When do you think the border will reopen?

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I'm a single parent, I am lucky that I can work from home currently, and my employer should be flexible to allow this going forward. In the past my son was in before/after care for school because I couldn't do drop off and pick up at school and work a full day. However that shut down at March break. I would also put him in camps during the summer, which isn't happening this year either and won't be during the school year. I do not see how a part time in school schedule will work for the daycares, his was in the school and shared space with the library and a couple classrooms. I am assuming they will need that space for classrooms to accommodate smaller class sizes.

My son, who hates school, was asking when he can go back. He wants to see friends and be able to play. He will not do online learning, if he doesn't go to school, he won't do any of the work. He has ADHD, ODD, Anxiety... he needs to be active and he needs to be structured. I have read the school boards plans and they seem comprehensive to me, if teachers go back then I hope they have 5 days a week, or at least the 2/3 split. The plans they have for doing some in class and some online do seem good, it's just a question of getting my son to actually do it. Perhaps having to keep up with the rest of his cohort the days he is in class will encourage that. I realize my son is not average, but every parent friend I have and have spoken to had problems getting at least one of their children to do the work. Some families has to have one parent stop working, or do part time in off hours, which is not always possible for all families. I wish I could homeschool, I would love to do it, but there is no way my son will go for it. I also looked at some of the private schools but they are way too expensive for us.

I understood Ford was suggesting that perhaps outdoor classes would be an idea for September, Canadian weather is unpredictable though so that may not happen very many days a week. It is an interesting idea, I think if the climate allowed it would be a great idea.

Hi Hon
I would definitely put an email or phone call into your son's school.
I'm thinking the stay in one classroom and very little movement throughout the school (washroom only) is going to definitely impact kids with ADHD and ODD. It looks like staff will be the ones moving around from one class to another to minimize traffic.

You could ask if any more staff resources are going to be available at your school and where physical breaks when needed will be and supervised by whom.
I know we used to use the library a lot but it has now been designated storage as library circulation is out due to Covid 19. (All those carpets,tables etc had to go somewhere).
Our gym space right now may end up being before and after school care ONLY due to cleaning restrictions.

I think most gym classes will be outside.
Again health will probably be in their home form classroom.
But I'm guessing on this.

Just my two cents but most of my guys with ADHD ODD do well with 1/2 day (morning) high work structure expectations,,then lots of physical activity in the (afternoon).
If schools reopen Hybrid would you be open to him attending 5 half days and do you think the school would go for it?

Also check his IEP to see if it gives any ideas.

Hang in the Hon
Buy school bags that are big enough to hold your kids stuff please.
Every year we get kids who come with very cute and cuddly bags but nothing fits in the bag,,,parents end up spending more money to get a new one.
Things that could go in a kids bag
extra shoes
extra clothes
2 snacks
lunch bag
1 text book,,older kids a Chromebook or laptop
water bottle,,fountains will be turned off and some school will have the new water bottle filling station. Buy a good one that doesn't leak,,,,test at home.
younger grades send Kleenex tissues,,not all classes have funds for this.
label all belongings

School bags and lunch bags CAN be put in the washing machine,,,:eek::scared1:,,
the things I have seen growing on these would curl your hair.
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What do parents do on March break, Christmas break, pd days, the summer, when their kids are sick ? They figure stuff out. Parents will figure this out too. It may mean their kids are in a program on the other days. But it’s important to keep everyone including our teachers safe.

This. They send the kids to daycare and that's what they'll do now. It's actually not that difficult of a problem, aside from the increased cost. That said I wouldn't be surprised if there's some assistance for that. Granted, if the kids are going to be in daycare, they may as well be in school. It's the same risk.

Here in NB, schools are going back as normal in the fall for the most part. K-8 will go to school, full day, with smaller class sizes, no distancing required per se but with bubbles. So they're going to stagger arrival, departure, break and lunch times. And they'll only be able to socialize within their class.

