Bus Stop Etiquette Question

At the bus stop we will either line up or sit we dont really stress about being on first or last our etiquette happens on the actual bus.
Our family's bus etiquette rule is "give your seat up" for: Disabled, Elderly, Women with small children or baby, small child that may fall if trying to stand while bus moves (tho they usually sit on adults lap in a full bus), women. In that order.
My DH and son almost never get to sit on a Disney bus. My daughter and I do about 3/4 of the time. Husband and Son are first to give someone else their seat.
yeah, sorry. If I get to the bus stop just after my bus leaves, and I sit down, I was there before you, and I will get on the next bus before you. The benches aren't there for decoration.

Edit: If I see the bus stop is getting crowded, I do get up. But, if there are just 2 or 3 families waiting for the bus, you know who was there first.

You've confused me. As someone who also travels public transit in NY, I can't imagine sitting on a bench and then expecting to be the first person to board when the 5 train pulls into Grand Central. Same goes for the buses. People standing on line get on the bus first. The benches are there for comfort, not to save you a place on line.
You've confused me. As someone who also travels public transit in NY, I can't imagine sitting on a bench and then expecting to be the first person to board when the 5 train pulls into Grand Central. Same goes for the buses. People standing on line get on the bus first. The benches are there for comfort, not to save you a place on line.
I didn't say in NYC. You couldn't pay me to sit on a bench in the NYC subway system.
Can't deal with the people who think people on benches are just there to be there. No, they are there at the bus stop because they are waiting for a bus. Why else would they be there?

I honestly don't understand. If someone is sitting on a bench 15 feet away from the bus (true with many bus stops), how do you have any idea which bus they want? Do you ask everyone sitting? For example, at the CR, there is no designated place for different busses. It's all just a mess. And then does everyone wait behind the people on the bench? There is not room (again, thinking of CR) to keep a path for those on the benches to make their way to the bus (because it's full of people).
I don't agree. If you are on a bench to me it is obvious you are not in line. I think it is the people that think they are that cause the problems. You can be either on a bench or in line. Not both
YES! ::yes::

I don't consider people sitting on a bench to be on line for the bus until they get up. Maybe it's just that I travel on mass transit everyday and that's just the way it is. If I sit on a bench waiting for a train or bus, others will be first to get on before me. I don't see why that should be any different in Disney.
Yes, totally agree.

You've confused me. As someone who also travels public transit in NY, I can't imagine sitting on a bench and then expecting to be the first person to board when the 5 train pulls into Grand Central. Same goes for the buses. People standing on line get on the bus first. The benches are there for comfort, not to save you a place on line.
Its the same with our toronto transit system. If you're sitting on a bench at the train/subway station, others standing before you will get on first. You cant have it both ways (sit PLUS get on first). That just doesn't happen. Here in Canada we're polite, but we're not THAT polite. Lol.

I honestly don't understand. If someone is sitting on a bench 15 feet away from the bus (true with many bus stops), how do you have any idea which bus they want? Do you ask everyone sitting? For example, at the CR, there is no designated place for different busses. It's all just a mess. And then does everyone wait behind the people on the bench? There is not room (again, thinking of CR) to keep a path for those on the benches to make their way to the bus (because it's full of people).
Yes, for mods and deluxes, its a free for all.....you stand around until your bus comes. Whoever is closest to the doors gets to board the bus first. Unless, as i've said before, we're both at the doors and i know you've been waiting longer, i'll let you get on first.
But if everyone is getting on that bus does it matter who's first or second?

I will say again that I've never been at a resort bus stop that was so crowded that not everyone could get on the next bus.

You must never have stayed at the Beach Club. There are som many families waiting for the bus to MK in the morning, this is a regular occurrence. We stay at the YC, which gets picked up first. The bus goes to BC & there are always so many people waiting there. The bus gets packed & there are always a few people who can't get on. I think this may be the worst resort to have this happen at.
You must never have stayed at the Beach Club. There are som many families waiting for the bus to MK in the morning, this is a regular occurrence. We stay at the YC, which gets picked up first. The bus goes to BC & there are always so many people waiting there. The bus gets packed & there are always a few people who can't get on. I think this may be the worst resort to have this happen at.

