Guardians of the Galaxy Land is possibly coming to Hollywood Studios

On a scale of 1 to 10...I trust the "source" of this one -6

They gross a couple hundred mil on a movie over a sure...start a billion dollar construction project that will take 9 years...what's be the problem?

Believe me, none of us trust the rumor.

But as far as the math goes, an overlay/rebrand ToT and RnRC can be done in less than a year (ToT to GOT:MB took less than five months in DCA), and overall general re-theme of the area isn't the same as a building SWL or TSL.
Believe me, none of us trust the rumor.

But as far as the math goes, an overlay/rebrand ToT and RnRC can be done in less than a year (ToT to GOT:MB took less than five months in DCA), and overall general re-theme of the area isn't the same as a building SWL or TSL.

10 years ago I would have agreed with you...I'm going on more "recent trends"
In black and white

Most people born after 1985 don't know about the Twilight Zone. Twilight yeah, but not the Twilight Zone. It is a relic that doesn't matter to today's audience and can be replaced very easily.
That show is one of my sister's favorite-she was born in 1985. My husband also loves that show he was born in 1989. I know the show from watching it with my sister and my husband and I was born in 1988.

Now sure majority may not know about the show but that would be the case for tons and tons and tons of shows over time. There are shows that are well known to a group of people at a time. Today's generation may not know much about Buffy and Angel for example but those shows were well-known when I was growing up. You could pick shows for all sorts of different time periods and it be the same thing over time.

I bet they are absolutely killing the ratings in the 3:00-5:00 am time slot and 70+ demographic too. know the show is also on Netflix as well? VERY certain enough people have and utilize Netflix. FTR Netflix has Seasons 1,2,3 and 5 available for Streaming.
I actually really like what I've seen from Mission Breakout and I think it will make sense for that part of DCA, but I wouldn't want Sunset boulevard converted into marvel land, which is apparently what they're doing to the Hollywoodland area of DCA. know the show is also on Netflix as well? VERY certain enough people have and utilize Netflix. FTR Netflix has Seasons 1,2,3 and 5 available for Streaming.

Um.... you know that just because a show is on Netflix does not mean that the majority of Netflix users bother to actually watch it. VERY certain that most Netflix subscribers are NOT using it to watch Twilight Zone. Just because a show in on TV or on Netflix does not make it popular or well known, even if you do happen to a couple, of the very very very small group, of people that actually do still watch it.

As far as the ride goes I actually like it as it is but I don't think they would loose much, if anything, by dropping the Twilight Zone IP and just going with creepy hotel.
Um.... you know that just because a show is on Netflix does not mean that the majority of Netflix users bother to actually watch it. VERY certain that most Netflix subscribers are NOT using it to watch Twilight Zone. Just because a show in on TV or on Netflix does not make it popular or well known, even if you do happen to a couple, of the very very very small group, of people that actually do still watch it.

As far as the ride goes I actually like it as it is but I don't think they would loose much, if anything, by dropping the Twilight Zone IP and just going with creepy hotel.
I think you need to look at what I quoted you on..

You said: "killing the ratings in the 3:00-5:00 am time slot and 70+ demographic too"

The fact that it's on Netflix means a couple of things:
1) Netflix believed there would be enough interest in it to buy the rights to stream it (although the 4th season is not available)
2) People can watch it at any time of the day
3) Now there is of course 70+ people on Netflix for sure but that isn't the main demographic by any means for Netflix

I should also mention seasons 1,2,3,4 and 5 are also available on Amazon Video with 1,2,3, and 5 being included in Amazon Prime Video. Hulu also has seasons 1,2,3,4 and 5. I'm not going to go Googling to see if it's available on other streaming services but you get the picture. Same reasons as mentioned for Netflix.

So as to your comment that I quoted that's what I was refering to. The ability to watch the show is not limited to TV and the resources you can use to watch it aren't aimed at the demographic you even spoke about (not even close either). I didn't say majority of users watch the show on entirely missed that point. The fact that it's on a Streaming service that millions of people subscribe to means a variety of people now have the access to watch a show they may have only heard about in passing. It opens the door so to speak especially given that it's also on other platforms (Amazon Video, Hulu).

As far as the ride no it may not lose a whole lot by removing the Twilight Zone aspect they would need to be very careful that every bit they replaced stuff with kept the same vibe and that's not an easy task.
If you only want to address what you quoted then why bring up Netflix at all? My comment was a response to a previous comment about TZ being shown on TV, which it is, mostly right around the time frame that I mentioned. It being available on streaming services is totally irrelevant to my comment about TV ratings.

Now it being on Netflix doesn't really mean all that much. Netflix is always looking for content to boost their catalog and if they are able to get something cheap enough then it is worth it for them just to have more options. I do not know the details of their deal to get the TZ licence but I bet there was not a big executive meeting where they all decide that getting the rights to Twilight Zone was going to be top priority because that was going to be the show that put them over the top. I think is far more likely that it either came packaged with a block of shows they bought the licenses for or it was so cheap they didn't see a reason to pass it up.

