Marathon Weekend 2024

My cold tolerance is something else entirely… I’m currently in an office chilled to 70* and I’m wearing wool socks, leg warmers, a thick sweater, and gloves. I’m in misery! :rotfl:
Retired, sitting on my sofa with thermostat at 78 with a flannel blanket. And I always need a sweater or jacket in restaurants in the summer! Still the heat and humidity this week at 6:00 am have been brutal in N Ga. It was raining this morning, but I have not turned to the treadmill yet this summer!
SAFD: In Austin, Texas. Here's what works for me:
  • Don't run when the sun is too high in the sky
  • Stay hydrated; I take 4 swallows of Powerade every 5 minutes in the summer (which means I can't do more than a 3-mile loop, so I can get a new bottle each time I pass the car)
  • Keep an eye on my heart rate and adjust my pace or run/walk ratio as necessary
Although I'll admit 55º-60º F (no precipitation and not too much wind) is ideal for me, I really don't mind the heat. I don't like when it gets so cold that I have to worry about layers (trying to manage my clothing so as not to really sweat while also not freezing), and dealing with cold rain or wind.
SAFD: In Austin, Texas. Here's what works for me:
  • Don't run when the sun is too high in the sky
  • Stay hydrated; I take 4 swallows of Powerade every 5 minutes in the summer (which means I can't do more than a 3-mile loop, so I can get a new bottle each time I pass the car)
  • Keep an eye on my heart rate and adjust my pace or run/walk ratio as necessary
Although I'll admit 55º-60º F (no precipitation and not too much wind) is ideal for me, I really don't mind the heat. I don't like when it gets so cold that I have to worry about layers (trying to manage my clothing so as not to really sweat while also not freezing), and dealing with cold rain or wind.
I'm with you, I prefer the heat to the cold. It doesn't get cold here for long (also in Austin) but those weeks are rough.
I'm definitely more heat acclimated than cold acclimated, but I am having to slow down with the current temperatures here in Mississippi. Lunch time runs are definitely not for this girl! I am also not a morning person so I tend to shoot for late evening runs.
You can put on more and more clothing in the cold but only take so much off in the heat. There is some great wool winter running stuff that will keep you warm down below 0 if you layer correctly.
I hear that sometimes, but I don't think it's that simple. Perhaps if you're not doing anything strenuous, then, yes, you can dress appropriately for the weather, and be quite comfortable, even in very cold weather. (Even so, I've lived in cold climates, and scraping ice off of windshields and shoveling snow off of sidewalks is still not my idea of fun. 🥶)

Maybe it's an acquired skill, but, while exercising, having the right amount and type of clothing to stay comfortable but not so warm that you start perspiring (and then really get cold) seems like a sweet spot that would be difficult to consistently hit.

Plus, cold is uncomfortable, while heat is relaxing. 😜 You never hear anyone saying they're going to take a nice, cold bath! People relax in a nice hot shower, in a sauna, etc. As long as I stay hydrated, and don't overdo the pace, running in the heat doesn't bother me at all.

That said, I admit I'm intentionally being contrarian here, just to somewhat rebut your statement. I do know cold can be invigorating, refreshing, etc., and to a large extent it comes down to what you're acclimated to.
I’m not sure how any of you folks from southern states are able to run outside. I’m in MN and about to quit running altogether when it’s above 90 :rotfl:

I miss winter, but in winter I miss summer. It’s a vicious cycle. But there’s something satisfying about bundling up for a run in subzero Fahrenheit weather and getting the miles in, with frosty eyelashes and all. Strapping on my headlamp and neon vest so I can be visible against the snowbanks at 5pm. Hardcore! Can’t say the same about summer runs, all I feel after those is disgusting and stinky :rotfl2:
I’m not sure how any of you folks from southern states are able to run outside. I’m in MN and about to quit running altogether when it’s above 90 :rotfl:

I miss winter, but in winter I miss summer. It’s a vicious cycle. But there’s something satisfying about bundling up for a run in subzero Fahrenheit weather and getting the miles in, with frosty eyelashes and all. Strapping on my headlamp and neon vest so I can be visible against the snowbanks at 5pm. Hardcore! Can’t say the same about summer runs, all I feel after those is disgusting and stinky :rotfl2:
I am in WI and nope winter can stay far away yet. Summer is like half over and I am not happy about it lol.
I’m not sure how any of you folks from southern states are able to run outside. I’m in MN and about to quit running altogether when it’s above 90 :rotfl:

