Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. January 2010 week 4 page 18 post 264

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:goodvibes I LOVE the before and after photos you ladies all look gorgeous and must be so proud of yourselves!! It's giving me inspiration to keep at it as well :banana:

Well I lost 4lb in my first week which I was pleased with! I can't go next week as we'll be away so I am hoping to have lost a few pounds by two weeks yesterday :)
Morning everyone. So far my scales are only saying half a pound for this week. But I've been to the gym 3 times and stuck to my WW points, I think I'll cut out my breakfast bagels from now until WI day though.

Anyone else find they lose less weight eating bread etc? Even if it's well within my point allowance!
well i gained 2lbs this week.................stoooopid EE.
I enjoyed following sw's EE plan as it was extra easy, but it obviously doesnt like me. I was even following it 100% this week :sad2:
EE is like that, works great for some. However for others they dont do well at all. I gave it 2 weeks but cant carry on with it as i feel like im going backwards fast. what with a christmas gain, new scales gain and now this weeks gain. :headache:
well ive just set some new tickers for me, 30 lbs is my next loss goal.
heres to a fab week :cool1:

Sorry you have had no luck with the diet ... I am sure after you change over to what works for you ..then you will start losing :goodvibes Good luck for next week.

Well I lost 4lb in my first week which I was pleased with! I can't go next week as we'll be away so I am hoping to have lost a few pounds by two weeks yesterday :)

Well done ... great weight loss :woohoo:

Morning everyone. So far my scales are only saying half a pound for this week. But I've been to the gym 3 times and stuck to my WW points, I think I'll cut out my breakfast bagels from now until WI day though.

Anyone else find they lose less weight eating bread etc? Even if it's well within my point allowance!

I am trying to cut out bread ... not eating much of it at all. Don't know if it makes a difference if it is within your points allowance though. Good luck for your weigh in.
and the photo of that is...... ??????? :lmao:
You don't think I was ever in any photos do you???? I just took 'em... :laughing: ;) :rolleyes:

I lost 2 1/2lbs at Tuesdays weigh-in :cool1:
Brilliant!!! :cool1:

well i gained 2lbs this week.................stoooopid EE.
I enjoyed following sw's EE plan as it was extra easy, but it obviously doesnt like me. I was even following it 100% this week :sad2:
EE is like that, works great for some. However for others they dont do well at all. I gave it 2 weeks but cant carry on with it as i feel like im going backwards fast. what with a christmas gain, new scales gain and now this weeks gain.
Aww that's a shame, Nicky! :hug: I do know what you mean tho' - when I tried WW a few years ago, I put on 7lbs in the first couple of weeks so had to give up with that - it was so demotivating!!! As for SW - I couldn't even understand it!!! Hopefully going back to what you know work for you will the see those pounds drop off very quickly!!! Good luck!!! :wizard:

Well I lost 4lb in my first week which I was pleased with! I can't go next week as we'll be away so I am hoping to have lost a few pounds by two weeks yesterday :)
That's a great start!!! :woohoo:

Morning everyone. So far my scales are only saying half a pound for this week. But I've been to the gym 3 times and stuck to my WW points, I think I'll cut out my breakfast bagels from now until WI day though.
I think this happens to quite a few people, Victoria - maybe it's your body getting used to the regime..? Still half a pound is better than a gain and, if you mix it up by cutting out the bagels, I'm sure you'll see a result next week... :thumbsup2
Morning all!!! :wave:

I've rather boringly STS this week. :upsidedow

Really I can't complain as I was expecting it plus I'm happy with what I've lost in January overall - you know "slow & steady" is my mantra... :cool2: TBH if I can do the same in Feb and March, I'll be ecstatic!!!

So good luck everyone for the coming week and the start of a new month!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Hi Is it ok fo rme to jump onboard?!

Not following any plan just "cutting down" - started 'seriously' about 2 weeks ago and have lost 2 lbs so far!:woohoo: Slow and Steady that'll be me but I'm cool with that if it keeps moving :rotfl2:

Hope to loose 14-16 lbs before my 40th in May and then keep it maintained till we go to WDW to celebrate more in June/July.:thumbsup2

Weigh in day is Saturday so will be back with this weeks news tomorrow:scared:

To All Of You Out There:- Well done for what you've all lost so far / keep it going / stay motivated :grouphug:
Well done everyone who's had a good January. :)

I've only lost 4 lb in total this month, and really it should have been more, I used the snow as my excuse to eat the frozen pizzas we had, when really I think I could have rustled up something healthier!

