Kristen & Doug's Wedding: 5.5.12 - TR Day 3 (Updated 6.14)

I love your invitation, it's so cute and fun, and the colours are fantastic! The aisle runner looks great too, I love the actual fabric pattern and colour! :goodvibes
Your aisle runner looks great! I always worried about stuff like whether or not I sent the right date too. Before we ordered our invitations I double checked them about 50 billion times. And initially when I was creating our save the dates I had put down 2010 instead of 2011, but luckily I caught that mistake!

Oh, I'm so glad it's not just me! I feel like I'm triple-checking EVERYTHING :rotfl:

I love your invitation, it's so cute and fun, and the colours are fantastic! The aisle runner looks great too, I love the actual fabric pattern and colour!

Thanks! It came in the mail today, and I'm so happy with how it came out :)
Bit of a health update:

I went to see the neurologist today, and she seems nice. She didn't talk with me very long, but :confused3 She has me taking topamax (sp?) daily to see if that helps, and I've some Imitrex for when I start to feel the migraines coming on. There's also some prednisone, but I don't remember why I'm supposed to be taking it. (Needless to say, Doug will be in the room with me next time) Bloodwork is coming up, and there'll be a MRI at some point in the near future, too.

I just want to be somewhat pain-free by May!

I am so happy for you to have a new neurologist who seems nice. My heart really goes out to you, and am hoping you can be pain free in May :hug:
I am so happy for you to have a new neurologist who seems nice. My heart really goes out to you, and am hoping you can be pain free in May :hug:

Thank you :hug: While I've mostly accepted that I'll likely have to get a wheelchair again for the other issues, if I can at least be headache-free most of the time, I will be an extremely happy and grateful girl. :)
100 days!


I posted this on the facebook page earlier, because I had to share. Rosie emailed me some ideas for bouquets - I knew I was going with the white calla lilies, but I wanted to add some blue/purple to it. I saw this one and just fell in love. I keep going back to look at it because it's SO PRETTY! :rotfl:


It makes me happy. I'm already imagining pictures with it. :lmao:

Let's see... we booked our flights. Which is good. Which means I should probably help my parents out with that tomorrow. And get my aunt over here, so that I can do that for her. (That's right. For this trip, I had to create my aunt's first-ever email address. While she has a computer at home to play games on, she's never had internet access :scared1:)

I need to make a to-do list. I feel better when I have a list. (And, judging by my desk, post-it notes. There's about 20 floating around right now)

To Buy:
-Doug's suit coat. Preferably lightweight.
-The sash for Kenzie's FG dress
-Doug needs dress shoes still? :confused3
-either the frame or the center thingie for the sand ceremony
-a garter (blue and silver, preferably)

To Do:
-mail out the invites

I think that's it? I keep looking over at my bookshelf as if the books are going to tell me what I'm forgetting. Am I forgetting anything? :rotfl:
100 days!!!! Yay!! :woohoo:

Your to-do list looks great!!! Mine is (very sadly) so much longer. lol I'm jealous! :goodvibes
You better get a dress, girl!! lol ;)

I commented on FB too but that bouquet is gorgeous- I really like it!!!
Everything looks great so far. Your to-do list isn't too bad, and I LOVE your bouquet. Fingers crossed about your health!!!
100 days!!!! Yay!!

Your to-do list looks great!!! Mine is (very sadly) so much longer. lol I'm jealous!
You better get a dress, girl!! lol

I commented on FB too but that bouquet is gorgeous- I really like it!!!


I feel quite sure there's something I've forgotten on that list. There has to be. Oh, yeah. We still have to print the RSVP part of the invites and the inserts. And mail those out. The new meds are kicking my butt, so by the time Doug gets home from work, I have no motivation. :headache:

By next week, the Doom Time will be over and then I can measure myself for the dress. Because if my jeans are any indicator, I'm easily a size larger when bloated. Ugh!

Everything looks great so far. Your to-do list isn't too bad, and I LOVE your bouquet. Fingers crossed about your health!!!

Thanks, Jackie! I remembered a couple more things that have to be added, but at least I can delete one thing off of there already! I'm all about the little victories ;)

Now, if only I could consolidate my to-do lists down to one. :D I seem to start a new list every day depending on which room of the house I am in when I decide I need to start a new list....I think I have 4 going right now LOL
Woohoo for 100 days!! pixiedust:

Good list-- I can't think of anything else to add!

Your bouquet will be gorgeous!!
That's a gorgeous bouquet, very elegant! Your to-do list looks good to me. :) I better get one of those started too, sooner or later.
You guys, I feel like I made so much progress this weekend.

