Jan 27, 2005 early roll call!!

faireygod mother - I cannot believe you've kept the secret this long! I would be dying!! I tried to keep my pregnancy a secret from my husband so I could think of a creative way to tell him - I lasted TWO days!!! I would love to do something so special for him some day :)
Shellysmom, trust me it has not been easy. I am determined right now. I just never seem to be able to surprise him. I want to do this for him. He is such a wonderful guy.

Have you begun to pack?
Yes, I am "packing" in the sense that I have a big box in my extra bedroom that I keep thowing stuff into as I think about it. I have a list about a mile long of things I need to pick up at Target in the next couple weeks. I am sure I'm going to forget something...
Yahoo!! :cheer2: Got my docs today! Anyone else? Now I have to seriously think about packing. My DH doesn't want to plan anything until the day before! :cool1:
dandbsmom - did you go through a TA or directly through disney?? did you get an upgrade?? yay for you!! I'm having a punctuation overload :)
We went through Disney and got an awesome Florida resident rate! We didn't get an upgrade but we were just thrilled when we booked to get the category 6 with a verandah! The weather here in FL has been beautiful--we are talking 80's! It looks like it is going to cool down a little this weekend (70s) but let's hope that is all! I am getting really excited now! I was really into this before the holidays and then I got side tracked....but not for long! I wish I could get my DH to plan with me. He doesn't like to plan but then questions me on everything when we get there!! :earseek: Anyway, I am starting to pack! :cheer2:
My TA left today to go on a 10 day cruise herself. Her office is closed till the 22nd. I will have to wait till then.
My b/f is taking me and his 11 yr old daughter on the cruise! I can't wait!! I am more excited than his daughter is. We are staying category 10, level, floor, whatever 7. Hope to meet some of you!
I just finished reading every bodys comments. A couple of questions, please
Who is Shirley?
Is it worth paying to do the Atlantis tour for $33.00 a piece? Will that take up the whole day?
Is it safe to buy a diamond ring at Diamonds International?
Thanks in advance!
I am so thrilled. My TA just emailed me and told me that they got my docs and are on their way to my sisters. Three cheers! The best part will be when she calls me and tells me they have arrived. :Pinkbounc
Welcome scillacc. Glad you will be joing us.

Shirley, is the owner of "The Perfect Gift" she makes gift baskets and deliver them to the ship. You basically can pick what you want in it or theme. I have seen pics and they are real nice.

As for Diamond International. I will tell you that DCL seems to lke them. I found them pricey and not very knowledgable as to what I was looking for.

counting down :boat:
Doing the Doc Dance in CT. We are so excited. My 3 DD told everyone that would listen that we got our Disney World and boat tickets!

no upgrade but we did get the room (6038), we requested after changing our minds about 5 times (so at least they don't get easily confused at DCL). Our friends we are travelling with have a cat 4 stateroom because they need to sleep 5, so they are in 8038 or 8040 can't remember but just about directly above is two levels.

I can't wait! ?Are Shirley's baskets cheaper than getting what Disney offers with the docs?
I have never priced her baskets. I have seen the prices on the web and thay start at about 30.00. I guess you can make them whatever you want and negoiate with her.
Wahoo!! :cool1: :cool1: This is me in Maryland finally doin' the doc dance (my first one ever!) In two weeks from today, we'll be on the boat folks. Can I say I am REALLY looking forward to it? I went and bought my kids some new sunglasses today - Barbie for the 4 year old dd and Thomas the tank engine for 2 year old ds. Can't wait to surprise them! Let's hope we actually NEED shades, eh??? Anyone have any clue of how to see a forcast for castaway cay? is it possible?
Congrats Sheely on the DOC Dance it is so exciting to have tangible evidence of the trip in hand.

This time next week, I will be frantically trying to fit things in our suitcases!

I at least have some extra weight to me so it makes it easier to sit on the suitcase and squish it all in.

:bounce: '
I have been checking the weather on accuweather.com. It looks like it will be in the high 70's or low 80's. I will take it. YEAH

No doc yest for me. My TA is on a cruise till next weekend so I have to wait. Good thing anyway because DH got the mail today and opened things. NOSEY! There was a package addressed to me and he was dying to find out what it was. I told him a gift. He figures it was for him. It was for my nephew whi is going with us, but DH does not know that and I could not tip him off. Seing as it was a Mickey Mouse backpack ugh!

I have a few more articles to steal from his laundry this week and then I will be able to finish packing. :boat:
2weeks from today we will be packing and putting our suitcase out in the hall and reflecting on what a wonderful cruise it was. I am hoping to be on top deck and see the Magic go by at around 11pm. Anyone game for this?


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