Sure, I will give you people have access to it, I never really said they didn't. I am saying that even though people have access to it the vast majority of people still don't care enough to actually watch it even though it is available to them, at any time, on a service that they already pay for. That may be even worse.
If you only want to address what you quoted then why bring up Netflix at all? My comment was a response to a previous comment about TZ being shown on TV, which it is, mostly right around the time frame that I mentioned. It being available on streaming services is totally irrelevant to my comment about TV ratings.

Now it being on Netflix doesn't really mean all that much. Netflix is always looking for content to boost their catalog and if they are able to get something cheap enough then it is worth it for them just to have more options. I do not know the details of their deal to get the TZ licence but I bet there was not a big executive meeting where they all decide that getting the rights to Twilight Zone was going to be top priority because that was going to be the show that put them over the top. I think is far more likely that it either came packaged with a block of shows they bought the licenses for or it was so cheap they didn't see a reason to pass it up.

Sure, I will give you people have access to it, I never really said they didn't. I am saying that even though people have access to it the vast majority of people still don't care enough to actually watch it even though it is available to them, at any time, on a service that they already pay for. That may be even worse.
It's apparent you don't really get what I was saying TBH. Suffice to say the level of interest isn't just for those darn aged 70+ people watching TV from 3-5am nor are people confined to watching the show in the perameters you spoke about.
I'm with jsrowdon, on this subject. Anything can be put on Netflix, I just saw something called "Jurassic School". It's about a boy who becomes best friends with a baby dinosaur.

Saying you saw it on Netflix is like saying "I saw something in the dollar bin at Barnes and Nobles." A lot of the movies tossed in this bin aren't Star Wars. Though you may find something called "Galactic Battles" starring Duke Cloudchaser and Princess Feya.
It's apparent you don't really get what I was saying TBH. Suffice to say the level of interest isn't just for those darn aged 70+ people watching TV from 3-5am nor are people confined to watching the show in the perameters you spoke about.

You are right, I really have no idea what you are going on about. You seem to be focusing on a previous comment that was obviously said in jest with extreme sarcasm and trying to turn that into me really not thinking anyone under the age of 70 ever watches Twilight Zone.

Of course there are going to be a few, very few, people that watch it that are not in that group. It is still not a popular show with any age range, in any time block, or on any streaming service, it's just not. Just because people have it available does not mean it is being watched.

If you can show me some ratings that prove me wrong then great but I seriously doubt you are going to find anything that shows any significant amount of people watching it these days. That isn't even saying it is a bad show, it's just old and most people are not interested.
I just really don't think the twilight zone tie in is a big deal. It's a known IP whether you've ever watched it or not, and everyone knows the theme music. I don't get the fuss about it honestly

I'd rather have the twilight zone IP there than not have it but if it went eventually, I'd understand

Yep, exactly. The hotel could still be haunted by spectrals. Who knows the theming and visuals could be even better than they currently are. Disney knows what they are doing, so I trust them.
You are right, I really have no idea what you are going on about. You seem to be focusing on a previous comment that was obviously said in jest with extreme sarcasm and trying to turn that into me really not thinking anyone under the age of 70 ever watches Twilight Zone.

Of course there are going to be a few, very few, people that watch it that are not in that group. It is still not a popular show with any age range, in any time block, or on any streaming service, it's just not. Just because people have it available does not mean it is being watched.

If you can show me some ratings that prove me wrong then great but I seriously doubt you are going to find anything that shows any significant amount of people watching it these days. That isn't even saying it is a bad show, it's just old and most people are not interested.
I got your jest and sarcasm in the comment but none the less understood your meaning of it.

I don't need to prove to you anything really. I never stated the show was watched by a ton of people. I just said it was available to a lot of people. It allows people who haven't watched the show or only heard about it in passing to be able to see it..that was my point. It's not an obscure hard to find show since it's not just a show you can watch via syndication (or going to your library to check out the show). I know Nielson started looking at viewership on streaming but I'm not sure they are actually releasing that to the public to see. It also appears they don't capture streaming done via mobile or overseas viewerships.
I never actually said nor implied the show was not available to a lot of people nor did I say it was obscure. I do not disagree with you in that it is available to a lot of people, it is available to a lot of people that then choose to not watch it. My original comment that you quoted, and all others, have always been about the popularity of the show.

My kid only knows of the brand because of the ride, he would never bother to watch any of the episodes. Unless they reboot the franchise then this is going to become the case for more and more people. Could Disney keep it around and continue to introduce people to it? Sure they could, but why? The Twilight Zone is not the brand that pulls people onto the ride or into the park. The ride can stand on its own without the TZ license, TZ doesn't have anywhere near the appeal that it use it. I do not really care if it is tied into any sort of IP but if they do want some IP attached then why would they not use something that is actually theirs in order to promote their own franchises. It just doesn't make sense to me to continue to pay a license fee for a franchise that you do not own and is no longer popular.
I never actually said nor implied the show was not available to a lot of people nor did I say it was obscure. I do not disagree with you in that it is available to a lot of people, it is available to a lot of people that then choose to not watch it. My original comment that you quoted, and all others, have always been about the popularity of the show.

