo-Aid sales dropped after this tragedy. Can you imagine a worse incident to link your product with. What if it had been poison coke.:scared1:


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