A new rumor!

[QUOTE She said a line of trees would be planted to block the view of the parking lot, but it would probably still be visible to FW guests.[/QUOTE]

I just can't imagine they would leave cars for us to have to look at. They just wouldn't do that to us campers. Would they?

Aren't they worried about us trailer trash robbing the patrons and breaking into to the cars?
Just back from a weekend at the Fort and I spoke with a CM from the Settlement TCD stables.

She said in about a year construction will begin on a new barn and stables at the Outpost and all horses will be moved there when construction is completed, in about 2 years.

The current TCD stables at the Settlement will be knocked down and the area will become a parking lot for the DVC resort which will be built at RC.

She said a line of trees would be planted to block the view of the parking lot, but it would probably still be visible to FW guests.

I just read this to DH and we're both pretty bummed. Wonder if it's going to be "wilderness" themed or if they're crowding the whole wilderness stuff out. In 2008, we did a quick weekend outside the Fort for the first time in 10 years at the Dolphin and we hated it. We remember walking out of MK and longingly looking at the FW boat launch wishing we had driven the coach.

We'll be there in October, but looks like alot of others will be there too. I'll ask around and see what else I can find out. DH has always said that if there's something to know, I'll find out.
Well, it's been a good run, guys. Expensive vacation homes on one side because Disney figured out they will make more on them than a golf course, now DVC on the other, since they can make more on that than a water park. Say goodbye to getting reservations easily for the HDDR, say goodbye to walking up and getting a seat at TE, say goodbye to rocking chairs on the porch and cool drinks from Crocketts, say goodbye to your boat launch to MK. The writing has been on the walls for years. Did you really think the pool rehab was for a bunch of rednecks who like to grill dinner by their crumby trailers? Don't be naive. A wise businessman once told me: "Jim, if you want to predict the future, just follow the dollar."
Well, it's been a good run, guys.
Not so fast. With all due respect to proudmomof4's post, and just for the time being, I'm taking what the CM told her with a grain of salt. Not all CM's are that well informed. I hear so much stuff from CMs and most of it turns out to be crap. I wrote in a recent thread, if anything is going on at the Fort, Disney is going out of their way to keep it under wraps. I've recently asked mangament at the Fort, not that they'd tell me anyways, I've searched the CM portal, nothing, and no one is aware of any building permits issued in Orange County to Disney for any major projects at the Fort. So what is going on? I think if something is going on, it must be major if it's so hush hush, or it's nothing worth mentioning.
Not so fast. With all due respect to proudmomof4's post, and just for the time being, I'm taking what the CM told her with a grain of salt. Not all CM's are that well informed. I hear so much stuff from CMs and most of it turns out to be crap. I wrote in a recent thread, if anything is going on at the Fort, Disney is going out of their way to keep it under wraps. I've recently asked mangament at the Fort, not that they'd tell me anyways, I've searched the CM portal, nothing, and no one is aware of any building permits issued in Orange County to Disney for any major projects at the Fort. So what is going on? I think if something is going on, it must be major if it's so hush hush, or it's nothing worth mentioning.

All the same, it is giving me an excuse to make every year I go to the Fort an excuse to celebrate the last HOOOOOORAHHHHH for the old Fort. Time to party like it's 1999. Drink another Kungaloosh before the Giddyupandgo has got up and went. Follow the dollar.
Not so fast. With all due respect to proudmomof4's post, and just for the time being, I'm taking what the CM told her with a grain of salt. Not all CM's are that well informed. I hear so much stuff from CMs and most of it turns out to be crap. I wrote in a recent thread, if anything is going on at the Fort, Disney is going out of their way to keep it under wraps. I've recently asked mangament at the Fort, not that they'd tell me anyways, I've searched the CM portal, nothing, and no one is aware of any building permits issued in Orange County to Disney for any major projects at the Fort. So what is going on? I think if something is going on, it must be major if it's so hush hush, or it's nothing worth mentioning.

I really hope you are right, I just figured I would post here what she told DH and I since the thread was about the rumored new DVC resort at RC.

We were actually asking her about DH's favorite horse, Khan, who used to be at the Settlement stables but has spent the past year at the Outpost. We wanted to know when he would be back in the Settlement area and she said he most likely never would come back there, that is when she told us about the parking lot and the new stables.
Not so fast. With all due respect to proudmomof4's post, and just for the time being, I'm taking what the CM told her with a grain of salt. Not all CM's are that well informed. I hear so much stuff from CMs and most of it turns out to be crap. I wrote in a recent thread, if anything is going on at the Fort, Disney is going out of their way to keep it under wraps. I've recently asked mangament at the Fort, not that they'd tell me anyways, I've searched the CM portal, nothing, and no one is aware of any building permits issued in Orange County to Disney for any major projects at the Fort. So what is going on? I think if something is going on, it must be major if it's so hush hush, or it's nothing worth mentioning.

