Wk of Jan. 20th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

:welcome: KIRA and AMANDA!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2:

I so know the feeling - I've posted my pic in the Half Marathon for Dummies - I only posted what worked for me, and what I'd do differently - so go out there in your practices and find what works for you - but.. know... WISH TEAM's impact is immeasurable - as well as the Disney Magic - they go hand in hand!!

YELLOW??? what's wrong with YELLOW??? Yellow is the color of sunshine, yellow is the color of smiles... :) :cool1: :rotfl2: :love: :rolleyes1 :yay: :dance3: :cheer2: :flower3:

So either the LIME GREEN or the DAYGLOW - I :love: the color of the shirts now - I can see them easily a HALF MILE away - and it made a HUGE difference!! Mile 11 1/2 I have no idea what color these shirts are, but they certainly GLOW just right!!!

Maherae I found the calendar!! :hug: WISH I could be there for the Jan '09 Event - but I'll be there in spirit!!

and I'm planning on wearing the WISH shirt for a few other races....
Scott--DH ran the Minnie with me last year, and he, too, had reservations about being one of a few male participants. He had a GREAT time, and it was good run for us. Gotta get that Minnie medal to go with the set--what is a Mickey, Donald, and Goofy without Minnie??????? WISH we could make it this year as well, but somebody's brother just had to go and get engaged and want to get married in May---geez!;)
Sandy- my race ready shorts are the classic V notches- they have a 3 inch inseam. They don't seem as short as that sounds. I ordered off the internet and was afraid to experiment- there's a 6 inch inseam short in the catalog, but it said it was good for walkers and hikers- I didn't know if that meant they might be heavier?!

AmyBeth- who had time to see you, girl!?;)

Mel- I'd love some new bracelets too. I like being a total dork and wearing mine with my "real" clothes when I need a little boost!:thumbsup2

Actually have some running to report-- I went a whopping 1 mile with Emma on her bike. I started at about a 10 minute pace, but my "Goofy leg" started to hurt. I went back home and found some biofreeze- rubbed it on, and put it in Emma's basket! Ended up coming back early out of fear of doing real damage... and we were cold! Still, at least I was moving a bit--:rolleyes1
Welcome, Amanda and Kira and any other new WISHers!

Jen in GA
Texa, My WISH shirt is part of my race day apparel for any event that I do. You never know where WISHers are, or how the saying on the back of the shirt will help someone. HTH! :)

Sandy, :thumbsup2 :goodvibes Anne
Here's one more idea on the shirts: Do any of you recall seeing the group from Canada that had the most beautiful race shirts ever? They had the Earful Tower and other Disney landmarks on the front and back and were very colorful. We had poor Cam and Carrie accost one of their scream teamers on the monorail to EPCOT and make him tell us who made them. I am attaching the link below. We could either provide our design to them, or we could work with them to come up with an original design for the team. There is no charge for their design services. The shirt prices look reasonable. It would be a little extra work, but it might be worth the effort. They could make the background color of the shirts whatever we want.

Warning: Some of the examples on the first page of the web site contain images that are for adults only. I am NOT recommending that we use any of that artwork. :rolleyes:

Texa, My WISH shirt is part of my race day apparel for any event that I do. You never know where WISHers are, or how the saying on the back of the shirt will help someone. HTH :goodvibes Anne

When I ran my first race ever the Fleet Feet Womens 5K - my fdil asked if any of my "Team' would be there - I said I dont think so, but if they are they'll stand out!! Then when our team shirts arrived, she said, "You werent kidding about standing out!"

and I cant tell you how many people touched me on the course giving me encouragement, telling me how they LOVED the motto - so true -

When I was scream teaming at the Full in MK - I had 2 people ask to take a picture of the back of the shirt - they were inspired on the course by the saying - I told them to come to disboards.com - so you're right Anne, you never know how it will help someone else!!!
Jen - Careful out there! Not only is it super cold, but the muscles are still repairing from last weekend...

- thanks for the info on your DH running last year! Did you guys sign up as a team or as individuals??

Amy - One of my favorite memories from the weekend was spotting a green shirt way up ahead, shouting "WISHers on the left", and navigating to the appropriate side so your flag could be waved :goodvibes:

WISH support is AWESOME!

For those who have done the Minnie, is there any advantage of doing the team deal or do you just get matching bibs?
Hey all.. I am in on the tech shirts. I am currently stocked well for the regular WISH shirts, even for my scream teamers (I got a little out of hand!!). Tho maybe a sweatshirt would be nice.

Heather - I did see those shirts and commented to Mel about them. They were mighty cool!!

Mel - Hey, DH is currently checking out airfare for Minnie. It would be a quick in and out if we can make it. I also need to find a babysitter and we may have to leave right after the race. But I am working on it. I will keep you posted. I really want to re-do that AK to MGM route... I stonked during it!!!

Oh funny story, I am still unpacking stuff and DD4 found my WISH visor and put it on. Then she ran around the house like a runner and said "I'm Mommy". It was too cute. Love her!