High school students will do blended delivery, part in class, part online, with full distancing required.
I'm a single parent, I am lucky that I can work from home currently, and my employer should be flexible to allow this going forward. In the past my son was in before/after care for school because I couldn't do drop off and pick up at school and work a full day. However that shut down at March break. I would also put him in camps during the summer, which isn't happening this year either and won't be during the school year. I do not see how a part time in school schedule will work for the daycares, his was in the school and shared space with the library and a couple classrooms. I am assuming they will need that space for classrooms to accommodate smaller class sizes.

My son, who hates school, was asking when he can go back. He wants to see friends and be able to play. He will not do online learning, if he doesn't go to school, he won't do any of the work. He has ADHD, ODD, Anxiety... he needs to be active and he needs to be structured. I have read the school boards plans and they seem comprehensive to me, if teachers go back then I hope they have 5 days a week, or at least the 2/3 split. The plans they have for doing some in class and some online do seem good, it's just a question of getting my son to actually do it. Perhaps having to keep up with the rest of his cohort the days he is in class will encourage that. I realize my son is not average, but every parent friend I have and have spoken to had problems getting at least one of their children to do the work. Some families has to have one parent stop working, or do part time in off hours, which is not always possible for all families. I wish I could homeschool, I would love to do it, but there is no way my son will go for it. I also looked at some of the private schools but they are way too expensive for us.

I understood Ford was suggesting that perhaps outdoor classes would be an idea for September, Canadian weather is unpredictable though so that may not happen very many days a week. It is an interesting idea, I think if the climate allowed it would be a great idea.

While not a single parent our DS14 is ADHD so we get that (although he doesn't have the ODD diagnosis) ... but we've been able to deal with the ADHD through multiple mitigations (which we've paid for ourselves like OT, tutoring, etc....) over the years.... to get him to be pretty disciplined with his school stuff. This situation has thrown a total monkey wrench for us. DS needs to be at school as he definitely needs the structure. He's super smart, but needs the structure. Fortunately he's still kept in contact with his friends which has been good as far as the social/mental health aspect. He's moving to grade 9 which means moving to semesters... which in and of itself is an adjustment.... so we really hope the in-class options are workable.

If there was a realm in which I thought that what we could do as much for him through homeschooling we'd definitely do it but we realize our limitations (and greatly appreciate the great work his teachers do) so based on what we saw as far as at home learning in the spring this wouldn't be an option for us. We've talked a lot about how important masks, hygiene, etc... are and how they work and why being socially responsible matters (he was already pretty keen on personal cleanliness and respecting the danger of the virus before) so I'm fairly confident he'll follow protocol and we've ordered enough ATSM 2 masks to last him through the school year. I just want to see the details of what's in the works....
My children will not be returning to in person. My kids are 13/10/10 and will stay at home. I know that others do not have this choice, but by keeping my kids at home they are less at risk & it frees up more space in their classrooms for other kids who have less choice.

Both DH & I will work during the day. The 13 yo is an independent learner who will not require much assistance. I will be doing my boys’ school work with them after work. Any synchronous learning will not work for us - no one will be home to help them log on & set up. We’ll see how they do with any synchronous sessions, but I am preparing to teach the content myself on weekends & after work.

Every parent must make his/her own decision RE Sept, but everyone needs to understand that class will NOT be normal. Students MUST remain seated, will NOT be allowed to share supplies, CANNOT wander around the room, WILL have set washroom breaks. NO group work/paired work. I don’t even know if we can pass out photocopied paper yet. My boys would NOT do well in this environment. The constant stress of following the rules & worrying about getting sick or getting someone else sick negates completely the possible gains in socialization/mental health.
My children will not be returning to in person. My kids are 13/10/10 and will stay at home. I know that others do not have this choice, but by keeping my kids at home they are less at risk & it frees up more space in their classrooms for other kids who have less choice.

Both DH & I will work during the day. The 13 yo is an independent learner who will not require much assistance. I will be doing my boys’ school work with them after work. Any synchronous learning will not work for us - no one will be home to help them log on & set up. We’ll see how they do with any synchronous sessions, but I am preparing to teach the content myself on weekends & after work.

