Who Fartleked?: Putting the FUN back in the RUN - all the way to Goofy '09

Kind of ironic that the Everest comment was made...and then the race was announced....hmmm.....it's fate :)
Hey Scott--That everest race definetely looks cool! Now if only I was rich, so I could make it to all these events!! I can definetely picture you and Amy doing that!!

As for rental car discounts, I found a great one on the transportation board of the Disboards a few weeks ago for Alamo. Check out that board, a lot of people post codes there...I think I actually combined it with ones I found on Mousesavers.com and got a really good rate. Good Luck with that!!

Hope you have a great weekend!!
Yeah, luckily Disney is a bit more affordable to me because I can drive down (about 6.5 hours), therefore eliminating the plane flight expense and rental car expense. There is no way I could do all the events down there if I was having to fit the bill for flights and rentals!!

Happy to say that I've knocked out pilates already this morning and I'm getting ready to go do some cardio of some sorts (maybe just a brisk walk to change it up a little).

Hope everyone is gonna have a great weekend!
Scott sorry so late here, but CONGRATULATIONS on the Goofy.It sounds like you are back to a great workout pace.I had a visual with the treadmill at 10%, that must have been close to impossible.

I wish I was a car drive away, I would do them all too.

I did see the Moment of Truth- Oh boy, not for a million dollars!!!!!!!!

Thank you for all your encouraging words, they keep me pumped!

It is always fun to read your posts, you have a great way of expressing yourself:)

Have a great weekend,
How did you walk go this morning??? Hopefully well! I have a feeling you'll have to let me know how Everest is... We would have to fly. sigh...
Ended up going for a 4 mile brisk walk after the pilates this morning. I covered it in around 50 minutes. I do feel like my body is still recovering from WDW, working out isn't incredibly taxing but I do notice it a bit more now than I did before the races.

I'm still trying to figure out how many miles to do tomorrow, so I guess I'll just head out there with the intention on doing 6. I'll stop short of that if tired and push it to 8 if I feel good. I'd like to keep 8 miles as my normal Sunday distance.

Hope everyone is having a good day
Bored tonight....so I did another 30 minutes of pilates :rotfl:
You are too much...bored so you do pilates?? :confused3

Not sure I would be doing pilates if I was bored on a saturday night! But you are an exercising machine!!!

Hope you have a great run tomorrow!
Sooo....I found out that doubling up on pilates is a bit taxing on the system the next day! Amy, I really don't know how you do it so much...I can not imagine doing a couple of hours each day...major kudos to you.

With my sore core and my winter wear, I headed up to the park this morning for my first real long run since WDW.

Around two miles into the run, I was running along the road (I do two mile loops of one mile on the dirt/small stone mix, one mile road in the park)..and was overcome with the feelings of starting over again. The sun was breaking above the trees, the park was pretty empty, one of the songs that I listened to when I first started long running came up in the mix...and it all felt like "here we go again" (woah...need to add that Whitesnake song to the mix!) (wow...more I think about it, the words kind of ring true too) (rock on Whitesnake!). It is again the beginning of a years worth of running culminating in Walt Disney World where I hope to get a little bit of revenge and better my time from this year.

It's a safe kind of monotony, knowing that I can accomplish what I'm setting out to do, that it will be a great achievement for me...but I can't help thinking that I need some new challenges thrown into the mix as well. So this week I think I am going to re-assess my goals...not just running, but professionally and personally as well. (see the kind of stuff that enters my mind...it'll pass soon and I'll be back to just running for the fun of it!)

Luckily all of that epiphany garbage passed and I was able to finish the run, focusing on the music and the run itself. I ended up covering 7 miles in 61:09 (8:44 mpm).

I think I'm going to attempt some more pilates later tonight before taking a total rest day tomorrow.

I hope all is well with everyone!
Great job getting out there. You really jumped back into the running and training. Awesome job. I really can't say the same, but I'm proud of you.

Hope you're having a good weekend! :goodvibes
You are a running/ workout machine, Scott! :cool1: Way to go on getting all of those workouts in!:thumbsup2

That is a great song to add to the mix! Another one that you may want to add if you're a Bon Jovi fan is "It's My Life". The lyrics and the music on that one rock! Well, for me they do!:lmao:

Hope you have a great week ahead!:goodvibes
Good suggestion there! I love Bon Jovi and that would be a good one for the mix.
Bored tonight....so I did another 30 minutes of pilates :rotfl:

Can I count that pilates workout as mine, since you already had one on your books?? :rolleyes1

Just kidding, Mr. I. You're something else with your workouts. Congrats on the long run today. :thumbsup2 Looks to me like you rocked it. :woohoo:

Whitesnake, huh? I would love to borrow your MP3 sometime, just to hear what you listen to when you run. :upsidedow

Have a GREAT week!
Thanks everyone.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what my base week is going to be. I think right now it will be 5 miles on Tuesday, 30 XT on Wednesday, 4 miles on Thursday, 4 miles OR 30 XT on Friday, 18 mile bike OR 60 XT on Saturday and then a 6-8 mile long run on Sunday. I will also throw pilates in there at least 4 times each week.

That was easy. LOL. Maybe I should do more planning late at night. :confused3
WOW. Look at you!!! I so admire you. I'm so concerned about my base and a "long" 3 miler on the weekend and look at you! That is just awesome!!! Glad to hear you had a good run and your pace just keeps improving by leaps and bounds! :goodvibes Sometimes I think I need to reassess everything too... Good luck w/ that and keep us posted!

Hope you have a great day today!
Scott, I just have to say, you are AWESOME! I am amazed at how much exercise you fit into your week. I am having a hard time fitting in 30 minutes a day and you just keep going and going and going. NICE JOB!!

Have a good day!

So...Fitness Center hunting... Did you ever find anything that suites your needs???

Hope your training went well yesterday!

Good morning

I successfully completed my rest day yesterday :)

On the fitness center front, I am maintaining status quo for the time being. At least I now have a good grasp on what is out there should I decide to make a change. Of all the places around, the Y definitely had the most to offer. I'm researching places to take swimming lessons now...maybe I need to just make up my mind on what I want! (I'm a tad indecisive...one of my many annoying traits :rolleyes1 )

Staying on the indecisive front...I'm also contemplating the ING Georgia Half Marathon in March and the Philly Half Marathon in November. You could say I've got that racing bug once again.

Tonight I'll get out there for a 5 or 6 (indecisive) mile run. I'm kind of looking forward to a solid week of training, upping the miles a bit from last week's totals.

Hope all is well with everyone....
Morning, Scott! I think you would enjoy swimming - it would give you a new activity to learn and grow proficient in, just like you did running a couple of years ago (and look how well you did with THAT!!). I think it would be a great addition to your training, although how you'd fit it in I DON'T know. But somehow I have the feeling if you decide to do it, you WILL fit it in and make it look easy (you and Amy are a lot alike in that respect). Anyway, looking forward to hearing about your training week - and thanks very much for your encouragement on my journal. It really means a lot to me!

Hope you have a good day!



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