do you cry at Disney?

I cry while watching Wishes every time. Granted I've seen this show dozens of times but it still gets me every time. The message about following your dreams just makes me feel like anything is possible.

I also get a feeling while I'm holding my husbands hand and we are about to get on a great ride like Splash Mountain or other favorites that gets me so giddy and excited. I just feel so grateful and so overwhelmed with a feeling of pure bliss.

I feel so lucky I get to expierence WDW as much as I do as I know it's a once in a life time trip for many. I never take it for granted. For me, every trip is like my first and last trip. I just love Disney World so much. :love:
oh my gosh my husband thinks I'm a lunatic lol. when my youngest son met Rapunzel for the first time i couldn't even speak because my tears were flowing. its just very emotional to see your children embrace the magic thats disney and to see their little faces light up when they are there. sorry so mushy but thats what sets me off :goodvibes
This whole thread makes me cry!!!!!

I usually always cry a few times at WDW.

ALWAYS when walking under the train station and then on to Main St.

ALWAYS during Hall of Presidents and American Adventure.

ALWAYS during Wishes (the music! sheesh!)

And USUALLY when Mickey defeats Maleficent during Fantasmic!

I know this upcoming trip will be a teary one, it's my boyfriend's first time and it's going to be so great seeing him light up at the littlest things, which I know he will. He's 32 and never had an opportunity to go, so this is something we've been waiting for since we've been together, 2.5 years. Also, I haven't been since September 2010...that's a long 4 years without the Magic!!
On the European Cruise- seeing Mickey dressed as a Spanish Matador...

And- when I look back at my photos and see how much my son has grown since the last trip...

AND- when my son said to me "Mom you love Disney because you act like a kid when were there"
Yup! Like a baby! Circle of Life really got me last time. I try to play it off like I have something in my eye when I do tear up..... ;)
So glad I'm not the only one. I cry during fireworks and parades every time. Sometimes just when I see a wonderful or sweet gesture that just touches my heart. The worst was on our first trip after having kids my DS was 4. We walked into MK just as a celebration parade was going on Seeing him mesmerized with wonder had me blubbering like a baby. Thank god for sun glasses. I just got misty eyed right now just thinking about it.
43 years old. Male. ex punk rocker. Tatttoos. Cries like a baby

1) As we pass under the Gate.
2) as we traverse Seven Seas Lagoon
3) At rope Drop
4) When i see a character from my childhood.
5) When i see the sparkle and awe in my teenagers faces after 13 trips ---
I'm a closet crier. I have too many moments to mention! My family has never seen me cry, as far as I know. I'll walk ahead when the urge hits and wipe my tears away, then back to normal. We were on a Disney cruise and all these little girls ran towards a princess. They were all wearing their best princess dresses, and making so much noise. I stood there practically bawling. Being the mother of two boys, ( 14 & 19 ) I never had a princess moment. It was so adorable.

I could have typed this!! I have 2 boys and I desperately try to hide my crying from them, especially at WDW. For me it's usually that first walk into MK, Wishes and Illuminations. But any other feel good, special moment could cause some tears.
And so it would seem, I cry at threads about crying at Disney. This is my punishment for being on disboards at work. :P

I get teary as soon as we are on Main Street, no matter what. But it's usually when we first happen upon a performance of some kind that the tears start to pour and I'm taking deep breaths so I don't look like a lunatic and draw attention to myself. It could be the show in front of the castle, or the trolley show that comes down main. We almost always hit one or the other as soon as we get there, and that's it-I'm done.

Wishes-every time. Illuminations, too. I've only seen Fantasmic once (*gasp* I know), and yes, both Sorcerer Mickey and Steamboat Mickey sent the ducts into production overdrive.

Nemo-forget it, I'm a puddle.

Philharmagic-this one is not so common on the cry-list, but it's just so flippin awesome and traverses so many amazing Disney moments, I'm always teary at the end.

And, when I see the wait time for Toy Story Mania. :O
On a Disney cruise once, I stopped in to see a Kids Talent Show they were holding in one of the lounges during the afternoon. (My kids weren't interested in participating nor watching.) It was cute, kids did little dances or played an instrument, some did hula hooping or failing all else, sang "Happy Birthday".

The audience, as you can expect, was largely their parents.