I have 2 weddings to go to in April/May so hopefully they will keep me well motivated until then. I am really positive for February!
Anyone else find they lose less weight eating bread etc? Even if it's well within my point allowance!

Although I'm not doing WW at the moment I have done it in the past and my leader then advised to cut down on bread even within points allowance.
I rarely eat white bread anymore and I do sometimes miss it, I love toast for breakfast as I'm not a cereal lover. The leader said back then that sadly the british diet can consist of toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and what about that garlic bread you have with the pasta for dinner!?! When it's put like that it wants to make you want to cut down as white bread isn't particularly nutritious. I no longer have toast for breakfast, I've swapped it for a crumpet or a hot cross bun which I find better:thumbsup2

Morning all!!! :wave:

I've rather boringly STS this week. :upsidedow

Well done on STS this week Karen and good luck for February:thumbsup2

Hi Is it ok fo rme to jump onboard?!

Not following any plan just "cutting down" - started 'seriously' about 2 weeks ago and have lost 2 lbs so far!:woohoo: Slow and Steady that'll be me but I'm cool with that if it keeps moving :rotfl2:

Hope to loose 14-16 lbs before my 40th in May and then keep it maintained till we go to WDW to celebrate more in June/July.:thumbsup2

Weigh in day is Saturday so will be back with this weeks news tomorrow:scared:

To All Of You Out There:- Well done for what you've all lost so far / keep it going / stay motivated :grouphug:

Well done so far and welcome :)

Well done everyone who's had a good January. :)

I've only lost 4 lb in total this month, and really it should have been more, I used the snow as my excuse to eat the frozen pizzas we had, when really I think I could have rustled up something healthier!

I have 2 weddings to go to in April/May so hopefully they will keep me well motivated until then. I am really positive for February!

4lb is great! Thats a pound a week, you're more likely to keep it off that way! Good luck for Feb:)

Fellow dieters :) I want to bring up a subject as I wonder if any of you have encountered it. Sabotage and Jealousy.
I felt when my mum came to stay last week that she tried to sabotage my efforts a little by some of her comments and actions, this isn't too much of a problem as I don't see her often but I need the people around me to support me now and and in the future, I've already told DH and my closest friend that once I'm at my goal weight they MUST tell me if I go back into "weight blindness" mode again and start putting on.
I have also had a strange (although not surprising) reaction from my friend and I might be being over sensitive about it but her previous comments in a similar situation make me wonder. My friend is slimmer than me (12) she is always at WW she loses say, 10lb every now and then and then gains it again, she will lose weight before she goes to Ascot, a wedding or her holidays but really does go up and down. She hates exercise and always just diets. I haven't talked about my diet/exercise in detail with anybody very much but she knows I'm going to the gym 4/5 times a week. Some people are starting to notice I've lost weight, some have commented in front of her and she never agrees or comments. We talked about joining the gym together and she wanted to join but as her husbands work is drying up she didn't want to commit to it financially, and she wasn't sure she would go anyway.
She has changed her diet club to Rosemary conley as you get an exercise class too, and I saw her husband at school this morning and after asking if she was unwell he said "oh no, she goes off walking everyday now with Claire (her sister) and her dogs, I think she wants to shift some serious weight" he rolled his eyes... She never told me she was doing that.
We have a mutual (not close) friend who had a gastric bypass op last year (for health and weight reasons) and when she started losing weight my friend said "Oh, I'd better go back to weight watchers, I can't be fatter than A****" This friend has since lost five stone, we don't see her much anymore, she is still quite big but she looks great.
I wonder if shes had those thoughts about me, do you think some women like having a fat friend? In our group I am definitely the fat friend :rotfl2:

I'm just happy if my friends are happy, I have another friend that is bigger than me but it never crosses my mind and I certainly have never had any sort of consious thought about it being a benefit to me or making me look better.
Sorry for rant.....
Fellow dieters :) I want to bring up a subject as I wonder if any of you have encountered it. Sabotage and Jealousy.
I felt when my mum came to stay last week that she tried to sabotage my efforts a little by some of her comments and actions, this isn't too much of a problem as I don't see her often but I need the people around me to support me now and and in the future, I've already told DH and my closest friend that once I'm at my goal weight they MUST tell me if I go back into "weight blindness" mode again and start putting on.
TBH the person most guilty of sabotaging me is me!!! ;)