I have stayed at the BC but we only did MK one morning while there. There were a lot of ppl but we all made it onto the bus. Thankfully !
I despise the line corals used in the parks and at the value resorts. I much prefer the methods used at the mods and the deluxe resorts. I think it works great and civilized.

It's just like getting on any city bus. When the bus shows up you line up. Just because someone was there before you doesn't necessarily mean they get on first.

I much prefer a covered bus stop with seating than be forced to stand in a roped off line.

I've never understood why other people's awful behavior bothers someone unless it is some sort of verbal abuse or physical threat. Just please get on the bus when you have a chance. I appear to be in the minority here but there are no queues for the New York City subway or the bus stops along Oxford Street in London. I don't expect people to queue when waiting for a bus. Would it be nice if they were polite and orderly? Yes. Am I going to worry about it? No.

What's the old saying, "You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you CAN control the way you respond."

I was wondering the same things, how do people manage in public transportation stops? There are no lines there.

I think a lot of the disorganization stems from the fact that many, many people visiting WDW are not public transportation commuters, and have no idea of the unwritten rules of queueing. I grew up in NYC, I've been using public transportation since I was born, navigating it alone since junior high school - I understand the brashest of unwritten, but understood, public transportation rules. Most of the US does not use crowded, hectic public transportation on a daily basis, and many seem to think it's a free-for-all race to see who can shove in front of the most people first.
Well, I've never in my 54 years taken public transportation but I've figured it out using common sense, and it is not all that hard to figure out. I've never seen a race or unruly behavior. Obviously it happens but I think it's really rare. I think most do understand how to do it. It's just not hard to easily form a natural line. So not something to worry about.

Well for both of you, don't move to the Seattle area and commute by bus. Because people do use the benches as being in line, and have since I was doing the commute thing in '97.

It's not unheard of, to have benches as part of a line for those who maybe can't stand for ages or who are just tired.

But this stuff makes me crazy at wdw so we almost always drive. Can't deal with the people who think people on benches are just there to be there. No, they are there at the bus stop because they are waiting for a bus. Why else would they be there?
I honestly don't understand. If someone is sitting on a bench 15 feet away from the bus (true with many bus stops), how do you have any idea which bus they want? Do you ask everyone sitting? For example, at the CR, there is no designated place for different busses. It's all just a mess. And then does everyone wait behind the people on the bench? There is not room (again, thinking of CR) to keep a path for those on the benches to make their way to the bus (because it's full of people).
I agree. It's crazy to think that someone walking up is going to have any clue to know what someone sitting is planning to do. Especially if it's a stop that services 4 buses. I don't think it's a mess, I think it works out well but if you are sitting you need to get up and walk over to get in line as a line starts to form because you sure can't expect someone to read your mind and know what bus you plan to get in line for and save a spot for you. That's nuts to think that. It's up to the sitting person to get up and place themselves in line for the bus they plan to board when they see it approaching. We sit waiting on the bus all the time. And it's up to us to control when we head to get in line. I do not expect anyone to hold off waiting to see where we belong in the invisible line. We take buses 100% of the time and have never encountered any issues with buses, benches and lack of lines.
You must never have stayed at the Beach Club. There are som many families waiting for the bus to MK in the morning, this is a regular occurrence. We stay at the YC, which gets picked up first. The bus goes to BC & there are always so many people waiting there. The bus gets packed & there are always a few people who can't get on. I think this may be the worst resort to have this happen at.
I have stayed at the Beach Club and never had a problem getting on the bus to get to the parks. Always the first one, although not always a seat
But this stuff makes me crazy at wdw so we almost always drive. Can't deal with the people who think people on benches are just there to be there. No, they are there at the bus stop because they are waiting for a bus. Why else would they be there?

