No Masks Outdoors 5/15/21

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CM: "Hi welcome to Test Track, please put your mask on"
Guest: "But we're outside"
CM: "You're in a queue which is still requiring them"
Guest: "**** you"

This is what I see happening.

And they'll possibly be removed from the park for doing so. Using abusive or offensive language with a cast member is punishable as such. Whether they will enforce it or not.... who knows?
Not sure about making fun, but making comments ... yes.

An elderly woman at a store where masks were optional said to me “Take that mask off your child and let her breathe.” So, yeah. Some people definitely speak out of turn.

I've unfortunately seen and experienced similar in my area, usually not from the elderly though but I have been hassled by middle-aged men. My reaction was to detail to them that they must be weaker than my elderly cancer and stroke survivor of a mother who has no issues breathing with a mask on.
This is seriously SO great. I was just there in May and the all-day, outdoor masks made everything very uncomfortable. If you want to wear a mask outdoors, indoors, and everywhere you still have that option :earsboy:

Once I saw Universal remove their mandate I knew it was a matter of hours until Disney did the same.
CM: "Hi welcome to Test Track, please put your mask on"
Guest: "But we're outside"
CM: "You're in a queue which is still requiring them"
Guest: "**** you"

This is what I see happening.

Maybe, but people are being pretty chill about it today at Epcot. I think everyone is just happy that they don’t have to wear a mask for like 90% of the time while they’re at the park.
Not sure about making fun, but making comments ... yes.

An elderly woman at a store where masks were optional said to me “Take that mask off your child and let her breathe.” So, yeah. Some people definitely speak out of turn.
I've unfortunately seen and experienced similar in my area, usually not from the elderly though but I have been hassled by middle-aged men. My reaction was to detail to them that they must be weaker than my elderly cancer and stroke survivor of a mother who has no issues breathing with a mask on.

There’s a TV host who I will not name because it gets political who told viewers to do that. Pretty sad.
This was the one thing I’ve been right about! Don’t take that from me! 😂
I don't know if you are in the US or not, but things are much different here than Europe. Things even vary from city to city within the same state. We drove to Orlando from Texas in July and November. I had people asking me in the southern states why I was wearing a mask to use the restroom. We actually left Orlando early in November, because I was registering a temp. Luckily, it wasn't covid. However, if it had been, and I had been standing in line indoors for the bathroom shoulder-to-shoulder with people without a mask, I could have gotten some people sick. I didn't want to stop, but Texas-Orlando is a 16 hour drive, which I can't do without going to the bathroom. I waited in some of those lines for 10-15 minutes. I felt like telling people I had covid, and I was trying to protect them.

You have a point there, I guess. I'm from the Netherlands (so Europe) and sure there was a lot of angry people here too when the mask mandate was put into place for all public indoor spaces, but most people here ended up just shrugging and thinking "there's no pain in trying". I remember when the mask mandate was announced and there was a bit of uproar on social media at first and people responding with "the Netherlands is the ONLY country making such a big deal about masks!". It made me laugh, as almost every country in which masks weren't the norm pre-covid had uproar about mask wearing when it was mandated.
You have a point there, I guess. I'm from the Netherlands (so Europe) and sure there was a lot of angry people here too when the mask mandate was put into place for all public indoor spaces, but most people here ended up just shrugging and thinking "there's no pain in trying". I remember when the mask mandate was announced and there was a bit of uproar on social media at first and people responding with "the Netherlands is the ONLY country making such a big deal about masks!". It made me laugh, as almost every country in which masks weren't the norm pre-covid had uproar about mask wearing when it was mandated.

European and UK countries, also Japan and S Korea, tend to have a much different mentality than the US. There's a little bit more of a big picture view on how things affect the country as a whole than in the US. In the US, we tend to be more self-focused. I am not saying that's always true or necessarily bad, but having traveled and known people from countries all over the world, I can see how this is different amongst them.
CM: "Hi welcome to Test Track, please put your mask on"
Guest: "But we're outside"
CM: "You're in a queue which is still requiring them"
Guest: "**** you"

This is what I see happening.
See happening as in you're witnessing this or assuming this is how it will be?

Firsthand accounts, for now, seem positive. People are so grateful for some mask leeway that perhaps they're more willing to play nice? I know that's definitely how I feel even though I am vaccinated.
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