How close are you to your breaking point?

I'm sorry if I struck a nerve but I said it was working for US. Never did I say that it should be perfect for everyone. Maybe it doesn't matter to you but my husband was diagnosed with ALS during this period. It is still working for us. We need to keep HIM safe.

Makes perfect sense for your family. Thank you for clarifying. And yes, you do need to keep him safe at all costs.

My son’s step son has cystic fibrosis and they are being very careful with him, so I do get it. Which is one reason we will see them, on the patio and sitting 6 ft apart only. We won’t go in the house and only stay for a short time. He will probably not be out there with us. They have stayed quarantined except for work since mid-March. His mom feels comfortable enough for just grandparents to visit. She stays in contact with his doctor so I am sure it’s by his guidelines.
Makes perfect sense for your family. Thank you for clarifying. And yes, you do need to keep him safe at all costs.

My son’s step son has cystic fibrosis and they are being very careful with him, so I do get it. Which is one reason we will see them, on the patio and sitting 6 ft apart only. We won’t go in the house and only stay for a short time. He will probably not be out there with us. They have stayed quarantined except for work since mid-March. His mom feels comfortable enough for just grandparents to visit. She stays in contact with his doctor so I am sure it’s by his guidelines.
We have a grandson with uncontrolled seizures who consistently gets RSV. He has been placed in a coma for his seizures. We resort to Facetime with him to keep him safe as well. This will all come to an end eventually and we can get those snuggles again.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.
I’ve seen a rise in domestic abuse cases and children coming in with mysterious injuries at the hospital I work at. It’s sad. It really is.

It’s nothing scientific but something I’ve noticed and so have the others in my department.
My friend is a teacher aid and in her school they have to have limited school/day care for hard cases or essential workers. If you are a nurse or single mom you can send your kids to special schools/daycare..

There is a group of 4 sibliings and the child protection services gave them the exception to attend classes too as they are better off there as they analyzed having the kids at home full-time was putting them at risk.. Must not be criticual, un-safe or they would be taken out of the home, but it just shows how school is vital for many kids not only for education but in order to thrive.
In my area we are on day 46 with no date for when things will even take a step towards the new normal. I am at my breaking point more because there is not even hope of when we may take positive steps. In the meantime, 2/3rds of my extending family have been out of work and only in the last few days saw any unemployment money. A family member had a serious medical emergency which luckily they will recover from but could not going to the doctor have made it worse? Perhaps... There just seems to be a lot of downsides. This is no way to live life. Also particularity frustrating is my area is getting lumped in with a major city even though we are almost rural. 75% of the cases in my area are in nursing homes. Why aren't those people getting helped? Over the past weekend we noticed that stores were more crowded, walking trails more crowded since parks are still closed, and more people had small parties without social distancing. Without a smart plan forward it is defaulting to no plan because people have reached their limit.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?
The first would be better for us, but we are but a single family to consider.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.

I would vote for some reopening even if we have to shut down again. People are stopping to do this now regardless of what the guidelines are. What is alternative? We all lived in our homes for an entire year, 2 years? What will be the number? No one knows.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.

I would like to see an attempt at a slow reopening. I can choose whether or not to go out in it.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.
I would rather see it a slow reopening. I foresee the ones that are already not taking it seriously and not socially distancing themselves will not cooperate at all with a second shutdown.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.

I'd like to see a slow reopening. I think the moving goalposts (and the revisionist nonsense that flattening the curve was always supposed to be about buying time for new treatments, including a vaccine) are a big part of the reason people are getting so fed up and frustrated, and the feeling of progress - even if it is two steps forward, one step back - would be an immense asset in continued public cooperation with the distancing measures that remain in place.

But any reopening, no matter how slow or gradual, like any increase in testing, has to come with the fortitude not to hit the panic button when cases inevitably rise and I don't think we have that right now. In fact, I expect increased testing will put a quick halt to even the small steps some places are taking to reopen. I'm hearing calls for it in my state now - never mind that the percentage of tests coming back positive is shrinking, 20% of 10,000 is a bigger number than 30% of 3000 so therefore the sky is once again falling and we need to stay home longer/more.
Pretty close if I don't get my stimulus check soon !! :))
Which, by the way, was supposedly mailed out Apr 24 ( o r sooner) as others have reported - but since we are in nyc, the epicenter of hell, our mail is erratic at best right now !
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.
Some people are barely doing it the first time, no way they'd comply voluntarily the second.

There has been a lot of good that has come out of this, but it has also shown how selfish and spoiled some American's are when it comes to not doing what they feel they are entitled to, screw everyone else. I know that will ruffle some feathers, but I don't care, it needs to be said.
The curve was flattened in LA? Not from what I've seen.

Per, cases there are stable and COVID19 hospitalizations are at about 15% of available hospital capacity. That's well within the concept of flattening the curve as it was originally presented. And according to the IMHE model, they're two weeks past peak resource use and deaths.
I have a question now. Which would be easier for you - continuation of these current shelters in place for longer than anticipated/hoped or allowing some reopenings and having to shut down all over again with the next surge?

