Enthusiastic about Genie+ touring

Come on. We all know G+ is a paid version of FP+.

See, that's where I believe you're totally wrong. G+ is definitely not a paid version of FP+. I no longer need to map out my entire trip 2 months in advance. I'm able to be spontaneous, ride what I want, when I want. Get continuous passes through the day without the need to constantly refresh and hope that a good FP becomes available.

G+ is a vastly superior product to FP+. So I'm more than happy to pay a charge for something that is far superior.

G+ is much more like MaxPass or old paper FP, and much less like the disaster of FP+.
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As to your first point, I'll agree wholeheartedly that I miss real DME with luggage service.

As to your second point -- Yes, at added cost, but you should be able to tour exactly as you loved. At the added cost, you'll be able to get those afternoon passes -- and if willing to spend, get far more passes than you were able to get with FP+. More in line with the MP system you loved at DLR.

Not exactly… for our WDW trips I loved that the planning was done in advance so once we got there we already knew the schedule for the rides we would go on. It made it easier especially with young kids and how spread out everything is. Yes, with G+ we could potentially also do the same rides, but I’m going to be spending more of my actual vacation time on my phone figuring out our plans compared to having it all done in advance. DLR is an easier trip for us and more casual since we go more frequently, plus it has a much smaller footprint, so not planning in advance isn’t a big deal. I loved how we could do our “no plans” trips at DLR and our “well planned” trips at WDW.

I know our situation doesn’t apply for everybody… and I’m sure we’ll make it work with the new system. But there are definitely reasons why the changes may not be preferred for a family not just due to the increased cost.
This thread is the Disboards version of "When it's you against the world....bet on the world."

Nah more like watching someone trying really hard, and failing, to persuade people who have real issues with this new offering that they don't know what they're talking about because <reasons>.

I mean you aren't wrong in that Disney will continue to do what Disney wants to do, and "darn the torpedoes". That's their decision to make. All I can counter with is if they don't make efforts to restore some of the benefits they've yanked from my DVC and local AP, then I'll continue to do what *I* want to do. Those things may not be in alignment the way they'd prefer.
See, that's where I believe you're totally wrong. G+ is definitely not a paid version of FP+. I no longer need to map out my entire trip 2 months in advance. I'm able to be spontaneous, ride what I want, when I want. Get continuous passes through the day without the need to constantly refresh and hope that a good FP becomes available.

G+ is a vastly superior product to FP+. So I'm more than happy to pay a charge for something that is far superior.

G+ is much more like MaxPass or old paper FP, and much less like the disaster of FP+.

LOL, well that explains it. This whole time I thought you were ignoring what people were saying, now I see it's that you just don't understand it.
See, that's where I believe you're totally wrong. G+ is definitely not a paid version of FP+. I no longer need to map out my entire trip 2 months in advance. I'm able to be spontaneous, ride what I want, when I want. Get continuous passes through the day without the need to constantly refresh and hope that a good FP becomes available.

G+ is a vastly superior product to FP+. So I'm more than happy to pay a charge for something that is far superior.

G+ is much more like MaxPass or old paper FP, and much less like the disaster of FP+.
I think your opinion is clouded by the fact that you hated fp+ and that’s fine. I get it. Not everyone liked it. But I doubt that you’ll find many who share your opinion that G+ is not replacing FP+.
Not exactly… for our WDW trips I loved that the planning was done in advance so once we got there we already knew the schedule for the rides we would go on. It made it easier especially with young kids and how spread out everything is. Yes, with G+ we could potentially also do the same rides, but I’m going to be spending more of my actual vacation time on my phone figuring out our plans compared to having it all done in advance. DLR is an easier trip for us and more casual since we go more frequently, plus it has a much smaller footprint, so not planning in advance isn’t a big deal. I loved how we could do our “no plans” trips at DLR and our “well planned” trips at WDW.

I know our situation doesn’t apply for everybody… and I’m sure we’ll make it work with the new system. But there are definitely reasons why the changes may not be preferred for a family not just due to the increased cost.

I think you’re overestimating the amount of time spent on the phone. I’d expect it to be about 10-20 seconds at a time. If you are getting 5 G+ reservations in the day, taking about 1-2 minutes total.

And you can still make your plans far in advance. The G+ Slots will be there, just like MaxPass.
I think your opinion is clouded by the fact that you hated fp+ and that’s fine. I get it. Not everyone liked it. But I doubt that you’ll find many who share your opinion that G+ is not replacing FP+.

I agree the currently online fan community backlash is because people erroneously see it as simply adding a few to FP.

I suspect once people experience it, the overwhelming consensus will appreciate how different it is.