I'm too busy with my family to sit or stand at a bus stop, keeping a running list of who was there before me and who arrived after. Or do a poll and ask them where they are all going. I'm also not going to hop in front of those who get there after me and put up my hand for STOP like I am a traffic cop.

The benches are not part of any line. If you prefer a queue there are resorts that offer it. And they are obviously different than the ones without a queue. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either sit or be in line. You are not ever doing both.
I do hope we get a tiny bit of understanding over the bench issue. Sometimes the waits can be long, and my husband has Leukaemia, if there is a bench seat while he is waiting, I hope he will take it to conserve his energy for the parks. I also hope he won't be refused space on the bus because he was queuing for as long, but sitting down. I don't mind standing in line, but, I hope people can be understanding for those who might be less able.
I have stayed at the BC but we only did MK one morning while there. There were a lot of ppl but we all made it onto the bus. Thankfully !

I have stayed at the Beach Club and never had a problem getting on the bus to get to the parks. Always the first one, although not always a seat

Well, I must be there at the wrong time, lol! I see it regularly during our stays.
I do hope we get a tiny bit of understanding over the bench issue. Sometimes the waits can be long, and my husband has Leukaemia, if there is a bench seat while he is waiting, I hope he will take it to conserve his energy for the parks. I also hope he won't be refused space on the bus because he was queuing for as long, but sitting down. I don't mind standing in line, but, I hope people can be understanding for those who might be less able.

Honestly? It may be best to at least bring a rollator of some sort along. That way he will always have a seat no matter where you may end up. If he is sitting on the bench and the area becomes crowded, it is possible he will not get on the bus that he needs. Unless you plan on telling everyone that he has leukemia, no one will think anything other than he is pushing onto the bus. Sorry, but that is how it will look.

What resort are you staying at?
Well, I've never in my 54 years taken public transportation but I've figured it out using common sense, and it is not all that hard to figure out. I've never seen a race or unruly behavior. Obviously it happens but I think it's really rare. I think most do understand how to do it. It's just not hard to easily form a natural line. So not something to worry about.
I'd noticed a lot of earlier comments in this thread talking about how it's done for the buses and subways in NY or London or other metropolitan areas (I'm a veteran of the DC Metro myself and no stranger to a full platform of people cramming into subway cars at rush hour). Having traveled with people who are not familiar with public transportation, however, I know that it's easy in the stress of the situation for them to get anxious or misunderstand (or not care about) the usual protocol for boarding. So it's refreshing to hear the perspective of someone who hasn't done public transportation get the main point: it's mostly common sense. So I'll add to my earlier statement and say that a little courtesy AND common sense will go a long way in these situations.
I do hope we get a tiny bit of understanding over the bench issue. Sometimes the waits can be long, and my husband has Leukaemia, if there is a bench seat while he is waiting, I hope he will take it to conserve his energy for the parks. I also hope he won't be refused space on the bus because he was queuing for as long, but sitting down. I don't mind standing in line, but, I hope people can be understanding for those who might be less able.
Then you go stand in line and let him come join you when the bus gets there. But yeah, in all my hundreds of bus rides, I do see understanding guests. I'm glad I don't travel and see the guests these other posters do.
I have been at a bus stop so crowded that not everyone could get on the first bus much less the second (and with a 45 minute wait for the second bus after a 35 minute wait for the first bus...well, let's see if your opinion changes at that point).

Last December (early December, not at the height of park crowds), while staying at BC, the buses to AK were just out of whack. We got to the bus area (six of us in our party), and there were a few people waiting. Everyone was sitting on a bench. A bus to MK arrived...and a few people on the benches left. A bus to Epcot arrived. And a few people on the benches left. So we sat while waiting for the bus to AK. 20 minutes later, when the screen with arrival time FINALLY noted that the but to AK was on its way, a few of us on the benches went to wait by the mostly empty curb.

