Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@flyingdumbo127, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle was a little old lady who lived in an upside down house in a neighborhood filled with children who misbehaved. She helped solve their misbehavior. A kid who wouldn't bathe eventually became so caked in dirt the parents planted seeds in it like a garden. Another wouldn't clean up their toys so she said leave the toys where they are and eventually the kid was trapped in his room and he could only get food when his parents pushed it through the window on a garden rake. Just completely crazy and silly ideas and situations that always worked out somehow.

Amelia Bedelia was another silly one that made me laugh and laugh at her hilarious mistakes. Takes me back to first grade.
I read alot to my kids when they were young. I love the Corduroy books by Don Freeman, Paddington Bear, Richard Scarry Books especially Busy Town, and Clifford the Big Red Dog. I now buy these for the grandkids. I enjoy seeing what everyone read or read to their kids.
I just wanted to put a plug in for a book I desperately needed when young but certainly no such thing.
"Her Body Can" https://www.glamour.com/story/first-body-positive-childrens-book-her-body-can

I was fat girl who played sports and giggled and wanted to dance and whatever but always first weird and certainly
was told I shouldn't. Anyways, I bought this book for me and then read it to my 4 and half year old niece. She is SUPER tall (likely
to be 6ft tall) and her sister will likely be pretty petite and I wanted to see they are the same even if different.
Hi All,

It's trying to rain. I hear snap, crackle, pop of a storm brewing but still nothing yet. I went out to the store today stocking up fresh fruits and veggies and will go out for staples and other things later this week.

My Matt starts his job next week. I can tell he super nervous but understandable. Let's hope he doesn't crack too many dad jokes lol I'm total horrible person but I am glad he is leaving and going to work! I am really glad I can get my kitchen back to be honest. We did the traditional thing for so long where I stayed home, sort of, and had the house cleaned and organized and meal planned the way I wanted. Then he retired and I worked all the time and he took over lot of the work but trying to be quiet about how things didn't get done the way I liked was hard! It was getting done so I couldn't complain and wouldn't dream of it. Now back to my way! LOL

Things are going well in my accounting class. I'm almost done. I thought of ya'll (someone talked about enjoying working the budget) because I'm working on developing working budgets for corporations. Not quite like at home but to an extent certainly can be done in such. I'm enjoying this class much more than the first class. I have a doctor appointment next week so will see how things are going and treatment start before I figure out my next moves. It's hard to realize it's middle of July practically. Time just flying..

Dinner tonight is gyro salad and fresh fruit with heated pita bread.

I'm glad ya'll have stuck it out with me for so long and making this thread a light in the dark where people can come to be and share and support.

My DIS family on this thread.
World of Dance..I'm not big J Lo or Derek Hough fan but I really like this show for variety of dance that happens
My family healthy and safe
Snowysmom, I had a stuffed animal Paddington :) Thank you for all the reading time with your kids that is so important.

I looked up that book, Tina, and thank you indeed for sharing it! School overall was not positive for me at all. To be fair, a lot of that was due to home situations. I definitely remember as a younger child being overweight and teased for it. Then from Junior High on, I was so thin, almost anorexic :(, I remember not knowing at such a young age how to tell this one friend that when she'd tell me she was glad I was eating more of a lunch one day, that those words were not helpful! I did not want eating to be a big deal! I've shared before in this thread how much I loved a Holy Communion message from I think earlier this year could have been last year, pre plague at any time feels like a lifetime ago. Ann shared in her message that day how when her children were young she went out of her way to prepare a "perfect" dinner that everyone ate every night. She came to realize only recently (I think) that what matters is giving thanks to God for all He has gathered around your table and that He, of course, is present, too! That is what the focus should be on not on being so particular on what each person is ordering or eating and why, etc. Realize the time together is precious and a gift!

Prayers for an easy transition to his new job for Matt. Congratulations to you on your accounting class almost being completed!
Thank you for the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle info, Cabanafrau. She semi reminds me of Amelia Bedelia! I'll definitely post plague check out from the library a Mrs. Piggle Wiggle story.

Sparkle78, awesome that the pta did that! The only Robert Munsch book I am familiar with is "I'll Love You Forever." So sweet.

