China 2010

That would be GREAT! Also, if you have any tips when you get back! I would love to hear them! I have heard that it is fun to have a tailor make you an outfit at the silk market in Beijing, (we are going a day early)....but I am wondering if this is worthwhile! I hope you have a great trip!
In case anyone missed this, the Theme Park Insider April 2010 archive has an article on the Shanghai Expo as well as a link to the expo site. Is anyone else planning on going to the Expo? We are quite excited about it!

Kathy R in FL
ABD China 7/4/10
Next trip to DLR/DCA 5/23-28/2010
Next trip to WDW 6/23-27
Update for anyone flying American Airlines out of Chicago O'hare...flight times have been sure and double check your flights for any changes!

Our outbound flight changed from departing at 11:25am to 9:30pm (with an arrival into Beijing at 11:59pm) (ugh!)
Thanks for the reminder about checking the flights. We are on United out of Chicago O'Hare. DH checked today and said they typically are running a few hours late for departure because of plane maintance.

I have never thought of having an outfit made in Beijing. That sounds really interesting. Last year both of our daughters got a "make-over" in Beijing. They went to China with long hair and came home with really cute short haircuts. Youngest DD is thinking of getting another Chinese make-over this year, but oldest DD says the massage they give you hurts too much!

Did anyone watch the AMAZING RACE? We were thrilled they spent so much time in Shanghai. (Although all four of us were rooting for the cowboys! We just love them: "oh my gravy".:rotfl:

Sorry for so many random thoughts in one message!:)
Oh, I forgot..we definitely want to go to the Shanghai Expo (World's Fair). DH just got a copy of the Beijing magazine with a huge article about the Expo. He also watches that Chinese channel (available through Dish Network), it seems like they have almost constant coverage of the Expo.

I am getting so excited for the trip. I went to Target today to start purchasing supplies. (Chinese chocolate doesn't taste good to us. If you have a chocolate addiction -my youngest DD - bring your own!)

Another random thought: Does anyone know if Bonine (Spelling?) or Dramamine (spelling?) works better? Our daughter has a problem with motion sickness on long flights. I have heard that Bonine might be better because it doesn't cause so much drowsiness.
We love the Amazing Race and it was fun to see Shanghai. Wish the cowboys won though!
I am thinking of snacks to take - am a little worried that our 5 year old will live on granola bars and goldfish......she eats a wide range, but dairy products and steak are not likely to be too common right?!
Our girls are big milk drinkers, but last year they said the milk in China tasted awful and they refused to drink it. They are planning on going without milk in China! If she likes to eat veggies she will be very happy. Our daughters both like veggies and rice so they are happy with the meals. There are always kid friendly options. (My kids are weird, they prefer adult selections! My oldest daughter would happily eat broccoli for every meal.)

We will definitely bring some M&Ms and gum. I haven't thought about other snacks yet....
Oh, I loved the cowboys on "The Amazing Race"!! They were the BEST!!

Curious...where did the girls get their Beijing makeover?? DD may just want to do that...she keeps commenting about cutting her hair!
It was the Babe Salon very near the Penninsula. We just took a very short walk. They didn't speak any English, and we don't speak any Chinese, but we worked it out really well. My mom said that was the best she has ever seen my youngest daughters hair look! It was short and sassy. They do some type of massage, and both girls said it wasn't relaxing, it was painful. It was on their head, neck and shoulders. It was very fun. I took before and after pictures. I have to admit, I'm not brave enough to get a make over from someone I can't converse with, but both girls thought it was fun.
Our girls are big milk drinkers, but last year they said the milk in China tasted awful and they refused to drink it. They are planning on going without milk in China!

They are right... it is awful!
Only thing that I can think was worse was the nasty yogurt in a cool crock jar that is served at... outside temperature and is liquid... :confused3
9 more days before we leave for China...can hardly believe it!

Spoke to AbD and there are 31 people on our trip. (20 adults and 11 kids)

Not sure if that is a low number or average.
Hi- Our family is also going on the august 15th trip to China. We went on the Bella Italia tour last summer. I would highly recommend that trip and would be happy to give any specifics if anyone is planning that one.
Hi lbsl18,

Glad to hear there is another family going on the August 15th China tour. How old are your kids? Boys or Girls? We have 2 boys ages 7 and 10. We live in Toronto. Where are you from? Look forward to meeting in China!
Our daughter is a huge milk drinker. She didn't like the milk when we went to Italy a couple of years ago and managed without milk for ten days. She likes adult things like steak. To date the only rice she eats is 'cheesy rice' like rice-a-roni! I want to take her to dim sum soon to try some things.
I think someone already asked about this - are people getting any 'shots' in preparation?
Talk to your doctor. Get the pukey medicine for tummy yukkies and the antibiotics for similar (phenegrin and... something, can't remember). Doctor was best to let us know what to take medicine/shot wise. Let them know whee you are going, they will let you know what you might want to take and what you don't need to take.

We got Hepititis A shots for the China trip because we knew we probably weren't going to be only eating where the crowds were and no one wanted to catch anything from places like the Night Market (which is TOTALLY awesome and would highly recommend it as a stop in Beijing if only to look at the people and the food... bubble tea isn't bad... DS ate all kinds of bugs).

We had a couple of more finicky eaters on that trip and they bent over backward to make sure everyone had something they liked.

OH... and beware of the first dinner in Chengdu. They like it on the spicy side... DS also ate duck face and fish face and spicy tofu... some of the food even made him (he who likes spicy and eats anything) make faces a couple time.
are people getting any 'shots' in preparation?
Our doctor had me review our travel plans with Kaiser's "travel nurse", who then reviewed the CDC's recommendations and our immunization history. DH & I were due for our 2nd Hep A shot after our trip to Guatemala a couple of years ago. DD and I are taking a "live" Thyphoid pill and I needed to have my H1N1.

She also prescribed Cipro for DH & I and a similar drug for DD (in case of traveler's diarrhea).

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the book recommendation. I just finished Lisa See's "Shanghai Girls". The descriptions are wonderful. The story was intense. I read that she wrote some mysteries, so I plan on trying one of those next...

I think the first China trip of the season starts on Sunday, May 30. I hope you all have a wonderful flight and a fantastic ADVENTURE! I can't wait to hear about your trip.
I have now also read Peony in Love (I think that was what it was called) and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, I think that was my favourite out of the three.

For those leaving very soon, have a great trip and don't forget about us back here waiting here all about your vacation.

Also does anyone know off hand the packing restrictions, I think the packing thread has got me thinking about this, I believe there is a suitcase size restriction and also weight? We are very heavy packers and this trip is going to require a lot of thought and planning in this regard :goodvibes
Just wanted to share the book I am currently reading, it is called, Chinese Lessons by John Pomfret, this book is about John Pomfret going to University in China in the 1980's and meeting Chinese people and learning about them growing up in China in the late 60's.

I am only on Chapter 4, but it is all very interesting and I am learning a lot about China's history through the eyes of the people who lived there.

I actually found this book in the clearance section of Chapters and only paid $5 for it! Well worth it!!


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