Asia Disney Parks closed due to Coronavirus (SHDL, HKDL, TDL)

Of course they can. But unless a serious outbreak in that area, would be a huge mistake for local economies.
I still think people are not quite grasping how serious a disease with a 2 percent mortality rate and an R0 of between 3 and 4.5 is. There is a reason the stock market just entered correction territory in the span of four days. There is a reason Japan just shuttered all of its schools and Saudi Arabia just closed Mecca. This is a historically bad crisis.
I still think people are not quite grasping how serious a disease with a 2 percent mortality rate and an R0 of between 3 and 4.5 is. There is a reason the stock market just entered correction territory in the span of four days. There is a reason Japan just shuttered all of its schools and Saudi Arabia just closed Mecca. This is a historically bad crisis.

So places without a serious/large outbreak should shut everything down, just in case?

You aren't understanding what I'm saying and quite frankly dont think you want to.

Public hysteria will do far more harm than anything else. I agree with you, look at the stock market.

You handle this how you feel comfortable and I'll do the same. :)
I hope our federal/local government(s) is/are careful when advising shut-downs. Not everything needs to be closed.

Movie theaters? Restaurants? Some of that should be a person's choice whether they want to risk or not.

Majority of people in US would not become severely ill from Covid-19. Then it's up to individuals what risks they are comfortable with.

Elderly and immuno-compromised would probably be more careful in where they choose to go, who they choose to see.
It is so refreshing to see some common sense reasoning instead of hysteria.
I still think people are not quite grasping how serious a disease with a 2 percent mortality rate and an R0 of between 3 and 4.5 is. There is a reason the stock market just entered correction territory in the span of four days. There is a reason Japan just shuttered all of its schools and Saudi Arabia just closed Mecca. This is a historically bad crisis.

Exactly. These things aren't all happening because of "media hype." This is a very serious situation that too many people are not taking seriously. It's sad to see that, to be honest. Like, what WOULD it take to get people to sit up and listen? Do we have to have a LITERAL zombie apocalypse?
Exactly. These things aren't all happening because of "media hype." This is a very serious situation that too many people are not taking seriously. It's sad to see that, to be honest. Like, what WOULD it take to get people to sit up and listen? Do we have to have a LITERAL zombie apocalypse?

Edited out a stupid, circular response. Sorry.
Exactly. These things aren't all happening because of "media hype." This is a very serious situation that too many people are not taking seriously. It's sad to see that, to be honest. Like, what WOULD it take to get people to sit up and listen? Do we have to have a LITERAL zombie apocalypse?

Do you have an example of who's not taking it seriously? I dont see anyone making light of the situation.

Not being an extremist doesn't equate to being flippant about the virus.
Do you have an example of who's not taking it seriously? I dont see anyone making light of the situation.

I've seen plenty of people dismissing it as "not as bad as the flu", and saying they are not worried, they won't change any of their behavior, etc. Maybe not in this particular thread, but in other similar threads here and elsewhere on social media.
I've seen plenty of people dismissing it as "not as bad as the flu", and saying they are not worried, they won't change any of their behavior, etc. Maybe not in this particular thread, but in other similar threads here and elsewhere on social media.
Personally I am not changing anything as of yet. I of course am following the situation but I am not doing anything different than I normally do to prevent any illness. There isn't much to do really. I am not going to lock myself in my house and hide or something.
This is wrong and not how you contain something like this. All those people who decided it was “their choice” to get infected are actually putting everyone else in the community especially the immunocompromised at risk. It’s the same reason why anti-vaxxers are being so inconsiderate. They aren’t just putting themselves at risk they are putting everyone at risk.
I think this bears emphasizing.

When there is a shut-down of a city- which can happen in varying degrees as has been discussed here- the purpose is to slow progression through the entire population. It's not just to reduce individual exposure. The idea is to keep as many people as possible from being infected, without respect to their varying degrees of health or lack thereof, and to keep the virus from spreading, if possible.

It's especially important to make sure hospitals aren't overwhelmed. There might even be the same number of people infected in the end (as compared to not having any shut-downs), but just spreading it out over weeks instead of days is a huge improvement.
I've seen plenty of people dismissing it as "not as bad as the flu", and saying they are not worried, they won't change any of their behavior, etc. Maybe not in this particular thread, but in other similar threads here and elsewhere on social media.

Look, I may not have the same views as some of you, but I am a reasonably intelligent person.

We always have two weeks worth of food. It's not all non-perishable but I don't foresee gas or water being turned off. And i bought a can of Spam just because i never tried it! 😀
My parents are 81 and my sister has lupus. I am ridiculously cautious about them.

(also have 2 weeks of wine and coffee)

There is always a happy medium
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I have absolutely zero reason to change any of my behavior.

I agree, but I think it's more about being aware of what changes may occur. Actually, it sounds like it's more of when, not why not get started!?! (Said by someone who doesn't have 2 weeks of food stocked up, or extras of any essentials.) :)
I've seen plenty of people dismissing it as "not as bad as the flu", and saying they are not worried, they won't change any of their behavior, etc. Maybe not in this particular thread, but in other similar threads here and elsewhere on social media.

In this situation, I think we're falling into the ant/grasshopper paradigm...and funny enough, I think that's always been wrong. In the fable, the ant spends all his time preparing for the winter, while the grasshopper parties...and then when winter comes, the ant is content and the grasshopper is screwed:). And I think, well, both parties missed out, so not the best fable:).

Instead, right now, I think people should be both an ant and a grasshopper. They should be getting themselves prepared in case certain situations go wrong, but they should still be living life as much as possible. It's not an either/or...but when living that life, staying closer to home might be the ideal situation b/c your homebase is where you will be prepared...

Like, last night, I took my kids to the free premiere of My Spy. It was a great outing and it was one I made sure to do in case things do get a little screwy later. And tomorrow night, I'll be volunteering for my Church's Lenten dinner. I don't have worries for that, either...

But that said, I've stocked up on the calcium and multi vites I have to have to stay healthy... And I always have the food here (probably too much) and now have even more...and I cleaned my medicine cabinet and put Amazon orders in for stuff I need. Funny enough, my oldest hugged me for that, so I know kids are starting to stress...and why not make them feel calm by letting them know both that we're still living, but we're set if the going gets a little rough.


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