The most important one - and the one that's gonna make me cry again. So, you all know that I've been on long-term disability for nearly the past year due to the fibromyalgia. It's set to end in March right now, which... well, that's another story. Anyways, I got a letter in the mail the other day saying that because the doctor's office never sent in the doctor's notes as requested, I'm not receiving the last 2½ months payments. I called them (both the LTD people and the doctor's office), so hopefully that will get things straightened out, but obviously it means a huge loss in money. (When you don't have much coming in, every little bit counts).

Anyways, Deena (LuvLuvLuv) had messaged me previously, offering her dress since it's the exact same one that I fell in love with at David's Bridal. I messaged her back the other night explaining that I don't have an income right now, so as much as I'd love to take her up on the offer, there'd be no way. Well, the wonderful girl that she is, she offered to send it to me anyways, and said just to send some money when I could. (Oh, and here come the tears again). This is what prompted my emotional post on the facebook page the other night. :love: I'm just so excited and grateful and :dance3:

The invitations are done! Doug helped with the printing out (because he's the one with the degree in computer science and I have no idea how to adjust the printer margin-y things :lmao:) of the RSVP cards and the inserts, and thanks to Ashley, I also have a nice general tips and info newsletter - which I forgot to put in half of the invites. Oops! This is why I shouldn't do things at 2:30am! :rolleyes1 So, those will have to go out separately.

We were out shopping last night for dress shoes for Doug (which we never found, but he did find a fantastic deal on some winter boots - $36 when they were originally $140! :scared1:) I was explaining that, to me, this wedding really is a celebration of US, so I'm including little touches of things that we love. The blue and silver Mickey heads on the cake represent (to me, at least) my love of Harry Potter. The now mutual love of Star Wars is in there with the boys walking down to the 'Imperial March'. And I think I finally got Doug excited about wedding planning stuff. (I'm still a bit shocked myself LOL) I had joked around about finding Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cufflinks for him (that was his favorite as a kid), when he said that he was thinking maybe there'd be something Star Trek related. Well, guess what awesome girl just found some AFFORDABLE Star Trek cufflinks on ebay? ;) (Can you believe Think Geek wants $65 for a pair?! :scared1: Yeesh!)

My next quest - and I'll probably post this on the facebook page, too - he wants some sort of small pin (perhaps for on the lapel? :confused3) that looks like the leaf brooches that the elves give the hobbits in LOTR. Anyone have any ideas? I haven't gone searching yet, but I know I've got a good amount of fellow geeky girls here. ;)

I feel like this is turning into the longest post ever! So! Next post - finished pictures of the invites (I've still a few to put together, and I'm so proud of my handiwork since I'm not very crafty), hopefully good news about the cufflinks, and... yeah. I lost my train of thought somewhere; I really wish it'd stop falling off the tracks! :rotfl: (I crack myself up sometimes lol)
Eeek that is so sweet! I love Disbrides. Deena, you rock!!! <3

Also, I love all of your little geekery touches. They sound awesome! And just a FYI: did you know Marquette (where I go to school) has the original manuscripts and notes for LOTR?!
Eeek that is so sweet! I love Disbrides. Deena, you rock!!! <3

Also, I love all of your little geekery touches. They sound awesome! And just a FYI: did you know Marquette (where I go to school) has the original manuscripts and notes for LOTR?!

I think you mentioned that at some point. I'm so jealous! Are they viewable to the public? It's a life goal to visit all 50 states one day, and that could be a 'tourist point' for Wisconsin ;)
Wow, Deena's offer warms my heart! The DISBrides community is amazing and never ceases to show me how great internet friends can be! :hug:

Woohoo for the invites being done! I love love love all the personal touches in your wedding- it's going to be awesome!

Here are some of the Leaf items I found:

Don't know if any of those will be helpful but it's a start!
Faith rocks I was going to send you some of the exact same links! GO FAITH!

Deena rocks too!

Let me know if you need anything in the way of nerdiness...everyone should know by now I can definitely help you out there! LOL

Keep your head up girl!

Wow, Deena's offer warms my heart! The DISBrides community is amazing and never ceases to show me how great internet friends can be! :hug:

Woohoo for the invites being done! I love love love all the personal touches in your wedding- it's going to be awesome!

Here are some of the Leaf items I found:

Don't know if any of those will be helpful but it's a start!

Thanks so much for those links, Faith! I had kept a tab open for one on ebay, but the Amazon one works so much better since I've some gift card codes saved up on there, thus making it free! :banana:

And indeed, internet friends can be quite fantastic :grouphug:


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