The original Mrs. Piggle Wiggle stories are the ones I read as a child, and they were very old back then. When my children were small I attempted to find some and what I came up with was not the same. I think maybe another author tried to do sequels or an update, but they just didn't have the same charming silliness about them. In Amelia Bedelia the chaotic fun came because she tried so hard and so earnestly to do such a good job but inevitably misunderstood and things went awry despite her good intentions. Her stories remind me of some of the nutty storylines of old movies, which I still find enjoyable when I want to shut off my brain, disconnect from reality and just go ahead and accept the screwball premise on the screen.

Such a blast from the past.
Cabanafrau, I often prefer the original, simpler version of something to its newer counterpart! Amelia really did try so hard and truly meant well, also. IIRC, some of the characters could have been kinder to her. It's been years since I've read her stories. I will change that post plague :)

I am also grateful today for:

Sparkletts water delivery
Being able to send a friend a book as an RAOK
As always, so Blessed by kind PM's
Good morning DIS family! Our heat wave continues. We may get a break for the weekend, then temps will soar again. I do not like being stuck inside the house, but it's been too hot to do more than just walk around the yard in the morning and evening to check on things, and the rest of the time I'm staying inside where the ac is running just about 24/7. The garden loved that one storm we did end up getting Tuesday evening, everything looks like it grew overnite after the rain, but now that it's back to being hot and dry, everything will just sit there again :( I am getting some indoor cleaning done, but I don't feel much like doing it. Hubby still working from home, puts a damper on my doing anything that makes much noise, as he's on the phone most of the day. I guess I'm just a little down, it's almost mid way thru July, we still can't do much that would be 'normal' for this time of year. No traveling, no visiting, no 'recharge' time for ourselves. I come to this thread just to get inspired, to read about everyone's day, and to hope that soon things will be looking a little brighter for all of us. Have a lovely day everyone. :flower3:
Tina, your gyro salad is giving me ideas...I have a recipe for gyros (using ground beef instead of sandwich steak), but instead of buying pitas that we won't finish, maybe I'll just serve it over greens!

Lynxstch, :hug: to you. I am feeling very down lately myself. Josh screams at me a lot (from boredom, I know) and DH is stressing me out as well. And it's horribly humid here, so we stay inside all day as well.

Trying to get July 4th decorations put away, but I'm not sure what else to put out. Josh's birthday is next month, so I usually put out a table of stuff about him (I framed his 1st birthday invitation, as it has all of his "month" photos on it, and all of the Christmas ornaments I made, which have a birthday photo on one side and Christmas on the other), but it seems early for that.

I gave him a half-haircut last night - just around the sides and back - with lots of screaming from him. He says it hurts. I was hoping to take him somewhere to try to take birthday photos this weekend, but it's still going to be too hot and humid. We normally go to JCPenney Portrait Studio, but the only one in our area is still closed (and we no longer have a Target Portrait Studio, they closed right after his 1st birthday). I then received a survey from our town's public schools, wanting to know our intentions regarding him attending this fall. I registered him for kindergarten in April but have heard nothing since, so at least I now know that they received his registration. Really wish they'd consider half-days/morning and afternoon shifts, but that comes from the state and they say there is no need for that. I cannot see these kids wearing masks from bus stop in the morning until they arrive home in the afternoon. Josh is good about wearing his in public, but after 30 minutes, he starts playing with it, pulling on it, complaining, etc. No way will he wear it for 8 hours. And social distancing? Our classrooms aren't even big enough to fit individual desks 6 ft. apart!

He goes back to gymnastics this afternoon. They got through 3 out of 7 classes when the gym closed in March, and of course they don't want to issue refunds, so they are making up the final 4 classes this month. At least we can get him out and with some other kids. They have staggered the classes, so I believe there will be one other class wrapping up (maybe 10-15 minutes) when his class starts. And it's a small class in the first place, less than 10 kids, which I'm sure at least half of them won't return. So I'm really not too worried about that.
My 4th of July weekend was crazy.