20 plus minutes later (still no bus), there was a huge group of people waiting behind us for the bus to AK. And it was pretty obvious those of us at the front of the curb had been there first. But when the bus pulled up (after loading two scooters plus related families), several people who had arrived well after those of us in the front of our line (some who had just walked up!) pushed forward and cut in front of people who had been waiting or close to an hour.

Sorry, but I wasn't in a mood at that point to just shrug my shoulders and think "OH WELL."

By the time that first bus was loaded, quite a few of us who were among the first to line up at the curb were still standing on the curb. AND there was a huge group of people (many who had just arrived) pushing in front of us and pushing from behind as they waited for the next bus. The crowd was so large that it was obvious that once again, there were too many people to fit on the next bus.

I have found the BC to be among the worst for crowding and cutting in front of others at the bus stop. As a BC guest, waiting near the curb for a MK bus in the morning, I saw families walk right up to the bus and board, cutting out others who were standing there for quite awhile, waiting in an orderly line to board. Even though I was toward the front of that line, there were no seats left, by the time I boarded, and had to stand all the way (which was not the most comfortable, having had a back issue). I did not see one person of any age/gender offer to give up their seat to a standing passenger. Seeing either an elderly person or someone with a small child, standing, I have offered my seat to others, on occasion. One time, there was a grandmother traveling with two small kids. There was one empty seat left, which was next to my seat, so she held one child on her lap, and I offered to have the other one on my lap.

People are very appreciative for common courtesies, but, sometimes, there are not that many courtesies out there. I would think of this as being a great learning experience for families.
I'd noticed a lot of earlier comments in this thread talking about how it's done for the buses and subways in NY or London or other metropolitan areas (I'm a veteran of the DC Metro myself and no stranger to a full platform of people cramming into subway cars at rush hour). Having traveled with people who are not familiar with public transportation, however, I know that it's easy in the stress of the situation for them to get anxious or misunderstand (or not care about) the usual protocol for boarding. So it's refreshing to hear the perspective of someone who hasn't done public transportation get the main point: it's mostly common sense. So I'll add to my earlier statement and say that a little courtesy AND common sense will go a long way in these situations.
Yep. And I'm going to venture to guess that every single one of us went to school, where we stood in our fair share of lines. Even if it was a really long time ago, the lessons learned about how to queue in a line are ingrained in us. It's not hard to do it. I'm of the believe that those who don't, are just rude in general. It's not that they don't know how, it's that they don't care about being rude
Then you go stand in line and let him come join you when the bus gets there. But yeah, in all my hundreds of bus rides, I do see understanding guests. I'm glad I don't travel and see the guests these other posters do.
Yes, me and the children fully expect to do this IF he is tired enough to sit down and not queue. I know he is wanting to give the kids one last holiday, and will not use any mobility devices, so they get as much normality as possible. If it's busy. and he has to stand, then he will, (and we are very good at bus waiting since we use them all the time at home, and he is very good at allowing time etc.) but *I* was hoping that people would be more understanding given three people waiting in line and one person joining them.
Yes, me and the children fully expect to do this IF he is tired enough to sit down and not queue. I know he is wanting to give the kids one last holiday, and will not use any mobility devices, so they get as much normality as possible. If it's busy. and he has to stand, then he will, (and we are very good at bus waiting since we use them all the time at home, and he is very good at allowing time etc.) but *I* was hoping that people would be more understanding given three people waiting in line and one person joining them.
I would expect them to be but really, just do it. Let him rest and let him join ya'll when the bus gets close and screw those who think bad thoughts. They'd be embarrassed if they spoke up and found out why he was resting while y'all waited. 1 more person isn't going to be that big a deal in the long run. And may make a huge difference to his trip with your family.
yeah, sorry. If I get to the bus stop just after my bus leaves, and I sit down, I was there before you, and I will get on the next bus before you. The benches aren't there for decoration.

Edit: If I see the bus stop is getting crowded, I do get up. But, if there are just 2 or 3 families waiting for the bus, you know who was there first.

Yes, it's the people who stood in line.


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