Every parent must make his/her own decision RE Sept, but everyone needs to understand that class will NOT be normal. Students MUST remain seated, will NOT be allowed to share supplies, CANNOT wander around the room, WILL have set washroom breaks. NO group work/paired work. I don’t even know if we can pass out photocopied paper yet. My boys would NOT do well in this environment. The constant stress of following the rules & worrying about getting sick or getting someone else sick negates completely the possible gains in socialization/mental health.

I’m not sure where you are located but not all schools will operate in the manner you described. The discussions here in Ontario are suggesting that under a modified approach (with less then 15 kids in a class) that the class would be treated as a “bubble” and within that bubble kids can be kids. Meaning they can move around, play with others etc. This is how daycares that have been open for essential workers have been operating. Now of course that’s for elementary school kids.

I agree every parent needs to make the decision that’s best for their family.
My children will not be returning to in person. My kids are 13/10/10 and will stay at home. I know that others do not have this choice, but by keeping my kids at home they are less at risk & it frees up more space in their classrooms for other kids who have less choice.

Both DH & I will work during the day. The 13 yo is an independent learner who will not require much assistance. I will be doing my boys’ school work with them after work. Any synchronous learning will not work for us - no one will be home to help them log on & set up. We’ll see how they do with any synchronous sessions, but I am preparing to teach the content myself on weekends & after work.

Every parent must make his/her own decision RE Sept, but everyone needs to understand that class will NOT be normal. Students MUST remain seated, will NOT be allowed to share supplies, CANNOT wander around the room, WILL have set washroom breaks. NO group work/paired work. I don’t even know if we can pass out photocopied paper yet. My boys would NOT do well in this environment. The constant stress of following the rules & worrying about getting sick or getting someone else sick negates completely the possible gains in socialization/mental health.
You bring up a point I hadn’t considered .. the stress of being in that environment with all of the new rules and protocols and the added fear of being sick or making someone else sick . That’s is a lot to deal with for a child . Heck.. look what a hard time we are having with it as adults !

I will be really candid , I don’t think I want my 16 year old to go back. I don’t think the benefit outweighs the potential risks. He‘s strong and healthy and I am not overly concerned about him getting sick but I am concerned about him being any part of a second wave. Even if the board and the school opens up as carefully and safely as they can ( which I’m not convinced they are given that they’ve said masks aren’t necessary ) I don‘t think it’s enough. We will have to stop seeing grandparents on both sides the minute he goes back too .

But he really struggled with the online learning and wants the benefit of in person instruction for things like grade 11 chemistry and math etc . Plus he‘s French Immersion and we don’t speak French so we can’t help him as much as we could if it were in English . He’s a really strong student but he doesn’t know how to prioritize self directed learning so he would would make everything of the utmost importance and spend hours and hours on things that just didn’t need that much attention. There was very little online help . I would hope this year would be different but who knows.
One thing I don’t understand about high school is that an Ontario e-learning consortium exists (dd takes courses with them) and the Independent Learning Centre exists. These groups have the full complement of high school courses written and ready to deploy. Why are these not being used by every board in Ontario? Seems like it would save money and work very well for virtual learning. The courses through the consortium are excellent. Can’t speak to the ILC. Why does each board have to reinvent the wheel.

My daughter will be home for her last year of high school. My younger two homeschool.
It’s all about equity and accessibility. We have students who don’t have access to electronic devices at home. Some families have many kids who need to compete for electronic use. I had students whose parents worked from home and they couldn’t join the virtual class meets. I posted the recordings but it’s just not the same. The platform the Ministry uses has lessons and activities that are very language loaded. As a teacher I can see how a special need student or English language learner would be overwhelmed with all the readings. I didn’t realize these issues until I had students who didn’t have access until 3 weeks after distance learning started as they finally got a loaned device from the school board. There are also students with mental health issues who are overly stressed by online learning. They need the one-on-one support, but teachers are advised not to virtual meet with only one student. I actually had parents who opted their children out of distance learning. elearning is not for everyone.
When did the border opening thread turn into a returning to school thread? Should these be separate?
I think the conversation naturally evolved as these things tend to do over the course of many threads. If it’s an issue I’m sure another thread could be created easily.