Oh and my quest to lose those 30 pounds is on... I am down 3 pounds. WHOOO HOOO!!!!!
Well today was the first day of my new training plan. To get so I can run as far as possible in 30 min. Today I went 2.79 miles, and the reason behind the 30 minute limit is that is the time limit at my local gym. Once to wind chill is up near 40, so April, I will train outside. So I keep coming closer to my goal, to beat Lynne. Not that she knows it yet.

Mel- The new tech shirts sound like a great Idea, but it would be nice if us women could get the Vneck cut and the men get the crew. But that is up to the Company. Eye2eye looks like they could make some really neat scream team shorts though.

Anne- Mom and Lynne both are doing Minnie as well, I will post it on that thread though.

Have a good training week everyone.
That was probably me with my WiSH fabric...and it did work for most of the wishers out there along the course but definitely it was missed on a few occasions LOL.

Sorry, Amy Beth! I feel better knowing you that you know I didn't see you.

Welcome Kira and Amanda! This time last year doing a marathon seemed like an impossible feat....and I am no lightweight by any means.:welcome:
Scott--DH and I signed up as individuals--the only teams I remember seeing last year were mother/daughter duos

It was interesting, in church this morning our pastor was talking on not quitting. He was referring to our Christians lives, but a lot he said correlates to marathon/long distance training. Especially for those new to this venture, what you've embarked on, is a journey, not just a destination. And all through this journey you will come across challenges that will build your character. And in the words of my pastor, this journey is about character not comfort; Don't quit! At the end of your journey (wherever your destination leads you), you will end up a different, stronger individual. Good luck to all and I can't wait to be a part of your journeys!
I love the WISH colors now. I don't really wear it running b/c it is too heavy. BUT, I do wear it biking. No car can miss that. I think I blind people!
I posted on the race reports...I ran a 5k Sat in 24 min. I would have placed in my age group, but did not have a chip...due to my own stupidity.
NO THIS ISN"T MY 1st RACE! It was a free 5k and for some reason I thought the web site said they would not have it chip timed.... AAAAHHHHHH!
Mel, thanks for starting the new thread & for keeping everyone motivated. I love the idea of tech shirts & would definitely be interested. I ended up wearing one of my blue ones during the Goofy because of weight--and ended up WISHing I hadn't!

Like others, I'd prefer a v-neck, but keeping the lime green is a higher priority for me.

Texa, My WISH shirt is part of my race day apparel for any event that I do. You never know where WISHers are, or how the saying on the back of the shirt will help someone. HTH! :)

Sandy, :thumbsup2 :goodvibes Anne

::yes:: I can't tell you how many people on the course talked with me/asked me about WISH or loved the DLF sentiment. It was great! I spoke with one Goofy guy during the half who said the WISH shirts really helped him as he neared the finish.

pixiedust: Welcome Allyson, MsMighty, Amanda, Kira, and anyone I may have missed. I'm almost a newbie myself, as I post sporadically, but it's so great to hear from new voices.

I've had a good weekend of mild exercising & strength training. My blisters are healing, if the amount that they're beginning to itch is any indication. Tomorrow I hit the treadmill (unless it gets considerably warmer here in Pittsburgh). It sounds odd, but I'm transitioning from a WR on the Goofy to a full run, so I'll be doing C25K, Week3 next week as part of my post-race recovery, then following the program.

Also odd? I read the thread about Goofy '09 being 65% full, and I ran into the other room to tell my DH. He said, "You want to do the Goofy, don't you?" I replied, "No, we agreed that it was too much training around the holidays to do every year." He repeated, "You want to do it though, don't you?"

I had to admit that I did. If you'd ever told me that not only would I do the Goofy but be itching to sign up again less than a week later....:rotfl: (We're not going to, though. We've compromised--Goofy every other year, alternating with one event + the Scream Team on the "off" years. When possible, which we think is doable for 2009. Now we just have to decided 1/2 or full.)
I am in for a tech shirt. DH would also want one.

I have worn a WISH shirt to each event that I have done. Thanks to Cam for loaning Jeanne and I each a shirt for our first half last year. You do get alot of positive feedback when wearing them from racers who pass you.

Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie here(I've posted on the Marathon 09 thread a few times), but I feel like it's time to join the club!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to all of you on your success at the WDW races last weekend! Your reports have me very motivated to get going!
My goal is to run/walk the half next year!

I'm new to running, as I usually just walk. Lately, I have not had a lot of time to work out. I am a full time student(music education), and I work part time. My current job is as a waitress, and I work very late hours which are not kosher to my school hours. However, the tables may be turning.... :)

Last week, I went to our local Fleet Feet sports to get my first pair of fitted running shoes. I was there for 2 hours, getting shoes, sports bras, tech clothes, etc. While I was there, I struck up conversation with the employees and a manager-long story short, I have an interview with the owner tomorrow morning! It would be great-they close early, and will work with my schedule-plus the incentive (and time) to get into better shape! I will keep you posted!

Thanks to everyone on these boards for the wonderful stories and motivation to start making this a year for a "better me!" You probably don't know what an effect you have on people who are looking to start a training program! I look forward to being a part of such a wonderful group of people!

