You HAVE to try this!! EBAY your way to DISNEY Part 2!!!!

Anyone else not able to get into paypal? I keep getting an error message 3004 when i try to log in!

I sold a digital camera this weekend and ebay says they paid me but i can`t get into check my account and i didn`t get an email from paypal either??

Weird! I have never had anything like this happen before!

I cannot get in either. I thought it was just me. I have a ton of things to ship for pick up tomorrow and i keep getting that same error. it DID let me pay someone earlier and also let me transfer money to my bank but no luck now. oh well, i'll have to try again later but i'm glad i'm not the only one!
Thank goodness ! I`m not crazy!! It is driving me bonkers though because I can`t even get in to print the invoice or anything on paypal so i can get it ready to ship! :(

i just checked the paypal community board, everyone is having this problem. paypal says its because of too many users at one time. i guess the columbus day holiday is the reason! everyone is home paypaling. if it doesn't clear up soon, i will just print my labels thru my software.
Speaking of shipping, what happened to the Box #7 and the box # 1095 for priority mail at I knew the tape was not available anymore but now the box sizes are limited too. I am really getting low and need to reorder but don't see them on there.:mad:
Originally posted by iNTeNSeBLue98
If you are a casual lister, you could probably list without accepting PayPal. Make certain your terms are very clear. Initially I signed up with PayPal to pay someone who accepted nothing else, so I had the account when I started selling. I think I was skeptical and intimidated about using the account to accept payments at first. Now, I prefer it. No waiting a week for a payment to arrive in the mail. I upgraded to a Premier account (Buyers can pay with a credit card), and requested the debit card (1.5% cash back on purchases). Whether you have a Personal or Premier account is your choice (there is a fee on every sale with Premier).

I must admit I have not read this entire thread, so please forgive me if this has already been asked and answered...but exactly what services do you get with a Personal Paypal account? I am sure that I have one because I have purchase from ebay using paypal. I am looking into selling but I do not want to encounter a lot of fees.

Any advice would be appreciated.

With a personal Paypal account, you can accept payment in for the form a existing Paypal funds, Echeck, or Direct Checking Account Transfers. You pay no fees to Paypal with a personal account. If you have a Paypal account that you have been using for payments, then you likely have a personal account.

If you want to accept Credit Cards, including Debit/Check cards you must upgrade to a Premier account. With this account you incure fees on every tranasactions.

I did not have a permier account for a long time. But it was so much trouble trying to get people to understand that they could not use a credit card to pay me, that I finally gave in and upgraded. It so much easier.
I just started selling some of my DDs outgrown clothing on ebay. Since I am new to this, I have so many questions. I am hoping someone can help me with a few. First, how long into the fall/winter do you sell fall/winter clothing? When do you switch to spring/summer?

I notice that a lot of you talk about getting the free priority boxes from you only offer priority shipping? Also, do you quote a flat rate shipping fee or use the calculator? Which way do you think works best?

THat's all I can think of for now. I'm sure that I will have more questions as I go!

Thanks in advance for all your help!
The word on the street is the IRS is about to crack down on eBay sales and tax. There are many seller that are not filing.

There are billions of dollars changing hands on eBay and paypal every year and the government wants share, both state and federal.

Make sure you have a retail license, state tax number, etc. to protect yourself. If you are buying and re-selling this is a must. Even if you are selling collectibles, if you are making a profit you have to claim it. No if, ands or buts........
Originally posted by wdw5454
The word on the street is the IRS is about to crack down on eBay sales and tax. There are many seller that are not filing.

There are billions of dollars changing hands on eBay and paypal every year and the government wants share, both state and federal.

Make sure you have a retail license, state tax number, etc. to protect yourself. If you are buying and re-selling this is a must. Even if you are selling collectibles, if you are making a profit you have to claim it. No if, ands or buts........

Do you have to be an official business to obtain a retail license, etc? I just want to really try my hand at this to see if I am any good. Any advice?
Since I just spent forever looking on EBAY for my answer and can't find it-- I'm gonna take a crack w/ my question here.

I opened an ebay store several months ago (after doing some heavy volume selling). However, after keeping careful track of my reports, the store isn't worth the money. I'm not getting enough traffic to the store. I've tried many of advertising routes.

Anyhow, I want to cancel the store, how do I do this??
How do I sign up for the Paypal Buyer Protection Program...I was just looking at my auctions and noticed that most of the sellers that accept Paypal have the paypal logo AND paypal buyer protection program logo next to all of their auctions. My auctions only have the paypal logo.

Go to, after you sign in click on the auction tools button at the top.

Scroll down a little and you will see a link that will give you more info on Seller and Buyer protection and how to sign up for it.
I had posted this elsewhere but figured I'd repost it here since you guys are definitely looking for ways to make money.

If you really want to save money on magazine subscriptions, go to . If you sign up to become a subscription agent, you can buy magazines at wholesale prices. You won't believe how cheap some of these magazines are. I'm not allowed by contract to tell you the prices, but there are magazines who's wholesale cost is about 10% or even less than the price they charge you. You have to pay $50 up front, but that amount is credited to your account, so it basically means you have $50 to order magazines with, and can order as much or as little as you want.

I've signed up for it thinking that I could do well selling them on ebay. But the publishers of some magazines are really cracking down on discounted magazine sales. They want you to only sell them at the regular full prices. But as you can see on ebay and on hundreds of web stores, that ain't happening! But they do have the right to reject your orders. I learned all this the hard way, and had to refund over 10 orders on ebay after a certain magazine saw I was selling them at discounted prices on ebay. In fact, it is in the contract now that you can't sell on ebay. But you can sell on your own storefront on the web (I guess like a PayPal or Yahoo storefront).

I'm not selling them on ebay anymore. One, it's not worth the hassle of having the companies reject my orders weeks after I have placed them, and then having to refund. I have a 100% ebay rating and I don't want to mess it up with bad vendors. Plus, it's against the contract to sell on ebay, and I don't want to risk my ability to order for myself and family members. And it's not worth my time to sell elsewhere, because it's so competitive you can only make $3-$4 a subscription anyway. But maybe for someone looking for an at home business, it can be great, if you're willing to set up your own storefront, you're organized, and have a broadband computer connection. I did love learning about all the different magazines out there, and now I must subscribe to about 15 magazines just myself!!!

So I thought I'd mention it since I know alot of people here are always looking for ways to be SAHM and make some money on the side. Or even using it for holiday gifts would save some (lots!) on holiday costs.

Good luck-


PS If you have questions you can ask me - I have no financial association with the company and get no kickbacks from referrals.


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