If I’m wrong — if all the G+ passes for the day are distributed before parks even open, I’ll fully admit I was wrong.
LOL, well that explains it. This whole time I thought you were ignoring what people were saying, now I see it's that you just don't understand it.

?? I do understand it. Your every objection is based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system.

Could I get same day passes for my party of 7 people for Slinky Dog, ROTR, Smuggler’s Run, TSM, RNR, MMRR, and TOT, all in the same day, at the times I wanted, without having to plan weeks in advance, under FP+?

Apparently, you don’t understand that spontaneously getting any pass you want is vastly superior to having to plan a limited number of passes 60 days in advance.
I’m a big fan of what Genie+ sets to be.

A more sensible way of managing queues, offering proper fast tracking by for those who want to pay and a more consistently moving Standby line.

Use the free aspect to shift crowds around

Also part of Disney’s plan to reduce the crowds. It’s so over needed
I think you’re overestimating the amount of time spent on the phone. I’d expect it to be about 10-20 seconds at a time. If you are getting 5 G+ reservations in the day, taking about 1-2 minutes total.

And you can still make your plans far in advance. The G+ Slots will be there, just like MaxPass.

I don’t know how else to explain it… it’s a mental load and relaxation thing. A minute here or there adds up to a different feel and experience and the fact that I’ll have to think about it at all is going to be different and not as ideal for me. Not the end of the world, and maybe has zero impact to some, but yes it will absolutely affect my experience compared to already having confirmed plans in place.
This thread is the Disboards version of "When it's you against the world....bet on the world."

Nah more like watching someone trying really hard, and failing, to persuade people who have real issues with this new offering that they don't know what they're talking about because <reasons>.

I mean you aren't wrong in that Disney will continue to do what Disney wants to do, and "darn the torpedoes". That's their decision to make. All I can counter with is if they don't make efforts to restore some of the benefits they've yanked from my DVC and local AP, then I'll continue to do what *I* want to do. Those things may not be in alignment the way they'd prefer.

I don't know, I mean I've learned a lot from this thread and others like it, such as:

Genie+ is exactly like Maxpass, or not like Maxpass at all. It's an electronic version of legacy FP, but totally different. It's a paid version of FP+, except not really. I will be able to ride all the rides I rode before using it. I will not be able to ride any of the rides I used to ride using it. I will be able to ride some of the rides using it. It is way too expensive. The cost is nothing on top of an already expensive trip. It is very complicated and people will hate to use it. It is quite simple, and people will like using it.

Ok joking aside, here's what I think:
1. I'm not convinced Genie+ is going to revolutionize park touring. In fact I think it will be quite similar to the past in terms of ride wait times, AND now you have to pay for it. Time will tell. I would like to be wrong about this. Again because I hate things that feel like nickel and diming I would have preferred the price to have been wrapped up into resort or ticket pricing and presented as a benefit.

2. I understand that parks have outgrown the number of rooms in resorts, in addition to off property visitors. This is a fundamental problem that things like G+ cannot fix for the long haul. It's a bandaid on a dam. They need to create more space but they've obviously decided instead to just put a premium on currently available space.

3. "Lightening" Lane is almost certainly the new "Dinning" Plan
?? I do understand it. Your every objection is based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system.

Could I get same day passes for my party of 7 people for Slinky Dog, ROTR, Smuggler’s Run, TSM, RNR, MMRR, and TOT, all in the same day, at the times I wanted, without having to plan weeks in advance, under FP+?

Apparently, you don’t understand that spontaneously getting any pass you want is vastly superior to having to plan a limited number of passes 60 days in advance.
This all seems premised on there being tons of G+ availability for all these attractions throughout the day for anyone who wants them. That’s a big perk, akin to a VIP pass that currently retails for thousands of dollars a day and one not likely to be offered by Disney for a mere $15 per person. Heck Disney is charging $200 per person for after hours tickets for shorter rides during a 3 hour period after most kids bedtimes. Anyone who thinks $15 buys them a day full of short waits is dreaming.

I foresee a big scramble at 7am for G+ times at the popular rides, and then mostly being able to pick up “second tier” rides like muppets and winnie the pooh, with a few extra good rides sprinkled in for those who master the art of refresh and modify.
?? I do understand it. Your every objection is based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system.

Could I get same day passes for my party of 7 people for Slinky Dog, ROTR, Smuggler’s Run, TSM, RNR, MMRR, and TOT, all in the same day, at the times I wanted, without having to plan weeks in advance, under FP+?

Apparently, you don’t understand that spontaneously getting any pass you want is vastly superior to having to plan a limited number of passes 60 days in advance.

