Princess Weekend 2023 (Feb 23-26, 2023)

Ugh, looks like my DDs POT was not accepted for the Challenge. Mine was for the same race, same time... 58 minute 10k.

Is anyone familiar with the process at Runners Relation to get her corral changed? Do I need screenshots of registration with the info? Race results pulled up? Thanks.
This happened to me last spring for the 10 miler. After you pick up your bibs, go to race relations and let them know about the mistake. For me they pulled up my registration and saw my POT. She checked another screen and said I was put in the last corral because my race was a virtual race and not acceptable. She then clicked on the link I had in my registration and it pulled up my race which was clearly not a virtual race although a virtual option was offered. She grabbed an "S1" sticker and placed it on my bib. The whole process took about 5 minutes...
There was a black track jacket specific to Princess Weekend that only had size XL when I got in. Otherwise everything else was present in all sizes.
There was a black track jacket specific to Princess Weekend that only had size XL when I got in. Otherwise everything else was present in all sizes.
What was there when CRD went in is all they had. The white hat from preview was nowhere to be found either.


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