I am right with you on this, Magicbus.

There is no doubt that the Fort staff is spreading this new DVC rumor.

But, the interesting thing is that the rumor isn't showing up anywhere else. Go ahead and try to find anything about a new DVC resort at Fort Wilderness anywhere on the internet. There are rumors of a new DVC resort in the area of the Coronado Springs Resort/Blizzard Beach. And, of possible DVC buildings at the Grand Floridian and Polynesian resorts. But there are no rumors about a new DVC resort at the Fort. Except from Fort staff members.

A CM also stated to my "source" that there have already been pilings driven in the area of River Country, and that this is evidence that a big building is going in.

But, there aren't any pilings.

I know because I looked.

And if they were there, I would have seen them.

And used my camera/broomstick/duct tape apparatus to post photos.

Many photos.

Trust me on that.

Plus, why would they pilings before there was any permits or site work?

I agree that DVC rooms are clearly what Disney management wants to build.

But, why not throw another tower up next to the GF or Poly? Those would sell. I'm not so sure that there would be similar demand for a DVC resort at Fort Wilderness.

Still haven't had either one. I can buy the chicken. And maybe, just maybe, Jen or Lorna will offer me a Kungaloosh while we're watching the game on Jens 14 foot Mickey TV.

We're bringing the bar and the blender, so a Kungaloosh you shall have!!
Hey...when I worked for Verizon any rumors we pond-scum employees perpetuated eventually became fact. If you spread it, they will act upon it! How else do you think management makes decisions??? Well....there is also the Wheel of Decision method, the Dart Board method, and the Draw Straws method and the ever popular Who Can Drink the Most and Stay Above the Table method. But by far, the Employee Rumor method wins, hands down!
we pond-scum employees perpetuated eventually became fact. If you spread it, they will act upon it!
Ok, interesting theory.

I'm starting a rumor that Disney & full time bus drivers, the chosen, treat part time bus drivers the same as full timers.

Oops, I better get off that soap box before I slip and fall off.
I'm starting a rumor that Disney & full time bus drivers, the chosen, treat part time bus drivers the same as full timers.

Think BIG!! Part-time bus drivers get paid for 40 hours even if they only drive 20 hours. Overtime ensues for all hours worked over 4 hours a day or 20 hours a week. :thumbsup2 Get the Union on that one, Magicbus!
I'm not sure if this is significant or not, but yesterday on our way to the Magic Kingdom my husband noticed that there are some markers in the lake in front of RC. There are about 3 or 4 stakes in the lake with bright orange ribbon (or something like that) tied around them. When we noticed it he started fumbling for the camera and got one shot. If you were on the boat going to MK, looking to your left at RC, there was one marker directly in front or RC maybe 8 or 10 feet out. There were other markers further out to the left and right of that marker so that it kind of made a triangle. Anyway, just though it was interesting.

We noticed them as well.
Ok, interesting theory.

I'm starting a rumor that Disney & full time bus drivers, the chosen, treat part time bus drivers the same as full timers.

Oops, I better get off that soap box before I slip and fall off.

We just came back from The Fort and I think the bus drivers do a fantastic job. You will get no complaints from me.
A CM also stated to my "source" that there have already been pilings driven in the area of River Country, and that this is evidence that a big building is going in.

But, there aren't any pilings.

I know because I looked.

And if they were there, I would have seen them.

And used my camera/broomstick/duct tape apparatus to post photos.

Many photos.

Trust me on that.


You have my complete trust.

I will try not to worry until the camera/broomstick/duct tape apparatus reveals a cause for concern.

However, if this rumor does come to pass, KFK the T-Totaler, may have to resort to Kungaloosh. :drinking1:crazy2:...:faint:

We just came back from The Fort and I think the bus drivers do a fantastic job. You will get no complaints from me.

I've only had one bad driver and since it was a female, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Magicbus. :laughing:

I'm not complaining either.
We're bringing the bar and the blender, so a Kungaloosh you shall have!!

My DH and I will be staying in a cabin (1st time at FW) from 12/2 through 12/10. We are very excited. We are HUGE WDW fans. Please share w/us-what is a Kungaloosh?


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