How close are you to your breaking point?


Feb 1, 2001
My in-laws live in the basement and have been aggressively social distancing. Their only exposure to the outside world is going on walks at the nearby school. There is no one at the closed school.

They mentioned they are getting close to just going out.

One of their friends, an 84 year old woman, on Friday got a pedicure and manicure. She has told their group of friends she is also planning to sit down and eat in a restaurant on Monday and they are all invited. She said she is old and is not going to live like she is in jail.

How about you?

I know I am getting close to breaking. I might be able to make it to mid or late May but no way I will mentally make it until June living like this.
As I said to my wife the other night- as a very introverted person, I've prepared my entire life for this moment.

My wife and youngest son are 100% opposite of my older son and I- VERY extroverted. They too are handling this just fine. My wife makes a point of catching up with friends over zoom/cocktails a few times per week, and we go on walks as a family every day to get out.

My parents are extremely outgoing, but with my dad's current health concerns, they are hunkering down, and are absolutely content to do so. They make sure they get out for a walk around the neighborhood every day that the weather allows.

About the only thing that is getting bad is my hair... but *shrug* it is just my hair- the kids love the new mad-scientist look, and my wife.. well she deals with it. If it gets bad enough, we have a good set of clippers, and I can buzz my hair down nice and short (which I used to do long, long ago).
I can only speak for me, but I'm good. Day to day, the only thing that has changed is not eating out. I'd have no problem going through the summer like this.

I was just thinking this today

This Covid 19 isolation is not very different to my life before March 2020. Other than the travel bans on international travel, I could quiet easily just continue like this for months. I am working from home and I can get food and household items easily.

@kdonnel I'm basically the same as your inlaws. I have only left my house about 5 times since March 14, all of which have been to the local grocery store.
Not close to a breaking point at all. Honestly going INTO the office gives me incredible anxiety which is GONE right now.

The only thing I have done in the last week is "slipped" a bit by going to the grocery store a little bit more than usual. There are just some things I want to make/eat and I'm still having problems with supply. No one grocery store is getting me everything I need. In that regard, I guess I've hit my breaking point. I no longer want to shop like it's the apocalypse and eat whatever is there and hoard large amounts. That part has exhausted me a bit so I'm slipping back into my more normal grocery shopping patterns.
I was just thinking this today

This Covid 19 isolation is not very different to my life before March 2020. Other than the travel bans on international travel, I could quiet easily just continue like this for months. I am working from home and I can get food and household items easily.

@kdonnel I'm basically the same as your inlaws. I have only left my house about 5 times since March 14, all of which have been to the local grocery store.
I forgot to mention I am an introvert and I frequently go 3-5 days without leaving the house, so this is not a hardship for me.
I am doing just fine. I haven't been anywhere, except for walks with the dog and picking up takeout a couple times per week, I haven't even been to the grocery store in over a month. I just had groceries delivered on Thursday, will probably go to the grocery store for my next replenishment in 10-14 days as Instacart is much more expensive.

Tomorrow was supposed to be my first hair appointment in all this, so from here on out things are going to get much more interesting from a hair perspective but that's OK.
My husband just stood up and I looked at him like “where do you think you’re going??” It’s like if someone gets to go somewhere it’s a big deal. :cool1:

I cannot keep this up much longer. I’ve been really good. The only place I have been is to the grocery and to a couple celebratory car parades. We do have a farm so we will be planting the garden soon. But that’s not fun for me. It does, however, get the husband out of the house. I will be going to my sisters to swim this summer regardless of the virus. I want to take done day trips but I’m afraid those are a pipe dream.

I have a friend who just turned 96. She’s amazing but she lives alone and she has had it. She helps trying to get me to come sit outside her house 6 feet apart. But I would feel awful if she got sick. She has been going out to friends houses for brief stop bys. I think she figures she’s lived this long she’s not wasting the time she has left. That and she can’t stand our governor.
I close to mentally breaking, but it’s not about going out. It’s about the kids being home and needing something from me 24/7. Until daycare and camps for school-age children open, I won’t get any relief.
I just texted my sister that at least our kids aren’t little anymore (all teens). They can do their schoolwork, fix their meals and entertain themselves.

I am managing, I actually love having my kids home, I have some group texts, I am the queen of online shopping. I miss going to my kids games, feel so badly about all they are missing, plus my IL’s, an hour away and in their 90’s. Our lots are 60 x 110, we are friendly with all of our neighbors, 2 of my friends live within shouting distance.
I forgot to mention I am an introvert and I frequently go 3-5 days without leaving the house, so this is not a hardship for me.
My husband is pretty content, like you. He is being paid to stay home. I’m not an introvert. I like to be around people. I feel stressed
I'm good. I usually don't have a lot of free time so I've been cleaning, reading, and organizing. I'm an introvert and live by myself so I'm used to things being pretty quiet. I'm keeping in touch with family so I'm not isolated. And I go out when I need to and just wear a mask and take all the precautions.
Doing fine here as well. We are more introverts and homebodies, so that does help. We are in our 60s and DH has underlying health issues, so our perspective is a bit different than some, perhaps. Our DS27 & his fiancee are 10 minutes from us and do our food shopping for us. We are pretty flexible and tell them to do the best that they can, if something isn’t in stock, they call and tell us what is and if we want that., etc. They have offered to do any other errands for us, too. We are all working from home at this point. Instead of DH running to Home Depot, we’ve gotten things delivered, or do curbside pickup. We do what we can and if it is something we need DS to do, we ask. There are days when it is gorgeous out and we go for a walk after dinner, or at 5:00 when I am done work. It helps the mind and soul. We see many in our neighborhood and it’s nice to say hi.

Not sure how this will all play out, as each day seems to bring more data/information, but suspect we will have more lockdowns as we go. If there was a choice of opening up for the summer and locking down again, I’d rather stay locked down and open up when all good. However, I realize that is untenable. I worry about my 84 year old dad who is alone in Florida. If he were to get sick, even if we went to Florida, I couldn’t see him if hospitalized.

My DS & his fiancee were to have gotten married 4/11, so that was postponed until November. That was a rough few weeks of getting through that with all the emotions. Keeping fingers crossed November works out.
The only thing I miss is going into the office because it's so much easier to work from there, but other than that I am fine with staying in the rest of the summer. DD is quarantined two and a half hours away with her boyfriend and she is doing fine.

One bright spot is how much I'm saving in gas. I used to fill up once or twice a week (every five or six days). My last fill up was just before starting the stay at home order in mid-march. I went out last night to pick up a curbside delivery pizza and noticed I still have over three quarters of a tank.


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