This just proves you don't understand why people have issues with it. I never once said anything about objecting to the "system".
My objection is to paying for fast passes, which is exactly what G+ is. Now I will gladly take back my objection if I am still able to book fast passes on Genie without having to pay a fee to do so. Considering the announcement Disney has made about Genie, it looks like that will no longer be possible.
So you see you really don't understand what (some) people are saying at all.

And since you don't know me, you have no idea what I think is vastly superior to what.
What I have said is that I object to paying for something that has been offered for free on every single WDW vacation I have taken in the last 20 years. I object to now paying for something that was a perk included with park admission. And I definitely object to Disney and people like you saying how it's "better" for us.
But you are free to love the system, and continuing to "believe" you aren't now paying for FP's. If thats what helps you open your wallet more for Disney, lucky them. Some of us aren't that gullible, we know we are now paying for what once was given.
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There is not experiential information to be able to determine what G+ actually is yet. For some people it will be better, for others it will be worse. However we don't really "know" anything yet. Lots of people making assumptions on both sides that they can't possibly know. I am optimistic about the change and think it will work more smoothly, But I don't really know that. I don't understand all the handwringing on these boards about it, especially about being on your phone all day.

Compared to the price increases for onsite accommodations, this looks like a small upcharge to potentially increase your park going experience. However the devil is in the details and it's actual functionality. It's far too early to make sweeping judgements or threatening to never go to WDW again. It's an online forum and drama is fun sometimes, but until it is actually implemented I see no reason to get worked up one way or the other.
This just proves you don't understand why people have issues with it. I never once said anything about objecting to the "system".
My objection is to paying for fast passes, which is exactly what G+ is. Now I will gladly take back my objection if I am still able to book fast passes on Genie without having to pay a fee to do so. Considering the announcement Disney has made about Genie, it looks like that will no longer be possible.
So you see you really don't understand what (some) people are saying at all.

And since you don't know me, you have no idea what I think is vastly superior to what.
What I have said is that I object to paying for something that has been offered for free on every single WDW vacation I have taken in the last 20 years. I object to now paying for something that was a perk included with park admission. And I definitely object to Disney and people like you saying how it's "better" for us.
But you are free to love the system, and continuing to "believe" you aren't now paying for FP's. If that what helps you open your wallet more for Disney, lucky them. Some of us aren't that guliable.

I have repeatedly said — I understand the price related objection. I just think then you should equally object to every price increase at Disney. Start a petition — how dare they raise ticket prices by way more than $15 over the last several years.

But I totally understand objecting to cost.

Now, personally, I’ll gladly fork over my money for a system that is vastly superior to FP.

I almost feel like, if Disney said, “we are raising ticket prices by $30 per day”… there would be some moans, but no huge petition effort.
But to dare say, “we are introducing a new VQ system with a daily charge” …you get this massive outcry.

I never ever was able to successfully get a same day FOP or Mine Train fp. I do not ever want to plan my rides prior to the same day. Sometimes my family wants to sleep in, sometimes we want to skip a park day. Sometimes we want to do morning and skip evening.

I want to make my plans the same day.

That is NOT FP+. It is DIFFERENT.

If it was $15 for FP+.. you still had to book 60 days in advance, you still could only do 1 tier 1, until using 3 passes, etc…
If all that was the case, I’d be pretty negative.

But getting to ride spontaneously without making plans 60 days in advance, that’s totally different than FP, and I’m very willing to pay for it.

When did WDW ever offer me the chance to get a same day FP for Slinky Dog for any time I wanted, for free?!?!??

WDW never ever gave that for free.
?? I do understand it. Your every objection is based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system.

Loud and clear. Blissfully in the "ignoring what people were saying" camp it is.

It is a replacement for a system that used to be free. Not everyone can afford this. Some were probably happier with the free system prior regardless of whether it will work "better" or not now. For some FREE > better.

Some do not want to spend extra time on their phones while at the parks, whether it's hours, minutes, or milliseconds. Perhaps phone time detracts from "the magic" and reminds them of something other than vacation/relaxation.

Some do not want to wake up at 7 AM on vacation. Some object to having to do so for only a single reservation at a time.

Some do not like only having 1 reservation at a time in general, instead of being able to book 3 at once.

Some do not like that T1 attractions are no longer included unless you pull out your wallet.

Some do not like that the annual passes that were purchased in advance of this announcement, which previously included FP and allowed us to go to a park for ONLY a few hours a visit, have a few rides scheduled in advance, ride them without huge waits, and spending more time dining or just walking around. Totally a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system that those people have to fork over 45-60 a day for 3 hours of mid afternoon park time, just like they would for a full day, where before they didn't.

