Who feels like a threadkiller - Take 4!

Another storm Betsy? Bummer is right.

Did you get your reservation at Moxies?

We have Moxies in the big cities here, I wonder if it is the same chain? There is not one in our city. Moxies is not one of my favourite places to eat. The rest of the gang like it there though.
Its looking better with that storm Robin, Now it says 1-3 in. ... I guess I can deal with that..heck I probably wont even notice with all the snow we already have...:santa:

Nope didn't get the res. at Moxie's..they have been booked for 2 weeks now...Looks like I'm a day late and a dollar short...:sad2:

This Moxies is not a chain.. It's a local family owned restaurant. Upscale and classy. a "special occasion" place. The people who own it also own a great pizza place.....both places are good.. :thumbsup2

Baking friendship bread today.... Thinking of making it a lemon bread.. It always turns out yummy.
Whatever you are doing today ...Have a great onepixiedust:

Good luck with that snow. Most of ours has melted away, except for where it was drifted into large piles. I can see a fair amount of the grass around in the yard.

Sorry to hear about your dinner reservations. Maybe you should just go out on Friday night instead or tonight? :confused3

Liz is coming for dinner tonight. She still comes to town occasionally to see her chiropractor and when she does she usually stops in for dinner.

We have friends coming for dinner on Friday night.

SO, today, it is off to the grocery store :thumbsup2

Enjoy your day.
::Raises hand:::

This is me... I dunno why, but in general, I am pretty much completely ignored en masse, or will kill a thread. I try to pipe in with great spunk when the mood strikes me, and to personalize things as to not come in with an "I have arrived" attitude, but I'm pretty much a thread killin', never fits in anywhere but my own family misfit in life (and am OK with it.) :thumbsup2

So, hello to all fellow misfits :)

This is me, too. I get to a point and say I am done posting and only lurk when something interests me and I post only to be ignored again. Oh well, it's a message board nothing to get worked up over. I have many other issues in life to deal with. I will go into lurkdom
This is me, too. I get to a point and say I am done posting and only lurk when something interests me and I post only to be ignored again. Oh well, it's a message board nothing to get worked up over. I have many other issues in life to deal with. I will go into lurkdom

Me too. I lurk 99% of the time and only post very rarely anymore these days.

I've found that I'm going to be totally ignored, then what is the sense in bothering to post:confused3

I like to lurk though. Lots of interesting stuff goes on out in the big world that I have no idea about :lmao:
What a lovely, windy, chilly, dreary soon to be rainy/stormy spring day. :thumbsup2

:beach: <~~~~ dreaming of better days to come :goodvibes
It's beautiful here today! 66 degrees and sunny!:sunny:

I'm sure your weather will make its way to me in a few days, Robin!
Did your house stay dry? It's supposed to be 70 degrees and partly cloudy today. Looks like we get your rain tomorrow!
Yes it stayed fairly dry, just at tiny bit of water in a basement window. I keep a towel rolled up there all the time to catch any floods before they become major.

I wonder......... do they make windows that don't leak? Our last house had leaking windows and a leaky basement and now this one does too. I thought I was going to move away from that particular problem:confused3

We are right in the middle of a major rainy session. Supposed to rain for days and days. Poured last night but I've not had the energy to go down and check the basement for damps spots yet.

I hope you all miss this system.


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