BTW-I am interested in WISH apparel-shirts, hats, bracelets, anything! I think it would help me stay motivated during training.

Becky from Hickory, NC
Hi, Becky! I'm new here, too--isn't it amazing how motivating and friendly everyone is?

Hi, Deekaypee! Thanks for the warm welcome!

About the training thing today.... :rolleyes1 I *meant* to do Pilates and got dressed for it, and then I figured I'd make a cup of cocoa to drink when I finished...except then it was perfect drinking temperature...and I may have overdid it with the whipped cream and marshmallows... and then I had a stomachache. :guilty: So, no workout today. Just waddle-walking from my sore butt muscles.

Tomorrow, the gym!
:welcome: Becky! You're going to be very popular around here...Fleet Feet discount???? ;) What kind of training program are you planning to use?

Jen...holy cats! Watching Pack v Giants... -1?!?!?:cold: you guys are hardcore up there.

Christa...welcome back, dude! Great 5K time! Do you think you might be able to join us at WDW in 2009? Was great seeing Bree and her fam!

Heather...I did see those shirts...they were very cool! They looked kinda tight-fitting (from what I remember), do the other styles seem a little looser? Maybe we could just have them do a prototype and see what everyone thinks?

Erin...congrats on training today!

Scott...DD15 and I registered for Minnie as a team. We got matching bibs that were separate from our race number bibs. Also, there was a separate award for teams, but we didn't place, so not worth it for us.

ms.duck...if you whipped the cream yourself, that might count for cross-training ;-)

I did my XT today by cleaning house :crazy2: DH ran 7 miles, getting ready for the Sarasota half in a few weeks.

Anyone else feel like the new year doesn't really start until AFTER marathon weekend? You train all year for it...then start a new training year after it's over. I'm turning 40 this year (and I know a couple of others of you who are as well :rolleyes1 ) so I'm looking to do some amazing things! Any suggestions?
Well today was the first day of my new training plan. To get so I can run as far as possible in 30 min. Today I went 2.79 miles, and the reason behind the 30 minute limit is that is the time limit at my local gym. Once to wind chill is up near 40, so April, I will train outside. So I keep coming closer to my goal, to beat Lynne. Not that she knows it yet.


Oh sister darling- I ran 1:23 for the 15 K in 2006 or 6 min faster than we did the 13 K for ToT. I'm not saying what the goal for this year is though:rolleyes1 but you can be assured that it's faster. BTW, you ought to be base training at this point. Too much intensity too soon is a recipe for injury.

On the topic of shirts- I really like the visibility of the safety yellow shirts but prefer a lighter more breathable shirt like the ones Disney provides as the marathon/half/Goofy race shirts.

Train safe everyone!

I love the WISH colors now. I don't really wear it running b/c it is too heavy. BUT, I do wear it biking. No car can miss that. I think I blind people!
I posted on the race reports...I ran a 5k Sat in 24 min. I would have placed in my age group, but did not have a chip...due to my own stupidity.
NO THIS ISN"T MY 1st RACE! It was a free 5k and for some reason I thought the web site said they would not have it chip timed.... AAAAHHHHHH!

LOL....Christa...I *always* wear my WiSH shirt when I bike b/c it is such a great visibility color. :thumbsup2

So I didn't run today...I'm guessing Tuesday I'll get back at it. I'm having some pain in my legs :confused3 from the two workouts I've done this week. So I opted to hold off a few more days on the post Goofy run.

Friday I taught my Pilates Fusion class and managed to get a good workout at the same time. On Saturday I took a Yoga class to try to work the muscles out a bit. Today I've been a total couch potato....first Sunday that I haven't done a long run in FOREVER. It feels odd. :rolleyes1

I'll be teaching 10 Pilates classes this week...so right back at it ;). Beyond that I may try to get on the ski machine a few times and get a couple of short, 3 mile runs in. I also have a session scheduled with my Pilates trainer, and hope to get on the apparatus as well. I'm not overly motivated to get running again but since I know I'll be doing a Spring event I really don't want to lose any ground...that's motivation enough ;).

Jeanne: Thanks for caring that you missed me out there. Again...didn't upset me at all!!! I know you guys were there cheering for the GREEN all day and it was tough to get to the side of the course fast enough to hold up my wish fabric. I appreciate your son noticing....tell him "thanks". :goodvibes

....WTG on the Pilates!!! :thumbsup2 I have to say that my core strength REALLY carried me through the Goofy this year. I swear by Pilates and Yoga. Awesome that you are already doing that!

Welcome Becky, Allyson, Amanda, Kira!!
:goofy: Hi WISH Team! I'm Home! :goofy:

We stayed til' Friday doing a lot of post race walking in the parks. Nice "cool down" to a fantastic weekend. It was a w/o for sure. We came home Friday dumped out the suitcase filled it with winter things got in the car and headed down to Cincinatti, OH for a visit with my friend. We've been home long enough to get dinner made and unpack. I've got Mt. Laundry waiting.

I am planning to take it easy these few days, got some doc apts to get through and then we'll see from there.

Welcome to the new WISH Team members! Welcome to the New training year all WISH Team members. Happy training. Watching football games right now.


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