The best part was the Emcee, as each kid finished he gave them a nice medal on a red white and blue heavy ribbon, and led the audience in saying: "You deserve this because you are YOU! You are special because you are YOU!"

I lost it, just totally blubbering as each kid had their moment. It was too sweet, and though I've been on plenty of non-Disney cruises and loved them, that was a special moment for me.
Oh boy. I had an embarrasing cry on our last trip. During Wishes on our last night, I was standing next to my DBF with his arm around me. When I heard "Someday my prince will come" and all the quotes about wishes coming true. I lost it!!! Like not got teared up... But a river of tears flowing down my face, gasping for air kind of cry. I could not stop!! I think it was just a culmination planning the trip for months and thinking for years about how awesome it would be to be in Disney with my boyfriend(this was our first vacation together). In the moment I was just so happy to be there with him. He had to check with me that they were happy tears. Hopefully everyone around us was watching the fireworks and didn't notice this emmbarasing emotional display.
No, but I definitely feel more emotions there than I do anywhere else!
I can cry at Disney, on a cruise, on a land vacation. It was my heart's dream to travel as a child, and I seldom got that chance. My parents drove cross country to go to Disneyland with my two older sisters when I was 6, and they left me and my 4 year old sis at an aunt's. (Can't imagine why they didn't want us rugrats with!) :rotfl2:

Then we had a big family vacation to Florida when I was 10... and Disneyworld opened a month later. Fast forward to when I'm grown. The first vacation I planned for my kids was WDW. (As a single mom, I took them on alternating trips.) Seeing a place I had wanted to go to over 30 years prior, made me cry from joy many times.

I was on a trip to New Orleans once (we took the City of New Orleans train in a sleeper car to get there!) and as I was sitting in Pat O'Brien's drinking a hurricane, dressed in a pretty dress that I had made myself out of vintage fabric gifted me by my BF's mother, and I burst out crying. I realized I was completely and utterly happy.

Since then I've made it my life's ambition to travel anywhere and everywhere I could, and have been to over 2 dozen countries and on dozens of cruises and land vacations, and yes, Disney too. I've bawled sitting in a courtyard in Venice, drinking a cappuccino; looking over the rail at the beautiful sea on a cruise; while touring a monastery in Spain; watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle; walking the city walls of Croatia; while cave tubing in Belize and at the Bronte Parsonage in Yorkshire. And while meeting Mickey!

I realize how lucky I am to be there, to be living my life's dream, to have experiences and see sights that many can only wish for. I'm in the moment, and that makes me cry hot tears of joy.

I love this!
Yep! Been tons of times and there are certain things that get me every time.

Used to tear up at the old Celebrate a Dream Come True Parade.. Disney holds a special place in my heart and I've celebrated many dreams come true at Disney.

Wishes... Gets me EVERY TIME!!! This is a full on bawling lol. It's the little girl singing star light star bright part... Every time! I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Castle projection show... Gets me teary eyed sometimes.

When walking into our room at Grand Floridian every December. We got married at Disney/honeymooned and came back last year for 1st anniversary... And have this years 2nd anniversary booked. We book theme park view and when we walk in the room the first day of our trip seeing the castle in the distance gets me every time. Soooo magical!
Yes. And the funny thing is, I'n not a crier. At all. In fact my friends joke that I don't even have tear ducts, but I get a little water-eyed at Disney. The tears don't come until after, when I'm reflecting on all that happened during the trip. It's pretty goofy seeing a teenaged girl staring at her laptop screen crying! Wishes makes me cry, the Castle Projection show makes me cry...

I think my favorite memory is when at HS, my dad and I decided to go on one last ride on Star Tours before we left. The ride was somewhat busy, but by some stroke of luck we ended up in our own vehicle. I was chosen to be to rebel spy (after about 6 rides!) and it was just incredibly perfect. Our CM was nice, and it was just such a wonderful memory that I tear up thinking about it every single time!
Like a baby!

The very first time I saw Illuminations, back in 2000 during the millennium celebration, I was completely overwhelmed by the beauty and power of the show, and became swept up in tears of joy. That was the defining moment that I fell hopelessly in love with Walt Disney World.

Since that trip 14 years ago, I've made my way back down to WDW as frequently as finances will allow... And without fail, I have had a weepy moment or two each visit!


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