Driving home on the 3rd, my husband and I spotted a kitten on the side of the interstate, huddled in terror. Don't ask how we saw her, but we went back for her. Her poor sweet little face was all skinned up, she was bone thin. I spent two nights cleaning her up and snuggling her. She ended up being one of the sweetest little kitties - headbutting me in the face, choosing my lap for her post-meal nap spot as opposed to anywhere else. I have no doubts this was an inside kitten that some evil person tossed out on the side of the road. She was far too socialized to be feral.

As I already have two kitties, I had to find her a forever home elsewhere. I cried (a lot). But she is happy, full-bellied, and safe, far from the highway. Her new parents have sent photos of her snuggled up on their chests sleeping, so that makes me happy.
My 4th of July weekend was crazy.

Driving home on the 3rd, my husband and I spotted a kitten on the side of the interstate, huddled in terror. Don't ask how we saw her, but we went back for her. Her poor sweet little face was all skinned up, she was bone thin. I spent two nights cleaning her up and snuggling her. She ended up being one of the sweetest little kitties - headbutting me in the face, choosing my lap for her post-meal nap spot as opposed to anywhere else. I have no doubts this was an inside kitten that some evil person tossed out on the side of the road. She was far too socialized to be feral.

As I already have two kitties, I had to find her a forever home elsewhere. I cried (a lot). But she is happy, full-bellied, and safe, far from the highway. Her new parents have sent photos of her snuggled up on their chests sleeping, so that makes me happy.

As a people Mommy to a LOT of furbabies, I want to say a big THANK YOU to your and your husband for rescuing that poor little kitten. Some people are just heartless, to dump her on an interstate. Thankfully there are people in the world like you, you took pity on her and probably saved her life. I'm sure you got attached to her quickly, and it must have been very sad to have to let her go. But you found her a loving family, and she will always have a special spot in that little furry body for the people who saved her that day!
@lynxstch and @apirateslifeforme, :grouphug:

I get feeling down a bit right now. I didn’t even really decorate for the 4th this year (other than put the flag out front.) It’s just not the kind of holiday that lends itself to quarantine traditions. (I did a lot better with Easter.)

Plus, the newness and the “enjoy the simple pleasures of home” stuff is wearing off. I’ve had to set fresh goals this month to keep my days from turning to mush. I chose “Learn something, create something, maintain something - every day“ (that last one so some housework gets done.:laughing: )

Lynn, I hear you about the housework while DH is working, though! It’s the same here. (And my laundry room is off his office!)

Liz, it must be so hard with a bored little one at home too! I’d be happy to try to find some ideas for you. What are some of Josh’s interests?
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@PollyannaMom and @apirateslifeforme --I am glad that I am not the only one feeling this way. Thank you both for your kind words. I think this is just going on so long , that it's starting to affect people more and more. I totally agree with --"Plus, the newness and the “enjoy the simple pleasures of home” stuff is wearing off. I’ve had to set fresh goals this month to keep my days from turning to mush. I chose “Learn something, create something, maintain something - every day“ (that last one so some housework gets done.:laughing: ) . If my laundry room wasn't in the cellar, I don't know what I would do. That is my 'escape room', lol!
Keep on going everyone, as long as we stick together, and pull each other up when needed, we'll get thru it somehow!
ETA..that is so nice of you to try and find some ideas for Josh. It's been so long since I had younger children around, I wouldn't know where to start to help PollyannaMom out!
ETA..that is so nice of you to try and find some ideas for Josh. It's been so long since I had younger children around, I wouldn't know where to start to help PollyannaMom out!

My own is DS college-age, but pre-pandemic I was substitute teaching young kids and spending a lot of time with my then 4-year-old "niece" and "nephew". Josh is right in my comfortable age group.
Good Morning to all my Dis family on here :grouphug:

Thank you all, always, and truly more each day for keeping this thread going fueled by love and care.

This time is so hard indeed and strange, too. Truly it feels endless and as though this has been going on forever at the same time! I have said before that at some moments my thinking is almost as though we are stuck in freeze frame time. I may have shared last week that I realized this past Tuesday (July 7th) marked exactly 3 months since I have been out in public (to a store or laundry mat even). It's hard to imagine way back when this all first slowly started in early March, I thought by early April, for sure by Easter, this would have passed! I do know others who felt likewise. Of course we were so very wrong. I sometimes do wonder whether I'll ever get to go to church again for one (as close to what it was as possible because I won't be returning even if it opens until it is) or get to go shop at Kohl's for some new clothes which I will need.