Eta.. in fact I will create one as I am sure this will be a ongoing discussion.
When did the border opening thread turn into a returning to school thread? Should these be separate?

This thread has indeed “evolved” and I for one think it should have a life (thread) of its own. School reopening is a topic that is timely and touches probably >75% of DisBoarders.

Not a day goes by that my family does not count their blessing that all 3 school-age members (my grandchildren) are:
1. excellent, motivated students, with no difficulty learning through multiple content delivery methods
2. In high school
3. Perhaps most important of all, in excellent health and physical condition

And every single day we think about the parents who are struggling to make arrangements (and choices) that allow them to provide both education and financial security for their families. Our hearts are with you, as we all wait for a vaccine which will allow us to reach a level of stability again.
I’m not sure where you are located but not all schools will operate in the manner you described. The discussions here in Ontario are suggesting that under a modified approach (with less then 15 kids in a class) that the class would be treated as a “bubble” and within that bubble kids can be kids. Meaning they can move around, play with others etc. This is how daycares that have been open for essential workers have been operating. Now of course that’s for elementary school kids.

I agree every parent needs to make the decision that’s best for their family.
I am an ON teacher. I teach at one board, my kids go to 2 other boards - imagine the cross-contamination there.... That bubble is a fiction.
TCDSB trustees just voted to return with no change to pre-Covid class sizes.
It’s all about equity and accessibility. We have students who don’t have access to electronic devices at home. Some families have many kids who need to compete for electronic use. I had students whose parents worked from home and they couldn’t join the virtual class meets. I posted the recordings but it’s just not the same. The platform the Ministry uses has lessons and activities that are very language loaded. As a teacher I can see how a special need student or English language learner would be overwhelmed with all the readings. I didn’t realize these issues until I had students who didn’t have access until 3 weeks after distance learning started as they finally got a loaned device from the school board. There are also students with mental health issues who are overly stressed by online learning. They need the one-on-one support, but teachers are advised not to virtual meet with only one student. I actually had parents who opted their children out of distance learning. elearning is not for everyone.
I understand that. But for those students choosing e-learning, the courses are there. No need for board by board solutions.
I am an ON teacher. I teach at one board, my kids go to 2 other boards - imagine the cross-contamination there.... That bubble is a fiction.
TCDSB trustees just voted to return with no change to pre-Covid class sizes.

Well the final decision is not being made by the school board.
Well the final decision is not being made by the school board.
No, but there is no funding for anything but pre-Covid ratios or staggered instruction - every other day or week which the gov has deemed unacceptable. This has set precedent - other boards will now be expected to follow this same path as the government will claim this has been shown to be the will of the school boards. Best part is, they voted via Zoom.
No, but there is no funding for anything but pre-Covid ratios or staggered instruction - every other day or week which the gov has deemed unacceptable. This has set precedent - other boards will now be expected to follow this same path as the government will claim this has been shown to be the will of the school boards. Best part is, they voted via Zoom.

The government has not deemed every other day or week unacceptable. They have just said they would prefer every day, but it will depend on what is happening. And just because Toronto decided on something doesn’t mean other school boards have to follow. I get you are a teacher but you don’t know what is happening in every board, in fact nobody does because a final decision has not been made.

I think we all need to wait and see what happens.
The government has not deemed every other day or week unacceptable. They have just said they would prefer every day, but it will depend on what is happening. And just because Toronto decided on something doesn’t mean other school boards have to follow. I get you are a teacher but you don’t know what is happening in every board, in fact nobody does because a final decision has not been made.

I think we all need to wait and see what happens.
I understand that. But for those students choosing e-learning, the courses are there. No need for board by board solutions.
Probably it’s too late to start the hiring process. Day schools are separate from elearning virtual school. Not many teachers can switch modes of teaching and this may bring up issues with unions as day school teachers will be laid off then some may get hired as elearning teachers.
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