OK DISers. Do you know someone personally that has the Virus?

Do You know someone personally with the Virus?

  • yes

    Votes: 273 55.3%
  • no

    Votes: 203 41.1%
  • other

    Votes: 18 3.6%

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My niece does outpatient OT in ME. Her agency has 4 staff members out due to quarantine after a patient tested positive. She says she's not sure with how the agency will proceed with services and not enough protective gear.

I'm in a growing hot spot - I've heard of several people in town with exposure and trying to get testing but no one I know personally.
Maybe... Of the 70 or so people in my state who have tested positive, one happens to work in my building! The only thing I know is that don't work in my department.
I know several people who have all the signs but who haven't been tested. The criteria for testing in my area is such that if you're not hospitalized, it probably isn't going to happen, even with direct contact with confirmed cases.

I am following the serotype testing news with interest because I question whether we might have had it back in late Jan. We had something very consistent with COVID19 symptoms and behavior just after returning home from 10 days in California. Didn't think much of it at the time - COVID19 was still just a China problem, according to the media, and flu-like symptoms during flu season are hardly cause for alarm (though we did have our flu shots this year). But the shortness of breath and the pattern of 40yo me getting much sicker than 11yo and 18yo DDs fits. It was the first time in a decade or more than I felt sick enough to think about going to a doctor. So it is interesting now to read that researchers are working on a way to test for immunity/previous exposure to help gauge the scope of previously undetected spread.
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Yes! One of my doctors is the first in our town to have coronavirus. He returned from a trip to Germany recently. Fortunately, I haven't been to see him since he returned. He HAS been to the clinic and seen quite a number of patients since his return. They're all being contacted to be aware of this.
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Today I have developed, what I am very much hoping, is just a bad cold. Cough, wheezing like Darth Vader, tight chest, temperature, headache. In bed with hot water bottle and just taken over the counter nighttime cold and flu tablets.
I am going to self isolate just in case.
Sending get better hugs. 😊
I am following the serotype testing news with interest because I question whether we might have had it back in late Jan. We had something very consistent with COVID19 symptoms and behavior just after returning home from 10 days in California. Didn't think much of it at the time - COVID19 was still just a China problem, according to the media, and flu-like symptoms during flu season are hardly cause for alarm (though we did have our fly shots this year). But the shortness of breath and the pattern of 40yo me getting much sicker than 11yo and 18yo DDs fits. It was the first time in a decade or more than I felt sick enough to think about going to a doctor. So it is interesting now to read that researchers are working on a way to test for immunity/previous exposure to help gauge the scope of previously undetected spread.

I’m right there with you wondering if I had this and the same time frame. I don’t remember having shortness of breath though. I do remember I had a sore throat for a couple days before developing a cough and fever. I never took my temperature so not sure if I had one or not, but had the chills And aches and taking medicine took them away so I’m assuming I did. I also am not a doctors going person, but I remember thinking at one point I thinking I may have pneumonia maybe I should call a doctor. My chest was killing me. The cough stayed for longer than usual.

It was weird the whole time. I kept saying I wasn’t sure if it was a cold or flu. It was worse than a cold, but didn’t have upset stomach like flu.

The major reason I’m not sure is because no one around me got it. They say how contagious it is but no one in my household or at work got the same thing.
No, but there are two confirmed cases in my town. One’s a high school student and the other a staff member at the school. I’m in NY and the numbers here are growing significantly every day. :worried:
The major reason I’m not sure is because no one around me got it. They say how contagious it is but no one in my household or at work got the same thing.

There are a lot of asymptomatic carriers and also a long incubation period. So people in your household may have had it, but didn't present with symptoms.
Maybe... Of the 70 or so people in my state who have tested positive, one happens to work in my building! The only thing I know is that don't work in my department.

That is where I am. We had somebody in my office bulding (but a differnt company) that came down with it. That was when we were all told to work from home 100% until furthur notice.
I know several people who have all the signs but who haven't been tested. The criteria for testing in my area is such that if you're not hospitalized, it probably isn't going to happen, even with direct contact with confirmed cases.

I am following the serotype testing news with interest because I question whether we might have had it back in late Jan. We had something very consistent with COVID19 symptoms and behavior just after returning home from 10 days in California. Didn't think much of it at the time - COVID19 was still just a China problem, according to the media, and flu-like symptoms during flu season are hardly cause for alarm (though we did have our fly shots this year). But the shortness of breath and the pattern of 40yo me getting much sicker than 11yo and 18yo DDs fits. It was the first time in a decade or more than I felt sick enough to think about going to a doctor. So it is interesting now to read that researchers are working on a way to test for immunity/previous exposure to help gauge the scope of previously undetected spread.

