Got any secrets you cant keep in or any you want to tell people??

dancehottie290 said:
i chew gum even though i'm not supposed to (braces stink!)[/COLOR]

Arg! I know what you mean -- I got braces too, I used to love to chew gum but I cant anymore o_O....
FunkyMonkey said:
Arg! I know what you mean -- I got braces too, I used to love to chew gum but I cant anymore o_O....
I can chew sugar free but that is like the only kind, it was the only kind I like anyways,.
i cant keep secrets on the dis or vmk

im in the gifted class at my school

im truly nice on the inside

i chew on my hair a lot

i have a crush on a boy at my school and were great friends

i love to watch leroy and stitch over and over just bc of the part where the all sing aloha oi

i dont like VMK_Staff that much

im way different in vmk than i am in real life

on of my friends in real life gets on my nerves a lot but im still her friend

on time during field day i lifted up my shirt to clean my glasses by accident infront of a boy
Let's see... uh...

I'm not supposed to go on chat rooms :woohoo:

I am good at drawing.

I'm a few years older than everybody in my beginning ice skating class.. :blush:

OH and i eat really, really bad stuff with my braces, like gum, popcorn, airheads... mmmm popcorn::

Also I'm tall for my age, but secretly wish i was normal-er, even though i love being tall, just so my parents friends will STOP COMMENTING ON HOW TALL I AM!!!! :sad2:
coolkidhann95 said:
i cant keep secrets on the dis or vmk

im in the gifted class at my school

im truly nice on the inside

i chew on my hair a lot

i have a crush on a boy at my school and were great friends

i love to watch leroy and stitch over and over just bc of the part where the all sing aloha oi

i dont like VMK_Staff that much

im way different in vmk than i am in real life

on of my friends in real life gets on my nerves a lot but im still her friend

on time during field day i lifted up my shirt to clean my glasses by accident infront of a boy

Any chance you know me at ur school?... :confused3 My name is Kayla i am in gifted
shellybellypolo said:
:sad2: oh dear, where to start with me.. LOL
- i am 11
- my name is michelle
- i have a four year old brother who gets on my nerves :furious:
- my room used to be the messiest thing in the world! (we cleaned it up tho, thats what mothers are for :teeth: )
- i am moving on to 7th grade and a little nervous
- i have very few friends, and one of them is so pretty i am jealous at her LOL
- i have braces
- i probably have braces for the shortest time, 1 full year at most
- i plan on marrying someone whi os 17 :rotfl: he was in the movie Tuck Everlasting :bride: :groom:
- my dad will get ticked if i listen to rap songs
- on VMK i am mother/kid/sister/wife :sad2:
- i am a FAN of rides
- VMK addict
- i faked a stomach pain to get out of camp (yes, the old ' i feel queasy ' trick. no i didnt force myself to vomit)
- while we're on the topic, i have the BIGGEST fear of vomit (you can imagine what happens when my family gets the stomach virus around here!)
- every Sunday i am forced to go to a stupid store for a stupid two hours. the store is called Sam's Club
- when i was eight i watched Power Rangers
- the last time i went to a movie was probably to see Finding Nemo @_@
- i eat animal crackers (they are so cute!)
- i HATE corned beef
- i ate all my vegetables when i was younger (no i didnt do the feed it to the doggie trick)
- i am dying to be a singer, though i DONT have the voice for it (my friends tell me to stop singing ALL THE TIME!!)
- when i was between the ages of 2 and 6, i ate dog bones that my dog already slobbered on :sick:
- i used to have a car bed, and since the top was open, i would hang on it
- i was afraid of the monkey bars and i still am
- i have too many secrets LOL
- i stink at giving speeches
- my enemy has a crush on me :o
- i like to drink coffee :surfweb:
- i have a favorite teacher and i think i lost our bond when on our field trip i lost the bag of supplies and i got a cup of coffee (she thought i was sweet)
- i dream i can fly and i believe in mystical things :o :cloud9:
- i am currently failing computers class, the easiest class to pass
- im going to a college camp for acting, since there is no hope for singing :sad2:
- i have three birds, three fish, one dog, and numerous cats
- my dog is 14 and is passing on slowly
- my mom is 43, i believe, and is one of the oldest in my school :crazy:
- my pool is the world's smallest in my opinion [O that big]
- my friends tell me i have a hearing problem LOL :listen:
- i was told off by a popular girl in my school :guilty:
- my house was built at the time the Civil War took place :blush:
- i never broke a bone or fractured anything in my life, nor have i have any operations besides when i was born (and that was my moms, not mine LOL)
- i cry when there is something wrong with VMK or i cant win something
- i am a spoiled person LOL
- my parents have been on the edge of divortion but never did get divorced
- my dad is back in college for six weeks
- my dad makes me turn off the computer all the time because ' if we dont turn this stuff off, you may not grow up to a healthy world and you may live to see the end of the world with dead people in the street and your kids may be dying. but if we save energy by turning off the computer you may die before this happens '
- i have never been grounded
- my best friend was the first one out of us to get a boyfriend
- i haven't been through puberty yet (growth spurt.. i wont go on to the rest) and yet my friends have and they make me feel small
- i can whistle :rolleyes1
i want to be an actor if.. no.. WHEN singing backfires :dance3:
- i can draw pretty good (i would show you my work but i cant get imageshack to work
- Chex Mix is my friend LOL
my hand hurts so i will stop and i dont have any more secrets. whew! feels good to get that out LOL
you have so much in common with me!!
- i have a five year old sister who get on my nerves
- my room is still the messiest thing in the world, when its cleaned it goes back to messy in less than a week
- actually my mom had braces for 6 months
- on vmk i am a mother/sister
- i am a big fan of rides too, thats why i love amusement/theme parks and plan on going to so many!
- vmk addict too i play whenever my mom is at work bc she doesnt let me use the computer
- i remember marking dots all over myself with a blue marker to fake sick or something, at least thats what my mom assumed
- im squeamish so anything gross like vomit is just. . .
- i also want to be a singer
- my mom is probably the youngest in my school, 37
- my family sometimes thinks i have a hearing problem and definately a memory problem (my mom thinks i have early alzeimers!)
- i never broke a bone either my biggest injury was probably when i fell through a glass table when i was five and needed stitches
- my parents have also been on the edge of divorcing but never got divorced
- my mom is back in college studying medical stuff since shes a nurse
Here are things about me...
My name in real life is Jack
I like to draw and paint :artist:
Addicted to VMK :surfweb:
Bananas rule! :banana:
I like Cars :happytv:
My dream is to make a water park for Disneyland!
I play the piano :)
I like Wallball
Disneyland FANATIC!!!!!!!! :wizard:
Above all... I LOVE Disney! :woohoo:

