As promised, Totally Outragous Behavior~

What?? Isn't that what the line is for, to wait for a picture or autograph?:confused3 If those people wanted a picture, they needed to wait in line, just like everyone else.
The line is for folks who want a photo with the character, or if they want an autograph. If I'm walking by and see Pluto and want to take a photo of him as he's standing there waiting for the next person to come up for an autograph, there's nothing wrong with me doing that. As long as I'm not disrupting the meet & greet by shouting, "Hey ... look over here! Pluto -- hey! Hey!", I can take a photo without waiting in line.

I'm the one who this posted about this happening to me.

See ... this to me is rude on the part of the Character (and, sorry to say, you as Pluto's handler). There's nothing wrong with someone wanting a photo of a character alone without standing in line. If the Guest just wants a photo, but isn't trying to jump in line or push through to get one, that hurts no one. You were wrong. (And yes .... I have been a Character.)

I'm sorry, but I wasn't being rude. I didn't even realize that Pluto was doing that UNTIL after the situation had occured. I stood there, doing my JOB, making sure that nobody was cutting the line and by no means I did do it intentionally to be rude - I couldn't control what Pluto wanted to do. There is nothing wrong with somebody want a picture, and like I said, I did move but Pluto also did.

What?? Isn't that what the line is for, to wait for a picture or autograph?:confused3 If those people wanted a picture, they needed to wait in line, just like everyone else.

Yes, most guests do just wait in the line - that truly is why it is there.

I have to say that everybody has the wrong attitude. You, the CM, Pluto and the guests. A line is there for that reason. The handler should have responded one way, Pluto should not have egged it on and the guest should have got in line like the rest of the people. That is what it is there for.

Please see my post above about the situation. I didn't not intentionally get in the person's way. Trust me, that is not me.

I have always gotten in line for a character even if I just wanted a picture of the character without myself being in it. When I was at the MNSSHP this past year, I wanted a picture of Eeyore by himself for my twin. I stood in the line and got my picture.
The line is for folks who want a photo with the character, or if they want an autograph. If I'm walking by and see Pluto and want to take a photo of him as he's standing there waiting for the next person to come up for an autograph, there's nothing wrong with me doing that. As long as I'm not disrupting the meet & greet by shouting, "Hey ... look over here! Pluto -- hey! Hey!", I can take a photo without waiting in line.


If you can just snap a shot without causing a disruption, go for it. But if you have to start moving people around to get the shot you want, then you need to wait in line.
If you can just snap a shot without causing a disruption, go for it. But if you have to start moving people around to get the shot you want, then you need to wait in line.
Amen!! When the person starts making demands that impact the people who waited in line, that's when they need to get their own butt in line.
I see a general theme/line of "we're leave the park and this is my child's last/only chance to see the character(s)." If it was that important than maybe the family should have made that the priority at the begining of the day rather than rides!

If I'm walking by and see Pluto and want to take a photo of him as he's standing there waiting for the next person to come up for an autograph, there's nothing wrong with me doing that. As long as I'm not disrupting the meet & greet by shouting, "Hey ... look over here! Pluto -- hey! Hey!", I can take a photo without waiting in line.

But that person was being disruptive. He was completely interupting the meet 'n greet, asking the handler to move and expecting Pluto to cooperate with his photo.
When we were at LTT in September, a family came in through the door in the side room trying to get Chip's autograph. I guess they saw him through the glass and appaprently didn't know it was a character dinner. Either way, Chip effectively ignored them because they left after they realized he wouldn't sign anything or pose for pictures with them. Some people though.
Originally Posted by maxiesmom
If you can just snap a shot without causing a disruption, go for it. But if you have to start moving people around to get the shot you want, then you need to wait in line.

Yep - that is exactly it.
Please see my post above about the situation. I didn't not intentionally get in the person's way. Trust me, that is not me.

I have always gotten in line for a character even if I just wanted a picture of the character without myself being in it. When I was at the MNSSHP this past year, I wanted a picture of Eeyore by himself for my twin. I stood in the line and got my picture.

I understand. :)
But that person was being disruptive. He was completely interupting the meet 'n greet, asking the handler to move and expecting Pluto to cooperate with his photo.

Well, if that were the case, then yes, the CM was correct to not allow it. But I didn't get that from the post. I mean, if Pluto was able to hear this guest ask the CM to move, and Pluto was able to counter the CMs movements with his own and move every time the handler did to block the guest's photo, clearly Pluto wasn't focused on meeting, taking a photo with or giving an autograph to some other Guest. Either that, or he was totally ignoring the guest IN line in order to annoy a guest NOT in line. Which would be bad form also.

It sounded to me like a guest asked a CM to move so they could take a photo of Pluto between meetings, and then Pluto decided to make that impossible and the other CM played along.

Well, if that were the case, then yes, the CM was correct to not allow it. But I didn't get that from the post. I mean, if Pluto was able to hear this guest ask the CM to move, and Pluto was able to counter the CMs movements with his own and move every time the handler did to block the guest's photo, clearly Pluto wasn't focused on meeting, taking a photo with or giving an autograph to some other Guest. Either that, or he was totally ignoring the guest IN line in order to annoy a guest NOT in line. Which would be bad form also.

It sounded to me like a guest asked a CM to move so they could take a photo of Pluto between meetings, and then Pluto decided to make that impossible and the other CM played along.


Did you read my previous post? I am that CM you are refering to and I didn't know that Pluto was doing that until after the set was over. I'm the kind of person who if somebody asked me to move, I'd move but I would think, 'wow, that was rude', but I would NEVER say it out loud. That is just not my personality.