I have posted this on other threads and I was in California for work in early February. Shortly upon returning to Atlanta, I had shortness of breath, a horrible cough and a fever that was up to 103.5. I was pretty much delirious for over a day when the fever was at its highest. I called Teladoc, as I was too weak to go sit in a doctor's office and did not want to invent others. He assumed the flu, prescribed some cough medicine and I eventually got better. The thing that really sticks with me though is the shortness of breath and the fact I couldn't breath deeply and am still not back 100%. I run and exercise regularly (six days a week) and I am not fully back. I too am now fairly convinced I may have had it. However, to you point testing me at this point isn't and shouldn't be a priority. I am 49, almost 50 for the record.

My husband did not really catch it from me. However, my husband was in Italy from February 22nd through Monday, March 9th. He flew into Milan and out of Rome. We have been self quarantining since (I can work from home and now we are all anyway). So far he has not been sick. We are really wondering if part of it is maybe I had it and he had it and was asymptomatic before he left for Italy. In other words, maybe we both had it?

Interesting to think about for sure...
Have 1 friend that I know of. He's 35 in NY and has described it as the sickest he's ever been in his life, he's not hospitalized, but his daily posts paint a good picture that under 40 and "mild" cases aren't just like a cold. Some may be that mild, but the spectrum is pretty broad and it can be very not fun.

He's had it for over a week now and now it's down to no fever and not quite so painful, but still definitely set things in perspective.

Separately have multiple other friends that have been in contact with someone confirmed (different sets of confirmed people across different friends) so are now self isolating for 14 days.
I’m right there with you wondering if I had this and the same time frame. I don’t remember having shortness of breath though. I do remember I had a sore throat for a couple days before developing a cough and fever. I never took my temperature so not sure if I had one or not, but had the chills And aches and taking medicine took them away so I’m assuming I did. I also am not a doctors going person, but I remember thinking at one point I thinking I may have pneumonia maybe I should call a doctor. My chest was killing me. The cough stayed for longer than usual.

It was weird the whole time. I kept saying I wasn’t sure if it was a cold or flu. It was worse than a cold, but didn’t have upset stomach like flu.

The major reason I’m not sure is because no one around me got it. They say how contagious it is but no one in my household or at work got the same thing.

My understanding is that the shortness of breath is one of the main differences between this virus and ordinary flu, but that can also express as chest pain/inability to draw a full breath. It is so hard to tell. Without testing, we just don't know anything.

I have posted this on other threads and I was in California for work in early February. Shortly upon returning to Atlanta, I had shortness of breath, a horrible cough and a fever that was up to 103.5. I was pretty much delirious for over a day when the fever was at its highest. I called Teladoc, as I was too weak to go sit in a doctor's office and did not want to invent others. He assumed the flu, prescribed some cough medicine and I eventually got better. The thing that really sticks with me though is the shortness of breath and the fact I couldn't breath deeply and am still not back 100%. I run and exercise regularly (six days a week) and I am not fully back. I too am now fairly convinced I may have had it. However, to you point testing me at this point isn't and shouldn't be a priority. I am 49, almost 50 for the record.

My husband did not really catch it from me. However, my husband was in Italy from February 22nd through Monday, March 9th. He flew into Milan and out of Rome. We have been self quarantining since (I can work from home and now we are all anyway). So far he has not been sick. We are really wondering if part of it is maybe I had it and he had it and was asymptomatic before he left for Italy. In other words, maybe we both had it?

Interesting to think about for sure...

I've had the same experience with struggling to get back to normal. I don't work out a lot - I'm rather prone to hibernating in bad weather - but even maintaining my routines has been tougher. Swimming, in particular, was hard... which is no fun because I usually swim laps at our YMCA every Sunday while my kids enjoy the play-pool. But between the humidity in the pool area and the necessity of controlled breathing while swimming, it was probably a month before I was back up to my usual distance and I'm still taking longer to get it done. It is noticeable when we're out hiking too, though being outdoors seems to be better while the indoor pool environment is worse. It comes and goes but there are still times when I feel like it is hard to draw a full breath.

Three of the five members of my household had symptomatic cases, though very mild for DD11 & DD18. DS22 didn't appear to get it, but he's smack in that asymptomatic age range so I don't know if that means anything. And DH never gets sick. I don't know how he does it, but even the worst bugs that get me and all three kids sick seem to miss him.


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