- I used to love mountain-biking, then I broke my leg and have never done it again.
(I have pictures but I'm like, shirtless, in all of them, which is something you probably don't want to see :p)
- I'm hopeless at drama. The year I did drama club my report was so horrendous I never did it again, lol.
- I have a tendancy to say digusting, teenage boy things when my least favorite teachers are behind me
- Music is like candy, throw away the rappers.
- If you notice me spelling things the UK way (centre instead of center, etc.), I blame Australian relatives.
- I get obsessed over the weirdest things (fox may know this :P)
I have no life
I like cake
For every friend in real life I have, I have at least 60 vmk friends
I like to say random stuff
People think I feel bad by calling weird but I happy they finally get it since I tried for a month to stick it in people's head :rotfl:
I'm 13 and a half
I'm a freshman(since i graduated)
I have to go to summer school because i'm TOO SMART
I randomly eat cake on vmk
Piratesteff is my atm
I'm typing this because I'm bored
I have stitches on my tongue
I don't go to sleep on fridays
I like to say you eat plastic chicken but for lunch
Cpnjack and WWEDUDE are my pirate brothers
I'm bored A LOT
I like 90s music (disney music is mostly 90s music like)
I manged to not be a prep in high school
Glad I slowed down on being smart lol,

2nd 3rd grade i was the smartest kid in my class
I want to meet nano some day and make a company with him, for VFT.
VMK made so I am no longer skater, used to skate all the time, then I found VMK.
I like so many girls in real life.
I think angelina jolie is hot :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
LuNaReVe said:
Any chance you know me at ur school?... :confused3 My name is Kayla i am in gifted

were you in miss swanick's class across the hall from miss rea's class bc i think that name rings a bell
Please do not post personal information about yourself. It also strays from the original topic. :)
To me, Angelina Jolie is ugly...((cough cough)).Man stealer, too...(((Just my opinion)))
kutekiley said:
To me, Angelina Jolie is ugly...((cough cough)).Man stealer, too...(((Just my opinion)))

hey what happened to tomb raider? ;)
MY BIGGEST SECRET YET! SOON TO COME JUST NEED 5 More people to post and then here comes my secret!!
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
MY BIGGEST SECRET YET! SOON TO COME JUST NEED 5 More people to post and then here comes my secret!!
you mean two... it's 98 99 100


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