I think both will happen, unfortunately, but I can’t figure out which would be easier for me. Right now I’m leaning towards slow, gradual openings that maybe gives us a little respite over the summer to get outdoors, see family, etc and then hunker down again. But then I also see it being really hard to get people to do this a second time.
I think this can be broken down in micro parts.

You have a lot interacting with things that an either/or question may not be answerable at least from where my mind presently is at

For example
~You may have someone's mental capacity

~You may have someone's occupation/livlihood

~You may have government entities including budgetary shortfalls. This leads to a degradation/budget cuts from services that can be impactful to everyone regardless of what method between the two they would personally prefer and is already something that is happening in areas in terms of explaining the economic loss, or government entities furloughing employees.

~You may have domestic situations that aren't stagnant in their abilities to withstand what is currently being asked of them

~You may have elective surgeries or procedures or routine care visits that are impacted by any shutdown--long, now, or future

~You may have personal care routines being impacted. And no that's not a call to go open hair salons or the like but given that a lot of people do get hair cuts done at places the backload of people wanting these services will likely grow as the length of time these places are unable to operate and in the future if periodic shutdowns occur

~and many more factors out there that I could go on and on

You might have something that can withstand reasonably for a time but others that just realistically can't, you might have something that can withstand periodic shutdowns but others that just realistically can't.
Some people are barely doing it the first time, no way they'd comply voluntarily the second.

There has been a lot of good that has come out of this, but it has also shown how selfish and spoiled some American's are when it comes to not doing what they feel they are entitled to, screw everyone else. I know that will ruffle some feathers, but I don't care, it needs to be said.
Not saying you b/c I don’t know your situation, but it’s easy to sit on your butt & watch Netflix all day & call ppl selfish ego don’t have it as easy, but we have seen throughout this thread that many ppl are dealing with a lot of challenges including extreme financial hardship, exposure to abuse, mental heath issues, etc. The goal was to flatten the curve. In most places that is done so to me it’s just selfish to expect ppl to endure serious hardship until there is a cure b/c some ppl are afraid. If you feel you (collective) are at risk, then continue to shelter in place & let everyone else be. I think if you look back, most ppl were on board with the stay at home orders until it kept getting extended & the goal post kept moving. Then ppl started to get less tolerant.
I'd like to see a slow reopening. I think the moving goalposts (and the revisionist nonsense that flattening the curve was always supposed to be about buying time for new treatments, including a vaccine) are a big part of the reason people are getting so fed up and frustrated, and the feeling of progress - even if it is two steps forward, one step back - would be an immense asset in continued public cooperation with the distancing measures that remain in place.

But any reopening, no matter how slow or gradual, like any increase in testing, has to come with the fortitude not to hit the panic button when cases inevitably rise and I don't think we have that right now. In fact, I expect increased testing will put a quick halt to even the small steps some places are taking to reopen. I'm hearing calls for it in my state now - never mind that the percentage of tests coming back positive is shrinking, 20% of 10,000 is a bigger number than 30% of 3000 so therefore the sky is once again falling and we need to stay home longer/more.

I agree with you on the second part. I do think there will be panic buttons when numbers rise, even when they’re expected to.

To the first part, people here are getting frustrated because we’re having things taken away that are no fault of our own. We were just about to get the ability to get our parks back, when people went crazy at beaches in the southern part of our state over the weekend. Here too, but not as bad - but the ones they talked to up here were from out of county. So our county has the toughest restrictions, that we’re having to keep because outsiders are ruining it for us. Even rule followers are starting to lose their patience. So even though I said a few days ago that I was doing ok, now I’m angry. There is a park I can walk to that’s great for exercise and now it looks like we won’t get it back anytime soon. And I really miss seeing my mom!
Not saying you b/c I don’t know your situation, but it’s easy to sit on your butt & watch Netflix all day & call ppl selfish ego don’t have it as easy, but we have seen throughout this thread that many ppl are dealing with a lot of challenges including extreme financial hardship, exposure to abuse, mental heath issues, etc. The goal was to flatten the curve. In most places that is done so to me it’s just selfish to expect ppl to endure serious hardship until there is a cure b/c some ppl are afraid. If you feel you (collective) are at risk, then continue to shelter in place & let everyone else be. I think if you look back, most ppl were on board with the stay at home orders until it kept getting extended & the goal post kept moving. Then ppl started to get less tolerant.
We've also seen people who want a haircut and their nails done, and want their dogs groomed, etc etc etc. Maybe now's a good time to become a little less high maintenance.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have Netflix, Hulu or Apple TV, just good ol-fashioned cable. We don't even have a DVR. ;)

I knew people would be defensive because they don't like being called out on their behavior that puts other people at risk. :magnify:


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