I have also had a strange (although not surprising) reaction from my friend and I might be being over sensitive about it but her previous comments in a similar situation make me wonder. My friend is slimmer than me (12) she is always at WW she loses say, 10lb every now and then and then gains it again, she will lose weight before she goes to Ascot, a wedding or her holidays but really does go up and down. She hates exercise and always just diets. I haven't talked about my diet/exercise in detail with anybody very much but she knows I'm going to the gym 4/5 times a week. Some people are starting to notice I've lost weight, some have commented in front of her and she never agrees or comments. We talked about joining the gym together and she wanted to join but as her husbands work is drying up she didn't want to commit to it financially, and she wasn't sure she would go anyway.
She has changed her diet club to Rosemary conley as you get an exercise class too, and I saw her husband at school this morning and after asking if she was unwell he said "oh no, she goes off walking everyday now with Claire (her sister) and her dogs, I think she wants to shift some serious weight" he rolled his eyes... She never told me she was doing that.
We have a mutual (not close) friend who had a gastric bypass op last year (for health and weight reasons) and when she started losing weight my friend said "Oh, I'd better go back to weight watchers, I can't be fatter than A****" This friend has since lost five stone, we don't see her much anymore, she is still quite big but she looks great.
I wonder if shes had those thoughts about me, do you think some women like having a fat friend? In our group I am definitely the fat friend :rotfl2:

I'm just happy if my friends are happy, I have another friend that is bigger than me but it never crosses my mind and I certainly have never had any sort of consious thought about it being a benefit to me or making me look better.
Sorry for rant.....

Wow!!! How bizarre. :confused3 If friends judge each other in that way, are they really friends...? I don't think I've ever encountered anything like that and I'd be horrified if one of my mates felt like the 'token' anything friend - whether the fat/thin/tall/small/old/young/black/white/rich/poor specimen!!! Surely most of us are changing our diets for ourselves - I personally want to stay in good shape as my fifties loom. Jealous competition doesn't come into it - what a waste of energy...

This doesn't really surprise me about your 'friend' at all.

I have one like that who can't be outdone, and would much rather keep things a secret to lose weight herself than risk sharing tips/exercise time with me, incase I end up doing better than her.

It gets frustrationg, but it is 100% jealousy that causes such behavior, so now instead of being annoyed by it I choose to be flattered that someone sees chubby old me as a threat!


It goes further than jsut weight loss though, say fr example there was a dress I wanted but couldn't afford. If it was on sale and she saw it, she wouldn't phone me to say "quick torsie, the dress you love is half price!", she'd keep it a total secret, and buy it herself!

It's not really a surprise I've not seen her in 18 months!
I have a freind who's very similar. I'm very tall so can carry excess weight better than some but my friend is a dress size smaller than me.

I've had to keep my diet a secret as she would go into panic mode and start dieting even though she looks fine as she is - she's very insecure.

We used to go running twice a week together but since last autumn when it got dark we stopped going. A few times we've talked about starting again but she wouldn't commit. I had to tell a little white lie this week and tell her I'd been running on my own a couple of times and as I suspected she couldn't wait to set a date. She hated the thought I would be doing it without her! Very Wierd :confused3
:lmao::lmao: yes, thank you !!


....I am trying to cut out bread ... not eating much of it at all. Don't know if it makes a difference if it is within your points allowance though....

Whenever we'd get back from a Florida trip I notice that within a few days I'd start to feel all bunged up through my sinus's / ears and headachey (sp). I was convinced that I must be allergic to something in the house but couldn't work out what!!! When I started my diet I decided to give up bread for a while and within a few days my sinus's cleared and I realised that I never ate bread in Florida and I did as soon as I got back, so that was what was causing the sinus problems / headache's etc., Since giving up bread, not only do I not have the sinus problems but I'm sleeping better too :confused3
sorry I havent managed to keep up with this thread this week been a little bit snowed under with work etc, well done to everybody that has lost

I am much happier this week as I have lost 2lb :banana:
Well done Rachel :cool1:

Joanne, my MIL is a diet saboteur ! its took me a long while but ive finally learned the only person i need to worry about is ME, the rest of them can sort themselves out :hug:
sorry I havent managed to keep up with this thread this week been a little bit snowed under with work etc, well done to everybody that has lost

I am much happier this week as I have lost 2lb :banana:

Well done Rachel, I knew last week was a blip:thumbsup2

TBH the person most guilty of sabotaging me is me!!! ;)

I know what you mean, but a little help goes a long way.

Wow!!! How bizarre. :confused3 If friends judge each other in that way, are they really friends...? I don't think I've ever encountered anything like that and I'd be horrified if one of my mates felt like the 'token' anything friend - whether the fat/thin/tall/small/old/young/black/white/rich/poor specimen!!! Surely most of us are changing our diets for ourselves - I personally want to stay in good shape as my fifties loom. Jealous competition doesn't come into it - what a waste of energy...