Some do not like that this is just one more in a long line of decisions that has removed things (parades, live entertainment, transportation, hours,etc...) while also raising prices. Pay more. Get Less.

You can cheerlead those things all you want. Love Genie all you want. Love Genie+. You do you. Accusing others of ignorance or misunderstanding when they have valid reasons for feeling the way they do just makes you look bad. But keep that spin machine movin' baby. I look forward to further lectures on why none of these things are true (when they all are) and that we're wrong.
There is not experiential information to be able to determine what G+ actually is yet. For some people it will be better, for others it will be worse. However we don't really "know" anything yet. Lots of people making assumptions on both sides that they can't possibly know. I am optimistic about the change and think it will work more smoothly, But I don't really know that. I don't understand all the handwringing on these boards about it, especially about being on your phone all day.

Compared to the price increases for onsite accommodations, this looks like a small upcharge to potentially increase your park going experience. However the devil is in the details and it's actual functionality. It's far too early to make sweeping judgements or threatening to never go to WDW again. It's an online forum and drama is fun sometimes, but until it is actually implemented I see no reason to get worked up one way or the other.

For some of us, all those increases are just not worth what you get out of a WDW vacation anymore.
The resorts go up, next year I will have to pay for transportation to and from the park. If I choose to pay for a rental car, I'll now have to pay a parking fee at the resort. Ticket prices will increase. If I want to avoid SB lines I'll have to purchase G+, and if I want to ride any of the new rides or top rides in the parks I'll have to shell out even more. At some point it does become too much. I can afford it, but the question is do I want to pay for it? Do I need to go to WDW so much that I'll continue to be nickel and dimed for the experience? Nah, I just don't think so.
I can respect that some people love their Disney vacations so much that they are willing to continue to pay whatever it takes to be able to go there. That just isn't me. I won't pay several thousand dollars for a vacation that to me doesn't provide the value of that money. The more Disney chips away at what used to make those vacations a little more special than others, the less I will be inclined to go. IMO, for me G+ is the last straw, I just don't want to give them anymore money.
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Loud and clear. Blissfully in the "ignoring what people were saying" camp it is.

It is a replacement for a system that used to be free. Not everyone can afford this. Some were probably happier with the free system prior regardless of whether it will work "better" or not now. For some FREE > better.

Some do not want to spend extra time on their phones while at the parks, whether it's hours, minutes, or milliseconds. Perhaps phone time detracts from "the magic" and reminds them something other than vacation/relaxation.

Some do not want to wake up at 7 AM on vacation. Some object to having to do so for only a single reservation at a time.

Some do not like only having 1 reservation at a time in general, instead of being able to book 3 at once.

Some do not like that T1 attractions are no longer included unless you pull out your wallet.

Some do not like that the annual passes that were purchased in advance of this announcement, which previously included FP and allowed us to go to a park for ONLY a few hours a visit, have a few rides scheduled in advance, ride them without huge waits, and spending more time dining or just walking around. Totally a misunderstanding or ignorance of the new system that those people have to fork over 45-60 a day for 3 hours of mid afternoon park time, just like they would for a full day, where before they didn't.

Some do not like that this is just one more in a long line of decisions that has removed things (parades, live entertainment, transportation, hours,etc...) while also raising prices. Pay more. Get Less.

You can cheerlead those things all you want. Love Genie all you want. Love Genie+. You do you. Accusing others of ignorance or misunderstanding when they have valid reasons for feeling the way they do just makes you look bad. But keep that spin machine movin' baby. I look forward to further lectures on why none of these things are true (when they all are) and that we're wrong.

You’re demonstrating your willful ignorance.
yes, some people are unhappy about the cost.

I’m unhappy about every cost — the increased cost of tickets, food, accommodations.

But apart from cost, your whole post is nonsense. Some people object to waking up at 7am?? You don’t need to wake up at 7am. You want a noon pass, book it at 11am.
7 am is simply the earliest you can book.

People don’t like using their phones? So how did they add 4th FPs? Or mobile order food?
Im sure the kiosks will continue to be available for those with a phone aversion.

If you keep saying people will have to be on their phones at 7am — that is simply a misunderstanding or a lie.

So 1 of us is right and 1 of us is wrong. I will publicly apologize if all G+ reservations get sold out by 7:15am. Will you admit you were wrong when almost every ride has plenty of availability into the late afternoon?

You’re free to hate the new system. But you shouldn’t spread lies about the system just because you dislike it. And you shouldn’t attack people who actually legitimately prefer the new system.


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