Got any secrets you cant keep in or any you want to tell people??

I'm dog obbsessed.
I like someone on VMK too :blush:
I speak Polish, some Hawaiian, English and some French
I love iced tea
I think Christiano Ronaldo of Portugal's soccer team is HOT and Zac Efron is cute too :love:
Ok Listen Up More about me......


there ya go

happy trails , Kayla
I never change my VMK clothes (headdress red tink shirt dark jeans red flips)

I sing System Of A Down in the shower

Sometimes I talk behind ppl's back (no dis users nothing wrong wit you guys)

I HATE cake , brownies (unless i baked them) , COOKIES


I broke my MP3

My VMK Character (Caslee) has over 150 friend (IDK How)

I Make Mule Accounts To Buy Stuff For Friends

I Believe in Santa Claus


My nick-name that my poppy (grandpa) calls me is AsheeCakes. YIKES!

I once went into the boys bathroom to get my friend who was a boy out because he owed me money. (NEVER TOLD ANYONE THAT)

I used to do Taken on VMK

I Broke My Friends Barbie Head On Purpose

My Friends Think I'm Crazy :crazy:

I Got Banned On VMK For Saying "Trading ive Jack Sparrow Costumes"

I Look Like Angelina Jolie

I Joined My Schools Choir And HATED It (wanted to quit but my friends didn't want me to)

My Hair Is Purple And Black :stir:

I Listen To Korean Music

I Think Dylan And Cole Sprouse Are Cute

I Type With My Toes On The DIS

I Can Make My Tounge In The Shape Of A Butt
kutekiley said:

i failed second grade but im getting up-graded to twelfth...freaky, huh?
i had a little freckle/mole or whatever under my eye but cover it with makeup...
im obsessed with the internet and technology
unlike most girls, im proud of my weight. ( 110 pounds )
my hair was dark blonde then i died it really blonde and now its temporarily pink...i have no idea what im gonna do with it next!!
>.< Meh wait dropped down to 91....o_O
Now meh hair is blonde again, hehe.I am obsessed with internet and technology...AND HARRY POTTER :D :D :D
kutekiley said:
When the mean girls in my school tell me to get over myself i say " ok, im done.Now its your turn!" and i've got slapped many times for it...But they got detention, not me!
i currently have six turtles, around 20 cats, a white parakeet and a big fishtank with lots of fish!! plus all my stuffed animals...

ps.: youre eleven ang in seventh grade?!?

well i was eleven. i turned the big 12 july 16

my friend is a few monts older then me :blush:
groovyguestgirl said:
Shellybellypolo, you sound a LOT like me! For one thing, my name is also Michele, only spelled with one l. I'm 11 too though :) And my nickname is shelly :)
good golly gosh! does the phrase ' fraternal twin ' sound familiar to u? LOL
FrontierNatasha said:
you have so much in common with me!!
- i have a five year old sister who get on my nerves
- my room is still the messiest thing in the world, when its cleaned it goes back to messy in less than a week
- actually my mom had braces for 6 months
- on vmk i am a mother/sister
- i am a big fan of rides too, thats why i love amusement/theme parks and plan on going to so many!
- vmk addict too i play whenever my mom is at work bc she doesnt let me use the computer
- i remember marking dots all over myself with a blue marker to fake sick or something, at least thats what my mom assumed
- im squeamish so anything gross like vomit is just. . .
- i also want to be a singer
- my mom is probably the youngest in my school, 37
- my family sometimes thinks i have a hearing problem and definately a memory problem (my mom thinks i have early alzeimers!)
- i never broke a bone either my biggest injury was probably when i fell through a glass table when i was five and needed stitches
- my parents have also been on the edge of divorcing but never got divorced
- my mom is back in college studying medical stuff since shes a nurse

so many ppl.. so little pixels..
A huge personal secret, I like 17 more girls, (Im in middle school, duh!!)
I am obssesed with building up my arms and chest, (Im doing good so far)
I cant go anywere without my music, as long as its in my head.
I play computer more than PS2 PSP Or TV!!
Im surprisingly light weight, 75 pounds and 11 years old!!
I gained 5 pounds of muscle during summer camp by weight lifting.
I can lift 50 pounds on the lap pullups.
I dont know how much I can bench press.
I would rather have a girlfriend than 1,000,000 and a mercedes mclaren. (yeah)
I'm 15

I should be on JV cheer, but I didn't like the girls on the squad so I didn't try my best and got on freshman ;)

I'm in 9th grade.

I'm 5'1"

I call my best friend bad things and mean it. She thinks I am joking around.

I hate one of my friends, but hang out with her because I feel bad for her.

I lie to my parents a lot and sometimes my friends, depending who it is.

I think VMK is better than myspace!

Small things like something shiny or something new distract me.

I can't pay attention in math.

I forget to tell people stuff.

I forget what I go up/down stairs to get, than remember it when I go back down/up.

I threw my friends cell in the water when I got mad at her but said it fell in.

I hate clowns.

I hate the dark but use it as an excuse to make the guy I like walk around with me and my friends.

I am very conceited.