I know and I agree, she is my friend and there are many many things I like about her, and I'm not sure she knows what shes doing. She is not a nasty person but for reasons connected with her childhood I am very aware that she is quite insecure in lots of areas, she is quite a spendaholic and often spends beyond their means and likes to have something to show for it IYKWIM, but I'm a believer in "if you earn it, it's up to you how you spend it", but sometimes I want to say STOP! you don't need it!
I'm not sure it's part of her conscious thought patterns.


This doesn't really surprise me about your 'friend' at all.

I have one like that who can't be outdone, and would much rather keep things a secret to lose weight herself than risk sharing tips/exercise time with me, incase I end up doing better than her.

It gets frustrationg, but it is 100% jealousy that causes such behavior, so now instead of being annoyed by it I choose to be flattered that someone sees chubby old me as a threat!


It goes further than jsut weight loss though, say fr example there was a dress I wanted but couldn't afford. If it was on sale and she saw it, she wouldn't phone me to say "quick torsie, the dress you love is half price!", she'd keep it a total secret, and buy it herself!

It's not really a surprise I've not seen her in 18 months!

:hug: I don't think my friend would do that, we have been in a similar situation and it has gone the right way.

I have a freind who's very similar. I'm very tall so can carry excess weight better than some but my friend is a dress size smaller than me.

I've had to keep my diet a secret as she would go into panic mode and start dieting even though she looks fine as she is - she's very insecure.

We used to go running twice a week together but since last autumn when it got dark we stopped going. A few times we've talked about starting again but she wouldn't commit. I had to tell a little white lie this week and tell her I'd been running on my own a couple of times and as I suspected she couldn't wait to set a date. She hated the thought I would be doing it without her! Very Wierd :confused3

It's so sad isn't it, I don't want any attention for what I'm doing, I'm wearing baggy coats over my gym kit when I do the school run, I don't talk about what I eat or how many times I go to the gym, I just want to plod along and chip awy at the weight, no doubt she will always be smaller than me but I don't really care TBH, as if attempting to lose this weight isn't hard enough:rolleyes:

Well done Rachel :cool1:

Joanne, my MIL is a diet saboteur ! its took me a long while but ive finally learned the only person i need to worry about is ME, the rest of them can sort themselves out :hug:

You're right Nat!
Whenever we'd get back from a Florida trip I notice that within a few days I'd start to feel all bunged up through my sinus's / ears and headachey (sp). I was convinced that I must be allergic to something in the house but couldn't work out what!!! When I started my diet I decided to give up bread for a while and within a few days my sinus's cleared and I realised that I never ate bread in Florida and I did as soon as I got back, so that was what was causing the sinus problems / headache's etc., Since giving up bread, not only do I not have the sinus problems but I'm sleeping better too :confused3

Oh Jakki, hun - that is so me!!! ::yes:: I give in to the 'wheat' thing every now and again (and always regret it) but it's HARD!!! I've had such a bad day today... :goodvibes
Joanne, my MIL is a diet saboteur ! its took me a long while but ive finally learned the only person i need to worry about is ME, the rest of them can sort themselves out :hug:
Abso-flamin-lutely!!! Well done, babe!!! :goodvibes

I know and I agree, she is my friend and there are many many things I like about her, and I'm not sure she knows what shes doing. She is not a nasty person but for reasons connected with her childhood I am very aware that she is quite insecure in lots of areas, she is quite a spendaholic and often spends beyond their means and likes to have something to show for it IYKWIM, but I'm a believer in "if you earn it, it's up to you how you spend it", but sometimes I want to say STOP! you don't need it!
I'm not sure it's part of her conscious thought patterns.
Well, I guess we could all be insecure due to our childhood, hun... :sad2: It's lovely that you can see her insecurities and still be her friend - I confess that I find life too short for that nowadays.. :hug:

It's so sad isn't it, I don't want any attention for what I'm doing, I'm wearing baggy coats over my gym kit when I do the school run, I don't talk about what I eat or how many times I go to the gym, I just want to plod along and chip awy at the weight, no doubt she will always be smaller than me but I don't really care TBH, as if attempting to lose this weight isn't hard enough:rolleyes:
Look, you are doing so fabulously, dahling!!! Try not be distracted but keep up the good work and you'll be where you wanna be in no time!! Because that's all we're trying to do, right?! :goodvibes
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