My kid only knows of the brand because of the ride, he would never bother to watch any of the episodes. Unless they reboot the franchise then this is going to become the case for more and more people. Could Disney keep it around and continue to introduce people to it? Sure they could, but why? The Twilight Zone is not the brand that pulls people onto the ride or into the park. The ride can stand on its own without the TZ license, TZ doesn't have anywhere near the appeal that it use it. I do not really care if it is tied into any sort of IP but if they do want some IP attached then why would they not use something that is actually theirs in order to promote their own franchises. It just doesn't make sense to me to continue to pay a license fee for a franchise that you do not own and is no longer popular.
Yes well in regards to me you were coming at it from a standpoint of "it's not popular no one watches it, etc" your own words prove to me that no one watches it..where are your ratings information showing me this. Multiple posters including myself aren't saying it's a widely watched show. My only point was that it is available to watch. If a show was only available in a limited way or not even in a way at all (i.e. not available on syndication and thus you would be reliant on buying the tv show or your library, etc) then it certaintly is harder to gain newer fans or reinvigorate interest in it.

And as has been talked a lot about here on the DIS just because something is popular now doesn't guarantee it has staying power. There's been a lot of talk about GOTG and it's staying power for example. It's quite a reflection that ToT is such a beloved ride for so long (since July 1994). It's not only the ride mechanism itself that makes it so beloved. Which is why if the Twlight Zone theme was taken away they would have to be very careful to keep the same vibe as it will then be compared to how well done the Twilight Zone theme was.

ETA: The show has also been used over the years in pop culture. The seasons intros are recognizable, the episode with the pig masks, the episode with the surgery trying to change a woman's appearance, the man who is the last on earth with only his glasses and books and then he breaks his glasses, as another poster mentioned the theme music, etc..all of that is recognizable without having watched the series.
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Yes well in regards to me you were coming at it from a standpoint of "it's not popular no one watches it, etc" your own words prove to me that no one watches it..where are your ratings information showing me this. Multiple posters including myself aren't saying it's a widely watched show. My only point was that it is available to watch. If a show was only available in a limited way or not even in a way at all (i.e. not available on syndication and thus you would be reliant on buying the tv show or your library, etc) then it certaintly is harder to gain newer fans or reinvigorate interest in it.

And as has been talked a lot about here on the DIS just because something is popular now doesn't guarantee it has staying power. There's been a lot of talk about GOTG and it's staying power for example. It's quite a reflection that ToT is such a beloved ride for so long (since July 1994). It's not only the ride mechanism itself that makes it so beloved. Which is why if the Twlight Zone theme was taken away they would have to be very careful to keep the same vibe as it will then be compared to how well done the Twilight Zone theme was.

ETA: The show has also been used over the years in pop culture. The seasons intros are recognizable, the episode with the pig masks, the episode with the surgery trying to change a woman's appearance, the man who is the last on earth with only his glasses and books and then he breaks his glasses, as another poster mentioned the theme music, etc..all of that is recognizable without having watched the series.

I'm gonna agree with you on this one. It's in the cultural zeitgeist even if there are people who've never watched a single episode in their life. It's referenced in pop culture and has spawned other shows of similar styles, such as the Outer Limits and the newer (and very cult-popular) Black Mirror.

I never actually said nor implied the show was not available to a lot of people nor did I say it was obscure. I do not disagree with you in that it is available to a lot of people, it is available to a lot of people that then choose to not watch it. My original comment that you quoted, and all others, have always been about the popularity of the show.

See above. Also it really doesn't matter if it has an audience. It's known in the cultural zeitgeist for now. I agree as time goes on, these things become less relevant to younger generations. But as long as it's referenced in pop culture and it's available, I think it remains relevant. As an aside, I absolutely think it could be rebooted if someone wanted to. Black Mirror is very well regarded and has a nice cult following now and it's in the same vein as the Twilight Zone. So the demand is there but the audience is never going to be as wide as something generic like The Big Bang Theory.
So, you are not saying that it is widely watched but you want me to prove that it isn't? If you are not disagreeing that it is not popular why exactly do I need to prove it? If you were taking an opposing stance then I could somewhat understand but since you keep saying "I never stated the show was watched by a ton of people." it does not sound like you disagree with me.

See above. Also it really doesn't matter if it has an audience.

For a show to be popular, yes, it has to have an audience. Just because a few pop culture references survive does not mean the show is still popular.

I do agree with you that if someone wanted to they could reboot it, it would take the right person to make it work but that is almost always the case.


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