I'm better than my friends.

I don't look at the price when I buy things.

I want to be a laywer.

I ignore calls, a lot.

I ignore calls to see how many times the person will call back.

I prank call random numbers on my friends cell phones.

I eavesdrop on my sisters calls & others converstations.

Big words do confuse me.

It takes me awhile to understand some jokes.

I should be blonde.

I only have 1 sibling, an older sister who doesn't play VMK.

I don't tell my friends about VMK because they would think it was lame.

There are only 2 people who are not in my family that I trust to tell anything.

I love photography.

I love when people on VMK get banned for something they deserved.

I like to sit in VMK espalnde and watch the newbies and how they act just starting vmk.

I love being the center of attention.

If I'm not the center of attention I do something that makes me be.

I hate when people want me to go to their house because than I have to get ready quickly!

I hate when my friend expect me to buy stuff for them.

I hate always being the only one with money sometimes.

I hate when people tell me they'll pay me back than never do.

I hate people who act smart/dumb.

I really hate how everyone on VMK is using my VMK name now and claiming they made it. :rolleyes:

I love trading and making new rooms on VMK it's pretty much all I do while on VMK.
I only have a couple.

I get freaked out by movies. (Which is why I haven't seen Mummy...) I HAVE seen AVP and that was ok... lol

I don't like bein' alone in the dark. Nothin' wrong with this, I know someone who is in college and he HATES being in the dark. So no makin' fun of me.

I'm 5 ft. 7 in. going into 9th grade.

I like watching people do weird stuff on VMK... :rotfl2:

I don't swear or curse. :)
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
A huge personal secret, I like 17 more girls, (Im in middle school, duh!!)
I am obssesed with building up my arms and chest, (Im doing good so far)
I cant go anywere without my music, as long as its in my head.
I play computer more than PS2 PSP Or TV!!
Im surprisingly light weight, 75 pounds and 11 years old!!
I gained 5 pounds of muscle during summer camp by weight lifting.
I can lift 50 pounds on the lap pullups.
I dont know how much I can bench press.
I would rather have a girlfriend than 1,000,000 and a mercedes mclaren. (yeah)

ok, i honestly can't believe i'm posting this but no one needs a girlfriend that badly, and you can rip your muscle tissue if you do too much weight lifting........... go with pull-ups and push-ups, they're much safer and they strengthen you................ trust me, i'm a dancer and i hear this all the time.

ok, for me:
in my gym class, i was the only girl that could do pull-ups, and my gym teacher called me a "buff girl" (very embarassing)

i am obbsessed with dancing. if my best friend invited me to WDW for her birthday (unlikey because we live up north) and i had a mandatory dance class, i wouldn't go to WDW.

i am really muscular in my lower body, but i need to do some work on my upper body........

i am growing my hair for locks of love

i don't ever curse (strange because like everybody my age does)

my friends describe me as preppy although i think i have a bit of gothic in me....

i want to go to college in FLA just so i can work in disney over the summer

for fun, i read the disney and universal guidebook

more to come later
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
A huge personal secret, I like 17 more girls...

And you always get mad and complain about the people that do "taken"? :confused3
DarthJordan said:
And you always get mad and complain about the people that do "taken"? :confused3

haha!!!!!!!! my school's kids are ugly (except me, my friends, and a few boys)

i don't "like" anybody, and my excuse for this is: all the boys are ugly.........
maliboomer said:
(I have pictures but I'm like, shirtless, in all of them, which is something you probably don't want to see :p)

- Music is like candy, throw away the rappers.

My Secret: When I read about those pictures, I thought to myself... "That boy is sadly, sadly mistaken about what I do/don't want to see." :rolleyes: ;)

And this isn't a secret, but the music line is fabulous. :rotfl2:
I have never had a best friend, only close friends. I manage with you guys ;)
I have a dog that looks like the tramp.
I like someone but I'm not telling. (Yes he plays VMK as well.)
I have hazel eyes, blonde hair with natural highlights (woo!).
I'm going into 7th grade this year.
I dance when I'm getting dressed - which girl doesn't?
I sing in the shower. All the time.
I'm in my own little world and sometimes talk to myself.
I like to watch sunsets on my roof.
Before VMK my nickname was Tinker Bell, it still is.
I know so many secrets on VMK that if I take in another my brain will explode.
In the first grade I had to stay in 5 minutes at recess to take a spelling test over again because I did so well the teacher thought I cheated.
I like watching 'The Office'.
My zodiac sign is cancer.
I chew bubble gum often, it calms me down.
I like to laugh.
I would rather have a dog than a boyfriend any day.
I like photography and design.
I really like swimming.
It's fun being stupid, I don't care what you think.
I like shopping.
I like corn.
I meh wavy hair. People with just straight hair are.. I don't know it's just weird to me.
My cousin is one of the best dancers in Canada. Google: Karolina Paliwoda. Her pictures make her look a bit funny with make-up on and stuff. She likes Disney too. If you want a normal pic of her, for some strange reason.. just ask. Too lazy to post here :teeth:

I agree with dancegrl1093.


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