I was not playing along with it, I was doing my job. Pluto (who I'm sure you know) is perfectly capable of doing whatever he wants regardless of what the attendant says. Obviously I can't tell you what was going through Pluto's head as far as that guest, but I can tell you that I was just trying to do my job. :thumbsup2
When my friend and I went in July, we were taking pictures of the characters by themselves for her niece. We always stood in the line and then asked them to pose. I would never think of just jumping in and asking some family who was waiting to wait just a little bit longer for me to take care of what I wanted to do. That's rude.
Did you read my previous post? I am that CM you are refering to and I didn't know that Pluto was doing that until after the set was over. I'm the kind of person who if somebody asked me to move, I'd move but I would think, 'wow, that was rude', but I would NEVER say it out loud. That is just not my personality.

I was not playing along with it, I was doing my job. Pluto (who I'm sure you know) is perfectly capable of doing whatever he wants regardless of what the attendant says. Obviously I can't tell you what was going through Pluto's head as far as that guest, but I can tell you that I was just trying to do my job. :thumbsup2
Sorry if I misunderstood. My apologies. I was working from your initial post, and you wrote:

One time when I was greeting for Pluto by the Castle, there was a family who wasn't even in the line but wanted to take a picture of Pluto by himself. They actually tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to move! :scared1: Well, Pluto overheard what they said and basically, if I moved, he moved so they couldn't get a picture. :lmao:

The fact that you put the "lmao" emoticon on the end of your message seemed to indicate that you thought Pluto was being awfully funny by countering your moves and not allowing the Guest to take a photo. So, I guess that's where I got that you were in on it. Sorry if I misunderstood. I know you have no control over what Pluto is doing, and that if Pluto decides to move every time you do, you can't exactly make him stop. But it didn't seem as though you were questioning Pluto's actions, but rather thinking they were funny. If the Guest was nice to you when they tapped you on the shoulder, or if Pluto wasn't with a Guest at the time the other Guest wanted a photo, then I still don't see what the big problem was.

Now, if Pluto was signing an autograph or posing for a photo at the time the other Guest told you to move, then that's a totally different thing, since the Guest is clearly disrupting the M&G. And if the Guest was rude to you when they asked you to move ... also a totally different thing.

Sorry if I misunderstood. My apologies. I was working from your initial post, and you wrote:

One time when I was greeting for Pluto by the Castle, there was a family who wasn't even in the line but wanted to take a picture of Pluto by himself. They actually tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to move! :scared1: Well, Pluto overheard what they said and basically, if I moved, he moved so they couldn't get a picture. :lmao:

The fact that you put the "lmao" emoticon on the end of your message seemed to indicate that you thought Pluto was being awfully funny by countering your moves and not allowing the Guest to take a photo. So, I guess that's where I got that you were in on it. Sorry if I misunderstood. I know you have no control over what Pluto is doing, and that if Pluto decides to move every time you do, you can't exactly make him stop. But it didn't seem as though you were questioning Pluto's actions, but rather thinking they were funny. If the Guest was nice to you when they tapped you on the shoulder, or if Pluto wasn't with a Guest at the time the other Guest wanted a photo, then I still don't see what the big problem was.

Now, if Pluto was signing an autograph or posing for a photo at the time the other Guest told you to move, then that's a totally different thing, since the Guest is clearly disrupting the M&G. And if the Guest was rude to you when they asked you to move ... also a totally different thing.


I guess I put that emtioncon because it was sort of funny - in an outrageous sort of way. It was one of those situations that wasn't funny at the time, but now I just look back and think how crazy it was - how it didn't happen everyday. I don't recall if the guest was rude or not...I think I was so taken back by what they said. I encountered many rude guests (sadly two guests that backed me up against a fence and yelling at me about Goofy having to go check on Max for a few minutes) but I think that was one of the craziest requests I had.

There was a line...we were in front of the Castle and there was quite a long line. I remember the line vividly - it stretched pretty far down the walkway to Fantasyland from the Castle Hub. Pluto was busy signing autographs and taking pictures so I'm surprised he even heard what the guest said especially since the music Castle set music was playing. (I miss that music)

Trust me, I wasn't out to ruin the guest's day. I was not (and still not) that kind of CM. :)
Me too. I was at those sets all the time the last 2 months of the show. I got to know everyone very well (especially the attendants).

Although those sets could be crazy (I had a young guy once try to knock Goofy over the fence :scared1: ), they were fun! I had a blast when I would work there! I still miss Cinderella's Surprise Celebration.
Although those sets could be crazy (I had a young guy once try to knock Goofy over the fence :scared1: ), they were fun! I had a blast when I would work there! I still miss Cinderella's Surprise Celebration.

Me too. That was the best show ever! I was there for the last show. :(

Speaking of Goofy- he was late getting back to the stage once, and the rope was stretched across the ramp. So he hurdled it! I was so afraid he was going to trip and fall flat on his face! Man I have so many memories from that show.
Me too. That was the best show ever! I was there for the last show. :(

Speaking of Goofy- he was late getting back to the stage once, and the rope was stretched across the ramp. So he hurdled it! I was so afraid he was going to trip and fall flat on his face! Man I have so many memories from that show.

OMG! At least he didn't fall! That could have been disastrous! One time, Goofy was 'goofing' around running to his location and he tripped over his big feet, fell up the curb, hit the garbage can and came to rest on the fence! He wasn't hurt so we both ended up laughing about it, but it was scary watching his fall and knowing there was nothing I could do to help him!


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