Take the pledge to continue to wear a mask during the Covid - 19 pandemic

Why not? Here the fine is £200 plus six points on your licence and if you have passed your test less than two years you lose your licence immediately.
Imagine the revenue they could raise from the fines. It would make buying a hands free product seem cheap by comparison.

ford family
Texting and driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving and should be punished similarly. Killing someone while texting and driving should be classed as vehicular manslaughter.
Why not? Here the fine is £200 plus six points on your licence and if you have passed your test less than two years you lose your licence immediately.
Imagine the revenue they could raise from the fines. It would make buying a hands free product seem cheap by comparison.

ford family

Police can't possibly be expected to enforce every traffic law. The voters would never allow it. They would literally be pulling over millions of people every day. The court system could never handle that many cases.
Why not? Here the fine is £200 plus six points on your licence and if you have passed your test less than two years you lose your licence immediately.
Imagine the revenue they could raise from the fines. It would make buying a hands free product seem cheap by comparison.

ford family
I could be wrong but I think the poster is meaning it's not realistic to pull everyone over for that infraction though that isn't meaning people aren't, although that goes for other things. For example going over the speed limit is against the law but in my city the fines don't start until it's 6 or more miles over the speed limit although school zone, work zones operate differently (this is city police and doesn't include highway patrol). People speed all the time and don't get pulled over. It doesn't mean people aren't getting pulled over just that not everyone all the time is as it's just not realistic.

In my city (and other cities as well) from time to time the police department uses weekends to enforce certain things. One is a seat belt the other one most used is the Saturation Patrol. They use grant money (which is important) and have additional police officers and a specified area. All drivers during that time period are stopped in those specific areas. Violations are handed out. That is one of the only times you'll see all drivers stopped and it's a clearly defined area too. Otherwise there's not the man power for the millions of citizens nor is every situation the same complete risk. You'll see police officers letting people go because they just saw someone speeding excessively for example because one is at that moment riskier than another. Just random examples here because speeding is speeding and texting and driving is texting and driving. I'm not saying that those aren't risky behaviors and can't cause serious harm or death because they certainly can.
I think we should take bets on how many mask threads we can get to by the end of this calendar year.

Does that count the threads that have nothing to do with masks, but someone inserts that they wouldn't be doing XYX until there is a vaccine and then remind the OP why they should be wearing a mask no matter the situation?
My husband has started using the term "hall monitor" ....

OP - "I'm thinking of painting my dining room, should I pick green or blue?"
Hall Monitors: "Well I won't be going out for paint until there is a vaccine, and I can't believe the people who are going out to Lowes for paint right now! I'm staying home and only going out for ESSENTIALS and getting grocery delivery until the end of time. And you should as well, and we will be here shaming you and judging you for choosing to paint your dining room in these times!"
Why not? A national mandate to wear a mask in public should be pretty simple to do.

I do understand that leaving certain things up to the states or even counties makes sense. But there is nothing regional about wearing a mask.
There is about enforcing it, getting the manpower for it, the ramifications of it. You need a national task force, with manpower and money and legal power to do so. I know it sounds simple but it's not. The act of wearing a mask is simple that's for sure though :)
I believe Europe has done this as well as other continents. So it could be possible, I think. :confused3 😷
Europe and other places isn't the U.S. what works there isn't necessarily going to work elsewhere. Most people agree that having all States on board with respects to masks is a good thing. Actually implementing that by means of an actual national mandate is a whole 'nother thing.
The whole data around masks is conflicting. There is no concrete scientific data on masks. Cloth masks are only 3% successful, the higher end surgical makes are only 56% successful. Use common sense, wear a mask when needed, continue to practice proper hygiene and leave Americans to make the best decisions for themselves.


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