I miss winter, but in winter I miss summer. It’s a vicious cycle. But there’s something satisfying about bundling up for a run in subzero Fahrenheit weather and getting the miles in, with frosty eyelashes and all. Strapping on my headlamp and neon vest so I can be visible against the snowbanks at 5pm. Hardcore! Can’t say the same about summer runs, all I feel after those is disgusting and stinky :rotfl2:
It's unpleasant for sure, I usually come home from my long runs literally dripping with sweat and covered in salt 🥵
I’m not sure how any of you folks from southern states are able to run outside. I’m in MN and about to quit running altogether when it’s above 90 :rotfl:

I miss winter, but in winter I miss summer. It’s a vicious cycle. But there’s something satisfying about bundling up for a run in subzero Fahrenheit weather and getting the miles in, with frosty eyelashes and all. Strapping on my headlamp and neon vest so I can be visible against the snowbanks at 5pm. Hardcore! Can’t say the same about summer runs, all I feel after those is disgusting and stinky :rotfl2:
I just want fall weather year round, is that too much to ask?? 😄😄
SAFD: I'm in Virginia, which isn't as bad as you folks further south, but it's still the South, and so it's hot and humid. I get up early to run outside some days, but I also hit the treadmill a fair bit as well. To me, treadmill running is part mental training, staying focused when I'm bored and uninspired. It also helps me appreciate those outdoor runs all the more when the weather's better!
SAFD: I view summer running as preparation for whatever Florida can throw at you in January. Where I live it was 75 degrees and 99% humidity yesterday at 5 am, which was similar to the conditions of the marathon during 2020. The main mistake I see people make during humid Run DIsney events is forcing a pace they run in a colder and drier climate. Your body heats up and can’t evaporate the sweat to cool down. Eventually these folks start petering out by the double digit miles. By running during the summer, I know what my humidity pace is and can adapt as needed. Also, because the perceived effort is so much greater during the summer, it’s a great mental boost on race day with ideal temps when race pace feels super easy.
last year i ran in july and august outside in 97 degree heat and averaged 6 to 8 miles of running and walking combined each day. it was brutal and my paces were initially 12 min miles and dipped to 9:30 by end. with that training ,when it came marathon time i was able to run a 4:30 hrs even though im 30lbs overweight.

im doing this same training now and it feels harder the 2nd time around and ive yet to be able to do more than 5 miles total ...usually i try 60% of my mileage to be running. Hopefully by the time it starts to cool down i will have improved my base from last yeat, but its not looking promising yet, plus depression doesn't help either.
Maybe it's an acquired skill, but, while exercising, having the right amount and type of clothing to stay comfortable but not so warm that you start perspiring (and then really get cold) seems like a sweet spot that would be difficult to consistently hit.
There are various "rules of thumb" but it's still a bit trial and error until you find out what works for you. My simple mantra is that if you are not cold in the first mile then you wore too much, and if you are still cold at mile 3 then you didn't wear enough.
Random question, but has anyone dropped bags off at bell services early AM (3 AM-ish I guess) on Sunday before heading over for the marathon?

I'm debating picking up a charity bib for Goofy, but would need to fly back home Sunday night.

There's a decent chance I could make it back to my room before check out at 11, but I'd prefer to drop my bags off at bell services before boarding the bus to the start area.
Random question, but has anyone dropped bags off at bell services early AM (3 AM-ish I guess) on Sunday before heading over for the marathon?

I'm debating picking up a charity bib for Goofy, but would need to fly back home Sunday night.

There's a decent chance I could make it back to my room before check out at 11, but I'd prefer to drop my bags off at bell services before boarding the bus to the start area.
I have not at Disney so I may not be of much help. If it is too early to drop off you could always pack up and leave your suitcase just inside the door. If housekeeping needs to check/clean, then they will find you have "finished" with the room and they can do their thing.
I have not at Disney so I may not be of much help. If it is too early to drop off you could always pack up and leave your suitcase just inside the door. If housekeeping needs to check/clean, then they will find you have "finished" with the room and they can do their thing.
Or pack everything but what you need for Sunday and turn in the bags Saturday night and fit everything else into a bag small enough to fit in an rD gear bag?


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