I also do feel disheartened and heartbroken at all the divide and ugliness within our world at a time when more than ever we are called to come together! I think had we been given honest and compassionate information, even a genuine "we don't truly know" from the start and throughout, that would have made things a ton easier.

What I do know is that God has never stopped being in control! I believe with all my heart He is praying and waiting for more to choose love and care, growth in faith, and to go forth as He would have us! I pray every single day that I might be used in however a tiny way as He would see fit to be Witness to my love and thanksgiving for Christ. I also know it was God Who brought and has kept US all together right here and now. That is sure something to also give thanks for! I sure do. Every day. There is joy in each moment and day. For me, it's as simple as truly He woke me up in health and ability to give praise and joy, come back on here to share with all of you, too.

If anyone on here would ever like a postcard, some happy friendly mail PM me. I will do my best to send you one or if ever you'd just like to send me a PM, know I will listen and care :)

Thank you with all my heart to you Nox and your husband for saving the kitty! I admit to being a "dog" person all the way but any animal in distress is heartbreaking and of course any neglect or abuse to them is sheer cruelty! Thank you for making a life saving difference!

Apirateslifeforme and PollyannaMom, many moons ago I directed and taught preschool. I now (in normal times) am a big part of summer camps at church. Please do share some of Josh's interests or perhaps activities/things as a family you are into, I'd be happy to help PollyannaMom look for ideas :)

Hugs to all, please keep cool and well, too, my friends. We are indeed all in this together!
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Nox, bless you for saving that kitty.

Liz, Lynn, and everyone, I am right there with you as far as being down. I've never had super bad anxiety issues, just a little in stressful times but my mother did and my daughter does. I am starting no have more anxiety due to the stress of COVID. And I am having some musculoskeletal pain that I've been to two doctors for and basically gotten a "live with it" attitude. One doctor at least gave me something for anxiety.

Liz, my 3 yo DGD started soccer shots 3 weeks ago. It is soccer skills. Less than 10 kids, outside. They are supposed to stay separate by 6 feet but they're 3. LOL

Would it entertain Josh at all to get mail from different places? I would be willing to send mail from Maryland and you could plot it on a map. Just an idea. We could make sure we didn't all mail at once.
:hug:Carol, I'm sorry you were treated that way by a doctor. Hooray that your DGD gets to play soccer with friends, that is wonderful to hear.

You know what we could easily do on here that would be fun? Pretend we want to cheer up Mickey (and that he is a Disboard member and participant in this thread) Say by next Thursday, July 16th (a week from today :)) anyone interested would PM me a greeting for Mickey. On July 17th, I would compile all the PM's I received for Mickey together and then send him group cheer via PM. Does this make sense? I'm actually doing this same thing via snail mail as a surprise for two kindness moderators on the only other site I am apart of. People are PMing me a message for each of them, I am compiling them in Word to eventually print out and snail mail each of the two recipients. I pray it will bring them both some extra cheer. I always pray that each of you find joy in every day and something that makes you smile, too! You all make a difference to me that is for sure and I thank you!

I was just having some lunch and in looking at the colorful Spring flowers on my placemat got to thinking of a QOTD for today 7/9 What is your favorite color? Has it changed over the years or perhaps vary by season? What is your favorite memory or item in that color.
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QOTD for today 7/9 What is your favorite color? Has it changed over the years or perhaps vary by season? What is your favorite memory or item in that color.

My favorite color is light pink (maybe to go with carnations as my favorite flower :)) I also have always liked green. Colors of Spring, pink and green, my favorite season. I also like red (and yes white together) for Christmas time (my favorite time of year) My very favorite and oldest pink friend is a stuffed animal bunny named Minty from my childhood. 🐰 I like brighter, usually lighter colors (except for red which has to be RED as in Mickey's pants or Santa's hat, no brownish red for me) I do like purple, too and sky blue. I'm not much of a blue person otherwise, prefer green.


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